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org.parallelj.tracknrestart.aspects.QuartzContextAdapter.aj Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* ParallelJ, framework for parallel computing
* Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Atos Worldline or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.parallelj.tracknrestart.aspects;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.SQLException;
//import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
//import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.parallelj.Programs;
import org.parallelj.Programs.ProcessHelper;
import org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KCall;
import org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KProcess;
import org.parallelj.internal.reflect.ProgramAdapter.Adapter;
import org.parallelj.tracknrestart.ReturnCodes;
import org.parallelj.tracknrestart.annotations.TrackNRestart;
import org.parallelj.tracknrestart.databinding.ProgramFieldsBinder;
import org.parallelj.tracknrestart.listeners.ForEachListener;
import org.parallelj.tracknrestart.plugins.TrackNRestartPluginAll;
import org.parallelj.internal.kernel.procedure.RunnableProcedure;
import org.parallelj.internal.kernel.procedure.CallableProcedure;
import org.quartz.Job;
import org.quartz.JobDataMap;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionException;
import org.quartz.JobPersistenceException;
privileged public aspect QuartzContextAdapter percflow(execution(public void Job+.execute(..) throws JobExecutionException)) {
declare precedence :
public static final String RETURN_CODE = "RETURN_CODE";
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.parallelj.tracknrestart");
private X root;
String result = ReturnCodes.SUCCESS.name();
declare parents:
(@org.parallelj.launching.QuartzExecution *) implements Job;
declare parents:
(org.quartz.Job+ && !org.quartz.Job) implements X;
declare parents:
(org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KCall) implements X;
public interface X {};
private Throwable X.exceptionThrown = null;
private ForEachListener X.forEachListener = null;
private String X.restartedFireInstanceId = null;
public void Job.execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {
// ExecutorService service = null;
try {
logger.debug("STARTING //J Root Program "+this.getClass().getName());
context.setResult(new JobDataMap());
// service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
// ProcessHelper> p = Programs.as((Adapter) this).execute(service).join();
ProcessHelper> p = Programs.as((Adapter) this).execute().join();
ProgramFieldsBinder.getProgramOutputFields(this, context);
X current = (X)this;
if (current.exceptionThrown != null){
throw new JobExecutionException(current.exceptionThrown);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new JobExecutionException(e);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new JobExecutionException(e);
} finally {
logger.debug("ENDING //J Root Program "+this.getClass().getName());
// service.shutdown();
//JobExecutionContext --> Job
before(X self, JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext):
execution(public void Job+.execute(..) throws JobExecutionException)
&& this(self)
&& args(jobExecutionContext) {
self.restartedFireInstanceId = jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().getString(TrackNRestartPluginAll.RESTARTED_FIRE_INSTANCE_ID);
self.forEachListener = (ForEachListener)jobExecutionContext.getJobDetail().getJobDataMap().get(TrackNRestartPluginAll.FOR_EACH_LISTENER);
this.root = self;
after(X self, JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext):
execution(public void Job+.execute(..) throws JobExecutionException)
&& this(self)
&& args(jobExecutionContext) {
Object oResult = jobExecutionContext.getResult();
if (oResult instanceof JobDataMap){
JobDataMap resultAsJobDataMap = (JobDataMap) oResult;
resultAsJobDataMap.put(RETURN_CODE, this.result);
} else {
after(X self):
execution(protected KCall.new(..)) && this(self) {
self.restartedFireInstanceId = root.restartedFireInstanceId;
self.forEachListener = root.forEachListener;
after(X self):
execution(protected KProcess.new(..)) && this(self) {
self.restartedFireInstanceId = root.restartedFireInstanceId;
self.forEachListener = root.forEachListener;
pointcut enter(KCall _kCall): call(* org.parallelj.internal.kernel.callback.Entry+.enter(KCall)) && args(_kCall);
pointcut invoke(): call(public Object Method.invoke(Object, ..)) && !within(QuartzContextAdapter);
// Runnable program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
declare parents:
(java.lang.Runnable+ ) implements X, Y;
public interface Y {};
private Object Y.context = null;
// 1.1) Transfert from RunnableCall to Runnable.
after(Object self) returning (Runnable ret):
execution(* org.parallelj.internal.kernel.procedure.RunnableProcedure.RunnableCall.toRunnable())
&& this(self) {
((X)ret).forEachListener = ((X)self).forEachListener;
((X)ret).restartedFireInstanceId = ((X)self).restartedFireInstanceId;
((Y)ret).context = ((org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KCall)self).context;
// 2.1) Transfert from CallableCall to Runnable.
