org.parboiled.scala.rules.Rule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Mathias Doenitz
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.parboiled.scala
package rules
import org.parboiled.matchers._
import org.parboiled.Action
import org.parboiled.Context
import java.lang.String
import Rule._
import{IndexRange, ValueStack}
* The base class of all scala parser rules.
abstract class Rule {
val matcher: Matcher
* Creates a "NOT" syntactic predicate according to the PEG formalism.
def unary_! : Rule0 = new TestNotMatcher(matcher)
* Connects two rules into a rule a sequence.
def ~ (other: Rule0): this.type = withMatcher(append(other))
* Creates a semantic predicate on the first char of the input text matched by the immediately preceding rule.
def ~:? (f: Char => Boolean): this.type = withMatcher(append(exec(GetMatchedChar, f)))
* Creates a semantic predicate on the input text matched by the immediately preceding rule.
def ~? (f: String => Boolean): this.type = withMatcher(append(exec(GetMatch, f)))
* Creates a simple parser action with the first char of the input text matched by the immediately preceding
* rule as parameter.
def ~:% (f: Char => Unit): this.type = ~:?(ok(f))
* Creates a simple parser action with the input text matched by the immediately preceding rule as parameter.
def ~% (f: String => Unit): this.type = ~?(ok(f))
def label(label: String): this.type = withMatcher(matcher.label(label).asInstanceOf[Matcher])
def suppressNode: this.type = withMatcher(matcher.suppressNode().asInstanceOf[Matcher])
def suppressSubnodes: this.type = withMatcher(matcher.suppressSubnodes().asInstanceOf[Matcher])
def skipNode: this.type = withMatcher(matcher.skipNode().asInstanceOf[Matcher])
def memoMismatches: this.type = withMatcher(matcher.memoMismatches().asInstanceOf[Matcher])
override def toString = getClass.getSimpleName + ": " + matcher.toString
protected def withMatcher(matcher: Matcher): this.type
protected def append(action: Action[_]): Matcher = append(new ActionMatcher(action).label(nameAction("")))
protected def append(f: Context[Any] => Boolean): Matcher = append(action(f))
protected def append(other: Rule): Matcher = append(other.matcher)
protected def append(other: Matcher): Matcher = matcher match {
case m: SequenceMatcher if (m.getLabel == "Sequence") => new SequenceMatcher(addSub(m.getChildren, other))
case _ => new SequenceMatcher(Array(matcher, other))
protected def appendChoice(other: Rule): Matcher = appendChoice(other.matcher)
protected def appendChoice(other: Matcher): Matcher = matcher match {
case m: StringMatcher => other match {
case o: StringMatcher => new FirstOfStringsMatcher(Array(m, o), Array(m.characters, o.characters))
case _ => new FirstOfMatcher(Array(matcher, other))
case m: FirstOfStringsMatcher if (m.getLabel == "FirstOf") => other match {
case o: StringMatcher => new FirstOfStringsMatcher(addSub(m.getChildren, o), addSub(m.strings, o.characters))
case _ => new FirstOfMatcher(addSub(m.getChildren, other))
case m: FirstOfMatcher if (m.getLabel == "FirstOf") => new FirstOfMatcher(addSub(m.getChildren, other))
case _ => new FirstOfMatcher(Array(matcher, other))
object Rule {
private[parboiled] val GetMatch: (Context[Any] => String) = _.getMatch
private[parboiled] val GetMatchedChar: (Context[Any] => Char) = _.getFirstMatchChar
private[parboiled] val GetMatchRange: (Context[Any] => IndexRange) = _.getMatchRange
private[parboiled] val Pop = (vs:ValueStack[Any], _:Int) => vs.pop
private[parboiled] val Peek: ((ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = _.peek(_)
private def addSub(subs: java.util.List[Matcher], element: Matcher): Array[org.parboiled.Rule] = {
val count = subs.size
val array = new Array[org.parboiled.Rule](count + 1)
array(count) = element
private def addSub(subs: Array[Array[Char]], characters: Array[Char]): Array[Array[Char]] = {
val count = subs.length
val array = new Array[Array[Char]](count + 1)
Array.copy(subs, 0, array, 0, count)
array(count) = characters
private[parboiled] def action(f: Context[Any] => Boolean) = new Action[Any] {
def run(context: Context[Any]) = f(context)
private[parboiled] def push(f: Context[Any] => Any) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
private[parboiled] def ok[A](f: A => Any): A => Boolean = {
f match {
case wca: WithContextAction1[A, Any] => new WithContextAction1({ (a, ctx) => wca.action(a, ctx); true })
case _ => { a => f(a); true }
