org.pepsoft.worldpainter.WorldPainter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
package org.pepsoft.worldpainter;
import com.google.common.collect.Sets;
import org.pepsoft.minecraft.MapGenerator;
import org.pepsoft.util.MemoryUtils;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Configuration.OverlayType;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Dimension.Anchor;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.TileRenderer.LightOrigin;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.biomeschemes.CustomBiomeManager;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.brushes.BrushShape;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Biome;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.layers.Layer;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.ramps.ColourRamp;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.tools.BiomesTileProvider;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import static java.awt.BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE;
import static java.awt.BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER;
import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet;
import static org.pepsoft.util.AwtUtils.doLaterOnEventThread;
import static org.pepsoft.util.AwtUtils.doOnEventThread;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Configuration.OverlayType.SCALE_ON_LOAD;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Constants.*;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.DefaultPlugin.JAVA_ANVIL;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.DefaultPlugin.JAVA_MCREGION;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Dimension.Anchor.NORMAL_DETAIL;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Generator.DEFAULT;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Generator.LARGE_BIOMES;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.TileRenderer.FLUIDS_AS_LAYER;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.TileRenderer.TERRAIN_AS_LAYER;
import static org.pepsoft.worldpainter.WPTileProvider.Effect.FADE_TO_FIFTY_PERCENT;
* @author pepijn
public class WorldPainter extends WorldPainterView implements MouseMotionListener, PropertyChangeListener, Dimension.Listener {
public WorldPainter(ColourScheme colourScheme, CustomBiomeManager customBiomeManager) {
super(false, false);
this.colourScheme = colourScheme;
this.customBiomeManager = customBiomeManager;
public WorldPainter(Dimension dimension, ColourScheme colourScheme, CustomBiomeManager customBiomeManager) {
this(colourScheme, customBiomeManager);
public final Dimension getDimension() {
return dimension;
public final void setDimension(Dimension dimension) {
setDimension(dimension, true);
final void setDimension(Dimension dimension, boolean refreshTiles) {
Dimension oldDimension = this.dimension;
if (oldDimension != null) {
if (oldDimension.getAnchor().dim == DIM_NORMAL) {
oldDimension.getWorld().removePropertyChangeListener("spawnPoint", this);
for (Overlay overlay: oldDimension.getOverlays()) {
this.dimension = dimension;
if (dimension != null) {
drawContours = dimension.isContoursEnabled();
contourSeparation = dimension.getContourSeparation();
if (dimension.getAnchor().dim == DIM_NORMAL) {
dimension.getWorld().addPropertyChangeListener("spawnPoint", this);
for (Overlay overlay: dimension.getOverlays()) {
setLabelScale((int) dimension.getScale());
overlayType = Configuration.getInstance().getOverlayType();
drawOverlays = dimension.isOverlaysEnabled();
setMarkerCoords((dimension.getAnchor().dim == DIM_NORMAL) ? dimension.getWorld().getSpawnPoint() : null);
} else {
drawOverlays = false;
firePropertyChange("dimension", oldDimension, dimension);
if (refreshTiles) {
public ColourScheme getColourScheme() {
return colourScheme;
public void setColourScheme(ColourScheme colourScheme) {
this.colourScheme = colourScheme;
public boolean isDrawBrush() {
return drawBrush;
public void setDrawBrush(boolean drawBrush) {
if (drawBrush != this.drawBrush) {