after(Object self) returning (Runnable ret):
execution(* org.parallelj.internal.kernel.procedure.CallableProcedure.CallableCall.toRunnable())
&& this(self) {
((X)ret).forEachListener = ((X)self).forEachListener;
((X)ret).restartedFireInstanceId = ((X)self).restartedFireInstanceId;
((Y)ret).context = ((org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KCall)self).context;
public void skip(org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KCall kCall) {
// 1.2) Interception around call of run (from RunnableCall).
void around(org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KProcessor.KProcessorRunnable self):
call(public void run())
&& target(org.parallelj.internal.kernel.procedure.RunnableProcedure.RunnableCall.RunnableCallRunnable)
&& this(self) {
Runnable runnable = ((org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KProcessor.KProcessorRunnable)self).getRunnable();
String restartedFireInstanceId = ((X)runnable).restartedFireInstanceId;
ForEachListener forEachListener = ((X)runnable).forEachListener;
Object program = ((Y)runnable).context;
if (isToProcess(restartedFireInstanceId,forEachListener,program)) {
Exception exec = ((RunnableProcedure.RunnableCall)((RunnableProcedure.RunnableCall.RunnableCallRunnable)thisJoinPoint.getTarget()).getRunnableCall()).getException();
if (exec == null) {
if (isTrackNRestartAnnoted(program)) {
String oid = getOID(program);
track(forEachListener, oid, true);
} else {
if (isTrackNRestartAnnoted(program)){
String oid = getOID(program);
if (isTrackNRestartExceptionPermitted(program, exec)) {
this.result = ReturnCodes.FAILURE.name();
track(forEachListener, oid, false);
} else {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Exception thrown ("+exec.getClass().getName()+") is not in list of permitted exceptions "+filteredExceptionsAsString(getTrackNRestartAnnotedException(program))));
} else {
if (isTrackNRestartAnnoted(program)) {
String oid = getOID(program);
track(forEachListener, oid, true);
} else {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to get iteration OID while 'tracking' context."));
// Inform the engine that this Runnable has been called
// 2.2) Interception around call of run (from CallableCall).
void around(org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KProcessor.KProcessorRunnable self):
call(public void run())
&& target(org.parallelj.internal.kernel.procedure.CallableProcedure.CallableCall.CallableCallRunnable)
&& this(self) {
Runnable runnable = ((org.parallelj.internal.kernel.KProcessor.KProcessorRunnable)self).getRunnable();
String restartedFireInstanceId = ((X)runnable).restartedFireInstanceId;
ForEachListener forEachListener = ((X)runnable).forEachListener;
Object program = ((Y)runnable).context;
if (isToProcess(restartedFireInstanceId,forEachListener,program)) {
Exception exec = ((CallableProcedure.CallableCall)((CallableProcedure.CallableCall.CallableCallRunnable)thisJoinPoint.getTarget()).getCallableCall()).getException();
if (exec == null) {
if (isTrackNRestartAnnoted(program)) {
String oid = getOID(program);
track(forEachListener, oid, true);
} else {
if (isTrackNRestartAnnoted(program)){
String oid = getOID(program);
if (isTrackNRestartExceptionPermitted(program, exec)) {
this.result = ReturnCodes.FAILURE.name();
track(forEachListener, oid, false);
} else {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Exception thrown ("+exec.getClass().getName()+") is not in list of permitted exceptions "+filteredExceptionsAsString(getTrackNRestartAnnotedException(program))));
} else {
if (isTrackNRestartAnnoted(program)) {
String oid = getOID(program);
track(forEachListener, oid, true);
} else {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to get iteration OID while 'tracking' context."));
// Inform the engine that this Runnable has been called
* Track the execution (success or failure).
* @param forEachListener listener handling Quartz backend.
* @param oid unique identifier
* @param success boolean indicating if processing is a success or a failure.
private void track(ForEachListener forEachListener, String oid, boolean success) {
try {
forEachListener.forEachInstanceComplete(oid, success);
} catch (JobPersistenceException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to read status for iteration '"+ oid + "'.", e));
} catch (SQLException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to read status for iteration '"+ oid + "'.", e));
// restart part ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object around(Object oo, KCall _kCall) :
invoke() && args(oo, ..) && cflow(enter(_kCall)) {
if (isToProcess(((X)_kCall).restartedFireInstanceId, ((X)_kCall).forEachListener, oo)) {
return proceed(oo, _kCall);
} else {
return null;
* Check if an iterable must be processed. This means if the iterable is not already processed or the element was processed in error.
* @param restartedFireInstanceId id of the batch to be restarted.
* @param forEachListener listener handling request to Quartz.
* @param program instance of the program processing the iterable.
* @return true iterable has to be processed, false else.
private boolean isToProcess(String restartedFireInstanceId, ForEachListener forEachListener, Object program) {
boolean result = true;
if (program != null) {
if (program.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(TrackNRestart.class)) {
String oid = getOID(program);
if (oid != null) {
if (restartedFireInstanceId != null) {
// logger.debug("Processing in restarting mode for oid : ["
// + oid + "] ,program : [" + program +
// "] ,instanceId :[" +instanceId+ "]");
try {
result = !forEachListener.isForEachInstanceIgnorable(restartedFireInstanceId, oid);
// logger.debug(result ?
