org.pepsoft.worldpainter.operations.CreateMountain Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.pepsoft.worldpainter.operations;
import org.pepsoft.util.BitField;
import org.pepsoft.util.MathUtils;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.Dimension;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.WorldPainter;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.heightMaps.NoiseHeightMap;
import org.pepsoft.worldpainter.util.GeometryUtil;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class CreateMountain extends MouseOrTabletOperation {
public CreateMountain(WorldPainter view) {
super("CreateMountain", "Instantly create a mountain", view, "operation.createMountain");
protected void tick(int centreX, int centreY, boolean inverse, boolean first, float dynamicLevel) {
// 1. determine lowest level around edges of brush (use a percentage factor to avoid very small low areas having too large an impact; say the point where 66% of the edge is above? 50%)
// 2. configure the angle? or the summit height? either?
// 3. use the brush shape? or just a circle?
// 4. using what we determined in 1. and whatever we decide and the user configures for 2. and 3. determine the height of the summit
// 5. optional bias of the slope according to the cardinal direction to create skewed mountains
// 6. snake out from the summit, going mostly down but sometimes up
// 7. when creating a local summit (going from going up to going down), have a chance of spawning one or more diverging ridges
final Dimension dimension = getDimension();
if (dimension == null) {
// Probably some kind of race condition
// GroundCoverLayer deepSnowLayer = null;
// boolean shouldAddLayer = true;
// for (Layer layer: dimension.getCustomLayers()) {
// if ((layer instanceof GroundCoverLayer) && (layer.getName().equals("Mountain Snow"))) {
// deepSnowLayer = (GroundCoverLayer) layer;
// shouldAddLayer = false;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (deepSnowLayer == null) {
// deepSnowLayer = new GroundCoverLayer("Mountain Snow", MixedMaterial.create(Material.SNOW), Color.WHITE.getRGB());
// deepSnowLayer.setThickness(5);
// deepSnowLayer.setEdgeShape(GroundCoverLayer.EdgeShape.SMOOTH);
// deepSnowLayer.setEdgeWidth(15);
// deepSnowLayer.setSmooth(true);
// // TODO: add some variation
// }
// FancyPostGenerationTheme theme = new FancyPostGenerationTheme(dimension, Terrain.GRASS);
// theme.install();
// AbstractTheme mountainTheme = new AbstractTheme(dimension) {
// @Override
// public void apply(Tile tile, int x, int y, float height, int waterLevel, float slope) {
// }
// };
int maxY = dimension.getMaxHeight() - 1;
float summit = Math.min(dimension.getHeightAt(centreX, centreY) + 128, dimension.getMaxHeight() - 1);
Random random = new Random();
int noOfRidges = 3 + random.nextInt(2);
float[] ridgeDirections = new float[noOfRidges]; // TODO: have a few more ridgeDirections for later ridges to give more variety
Set ridges = new HashSet<>();
// float firstRidgeDirection = (float) (random.nextLong() * MathUtils.TWO_PI / noOfRidges);
for (int i = 0; i < ridgeDirections.length; i++) {
ridgeDirections[i] = (float) (/*firstRidgeDirection +*/ MathUtils.TWO_PI * i / noOfRidges + random.nextDouble() / 2 - 0.25);
ridges.add(new Ridge(centreX, centreY, summit, ridgeDirections[i], 5f, -5f)); // TODO: vary these
// Keep track of which blocks were raised, to that we can apply the
// theme to them once, at the end; TODO: make this configurable
BitField touchedBlocks = new BitField();
// Dimension snapshot = dimension.getSnapshot();
// dimension.rememberChanges();
try {
raiseCone(dimension, /*snapshot,*/ centreX, centreY, summit, touchedBlocks);
Set addRidges = new HashSet<>();
do {
