org.perfectable.introspection.query.MethodQuery Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.perfectable.introspection.query;
import org.perfectable.introspection.PrivilegedActions;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Iterable-like container that searches for methods in class.
* This is straightforward way to search for methods that have specified characteristics in provided class.
Instances of this class are immutable, each filtering produces new, modified instance. To obtain unrestricted
* query, use {@link #of}.
To obtain results either iterate this class with {@link #iterator} (or in enhanced-for loop) or use one of
* {@link #stream()}, {@link #unique()}, {@link #option()} or {@link #isPresent()}.
All methods present in class are searched, either declared in it directly, or inherited from parent classes. This
* means that even methods that are overridden in the inheritance chain will be returned, so methods with the same
* signature but different declaring class might be present multiple times. To avoid this behavior, use
* {@link #notOverridden}.
Example usage, which injects all public instance methods in class "UserService" that have annotation "Inject" on
* them, have one parameter, and does not return value (is void). Before passing field to the method, it is marked
* as {@link Method#setAccessible accessible}.
* MethodQuery.of(UserService.class)
* .requiringModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC)
* .excludingModifier(Modifier.STATIC)
* .annotatedBy(Inject.class)
* .parameters(ParametersFilter.count(1))
* .returningVoid()
* .asAccessible()
* .stream()
* .forEach(this::inject);
"DesignForExtension", // class is closed because of package-private constructor
public abstract class MethodQuery extends ExecutableQuery {
* Queries for fields in specified class.
* @param type class to search methods in
* @return query that returns all constructors in specified class.
public static MethodQuery of(Class> type) {
return new Complete<>(type);
public MethodQuery named(String name) {
return new Named(this, name);
public MethodQuery nameMatching(Pattern namePattern) {
return new NameMatching(this, namePattern);
public MethodQuery filter(Predicate super Method> filter) {
return new Predicated(this, filter);
public MethodQuery parameters(ParametersFilter parametersFilter) {
return new Parameters(this, parametersFilter);
* Restricts query to methods that has a return type that is subtype of specified type.
* This methods accepts every type, even {@link Void#TYPE}. In latter case, it will filter for methods that
* does not return a value, i.e. void methods. For readability, use {@link #returningVoid}.
* @param type return type to restrict
* @return copy of this query that will also filter by return type
public MethodQuery returning(Type type) {
return returning(TypeFilter.subtypeOf(type));
* Restricts query to methods that has a return type that match the filter.
* @param typeFilter filter to restrict method return type with
* @return copy of this query that will also filter by return type
public MethodQuery returning(TypeFilter typeFilter) {
return new Returning(this, typeFilter);
* Restricts query to methods that doesn't return a value, i.e. are void.
* @apiNote This method could be named "notReturning", but its a matter of opinion if it would be more confusing
* than current name. The void method actually returns, ends normally.
* @return copy of this query that will filter methods that have void return
public MethodQuery returningVoid() {
return returning(Void.TYPE);
* Restricts query for methods that are not overridden by other in the inheritance chain.
Normally, the query returns methods that are overridden in the inheritance chain - methods with the same
* signature but different declaring class might be present multiple times. Using this method will change that
* behavior.
