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org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
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package org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core;

 * A Biosample refers to a unit of biological material from which the substrate
 * molecules (e.g. genomic DNA, RNA, proteins) for molecular analyses (e.g.
 * sequencing, array hybridisation, mass-spectrometry) are extracted. Examples
 * would be a tissue biopsy, a single cell from a culture for single cell genome
 * sequencing or a protein fraction from a gradient centrifugation.
 * Several instances (e.g. technical replicates) or types of experiments (e.g.
 * genomic array as well as RNA-seq experiments) may refer to the same Biosample.
 * FHIR mapping: Specimen (
* * Protobuf type {@code org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample} */ public final class Biosample extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) BiosampleOrBuilder { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; // Use Biosample.newBuilder() to construct. private Biosample( builder) { super(builder); } private Biosample() { id_ = ""; individualId_ = ""; description_ = ""; phenotypicFeatures_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); diagnosticMarkers_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); htsFiles_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); variants_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); } @java.lang.Override @SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) protected java.lang.Object newInstance( UnusedPrivateParameter unused) { return new Biosample(); } @java.lang.Override public final getUnknownFields() { return this.unknownFields; } private Biosample( input, extensionRegistry) throws { this(); if (extensionRegistry == null) { throw new java.lang.NullPointerException(); } int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =; try { boolean done = false; while (!done) { int tag = input.readTag(); switch (tag) { case 0: done = true; break; case 10: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); id_ = s; break; } case 18: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); individualId_ = s; break; } case 26: { java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8(); description_ = s; break; } case 34: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder subBuilder = null; if (sampledTissue_ != null) { subBuilder = sampledTissue_.toBuilder(); } sampledTissue_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(sampledTissue_); sampledTissue_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 42: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { phenotypicFeatures_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } phenotypicFeatures_.add( input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 50: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder subBuilder = null; if (taxonomy_ != null) { subBuilder = taxonomy_.toBuilder(); } taxonomy_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(taxonomy_); taxonomy_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 58: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.Builder subBuilder = null; if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { subBuilder = ((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_).toBuilder(); } individualAgeAtCollection_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_); individualAgeAtCollection_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 7; break; } case 66: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.Builder subBuilder = null; if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { subBuilder = ((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_).toBuilder(); } individualAgeAtCollection_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_); individualAgeAtCollection_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 8; break; } case 74: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder subBuilder = null; if (histologicalDiagnosis_ != null) { subBuilder = histologicalDiagnosis_.toBuilder(); } histologicalDiagnosis_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(histologicalDiagnosis_); histologicalDiagnosis_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 82: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder subBuilder = null; if (tumorProgression_ != null) { subBuilder = tumorProgression_.toBuilder(); } tumorProgression_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(tumorProgression_); tumorProgression_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 90: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder subBuilder = null; if (tumorGrade_ != null) { subBuilder = tumorGrade_.toBuilder(); } tumorGrade_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(tumorGrade_); tumorGrade_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 98: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) { diagnosticMarkers_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } diagnosticMarkers_.add( input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 106: { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.Builder subBuilder = null; if (procedure_ != null) { subBuilder = procedure_.toBuilder(); } procedure_ = input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.parser(), extensionRegistry); if (subBuilder != null) { subBuilder.mergeFrom(procedure_); procedure_ = subBuilder.buildPartial(); } break; } case 114: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { htsFiles_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } htsFiles_.add( input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 122: { if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) { variants_ = new java.util.ArrayList(); mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } variants_.add( input.readMessage(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.parser(), extensionRegistry)); break; } case 128: { isControlSample_ = input.readBool(); break; } default: { if (!parseUnknownField( input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) { done = true; } break; } } } } catch ( e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch ( e) { throw new e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } finally { if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { phenotypicFeatures_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(phenotypicFeatures_); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) { diagnosticMarkers_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(diagnosticMarkers_); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { htsFiles_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(htsFiles_); } if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) { variants_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(variants_); } this.unknownFields =; makeExtensionsImmutable(); } } public static final getDescriptor() { return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Base.internal_static_org_phenopackets_schema_v1_core_Biosample_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Base.internal_static_org_phenopackets_schema_v1_core_Biosample_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.class, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.Builder.class); } private int individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; private java.lang.Object individualAgeAtCollection_; public enum IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase implements { AGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION(7), AGE_RANGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION(8), INDIVIDUALAGEATCOLLECTION_NOT_SET(0); private final int value; private IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase(int value) { this.value = value; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #forNumber(int)} instead. */ @java.lang.Deprecated public static IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase valueOf(int value) { return forNumber(value); } public static IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase forNumber(int value) { switch (value) { case 7: return AGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION; case 8: return AGE_RANGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION; case 0: return INDIVIDUALAGEATCOLLECTION_NOT_SET; default: return null; } } public int getNumber() { return this.value; } }; public IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase getIndividualAgeAtCollectionCase() { return IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase.forNumber( individualAgeAtCollectionCase_); } public static final int ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 1; private volatile java.lang.Object id_; /** *
