org.pepsoft.worldpainter.resources.strings.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
the.donation.paypal.page.has.been.opened=The donation PayPal page has been opened in your browser.\n\nThank you very much for donating\!
thank.you=Thank You
worldpainter.version.0.njava.version.1.noperating.system.2.3.version.4.n=WorldPainter version\: {0} ({1})\nJava version\: {2}\nOperating system\: {3} {4} (version {5})\n
installation.directory.0.n=Installation directory\: {0}\n
worldpainter.config.directory.0.ninstallation.id.1.n=WorldPainter config directory\: {0}\nInstallation ID\: {1}\n
0.plugin.version.1.n={0} plugin version\: {1}\n
minecraft.data.directory.0.n=Minecraft data directory\: {0}\n
available.cpu.cores.0.nmaximum.configured.memory.1.mb.ncurrently.allocated.memory.2.mb.n=Available CPU cores\: {0}\nMaximum configured memory\: {1} MB\nCurrently allocated memory\: {2} MB\n
world.data.size.0.kb.n=World data size\: {0} KB\n
additional.undo.data.size.0.kb.n=Additional undo data size\: {0} KB\n
world.image.data.size.0.kb.n=World image data size\: {0} KB\n
overlay.image.data.size.0.kb.n=Overlay image data size\: {0} KB\n
about.worldpainter=About WorldPainter
change.log=Change log
tech.info=Tech Info
creating.world.image=Creating world image
location.0.1=Location\: {0}, {1}
height.of.0=Height\: ? of {0}
height.0.of.1=Height\: {0} of {1}
layer.0.level.1={0} intensity: {1}
layer.0.on.off={0}: {1,choice,0#off|1#on}
structure.street.furniture=street furniture
fluid.level.1.depth.2={0,choice,0#Water|1#Lava} level\: {1}, depth\: {2}
material.custom.1.0=Terrain\: Custom {1} ({0})
material.0=Terrain\: {0}
biome.0=Biome\: {0}
do.you.want.to.reinitialise.the.biomes=Do you want to reinitialise the biomes?\nThis will destroy all your manual changes\!
radius.0=Radius\: {0}
there.are.unsaved.changes=There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save the world?
loading.world=Loading world
this.world.is.128.blocks.high=This world is 128 blocks high. Do you want to convert it to 256 blocks now,\nso that it can be exported in Minecraft 1.2 ("Anvil") format?\nYou can also do this later with Edit -> Change height...
file.damaged=File Damaged
missing.plugin.s=Missing Plugin(s)
convert.world.height=Convert World Height?
rotating.world=Rotating world
this.world.was.created.when.north.was.to.the.right=This world was created when north was to the right in WorldPainter.\nDo you want to rotate it 90 degrees anticlockwise so that north is up?\nYou can also do this later with Edit -> Rotate...
rotate.world=Rotate World?
there.are.unsaved.changes.do.you.want.to.save.the.world.to.0=There are unsaved changes. Do you want to save the world (to {0})?
customMaterial.0.right.click.to.change={0}; right-click to change
may.we.have.your.permission=May we have your permission to collect anonymous usage statistics?\nIt is purely meant to satisfy the author's curiosity about how many\npeople use the program and where (roughly) they are from, and which\nfunctions are used most often. The information will not include any\npersonal information, and it will never be given or sold to any\nthird parties.\n\nIf you answer "yes", you may get a popup from your firewall asking\nfor permission to send information to the Internet. If so then please\nconfirm your permission on that popup.
usage.statistics.permission=Usage Statistics Permission
generated.world=Generated World
creating.new.world=Creating new world
worldpainter.files.world=WorldPainter Files (*.world)
do.you.want.to.overwrite.the.file=Do you want to overwrite the file?
file.exists=File Exists
file.saved=File saved
non.existant.path=Non Existant Path
access.denied=Access Denied
you.do.not.have.write.access=You do not have write access to the selected directory\!
the.selected.path.does.not.exist=The selected path does not exist or is not a directory\!
saving.world=Saving world
creating.backup.s=creating backup(s)
minecraft.level.dat.file=Minecraft level.dat file
selected.file.is.not.a.valid.level.dat.file=Selected file is not a valid level.dat file.\nPlease select the level.dat file of an existing Minecraft map.
invalid.file=Invalid File
the.import.functionality.only.imports.the.i.landscape=Please note\: the import functionality only imports the landscape
from existing maps\!