this.drawBrush = drawBrush;
firePropertyChange("drawBrush", !drawBrush, drawBrush);
public boolean isDrawViewDistance() {
return drawViewDistance;
public void setDrawViewDistance(boolean drawViewDistance) {
if (drawViewDistance != this.drawViewDistance) {
this.drawViewDistance = drawViewDistance;
firePropertyChange("drawViewDistance", !drawViewDistance, drawViewDistance);
final int scaledRadius = (dimension != null) ? (int) Math.ceil(VIEW_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale()) : VIEW_DISTANCE_RADIUS;
repaintWorld(mouseX - scaledRadius, mouseY - scaledRadius, (2 * scaledRadius) + 1, (2 * scaledRadius) + 1);
public boolean isDrawWalkingDistance() {
return drawWalkingDistance;
public void setDrawWalkingDistance(boolean drawWalkingDistance) {
if (drawWalkingDistance != this.drawWalkingDistance) {
this.drawWalkingDistance = drawWalkingDistance;
firePropertyChange("drawWalkingDistance", !drawWalkingDistance, drawWalkingDistance);
final int scaledRadius = (dimension != null) ? (int) Math.ceil(DAY_NIGHT_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale()) : DAY_NIGHT_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS;
repaintWorld(mouseX - scaledRadius, mouseY - scaledRadius, (2 * scaledRadius) + 1, (2 * scaledRadius) + 1);
public int getRadius() {
return radius;
public void setRadius(int radius) {
int oldRadius = this.radius;
int oldEffectiveRadius = this.effectiveRadius;
this.radius = radius;
if ((brushShape == BrushShape.CIRCLE) || ((brushRotation % 90) == 0)) {
effectiveRadius = radius;
} else {
double a = brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI;
effectiveRadius = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(Math.sin(a)) * radius + Math.abs(Math.cos(a)) * radius);
firePropertyChange("radius", oldRadius, radius);
if (drawBrush && (brushShape != BrushShape.CUSTOM)) {
int largestRadius = Math.max(oldEffectiveRadius, effectiveRadius);
int diameter = largestRadius * 2 + 1;
repaintWorld(mouseX - largestRadius, mouseY - largestRadius, diameter, diameter);
public BrushShape getBrushShape() {
return brushShape;
public void setBrushShape(BrushShape brushShape) {
if (brushShape != this.brushShape) {
BrushShape oldBrushShape = this.brushShape;
Rectangle oldBounds = getBrushBounds();
this.brushShape = brushShape;
if ((brushShape == BrushShape.CIRCLE) || (brushShape == BrushShape.CUSTOM) || ((brushRotation % 90) == 0)) {
effectiveRadius = radius;
} else {
double a = brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI;
effectiveRadius = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(Math.sin(a)) * radius + Math.abs(Math.cos(a)) * radius);
firePropertyChange("brushShape", oldBrushShape, brushShape);
if (drawBrush) {
public Shape getCustomBrushShape() {
return customBrushShape;
public void setCustomBrushShape(Shape customBrushShape) {
final Shape oldCustomBrushShape = this.customBrushShape;
final Rectangle oldBrushBounds = getBrushBounds();
this.customBrushShape = customBrushShape;
if ((drawBrush) && (brushShape == BrushShape.CUSTOM)) {
firePropertyChange("customBrushShape", oldCustomBrushShape, customBrushShape);
public int getContourSeparation() {
return contourSeparation;
public void setContourSeparation(int contourSeparation) {
if (contourSeparation != this.contourSeparation) {
int oldContourSeparation = this.contourSeparation;
this.contourSeparation = contourSeparation;
firePropertyChange("contourSeparation", oldContourSeparation, contourSeparation);
public boolean isDrawContours() {
return drawContours;
public void setDrawContours(boolean drawContours) {
if (drawContours != this.drawContours) {
this.drawContours = drawContours;
firePropertyChange("drawContours", ! drawContours, drawContours);
public ColourRamp getColourRamp() {
return colourRamp;
* Set or remove the colour ramp.
* @param colourRamp The colour ramp to set. May be {@code null} to remove the colour ramp.
* @return A boolean which indicates whether the tiles have been refreshed as a result of changing the colour ramp.