for (Iterator i = ridges.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Ridge ridge = i.next();
int intX = Math.round(ridge.x);
int intY = Math.round(ridge.y);
float newX = (float) (ridge.x + Math.sin(ridge.θ) * ridge.dXY);
float newY = (float) (ridge.y - Math.cos(ridge.θ) * ridge.dXY);
int intNewX = Math.round(newX);
int intNewY = Math.round(newY);
float newZ = ridge.z + ridge.dZ;
// TODO this causes jagged edges; somehow we're not lining up the line segments vertically correctly
float dZ = (newZ - ridge.z) / MathUtils.getDistance(intX, intY, intNewX, intNewY);
GeometryUtil.visitLine(intX, intY, intNewX, intNewY, (x, y, d) -> {
// Skip the first block as that will have been done
// already in the previous iteration
if (d >= 1) {
// TODO this causes jagged edges; somehow we're not lining up the line segments vertically correctly
raiseCone(dimension, /*snapshot,*/ x, y, ridge.z + d * dZ, touchedBlocks);
return true;
float heightAtHead = dimension.getHeightAt(intNewX, intNewY);
if ((heightAtHead == -Float.MAX_VALUE) || (heightAtHead >= newZ)) {
// Off the map, or reached higher ground
} else {
ridge.x = newX;
ridge.y = newY;
ridge.previousZ = ridge.z;
ridge.z = newZ;
if (random.nextInt(10) == 0) {
ridge.θ += random.nextDouble() - 0.5;
boolean wasRising = ridge.dZ > 0;
ridge.dZ += random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1;
if (ridge.z + ridge.dZ > maxY) {
ridge.dZ = -ridge.dZ;
boolean isFalling = ridge.dZ < 0;
if ((wasRising && isFalling) || (random.nextInt(10) == 0)) { // TODO: make configurable
addRidges.add(new Ridge(ridge.x, ridge.y, ridge.z, ridge.θ + (float) (random.nextBoolean() ? Math.PI / 2 : -Math.PI / 2), 5f, ridge.start.dZ * 0.9f)); // TODO: make configurable? inherit from current ridge?
if (! addRidges.isEmpty()) {
} while (! ridges.isEmpty());
// Apply the theme to every block that was raised
touchedBlocks.visitSetBits((x, y, b) -> {
// TODO: go tile by tile to improve performance, or do this whole thing much better
dimension.applyTheme(x, y);
return true;
} finally {
// TODO optimize this by not going down to bedrock for every one
// TODO flare out at the bottom
// TODO add random variation
private void raiseCone(Dimension dimension, /*Dimension snapshot,*/ int x, int y, float z, BitField touchedBlocks) {
GeometryUtil.visitFilledCircle((int) Math.ceil(z / 1.5), (dx, dy, d) -> {
int localX = x + dx;
int localY = y + dy;
float localZ = z - d * 2 + dx / 1.5f - Math.min(d / 50, 1) * (float) RANDOM_VARIATION.getHeight(localX, localY); // TODO: make slope and bias configurable, and take it into account for radius of visited circle
float existingHeight = dimension.getHeightAt(localX, localY);
if ((existingHeight != -Float.MAX_VALUE) && localZ >= existingHeight) {
dimension.setHeightAt(localX, localY, localZ);
touchedBlocks.set(localX, localY);
return true;
static class Ridge implements Cloneable {
public Ridge(float x, float y, float z, float θ, float dXY, float dZ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.θ = θ;
this.dXY = dXY;
this.dZ = dZ;
previousZ = z;
start = clone();
public Ridge clone() {
try {
return (Ridge) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* The location where the head of the ridge has reached.
float x, y, z;
* The height where the ridge had previously reached.
float previousZ;
* The direction in which the ridge is travelling as a clockwise radian
* where θ == 0 is due north.
float θ;
* The speed at which the ridge is travelling horizontally, and
* vertically. The ridge will terminate when it reaches existing ground
* level.
float dXY, dZ;
* A copy of the settings with which this ridge was created.
Ridge start;
private static final NoiseHeightMap RANDOM_VARIATION = new NoiseHeightMap(20.0, 1.0, 3);
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