You may then modify the landscape, and merge the changes with
the existing map using the Merge (Ctrl+M) functionality.
Any chunks with man-made constructs in them will be marked read-
only by default, and will be left unchanged when the map is merged.
You may remove the read-only flag from these chunks, but be
aware that any man-made constructs in them may be severely
mangled or destroyed\!
unsupported.minecraft.version=Unsupported Minecraft version. This map cannot be imported.
unsupported.version=Unsupported Version
the.region.folder.is.missing=The "region" folder is missing.\nPlease select the level.dat file of a valid and complete Minecraft map.
region.folder.missing=Region Folder Missing
the.region.folder.contains.no.region.files=The "region" folder contains no region files.\nPlease select the level.dat file of a valid and complete Minecraft map.
region.files.missing=Region Files Missing
importing.world=Importing world
the.import.process.generated.warnings=The import process generated warnings. The map may be damaged or corrupted.
Not all chunks may have been imported correctly. Please review the warnings below:
import.warnings=Import Warnings
this.map.is.too.large.to.be.displayed=This map is too large to be displayed by WorldPainter\!\nIt is {0} by {1} blocks ({2} by {3} chunks).
map.too.large=Map Too Large
this.world.was.imported.before.the.great.coordinate.shift=This world was imported before the Great Coordinate Shift of 2012\!\nIt cannot be merged any more. Please import it again, or obtain version 0.7.3\nof WorldPainter if you absolutely need to merge it.
merge.not.allowed=Merge Not Allowed
this.world.was.not.imported=This world was not imported from an existing map\!\nAre you sure you want to merge it with an existing map nonetheless?
not.imported=Not Imported
merging.the.nether.or.end.is.not.yet.supported=Merging the Nether or End is not yet supported.\nThe Nether and End will be copied from the existing world unchanged.\nDo you want to continue?
merging.nether.not.supported=Merging Nether Not Supported
experimental.functionality=Experimental Functionality
zoom.0=Zoom\: {0,number,###0}%
this.is.experimental.and.unfinished.functionality=This is experimental and unfinished functionality\!\n\nThere may be many flaws. The existing map will be\nbacked up to a directory called \"backups\", one\nlevel up from the map you are merging.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
scroll.the.mouse.wheel=Scroll the mouse wheel or press - or + to change the brush radius
memory.usage.0.mb.of.1.mb=Memory usage\: {0} MB of {1} MB
global.operations.fill.or.clear.the.world.with.a.terrain.biome.or.layer=Global Operations\: Fill or clear the world with a terrain, biome or layer
add.a.custom.layer=Add a custom layer
add.a.custom.object.layer=Add a custom object layer
add.a.custom.ground.cover.layer=Add a custom ground cover layer
add.a.custom.underground.pockets.layer=Add a custom underground pockets layer
not.set.click.to.set=not set; click to set
are.you.sure.you.want.to.remove.the.0.layer=Are you sure you want to remove the {0} layer completely from this dimension?\nThis cannot be undone!
confirm.0.removal=Confirm {0} Removal
import=Import new World
custom.biomes=Custom biomes
auto.biomes=Auto biomes
existing.minecraft.map=Import existing Minecraft map
height.map=From height map
export.as.image.file=Export as image file
export.as.height.map=Export as 1:1 (low resolution) integer height map
merge.world=Merge with Minecraft map
this.will.reinitialise.the.biomes=This will reinitialise the biomes and destroy all your changes\!\nAre you sure you want to continue?