public boolean setColourRamp(ColourRamp colourRamp) {
if (! Objects.equals(colourRamp, this.colourRamp)) {
final ColourRamp oldColourRamp = this.colourRamp;
this.colourRamp = colourRamp;
if ((hiddenLayers != null) && hiddenLayers.contains(TERRAIN_AS_LAYER)) {
firePropertyChange("colourRamp", oldColourRamp, colourRamp);
return (hiddenLayers != null) && hiddenLayers.contains(TERRAIN_AS_LAYER);
public void refreshBrush() {
Point mousePos = getMousePosition();
if (mousePos != null) {
mouseMoved(new MouseEvent(this, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED, System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, mousePos.x, mousePos.y, 0, false));
public void setHiddenLayers(Set hiddenLayers) {
final Set oldHiddenLayers = new HashSet<>(this.hiddenLayers);
if (hiddenLayers != null) {
final Set difference = Sets.symmetricDifference(oldHiddenLayers, this.hiddenLayers);
if (! difference.isEmpty()) {
if (dimension != null) {
if ((difference.contains(TERRAIN_AS_LAYER)) || (difference.contains(FLUIDS_AS_LAYER))) {
} else if (!difference.isEmpty()) {
refreshTilesForLayers(difference, true);
firePropertyChange("hiddenLayers", oldHiddenLayers, hiddenLayers);
public Set getHiddenLayers() {
return unmodifiableSet(hiddenLayers);
public void refreshTiles() {
if (dimension != null) {
int biomeAlgorithm = -1;
long minecraftSeed = -1;
final Anchor anchor = dimension.getAnchor();
if (drawBiomes
&& (anchor.equals(NORMAL_DETAIL))
&& ((dimension.getBorder() == null) || (! dimension.getBorder().isEndless()))) {
final World2 world = dimension.getWorld();
if (world != null) {
final Platform platform = world.getPlatform();
if (platform == JAVA_MCREGION) {
biomeAlgorithm = BIOME_ALGORITHM_1_1;
minecraftSeed = dimension.getMinecraftSeed();
} else if (platform == JAVA_ANVIL) { // TODO add support for newer platforms
minecraftSeed = dimension.getMinecraftSeed();
final MapGenerator generator = dimension.getGenerator();
if (generator.getType() == DEFAULT) {
biomeAlgorithm = BIOME_ALGORITHM_1_7_DEFAULT;
} else if (generator.getType() == LARGE_BIOMES) {
biomeAlgorithm = BIOME_ALGORITHM_1_7_LARGE;
if (biomeAlgorithm != -1) {
final BiomesTileProvider biomesTileProvider = new BiomesTileProvider(biomeAlgorithm, minecraftSeed, colourScheme, 0, true);
setTileProvider(LAYER_BIOMES, biomesTileProvider);
} else {
tileProvider = new WPTileProvider(dimension, colourScheme, customBiomeManager, hiddenLayers, drawContours, contourSeparation, lightOrigin, true, null, backgroundDimension == null, colourRamp);
setTileProvider(LAYER_DETAILS, tileProvider);
if (backgroundDimension != null) {
backgroundTileProvider = new WPTileProvider(backgroundDimension, colourScheme, customBiomeManager, hiddenLayers, false, contourSeparation, lightOrigin, false, FADE_TO_FIFTY_PERCENT, true, colourRamp);
setTileProvider(LAYER_BACKGROUND, backgroundTileProvider);
setTileProviderZoom(backgroundTileProvider, backgroundDimensionZoom);
} else {
if (drawBorders && (dimension.getBorder() != null)) {
setTileProvider(LAYER_BORDER, new WPBorderTileProvider(dimension, colourScheme));
} else {
} else {
if (getTileProviderCount() > 0) {
tileProvider = null;
public void refreshTilesForLayer(Layer layer, boolean evenIfHidden) {
refreshTilesForLayers(singleton(layer), evenIfHidden);
public void refreshTilesForLayers(Set layers, boolean evenIfHidden) {
if ((hiddenLayers.containsAll(layers) && (! evenIfHidden)) || (dimension == null)) {
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
Set coords = new HashSet<>();
if (getZoom() < 0) {
final int shift = -getZoom();
for (Tile tile: dimension.getTiles()) {
for (Layer layer: layers) {
if (tile.hasLayer(layer)) {
coords.add(new Point(tile.getX() >> shift, tile.getY() >> shift));
} else {
for (Tile tile: dimension.getTiles()) {
for (Layer layer: layers) {
if (tile.hasLayer(layer)) {
coords.add(new Point(tile.getX(), tile.getY()));
if (! coords.isEmpty()) {
refresh(tileProvider, coords);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Refreshing {} tiles for layers {} took {} ms", coords.size(), layers, System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
