org.parboiled2.ParseError.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Mathias Doenitz, Alexander Myltsev
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.parboiled2
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
case class ParseError(position: Position,
principalPosition: Position,
traces: immutable.Seq[RuleTrace]) extends RuntimeException {
require(principalPosition.index >= position.index, "principalPosition must be > position")
def format(parser: Parser): String = format(parser.input)
def format(parser: Parser, formatter: ErrorFormatter): String = format(parser.input, formatter)
def format(input: ParserInput): String = format(input, new ErrorFormatter())
def format(input: ParserInput, formatter: ErrorFormatter): String = formatter.format(this, input)
override def toString = s"ParseError($position, $principalPosition, <${traces.size} traces>)"
lazy val effectiveTraces: immutable.Seq[RuleTrace] =
traces map {
val commonPrefixLen = RuleTrace.commonNonAtomicPrefixLength(traces)
if (commonPrefixLen > 0) t ⇒ t.copy(prefix = t.prefix.drop(commonPrefixLen)).dropUnreportedPrefix
else _.dropUnreportedPrefix
* Defines a position in an [[ParserInput]].
* @param index index into the input buffer (0-based)
* @param line the text line the error occurred in (1-based)
* @param column the text column the error occurred in (1-based)
case class Position(index: Int, line: Int, column: Int)
object Position {
def apply(index: Int, input: ParserInput): Position = {
@tailrec def rec(ix: Int, line: Int, col: Int): Position =
if (ix >= index) Position(index, line, col)
else if (ix >= input.length || input.charAt(ix) != '\n') rec(ix + 1, line, col + 1)
else rec(ix + 1, line + 1, 1)
rec(ix = 0, line = 1, col = 1)
case class RuleTrace(prefix: List[RuleTrace.NonTerminal], terminal: RuleTrace.Terminal) {
import RuleTrace._
* Returns a RuleTrace starting with the first [[RuleTrace.Atomic]] element or the first sub-trace whose
* offset from the reported error index is zero (e.g. the [[RuleTrace.Terminal]]).
* If this is wrapped in one or more [[RuleTrace.NonTerminal.Named]] the outermost of these is returned instead.
def dropUnreportedPrefix: RuleTrace = {
@tailrec def rec(current: List[NonTerminal], named: List[NonTerminal]): List[NonTerminal] =
current match {
case NonTerminal(Named(_), _) :: tail ⇒ rec(tail, if (named.isEmpty) current else named)
case NonTerminal(RuleCall, _) :: tail ⇒ rec(tail, named) // RuleCall elements allow the name to be carried over
case NonTerminal(Atomic, _) :: tail ⇒ if (named.isEmpty) tail else named
case x :: tail ⇒ if (x.offset >= 0 && named.nonEmpty) named else rec(tail, Nil)
case Nil ⇒ named
val newPrefix = rec(prefix, Nil)
if (newPrefix ne prefix) copy(prefix = newPrefix) else this
* Wraps this trace with a [[RuleTrace.Named]] wrapper if the given name is non-empty.
def named(name: String): RuleTrace = {
val newHead = NonTerminal(Named(name), if (prefix.isEmpty) 0 else prefix.head.offset)
if (name.isEmpty) this else copy(prefix = newHead :: prefix)
object RuleTrace {
def commonNonAtomicPrefixLength(traces: Seq[RuleTrace]): Int =
if (traces.size > 1) {
val tracesTail = traces.tail
def hasElem(ix: Int, elem: NonTerminal): RuleTrace ⇒ Boolean =
_.prefix.drop(ix) match {
case `elem` :: _ ⇒ true
case _ ⇒ false
@tailrec def rec(current: List[NonTerminal], namedIx: Int, ix: Int): Int =
current match {
case head :: tail if tracesTail forall hasElem(ix, head) ⇒
head.key match {
case Named(_) ⇒ rec(tail, if (namedIx >= 0) namedIx else ix, ix + 1)
case RuleCall ⇒ rec(tail, namedIx, ix + 1) // RuleCall elements allow the name to be carried over
case Atomic ⇒ if (namedIx >= 0) namedIx else ix // Atomic elements always terminate a common prefix
case _ ⇒ rec(tail, -1, ix + 1) // otherwise the name chain is broken
case _ ⇒ if (namedIx >= 0) namedIx else ix
rec(traces.head.prefix, namedIx = -1, ix = 0)
} else 0
// offset: the number of characters before the reported error index that the rule corresponding
// to this trace head started matching.
final case class NonTerminal(key: NonTerminalKey, offset: Int)
sealed trait NonTerminalKey
case object Action extends NonTerminalKey
case object AndPredicate extends NonTerminalKey
case object Atomic extends NonTerminalKey
case object Capture extends NonTerminalKey
case object Cut extends NonTerminalKey
case object FirstOf extends NonTerminalKey
final case class IgnoreCaseString(string: String) extends NonTerminalKey
final case class MapMatch(map: Map[String, Any]) extends NonTerminalKey
final case class Named(name: String) extends NonTerminalKey
case object OneOrMore extends NonTerminalKey
case object Optional extends NonTerminalKey
case object Quiet extends NonTerminalKey
case object RuleCall extends NonTerminalKey
case object Run extends NonTerminalKey
case object RunSubParser extends NonTerminalKey
case object Sequence extends NonTerminalKey
final case class StringMatch(string: String) extends NonTerminalKey
final case class Times(min: Int, max: Int) extends NonTerminalKey
case object ZeroOrMore extends NonTerminalKey
sealed trait Terminal
case object ANY extends Terminal
final case class AnyOf(string: String) extends Terminal
final case class CharMatch(char: Char) extends Terminal
final case class CharPredicateMatch(predicate: CharPredicate) extends Terminal
final case class CharRange(from: Char, to: Char) extends Terminal
final case class Fail(expected: String) extends Terminal
final case class IgnoreCaseChar(char: Char) extends Terminal
final case class NoneOf(string: String) extends Terminal
final case class NotPredicate(base: NotPredicate.Base, baseMatchLength: Int) extends Terminal
case object SemanticPredicate extends Terminal
object NotPredicate {
sealed trait Base
case object Anonymous extends Base
final case class Named(name: String) extends Base
final case class RuleCall(target: String) extends Base
final case class Terminal(terminal: RuleTrace.Terminal) extends Base
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