// "This OID has not been already processed or" +
// " already processed in error, so its processing is not skipped":
// "This OID ("+oid+") has been already successfully processed, so its processing is skipped");
} catch (JobPersistenceException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to read status for iteration '"+ oid + "'.", e));
} catch (SQLException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to read status for iteration '"+ oid + "'.", e));
} else {
// logger.debug("Processing in normal mode (ie not restarting mode) for : ["
// + oid + "] ,program : [" + program + "]");
} else {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to get iteration OID while 'restarting' context."));
return result;
* Get unique identifier returned by the program (the program contains value to be processed).
* @param program
* @return unique identifier.
private String getOID(Object program) {
String result = null;
try {
Method m = program.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getOID", new Class[] {});
return (String) m.invoke(program, new Object[] {});
} catch (SecurityException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException(e));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("No getOID() method found while program " + program + " was annotated @TrackNRestart.", e));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException(e));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException(e));
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException(e));
return result;
* Indicate of the Program contains annotation TrackNRestart.
* @param program
* @return true if program is annoted.
private boolean isTrackNRestartAnnoted(Object program) {
return program.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(TrackNRestart.class);
* Check if the raised exception belong to the allowed ones in TrackNRestart annotation.
* @param program
* @param exception raised
* @return true if exception is allowed, false else.
private boolean isTrackNRestartExceptionPermitted(Object program, Exception exception) {
Class extends Throwable>[] filteredExceptions = getTrackNRestartAnnotedException(program);
for (int i = 0; i < filteredExceptions.length; i++) {
if (filteredExceptions[i].isAssignableFrom(exception.getClass())) {
return true;
return false;
* Return exceptions defined in TrackNRestart annotation.
* @param program
* @return array of exceptions
private Class extends Throwable>[] getTrackNRestartAnnotedException (Object program) {
return program.getClass().getAnnotation(TrackNRestart.class).filteredExceptions();
// tracking part ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
after(Object oo, KCall _kCall) returning :
invoke() && args(oo, ..) && cflow(enter(_kCall)) {
track(_kCall, oo, true, null);
after(Object oo, KCall _kCall) throwing (InvocationTargetException ite) :
invoke() && args(oo, ..) && cflow(enter(_kCall)) {
this.result = ReturnCodes.FAILURE.name();
track(_kCall, oo, false, ite);
private void track(KCall _kCall, Object program, boolean success,
InvocationTargetException ite) {
String oid = null;
try {
if (program != null) {
Class extends Object> clazz = program.getClass();
if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(TrackNRestart.class)) {
oid = getOID(program);
if (oid != null) {
if (success == true) {
persist(_kCall, success, oid);
} else {
Class extends Throwable>[] filteredExceptions = clazz
if (isIteCausePermittedInList(ite,
filteredExceptions)) {
persist(_kCall, success, oid);
} else {
new TrackNRestartException(
"Exception thrown ("
+ ite.getCause().getClass().getName()
+ ") is not in list of permitted exceptions "
+ filteredExceptionsAsString(filteredExceptions)));
//if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
// logger.debug("oid='" + oid +
// "' persisted with status='" + (success ?
// ReturnCodes.SUCCESS : ReturnCodes.FAILURE) + "' "+ (ite ==
// null ? "" : ", cause : " + ite.getCause()));
} else {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to get iteration OID while 'tracking' context."));
} catch (JobPersistenceException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to persist status ['" + (success ? ReturnCodes.SUCCESS : ReturnCodes.FAILURE) + "'] for iteration '" + oid + "'.", e));
} catch (SQLException e) {
abortAbruptly(new TrackNRestartException("Unable to persist status ['" + (success ? ReturnCodes.SUCCESS : ReturnCodes.FAILURE) + "'] for iteration '" + oid + "'.", e));
private boolean isIteCausePermittedInList(InvocationTargetException ite,
Class extends Throwable>[] filteredExceptions) {
for (int i = 0; i < filteredExceptions.length; i++) {
if (filteredExceptions[i].isAssignableFrom(ite.getCause()
return true;
return false;
private String filteredExceptionsAsString(
Class extends Throwable>[] filteredExceptions) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < filteredExceptions.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
private void persist(KCall _kCall, boolean success, String oid)
throws JobPersistenceException, SQLException {
((X)_kCall).forEachListener.forEachInstanceComplete(oid, success);
private void abortAbruptly(Throwable t) {
this.result = ReturnCodes.ABORTED.name();
Programs.as((Adapter) this.root).abort();
this.root.exceptionThrown = t;
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