public void updateStatusBar(int x, int y) {
App.getInstance().updateStatusBar(x, y);
public BufferedImage getImage() {
if (dimension == null) {
return null;
TileRenderer tileRenderer = new TileRenderer(dimension, colourScheme, customBiomeManager, 0, true, colourRamp);
int xOffset = dimension.getLowestX(), yOffset = dimension.getLowestY();
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(dimension.getWidth() << TILE_SIZE_BITS, dimension.getHeight() << TILE_SIZE_BITS, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
for (Tile tile: dimension.getTiles()) {
tileRenderer.renderTile(tile, image, (tile.getX() - xOffset) << TILE_SIZE_BITS, (tile.getY() - yOffset) << TILE_SIZE_BITS);
return image;
public void rotateLightLeft() {
lightOrigin = lightOrigin.left();
public void rotateLightRight() {
lightOrigin = lightOrigin.right();
public LightOrigin getLightOrigin() {
return lightOrigin;
public void setLightOrigin(LightOrigin lightOrigin) {
if (lightOrigin == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (lightOrigin != this.lightOrigin) {
this.lightOrigin = lightOrigin;
public void moveToSpawn() {
if ((dimension != null) && (dimension.getAnchor().dim == DIM_NORMAL)) {
public Point getViewCentreInWorldCoords() {
return new Point(getViewX(), getViewY());
public int getBrushRotation() {
return brushRotation;
public void setBrushRotation(int brushRotation) {
int oldBrushRotation = this.brushRotation;
int oldEffectiveRadius = effectiveRadius;
this.brushRotation = brushRotation;
if ((brushShape == BrushShape.CIRCLE) || ((brushRotation % 90) == 0)) {
effectiveRadius = radius;
} else {
double a = brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI;
effectiveRadius = (int) Math.ceil(Math.abs(Math.sin(a)) * radius + Math.abs(Math.cos(a)) * radius);
firePropertyChange("brushRotation", oldBrushRotation, brushRotation);
if (drawBrush && (brushShape != BrushShape.CIRCLE)) {
int largestRadius = Math.max(oldEffectiveRadius, effectiveRadius);
int diameter = largestRadius * 2 + 1;
repaintWorld(mouseX - largestRadius, mouseY - largestRadius, diameter, diameter);
public void minecraftSeedChanged(Dimension dimension, long newSeed) {
if ((! isInhibitUpdates()) && (! hiddenLayers.contains(Biome.INSTANCE))) {
public boolean isDrawMinecraftBorder() {
return drawMinecraftBorder;
public void setDrawMinecraftBorder(boolean drawMinecraftBorder) {
if (drawMinecraftBorder != this.drawMinecraftBorder) {
this.drawMinecraftBorder = drawMinecraftBorder;
firePropertyChange("drawMinecraftBorder", ! drawMinecraftBorder, drawMinecraftBorder);
public boolean isDrawBorders() {
return drawBorders;
public void setDrawBorders(boolean drawBorders) {
if (drawBorders != this.drawBorders) {
this.drawBorders = drawBorders;
firePropertyChange("drawBorders", ! drawBorders, drawBorders);
public boolean isDrawBiomes() {
return drawBiomes;
public void setDrawBiomes(boolean drawBiomes) {
if (drawBiomes != this.drawBiomes) {
this.drawBiomes = drawBiomes;
if ((dimension != null) && (dimension.getAnchor().dim == DIM_NORMAL)) {
firePropertyChange("drawBiomes", ! drawBiomes, drawBiomes);
public Point getMousePosition() throws HeadlessException {
Point translation = new Point(0, 0);
Component component = this;
while (component != null) {
Point mousePosition = (component == this) ? super.getMousePosition() : component.getMousePosition();
if (mousePosition != null) {
mousePosition.translate(-translation.x, -translation.y);
return mousePosition;
} else {
translation.translate(component.getX(), component.getY());
component = component.getParent();
return null;
public Dimension getBackgroundDimension() {
return backgroundDimension;
public void setBackgroundDimension(Dimension backgroundDimension, int zoomLevel, WPTileProvider.Effect effect) {
this.backgroundDimension = backgroundDimension;
backgroundDimensionZoom = zoomLevel;
// MouseMotionListener
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
int oldMouseX = mouseX;
int oldMouseY = mouseY;
Point mouseInWorld = viewToWorld(e.getPoint());
mouseX = mouseInWorld.x;
mouseY = mouseInWorld.y;
if ((mouseX == oldMouseX) && (mouseY == oldMouseY)) {
