org.parboiled2.ParserMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2009-2019 Mathias Doenitz
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.parboiled2
import org.parboiled2.support.hlist.HList
private[parboiled2] trait ParserMacroMethods { parser: Parser =>
/** Converts a compile-time only rule definition into the corresponding rule method implementation.
inline def rule[I <: HList, O <: HList](inline r: Rule[I, O]): Rule[I, O] = ${ ParserMacros.ruleImpl('parser, 'r) }
/** Converts a compile-time only rule definition into the corresponding rule method implementation
* with an explicitly given name.
inline def namedRule[I <: HList, O <: HList](name: String)(inline r: Rule[I, O]): Rule[I, O] = ${
ParserMacros.nameRuleImpl('parser, 'name, 'r)
private[parboiled2] trait RuleRunnable {
/** THIS IS NOT PUBLIC API and might become hidden in future. Use only if you know what you are doing!
extension [L <: HList](inline rule: RuleN[L]) {
inline def run()(using scheme: Parser.DeliveryScheme[L]): scheme.Result =
${ ParserMacros.runImpl[L, scheme.Result]()('rule, 'scheme) }
object ParserMacros {
import scala.quoted._
import scala.compiletime._
// TODO: the `R` type parameter is a workaround for https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/13376
// Discussion at https://github.com/sirthias/parboiled2/pull/274#issuecomment-904926294
def runImpl[L <: HList: Type, R: Type]()(ruleExpr: Expr[RuleN[L]], schemeExpr: Expr[Parser.DeliveryScheme[L]])(using
): Expr[R] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
the `rule.run()` macro supports two scenarios (`rule` has type `RuleN[L]`):
1. someParserExpression.rule[targs](args).run()(deliveryScheme)
is re-written to
{ val p = someParserExpression
p.__run[L](p.rule[targs](args))(deliveryScheme) }
2. Within a Parser subclass:
is re-written to
Note that `rule` is also a macro, we work with the macro expansion of the `rule` call.
case class RuleFromParser(parser: Term, rule: Symbol, targs: List[TypeTree], argss: List[List[Term]]) {
def ruleCall[P](localParser: Expr[P]): Expr[RuleN[L]] = {
val r = Select(localParser.asTerm, rule)
argss.foldLeft(if (targs.isEmpty) r else TypeApply(r, targs))((t, args) => Apply(t, args)).asExprOf[RuleN[L]]
object RuleFromParser {
def dissect(t: Term, targs: List[TypeTree], argss: List[List[Term]]): (Term, List[TypeTree], List[List[Term]]) =
t.underlyingArgument match {
case Apply(f, args) => dissect(f, targs, args :: argss)
case TypeApply(f, targs) => dissect(f, targs, argss)
case t => (t, targs, argss)
def unapply(t: Term): Option[RuleFromParser] = dissect(t, Nil, Nil) match {
case (rule @ Select(parser, _), targs, argss) if parser.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[Parser] =>
Some(RuleFromParser(parser, rule.symbol, targs, argss))
case _ => None
def isRuleMacro(sym: Symbol) =
sym.owner == TypeRepr.of[ParserMacroMethods].typeSymbol &&
(sym.name == "rule" || sym.name == "namedRule")
ruleExpr.asTerm match {
case RuleFromParser(rule) =>
rule.parser.tpe.asType match {
case '[pT] =>
// TODO: the parser type `pT` is not bounded by `<: Parser`, not sure how to do that.
// This is why `asInstanceOf[Parser]` is needed below
val parserExpr = rule.parser.asExprOf[pT]
val p: pT = $parserExpr
p.asInstanceOf[Parser].__run[L](${ rule.ruleCall('p) })($schemeExpr).asInstanceOf[R]
case Inlined(_, _, Inlined(Some(ruleMacro), List(ValDef(_, _, Some(parserThis))), rule))
if rule.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[RuleX] && isRuleMacro(ruleMacro.symbol) =>
// The `Inlined` tree for the `rule` macro has a binding for the parser instance.
// TODO: we re-use the rhs of that binding (parserThis), I didn't manage to create the right This() tree.
'{ ${ parserThis.asExprOf[Parser] }.__run[L]($ruleExpr)($schemeExpr).asInstanceOf[R] }
case r =>
report.error(s"""Cannot rewrite `myRule.run()` call for rule: ${ruleExpr.show}
|`myRule` needs to be either of the form `someParser.someRule[targs](args)`
|or it needs to be a `rule(...)` definition within a Parser subclass.""".stripMargin)
throw new MatchError(r)
def ruleImpl[I <: HList: Type, O <: HList: Type](parser: Expr[Parser], r: Expr[Rule[I, O]])(using
): Expr[Rule[I, O]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
nameRuleImpl(parser, Expr(Symbol.spliceOwner.owner.name), r)
def nameRuleImpl[I <: HList: Type, O <: HList: Type](parser: Expr[Parser], name: Expr[String], r: Expr[Rule[I, O]])(
using Quotes
): Expr[Rule[I, O]] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val ctx = new support.OpTreeContext(parser)
val opTree = ctx.topLevel(ctx.deconstruct(r), name)
def wrapped: Boolean = ${ opTree.render(wrapped = true) }
val matched =
if ($parser.__inErrorAnalysis) wrapped
else ${ opTree.render(wrapped = false) }
if (matched) org.parboiled2.Rule.asInstanceOf[Rule[I, O]] else null
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