Download parallelj-archetype JAR file with all dependencies
parallelj-archetype from group org.parallelj (version 1.3.3)
ParallelJ is a Java framework for parallel computing. It provides flow modeling and execution. This archetype projects allows to create a project skeleton using ParallelJ.
Artifact parallelj-archetype
Group org.parallelj
Version 1.3.3
Last update 18. June 2014
Tags: parallel using archetype parallelj provides skeleton computing flow create framework execution projects project allows modeling java this
Organization Atos Worldline
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies aspectjrt,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group org.parallelj
Version 1.3.3
Last update 18. June 2014
Tags: parallel using archetype parallelj provides skeleton computing flow create framework execution projects project allows modeling java this
Organization Atos Worldline
License LGPL 2.1
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies aspectjrt,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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