Rectangle repaintArea = null; // The repaint area in world coordinates relative to the mouse position
if (drawBrush) {
if (brushShape != BrushShape.CUSTOM) {
repaintArea = new Rectangle(-effectiveRadius, -effectiveRadius, effectiveRadius * 2 + 1, effectiveRadius * 2 + 1);
} else {
repaintArea = customBrushShape.getBounds();
if (dimension != null) {
if (drawViewDistance) {
final int scaledRadius = (int) Math.ceil(VIEW_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale());
Rectangle viewDistanceArea = new Rectangle(-scaledRadius, -scaledRadius, scaledRadius * 2, scaledRadius * 2);
if (repaintArea != null) {
repaintArea = repaintArea.union(viewDistanceArea);
} else {
repaintArea = viewDistanceArea;
if (drawWalkingDistance) {
final int scaledRadius = (int) Math.ceil(VIEW_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale());
Rectangle walkingDistanceArea = new Rectangle(-scaledRadius, -scaledRadius, scaledRadius * 2, scaledRadius * 2);
if (repaintArea != null) {
repaintArea = repaintArea.union(walkingDistanceArea);
} else {
repaintArea = walkingDistanceArea;
if (repaintArea != null) {
Rectangle oldRectangle = new Rectangle(oldMouseX + repaintArea.x, oldMouseY + repaintArea.y, repaintArea.width, repaintArea.height);
Rectangle newRectangle = new Rectangle(mouseX + repaintArea.x, mouseY + repaintArea.y, repaintArea.width, repaintArea.height);
if (oldRectangle.intersects(newRectangle)) {
} else {
// Two separate repaints to avoid having to repaint a huge area
// just because the cursor jumps a large distance for some
// reason
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> repaintWorld(newRectangle));
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
// PropertyChangeListener
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if ((evt.getSource() == dimension.getWorld()) && evt.getPropertyName().equals("spawnPoint")) {
setMarkerCoords((Point) evt.getNewValue());
} else if (evt.getSource() == dimension) {
if ("overlaysEnabled".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
drawOverlays = ((Boolean) evt.getNewValue());
} else if (evt.getSource() instanceof Overlay) {
if (evt.getPropertyName().equals("image")) {
// Do nothing
} else if ((evt.getPropertyName().equals("scale")) && (Configuration.getInstance().getOverlayType() == SCALE_ON_LOAD)) {
// The overlay type is set to scale on load, so since the scale has changed the image has to be reloaded
((Overlay) evt.getSource()).setImage(null);
if (drawOverlays) {
// Since reloading an image is slow, wait with triggering it in case the value is still adjusting
} else if (drawOverlays) {
// Dimension.Listener
@Override public void tilesAdded(Dimension dimension, Set tiles) {}
@Override public void tilesRemoved(Dimension dimension, Set tiles) {}
public void overlayAdded(Dimension dimension, int index, Overlay overlay) {
if (drawOverlays) {
public void overlayRemoved(Dimension dimension, int index, Overlay overlay) {
if (drawOverlays) {
long getOverlayImageSize() {
long total = 0L;
if (dimension != null) {
for (Overlay overlay: dimension.getOverlays()) {
total += (overlay.getImage() != null) ? MemoryUtils.getSize(overlay.getImage(), Collections.emptySet()) : 0L;
return total;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// Paint the tiles, grid and markers:
if (dimension != null) {
// Paint anything else:
final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
final Color savedColour = g2.getColor();
final Object savedAAValue = g2.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING);
// final Object savedInterpolationValue = g2.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION);
final Stroke savedStroke = g2.getStroke();
final AffineTransform savedTransform = g2.getTransform();
final Font savedFont = g2.getFont();
try {
if (drawMinecraftBorder && (dimension.getWorld() != null)) {
drawMinecraftBorderIfNecessary(g2, dimension.getWorld().getBorderSettings());
// Switch to world coordinate system
final float scale = transformGraphics(g2);
if (drawOverlays) {
if (drawBrush || drawViewDistance || drawWalkingDistance) {