private[parboiled] def stack1[Z](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => {
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z]
private[parboiled] def stack2[Z, Y](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => (
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z],
get(c.getValueStack, 1).asInstanceOf[Y]
private[parboiled] def stack3[Z, Y, X](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => (
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z],
get(c.getValueStack, 1).asInstanceOf[Y],
get(c.getValueStack, 2).asInstanceOf[X]
private[parboiled] def stack4[Z, Y, X, W](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => (
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z],
get(c.getValueStack, 1).asInstanceOf[Y],
get(c.getValueStack, 2).asInstanceOf[X],
get(c.getValueStack, 3).asInstanceOf[W]
private[parboiled] def stack5[Z, Y, X, W, V](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => (
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z],
get(c.getValueStack, 1).asInstanceOf[Y],
get(c.getValueStack, 2).asInstanceOf[X],
get(c.getValueStack, 3).asInstanceOf[W],
get(c.getValueStack, 4).asInstanceOf[V]
private[parboiled] def stack6[Z, Y, X, W, V, U](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => (
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z],
get(c.getValueStack, 1).asInstanceOf[Y],
get(c.getValueStack, 2).asInstanceOf[X],
get(c.getValueStack, 3).asInstanceOf[W],
get(c.getValueStack, 4).asInstanceOf[V],
get(c.getValueStack, 5).asInstanceOf[U]
private[parboiled] def stack7[Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T](get: (ValueStack[Any], Int) => Any) = (c: Context[Any]) => (
get(c.getValueStack, 0).asInstanceOf[Z],
get(c.getValueStack, 1).asInstanceOf[Y],
get(c.getValueStack, 2).asInstanceOf[X],
get(c.getValueStack, 3).asInstanceOf[W],
get(c.getValueStack, 4).asInstanceOf[V],
get(c.getValueStack, 5).asInstanceOf[U],
get(c.getValueStack, 6).asInstanceOf[T]
private[parboiled] def exec[Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => Z, f: Z => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val z = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction1[Z, R] => a.action(z, context)
case _ => f(z)
private[parboiled] def exec[Y, Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => (Z, Y), f: (Y, Z) => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val (z, y) = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction2[Y, Z, R] => a.action(y, z, context)
case _ => f(y, z)
private[parboiled] def exec[X, Y, Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => (Z, Y, X), f: (X, Y, Z) => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val (z, y, x) = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction3[X, Y, Z, R] => a.action(x, y, z, context)
case _ => f(x, y, z)
private[parboiled] def exec[W, X, Y, Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => (Z, Y, X, W), f: (W, X, Y, Z) => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val (z, y, x, w) = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction4[W, X, Y, Z, R] => a.action(w, x, y, z, context)
case _ => f(w, x, y, z)
private[parboiled] def exec[V, W, X, Y, Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => (Z, Y, X, W, V), f: (V, W, X, Y, Z) => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val (z, y, x, w, v) = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction5[V, W, X, Y, Z, R] => a.action(v, w, x, y, z, context)
case _ => f(v, w, x, y, z)
private[parboiled] def exec[U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => (Z, Y, X, W, V, U), f: (U, V, W, X, Y, Z) => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val (z, y, x, w, v, u) = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction6[U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R] => a.action(u, v, w, x, y, z, context)
case _ => f(u, v, w, x, y, z)
private[parboiled] def exec[T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R](extract: Context[Any] => (Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T), f: (T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z) => R) = (context: Context[Any]) => {
val (z, y, x, w, v, u, t) = extract(context)
f match {
case a: WithContextAction7[T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, R] => a.action(t, u, v, w, x, y, z, context)
case _ => f(t, u, v, w, x, y, z)
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