* @return copy of this query that will filter methods that are not overridden
public MethodQuery notOverridden() {
return new NotOverriden(this);
public MethodQuery annotatedWith(AnnotationFilter annotationFilter) {
return new Annotated(this, annotationFilter);
public MethodQuery requiringModifier(int requiredModifier) {
return new RequiringModifier(this, requiredModifier);
public MethodQuery excludingModifier(int excludedModifier) {
return new ExcludingModifier(this, excludedModifier);
public MethodQuery asAccessible() {
return new AccessibleMarking(this);
MethodQuery() {
// package extension only
private static final class Complete extends MethodQuery {
private final InheritanceQuery chain;
Complete(Class type) {
this.chain = InheritanceQuery.of(type);
public Stream stream() {
.flatMap(testedClass -> Stream.of(testedClass.getDeclaredMethods()));
public boolean contains(Object candidate) {
if (!(candidate instanceof Method)) {
return false;
Method candidateMethod = (Method) candidate;
Class super X> declaringClass = (Class super X>) candidateMethod.getDeclaringClass();
return chain.contains(declaringClass);
private abstract static class Filtered extends MethodQuery {
private final MethodQuery parent;
Filtered(MethodQuery parent) {
this.parent = parent;
protected abstract boolean matches(Method candidate);
public Stream stream() {
public boolean contains(Object candidate) {
if (!(candidate instanceof Method)) {
return false;
Method candidateMethod = (Method) candidate;
return matches(candidateMethod) && parent.contains(candidate);
private static final class Predicated extends Filtered {
private final Predicate super Method> filter;
Predicated(MethodQuery parent, Predicate super Method> filter) {
this.filter = filter;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return this.filter.test(candidate);
private static final class Named extends Filtered {
private final String name;
Named(MethodQuery parent, String name) {
super(parent); = name;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
private static final class NameMatching extends Filtered {
private final Pattern namePattern;
NameMatching(MethodQuery parent, Pattern namePattern) {
this.namePattern = namePattern;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return this.namePattern.matcher(candidate.getName()).matches();
private static final class Parameters extends Filtered {
private final ParametersFilter parametersFilter;
Parameters(MethodQuery parent, ParametersFilter parametersFilter) {
this.parametersFilter = parametersFilter;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return parametersFilter.matches(candidate);
private static final class Returning extends Filtered {
private final TypeFilter typeFilter;
Returning(MethodQuery parent, TypeFilter typeFilter) {
this.typeFilter = typeFilter;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return this.typeFilter.matches(candidate.getReturnType());
private static final class Annotated extends Filtered {
private final AnnotationFilter annotationFilter;
Annotated(MethodQuery parent, AnnotationFilter annotationFilter) {
this.annotationFilter = annotationFilter;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return this.annotationFilter.matches(candidate);
private static final class RequiringModifier extends Filtered {
private final int requiredModifier;
RequiringModifier(MethodQuery parent, int requiredModifier) {
this.requiredModifier = requiredModifier;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return (candidate.getModifiers() & this.requiredModifier) != 0;
private static final class ExcludingModifier extends Filtered {
private final int excludedModifier;
ExcludingModifier(MethodQuery parent, int excludedModifier) {
this.excludedModifier = excludedModifier;
protected boolean matches(Method candidate) {
return (candidate.getModifiers() & this.excludedModifier) == 0;
private static final class AccessibleMarking extends MethodQuery {
private final MethodQuery parent;
AccessibleMarking(MethodQuery parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public Stream stream() {
public boolean contains(Object candidate) {
return parent.contains(candidate);
private static final class NotOverriden extends MethodQuery {
private final MethodQuery parent;
NotOverriden(MethodQuery parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public Stream stream() {
Set processedMethods = new HashSet<>();
.filter(candidate ->
.filter(processed -> hasEquivalentSignature(candidate, processed))
.noneMatch(processed -> isOverriddenByAssumingSignature(candidate, processed)))
public boolean contains(Object candidate) {
if (!(candidate instanceof Method)) {
return false;
if (!parent.contains(candidate)) {
return false;
Method candidateMethod = (Method) candidate;
MethodQuery overriding = parent
.filter(method -> !candidate.equals(method))
.filter(method -> isOverriddenByAssumingSignature(candidateMethod, method));
return !overriding.isPresent();
private static boolean hasEquivalentSignature(Method left, Method right) {
return left.getName().equals(right.getName())
&& Arrays.equals(left.getParameterTypes(), right.getParameterTypes());
private static boolean isOverriddenByAssumingSignature(Method method, Method potentialOverride) {
int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) {
return false;
Class> declaringClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
Class> potentialOverrideDeclaringClass = potentialOverride.getDeclaringClass();
Package methodPackage = declaringClass.getPackage();
Package potentialOverridePackage = potentialOverrideDeclaringClass.getPackage();
boolean samePackage = methodPackage.equals(potentialOverridePackage);
if (!Modifier.isProtected(modifiers) && !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !samePackage) {
return false;
return declaringClass.isAssignableFrom(potentialOverrideDeclaringClass);