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
drawBrushEtc(g2, scale, false);
drawBrushEtc(g2, scale, true);
} finally {
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, savedAAValue);
// if (savedInterpolationValue != null) {
// g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, savedInterpolationValue);
// }
private void drawBrushEtc(Graphics2D g2, float scale, boolean dashed) {
final float onePixel = 1 / scale;
if (! dashed) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(onePixel));
if (drawBrush) {
if (dashed) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(onePixel, CAP_SQUARE, JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, new float[] { 4 * onePixel, 6 * onePixel }, 0));
final int diameter = radius * 2 + 1;
switch (brushShape) {
case CIRCLE:
g2.drawOval(mouseX - radius, mouseY - radius, diameter, diameter);
case SQUARE:
if (brushRotation % 90 == 0) {
g2.drawRect(mouseX - radius, mouseY - radius, diameter, diameter);
} else {
AffineTransform existingTransform = g2.getTransform();
try {
if (scale > 1.0f) {
g2.rotate(brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI, mouseX + 0.5, mouseY + 0.5);
} else {
g2.rotate(brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI, mouseX, mouseY);
g2.drawRect(mouseX - radius, mouseY - radius, diameter, diameter);
} finally {
case BITMAP:
final int arrowSize = radius / 2;
if (brushRotation == 0) {
g2.drawRect(mouseX - radius, mouseY - radius, diameter, diameter);
if (arrowSize > 0) {
g2.drawLine(mouseX, mouseY - radius, mouseX - arrowSize, mouseY - radius + arrowSize);
g2.drawLine(mouseX - arrowSize, mouseY - radius + arrowSize, mouseX + arrowSize + 1, mouseY - radius + arrowSize);
g2.drawLine(mouseX + arrowSize + 1, mouseY - radius + arrowSize, mouseX + 1, mouseY - radius);
} else {
AffineTransform existingTransform = g2.getTransform();
try {
if (scale > 1.0f) {
g2.rotate(brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI, mouseX + 0.5, mouseY + 0.5);
} else {
g2.rotate(brushRotation / 180.0 * Math.PI, mouseX, mouseY);
g2.drawRect(mouseX - radius, mouseY - radius, diameter, diameter);
if (arrowSize > 0) {
g2.drawLine(mouseX, mouseY - radius, mouseX - arrowSize, mouseY - radius + arrowSize);
g2.drawLine(mouseX - arrowSize, mouseY - radius + arrowSize, mouseX + arrowSize + 1, mouseY - radius + arrowSize);
g2.drawLine(mouseX + arrowSize + 1, mouseY - radius + arrowSize, mouseX + 1, mouseY - radius);
} finally {
case CUSTOM:
AffineTransform existingTransform = g2.getTransform();
try {
g2.translate(mouseX, mouseY);
} finally {
if (drawViewDistance) {
if (dashed) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(onePixel, CAP_SQUARE, JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, new float[] { 9 * onePixel, 11 * onePixel }, 0));
final int scaledRadius = (int) Math.ceil(VIEW_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale());
g2.drawOval(mouseX - scaledRadius, mouseY - scaledRadius, scaledRadius * 2, scaledRadius * 2);
if (drawWalkingDistance) {
if (dashed) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(onePixel, CAP_SQUARE, JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, new float[] { 19 * onePixel, 21 * onePixel }, 0));
int scaledRadius = (int) Math.ceil(DAY_NIGHT_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale());
g2.drawOval(mouseX - scaledRadius, mouseY - scaledRadius, scaledRadius * 2, scaledRadius * 2);
setFont(NORMAL_FONT.deriveFont(10 * onePixel));
g2.drawString("day + night", mouseX - scaledRadius + onePixel * 3, mouseY);
scaledRadius = (int) Math.ceil(DAY_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale());
g2.drawOval(mouseX - scaledRadius, mouseY - scaledRadius, scaledRadius * 2, scaledRadius * 2);
g2.drawString("1 day", mouseX - scaledRadius + onePixel * 3, mouseY);
scaledRadius = (int) Math.ceil(FIVE_MINUTE_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS / dimension.getScale());
g2.drawOval(mouseX - scaledRadius, mouseY - scaledRadius, scaledRadius * 2, scaledRadius * 2);
g2.drawString("5 min.", mouseX - scaledRadius + onePixel * 3, mouseY);
* Get the rectangular bounds of the current brush shape.
