org.parboiled2.CharUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Mathias Doenitz, Alexander Myltsev
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.parboiled2
import java.lang.{ StringBuilder ⇒ JStringBuilder }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object CharUtils {
* Returns the int value of a given hex digit char.
* Note: this implementation is very fast (since it's branchless) and therefore
* does not perform ANY range checks!
def hexValue(c: Char): Int = (c & 0x1f) + ((c >> 6) * 0x19) - 0x10
* Computes the number of hex digits required to represent the given integer.
* Leading zeros are not counted.
def numberOfHexDigits(l: Long): Int = (math.max(63 - java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(l), 0) >> 2) + 1
* Returns the lower-case hex digit corresponding to the last 4 bits of the given Long.
* (fast branchless implementation)
def lowerHexDigit(long: Long): Char = lowerHexDigit_internal((long & 0x0FL).toInt)
* Returns the lower-case hex digit corresponding to the last 4 bits of the given Int.
* (fast branchless implementation)
def lowerHexDigit(int: Int): Char = lowerHexDigit_internal(int & 0x0F)
private def lowerHexDigit_internal(i: Int) = (48 + i + (39 & ((9 - i) >> 31))).toChar
* Returns the upper-case hex digit corresponding to the last 4 bits of the given Long.
* (fast branchless implementation)
def upperHexDigit(long: Long): Char = upperHexDigit_internal((long & 0x0FL).toInt)
* Returns the upper-case hex digit corresponding to the last 4 bits of the given Int.
* (fast branchless implementation)
def upperHexDigit(int: Int): Char = upperHexDigit_internal(int & 0x0F)
private def upperHexDigit_internal(i: Int) = (48 + i + (7 & ((9 - i) >> 31))).toChar
* Efficiently converts the given long into an upper-case hex string.
def upperHexString(long: Long): String =
appendUpperHexString(new JStringBuilder(numberOfHexDigits(long)), long).toString
* Append the lower-case hex representation of the given long to the given StringBuilder.
def appendUpperHexString(sb: JStringBuilder, long: Long): JStringBuilder =
if (long != 0) {
@tailrec def putChar(shift: Int): JStringBuilder = {
sb.append(upperHexDigit(long >>> shift))
if (shift > 0) putChar(shift - 4) else sb
putChar((63 - java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(long)) & 0xFC)
} else sb.append('0')
* Efficiently converts the given long into a lower-case hex string.
def lowerHexString(long: Long): String =
appendLowerHexString(new JStringBuilder(numberOfHexDigits(long)), long).toString
* Append the lower-case hex representation of the given long to the given StringBuilder.
def appendLowerHexString(sb: JStringBuilder, long: Long): JStringBuilder =
if (long != 0) {
@tailrec def putChar(shift: Int): JStringBuilder = {
sb.append(lowerHexDigit(long >>> shift))
if (shift > 0) putChar(shift - 4) else sb
putChar((63 - java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(long)) & 0xFC)
} else sb.append('0')
* Returns a String representing the given long in signed decimal representation.
def signedDecimalString(long: Long): String = new String(signedDecimalChars(long))
* Computes the number of characters required for the signed decimal representation of the given integer.
def numberOfDecimalDigits(long: Long): Int =
if (long != Long.MinValue) _numberOfDecimalDigits(long) else 20
private def _numberOfDecimalDigits(long: Long): Int = {
def mul10(l: Long) = (l << 3) + (l << 1)
@tailrec def len(test: Long, l: Long, result: Int): Int =
if (test > l || test < 0) result else len(mul10(test), l, result + 1)
if (long < 0) len(10, -long, 2) else len(10, long, 1)
val LongMinValueChars = "-9223372036854775808".toCharArray
* Returns a char array representing the given long in signed decimal representation.
def signedDecimalChars(long: Long): Array[Char] =
if (long != Long.MinValue) {
val len = _numberOfDecimalDigits(long)
val buf = new Array[Char](len)
getSignedDecimalChars(long, len, buf)
} else LongMinValueChars
* Converts the given Long value into its signed decimal character representation.
* The characters are placed into the given buffer *before* the given `endIndex` (exclusively).
* CAUTION: This algorithm cannot deal with `Long.MinValue`, you'll need to special case this value!
def getSignedDecimalChars(long: Long, endIndex: Int, buf: Array[Char]): Unit = {
def div10(i: Int) = {
var q = (i << 3) + (i << 2)
q += (q << 12) + (q << 8) + (q << 4) + i
q >>>= 19
q // 52429 * l / 524288 = l * 0.10000038146972656
def mul10(i: Int) = (i << 3) + (i << 1)
def mul100(l: Long) = (l << 6) + (l << 5) + (l << 2)
phase1(math.abs(long), endIndex)
// for large numbers we bite the bullet of performing one division every two digits
@tailrec def phase1(l: Long, ix: Int): Unit =
if (l > 65535L) {
val q = l / 100
val r = (l - mul100(q)).toInt
val rq = div10(r)
buf(ix - 2) = ('0' + rq).toChar
buf(ix - 1) = ('0' + r - mul10(rq)).toChar
phase1(q, ix - 2)
} else phase2(l.toInt, ix)
// for small numbers we can use the "fast-path"
@tailrec def phase2(i: Int, ix: Int): Unit = {
val q = div10(i)
val r = i - mul10(q)
buf(ix - 1) = ('0' + r).toChar
if (q != 0) phase2(q, ix - 1)
else if (long < 0) buf(ix - 2) = '-'
* Efficiently lower-cases the given character.
* Note: only works for 7-bit ASCII letters.
def toLowerCase(c: Char): Char = if (CharPredicate.UpperAlpha(c)) (c + 0x20).toChar else c
* Efficiently upper-cases the given character.
* Note: only works for 7-bit ASCII letters.
def toUpperCase(c: Char): Char = if (CharPredicate.LowerAlpha(c)) (c + 0x20).toChar else c
def escape(c: Char): String = c match {
case '\t' ⇒ "\\t"
case '\r' ⇒ "\\r"
case '\n' ⇒ "\\n"
case EOI ⇒ "EOI"
case x if Character.isISOControl(x) ⇒ "\\u%04x" format c.toInt
case x ⇒ x.toString
val escapedChars = CharPredicate("\t\r\n", EOI, Character.isISOControl _)
def escape(s: String): String =
if (escapedChars.matchesAny(s)) s.flatMap(escape(_: Char)) else s
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