confirm.reinitialisation=Confirm Reinitialisation
global.operations=Global operations
add.nether=Add Nether
add.end=Add End
view.surface=View Surface
view.nether=View Nether
view.end=View End
change.colour.scheme=Change colour scheme
configure.view=Configure view
lock.toolbars=Lock toolbars
show.3d.view=Show 3D view
respawn.player=Respawn player
open.custom.brushes.folder=Open custom brushes folder
open.plugins.folder=Open plugins folder
biomes.viewer=Biomes viewer
no.minecraft.jar.supplied=No Minecraft Jar Supplied
you.must.supply.an.original.minecraft.jar=You must supply an original Minecraft 1.4, 1.3, 1.2 or 1.1 minecraft.jar file to use the Biomes Viewer.
whether.or.not.to.display.this.layer=Uncheck to hide layer from view (it will still be exported)
biome.editing.not.applicable.to.0.dimension=Biome editing not applicable to {0} dimension
no.dimension.loaded=No dimension loaded
enable.custom.biomes.in.the.edit.menu=Enable Custom biomes in the Edit menu to enable biome editing
click.to.edit.the.biomes=Click to edit the biomes
current.material.0=Current material\: {0}
select.custom.material=Create custom material
supported.image.formats=Supported image formats
the.file.already.exists=The file already exists\!\nDo you want to overwrite it?
overwrite.file=Overwrite File?
format.0.not.supported=Format {0} does not support the required bit depth\!
exporting.image=Exporting image...
exporting.height.map=Exporting height map...
new.world=New World
create.a.new.world=Create a new world
open.world=Open World
open.an.existing.worldpainter.world=Open an existing WorldPainter world
save.world=Save World
save.the.world.as.a.worldpainter.file.to.the.previously.used.file=Save the world as a WorldPainter file to the previously used file name, without asking to overwrite it
save.world.as=Save World As
save.the.world.as.a.worldpainter.file=Save the world as a WorldPainter file after selecting a file name
export.as.minecraft.map=Export as new Minecraft map
export.the.world.to.a.minecraft.map=Export the world to a Minecraft map
this.is.an.imported.world=This is an imported world. You should use merge,\nnot export, to save your changes to the map it\nwas imported from.\n\nIf you export it, all buildings and other structures,\noverhangs, caves, etc. will be lost\!\n\nAre you sure you want to continue with the export?
shut.down.worldpainter=Shut down WorldPainter
zoom.in=Zoom in
reset.zoom=Reset zoom
reset.the.zoom.level.to.1.1=Reset the zoom level to 1\:1
zoom.out=Zoom out
enable.or.disable.the.grid=Enable or disable the grid
enable.or.disable.height.contours=Enable or disable height contours
enable.or.disable.image.overlay=Enable or disable image overlay(s)
undo.the.most.recent.action=Undo the most recent action
redo.the.most.recent.action=Redo the most recent action
add.remove.tiles=Add/expand/remove tiles
add.or.remove.tiles=Add or remove tiles
change.height=Change height
raise.or.lower.the.entire.map=Raise or lower the entire map
rotate.the.entire.map.by.quarter.turns=Rotate the entire map by quarter turns
this.world.was.imported.from.an.existing.map=This world was imported from an existing map\!\nIf you rotate it you will no longer be able to merge it properly.\nAre you sure you want to rotate the world?
dimension.properties=Dimension properties
edit.the.properties.of.this.dimension=Edit the properties of this dimension
view.distance=View distance
enable.or.disable.showing.the.maximum.far.view.distance=Enable or disable showing the render distance
walking.distances=Walking distances
enable.or.disable.showing.the.walking.distances=Enable or disable showing the five minute, one day and one day and night walking distances
rotate.light.clockwise=Rotate light clockwise
rotate.the.direction.the.light.comes.from.clockwise=Rotate the direction the light comes from clockwise
rotate.light.anticlockwise=Rotate light anticlockwise
rotate.the.direction.the.light.comes.from.anticlockwise=Rotate the direction the light comes from anticlockwise
move.to.spawn=Move to spawn
move.the.view.to.the.spawn.point=Move the view to the spawn point
move.to.origin=Move to origin
move.the.view.to.the.origin.coordinates.0.0=Move the view to the origin (coordinates 0,0)
browse.documentation=Browse documentation
set.intensity.to.0=Set intensity to {0}%
increase.radius=Increase radius
decrease.radius=Decrease radius
review.warnings=Review warnings
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