* @return The bounds of the brush.
private Rectangle getBrushBounds() {
if (brushShape == BrushShape.CUSTOM) {
Rectangle bounds = customBrushShape.getBounds();
bounds.translate(mouseX, mouseY);
return bounds;
} else {
return new Rectangle(mouseX - effectiveRadius, mouseY - effectiveRadius, effectiveRadius * 2 + 1, effectiveRadius * 2 + 1);
private void loadOverlay(Overlay overlay) {
File file = overlay.getFile();
if ((file != null) && file.isFile()) {
if (file.canRead()) {
logger.info("Loading image");
BufferedImage overlayImage;
try {
overlayImage = ImageIO.read(file);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("I/O error while loading image " + file ,e);
doLaterOnEventThread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "An error occurred while loading the overlay image.\nIt may not be a valid or supported image file, or the file may be corrupted.", "Error Loading Image", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE));
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
logger.error(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " while loading image " + file ,e);
doLaterOnEventThread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "An error occurred while loading the overlay image.\nThere may not be enough available memory, or the image may be too large.", "Error Loading Image", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE));
if (overlayImage != null) {
switch (overlayType) {
// "Scale" to 100%, which optimises the image for the screen environment
overlayImage = scaleImage(overlayImage, getGraphicsConfiguration(), 1.0f);
overlayImage = scaleImage(overlayImage, getGraphicsConfiguration(), overlay.getScale());
} else {
logger.error("Image overlay file " + file + " did not contain a recognisable image");
doLaterOnEventThread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Image overlay file did not contain a recognisable image. It may have been corrupted.\n" + file, "Error Loading Image", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE));
if (overlayImage != null) {
} else {
// The loading, scaling or optimisation failed
} else {
doLaterOnEventThread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Access denied to overlay image\n" + file, "Error Enabling Overlay", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE));
} else {
doLaterOnEventThread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Overlay image file not found\n" + file, "Error Enabling Overlay", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE));
private BufferedImage scaleImage(BufferedImage image, GraphicsConfiguration graphicsConfiguration, float scale) {
try {
final boolean alpha = image.getColorModel().hasAlpha();
if (scale == 1.0f) {
logger.info("Optimising image");
final BufferedImage optimumImage = graphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), alpha ? Transparency.TRANSLUCENT : Transparency.OPAQUE);
final Graphics2D g2 = optimumImage.createGraphics();
try {
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
} finally {
return optimumImage;
} else {
logger.info("Scaling image");
final int width = Math.round(image.getWidth() * scale);
final int height = Math.round(image.getHeight() * scale);
final BufferedImage optimumImage = graphicsConfiguration.createCompatibleImage(width, height, alpha ? Transparency.TRANSLUCENT : Transparency.OPAQUE);
final Graphics2D g2 = optimumImage.createGraphics();
try {
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height, null);
} finally {
return optimumImage;
} catch (RuntimeException | Error e) {
logger.error(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " while scaling image of size " + image.getWidth() + "x" + image.getHeight() + " and type " + image.getType() + " to " + scale + "%", e);
doLaterOnEventThread(() -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "An error occurred while " + ((scale == 100) ? "optimising" : "scaling") + " the overlay image.\nThere may not be enough available memory, or the image may be too large.", "Error " + ((scale == 100) ? "Optimising" : "Scaling") + " Image", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE));
return null;
private void drawMinecraftBorderIfNecessary(Graphics2D g2, World2.BorderSettings borderSettings) {
final int size = borderSettings.getSize(), radius = size / 2;
final Rectangle border = worldToView(borderSettings.getCentreX() - radius, borderSettings.getCentreY() - radius, size, size);
Rectangle clip = g2.getClipBounds();
if ((border.x >= clip.x) || (border.y >= clip.y) || ((border.x + border.width) < (clip.x + clip.width)) || ((border.y + border.height) < (clip.y + clip.height))) {
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1, CAP_SQUARE, JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, new float[] { 3, 3 }, 0));
if ((border.width < 5000) && (border.height < 5000)) {
// If it's small enough performance of drawing it at once is fine
g2.drawRect(border.x, border.y, border.width, border.height);
} else if (clip.intersects(border)) {
// For very large rectangles performance of drawing it as a rect
// tanks, so draw each line individually, constraining the
// lengths to the clip bounds
g2.drawLine(border.x, Math.max(border.y, clip.y), border.x, Math.min(border.y + border.height, clip.y + clip.height));
g2.drawLine(Math.max(border.x, clip.x), border.y + border.height, Math.min(border.x + border.width, clip.x + clip.width), border.y + border.height);
g2.drawLine(border.x + border.width, Math.min(border.y + border.height, clip.y + clip.height), border.x + border.width, Math.max(border.y, clip.y));
g2.drawLine(Math.min(border.x + border.width, clip.x + clip.width), border.y, Math.max(border.x, clip.x), border.y);
* Repaint an area in world coordinates, plus a few pixels extra to
* compensate for sloppiness in painting the brush.
* @param x The x coordinate of the area to repaint, in world coordinates.
* @param y The y coordinate of the area to repaint, in world coordinates.
* @param width The width of the area to repaint, in world coordinates.
* @param height The height of the area to repaint, in world coordinates.
private void repaintWorld(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Rectangle area = worldToView(x, y, width, height);
repaint(area.x - 2, area.y - 2, area.width + 4, area.height + 4);
* Repaint an area in world coordinates, plus a few pixels extra to
* compensate for sloppiness in painting the brush.
* @param area The the area to repaint, in world coordinates.
private void repaintWorld(Rectangle area) {
area = worldToView(area);
repaint(area.x - 2, area.y - 2, area.width + 4, area.height + 4);
private void drawOverlays(Graphics2D g2) {
if (dimension.getOverlays().isEmpty()) {
Composite savedComposite = g2.getComposite();
try {
for (Overlay overlay: dimension.getOverlays()) {
final float overlayTransparency = overlay.getTransparency();
if (! overlay.isEnabled()) {
// Not enabled
} else if (overlay.getTransparency() == 1.0f) {
// Fully transparent
} else {
if (overlay.getImage() == null) {
final BufferedImage overlayImage = overlay.getImage();
if (overlayImage == null) {
// If it is _still_ null then loading has failed
// Translucent or fully opaque
if (overlayTransparency > 0.0f) {
// Translucent
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f - overlayTransparency));
final float overlayScale = overlay.getScale();
final int overlayOffsetX = overlay.getOffsetX(), overlayOffsetY = overlay.getOffsetY();
if ((overlayType == SCALE_ON_LOAD) || (overlayScale == 1.0f)) {
// 1:1 scale, or the image has already been scaled on loading
g2.drawImage(overlayImage, overlayOffsetX, overlayOffsetY, null);
} else {
final int width = Math.round(overlayImage.getWidth() * overlayScale);
final int height = Math.round(overlayImage.getHeight() * overlayScale);
final Object savedInterpolation = g2.getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION);
try {
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
g2.drawImage(overlayImage, overlayOffsetX, overlayOffsetY, width, height, null);
} finally {
if (savedInterpolation != null) {
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, savedInterpolation);
} finally {
* Schedules a {@link #repaint()} for {@code delay} ms after now. If a repaint was already scheduled, that is
* postponed.
* @param delay The number of ms to delay the repaint.
private void scheduleRepaint(int delay) {
doOnEventThread(() -> {
if (repaintTimer != null) {
repaintTimer = new Timer(delay, event -> {
repaintTimer = null;
private HashSet hiddenLayers = new HashSet<>();
private final CustomBiomeManager customBiomeManager;
private Dimension dimension, backgroundDimension; // TODO make this more generic
private int mouseX, mouseY, radius, effectiveRadius, contourSeparation, brushRotation, backgroundDimensionZoom;
private boolean drawBrush, drawOverlays, drawContours, drawViewDistance, drawWalkingDistance,
drawMinecraftBorder = true, drawBorders = true, drawBiomes = true;
private BrushShape brushShape;
private ColourScheme colourScheme;
private LightOrigin lightOrigin = LightOrigin.NORTHWEST;
private WPTileProvider tileProvider, backgroundTileProvider;
private Shape customBrushShape;
private OverlayType overlayType;
private ColourRamp colourRamp;
private Timer repaintTimer;
private static final int VIEW_DISTANCE_RADIUS = 192; // 12 chunks (default of Minecraft 1.18.2)
private static final int FIVE_MINUTE_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS = 1280;
private static final int DAY_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS = 3328;
private static final int DAY_NIGHT_WALK_DISTANCE_RADIUS = 5120;
private static final Font NORMAL_FONT = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorldPainter.class);
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final int LAYER_BIOMES = -3;
private static final int LAYER_BORDER = -2;
private static final int LAYER_BACKGROUND = -1;
private static final int LAYER_DETAILS = 0;
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