   * The Biosample id This is unique in the
   * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public java.lang.String getId() { java.lang.Object ref = id_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); id_ = s; return s; } } /** *
   * The Biosample id This is unique in the
   * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public getIdBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = id_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); id_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int INDIVIDUAL_ID_FIELD_NUMBER = 2; private volatile java.lang.Object individualId_; /** *
   * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public java.lang.String getIndividualId() { java.lang.Object ref = individualId_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); individualId_ = s; return s; } } /** *
   * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public getIndividualIdBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = individualId_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); individualId_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 3; private volatile java.lang.Object description_; /** *
   * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
   * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { return (java.lang.String) ref; } else { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } } /** *
   * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
   * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } public static final int SAMPLED_TISSUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 4; private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampledTissue_; /** *
   * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
   * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
   * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public boolean hasSampledTissue() { return sampledTissue_ != null; } /** *
   * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
   * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
   * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getSampledTissue() { return sampledTissue_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : sampledTissue_; } /** *
   * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
   * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
   * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getSampledTissueOrBuilder() { return getSampledTissue(); } public static final int PHENOTYPIC_FEATURES_FIELD_NUMBER = 5; private java.util.List phenotypicFeatures_; /** *
   * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public java.util.List getPhenotypicFeaturesList() { return phenotypicFeatures_; } /** *
   * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public java.util.List getPhenotypicFeaturesOrBuilderList() { return phenotypicFeatures_; } /** *
   * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public int getPhenotypicFeaturesCount() { return phenotypicFeatures_.size(); } /** *
   * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature getPhenotypicFeatures(int index) { return phenotypicFeatures_.get(index); } /** *
   * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeatureOrBuilder getPhenotypicFeaturesOrBuilder( int index) { return phenotypicFeatures_.get(index); } public static final int TAXONOMY_FIELD_NUMBER = 6; private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy_; /** *
   * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public boolean hasTaxonomy() { return taxonomy_ != null; } /** *
   * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getTaxonomy() { return taxonomy_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : taxonomy_; } /** *
   * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getTaxonomyOrBuilder() { return getTaxonomy(); } public static final int AGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 7; /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public boolean hasAgeOfIndividualAtCollection() { return individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age getAgeOfIndividualAtCollection() { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance(); } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeOrBuilder getAgeOfIndividualAtCollectionOrBuilder() { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance(); } public static final int AGE_RANGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION_FIELD_NUMBER = 8; /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public boolean hasAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection() { return individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection() { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance(); } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRangeOrBuilder getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionOrBuilder() { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance(); } public static final int HISTOLOGICAL_DIAGNOSIS_FIELD_NUMBER = 9; private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histologicalDiagnosis_; /** *
   * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
   * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
   * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public boolean hasHistologicalDiagnosis() { return histologicalDiagnosis_ != null; } /** *
   * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
   * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
   * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getHistologicalDiagnosis() { return histologicalDiagnosis_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : histologicalDiagnosis_; } /** *
   * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
   * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
   * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getHistologicalDiagnosisOrBuilder() { return getHistologicalDiagnosis(); } public static final int TUMOR_PROGRESSION_FIELD_NUMBER = 10; private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumorProgression_; /** *
   * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
   * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
   * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public boolean hasTumorProgression() { return tumorProgression_ != null; } /** *
   * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
   * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
   * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getTumorProgression() { return tumorProgression_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : tumorProgression_; } /** *
   * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
   * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
   * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
   * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getTumorProgressionOrBuilder() { return getTumorProgression(); } public static final int TUMOR_GRADE_FIELD_NUMBER = 11; private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumorGrade_; /** *
   * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
   * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public boolean hasTumorGrade() { return tumorGrade_ != null; } /** *
   * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
   * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getTumorGrade() { return tumorGrade_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : tumorGrade_; } /** *
   * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
   * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getTumorGradeOrBuilder() { return getTumorGrade(); } public static final int DIAGNOSTIC_MARKERS_FIELD_NUMBER = 12; private java.util.List diagnosticMarkers_; /** *
   * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
   * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
   * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public java.util.List getDiagnosticMarkersList() { return diagnosticMarkers_; } /** *
   * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
   * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
   * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public java.util.List getDiagnosticMarkersOrBuilderList() { return diagnosticMarkers_; } /** *
   * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
   * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
   * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public int getDiagnosticMarkersCount() { return diagnosticMarkers_.size(); } /** *
   * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
   * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
   * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getDiagnosticMarkers(int index) { return diagnosticMarkers_.get(index); } /** *
   * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
   * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
   * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getDiagnosticMarkersOrBuilder( int index) { return diagnosticMarkers_.get(index); } public static final int PROCEDURE_FIELD_NUMBER = 13; private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure_; /** *
   * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public boolean hasProcedure() { return procedure_ != null; } /** *
   * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure getProcedure() { return procedure_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.getDefaultInstance() : procedure_; } /** *
   * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.ProcedureOrBuilder getProcedureOrBuilder() { return getProcedure(); } public static final int HTS_FILES_FIELD_NUMBER = 14; private java.util.List htsFiles_; /** *
   * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public java.util.List getHtsFilesList() { return htsFiles_; } /** *
   * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public java.util.List getHtsFilesOrBuilderList() { return htsFiles_; } /** *
   * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public int getHtsFilesCount() { return htsFiles_.size(); } /** *
   * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile getHtsFiles(int index) { return htsFiles_.get(index); } /** *
   * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFileOrBuilder getHtsFilesOrBuilder( int index) { return htsFiles_.get(index); } public static final int VARIANTS_FIELD_NUMBER = 15; private java.util.List variants_; /** *
   * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public java.util.List getVariantsList() { return variants_; } /** *
   * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public java.util.List getVariantsOrBuilderList() { return variants_; } /** *
   * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public int getVariantsCount() { return variants_.size(); } /** *
   * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant getVariants(int index) { return variants_.get(index); } /** *
   * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.VariantOrBuilder getVariantsOrBuilder( int index) { return variants_.get(index); } public static final int IS_CONTROL_SAMPLE_FIELD_NUMBER = 16; private boolean isControlSample_; /** *
   * if true, this sample is being use as a normal control, often in combination with
   * another sample that is thought to contain a pathological finding
   * the default value is false
* * bool is_control_sample = 16; */ public boolean getIsControlSample() { return isControlSample_; } private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1; @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized; if (isInitialized == 1) return true; if (isInitialized == 0) return false; memoizedIsInitialized = 1; return true; } @java.lang.Override public void writeTo( output) throws { if (!getIdBytes().isEmpty()) {, 1, id_); } if (!getIndividualIdBytes().isEmpty()) {, 2, individualId_); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) {, 3, description_); } if (sampledTissue_ != null) { output.writeMessage(4, getSampledTissue()); } for (int i = 0; i < phenotypicFeatures_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(5, phenotypicFeatures_.get(i)); } if (taxonomy_ != null) { output.writeMessage(6, getTaxonomy()); } if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { output.writeMessage(7, (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_); } if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { output.writeMessage(8, (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_); } if (histologicalDiagnosis_ != null) { output.writeMessage(9, getHistologicalDiagnosis()); } if (tumorProgression_ != null) { output.writeMessage(10, getTumorProgression()); } if (tumorGrade_ != null) { output.writeMessage(11, getTumorGrade()); } for (int i = 0; i < diagnosticMarkers_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(12, diagnosticMarkers_.get(i)); } if (procedure_ != null) { output.writeMessage(13, getProcedure()); } for (int i = 0; i < htsFiles_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(14, htsFiles_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < variants_.size(); i++) { output.writeMessage(15, variants_.get(i)); } if (isControlSample_ != false) { output.writeBool(16, isControlSample_); } unknownFields.writeTo(output); } @java.lang.Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) return size; size = 0; if (!getIdBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, id_); } if (!getIndividualIdBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, individualId_); } if (!getDescriptionBytes().isEmpty()) { size +=, description_); } if (sampledTissue_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(4, getSampledTissue()); } for (int i = 0; i < phenotypicFeatures_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(5, phenotypicFeatures_.get(i)); } if (taxonomy_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(6, getTaxonomy()); } if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { size += .computeMessageSize(7, (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_); } if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { size += .computeMessageSize(8, (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_); } if (histologicalDiagnosis_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(9, getHistologicalDiagnosis()); } if (tumorProgression_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(10, getTumorProgression()); } if (tumorGrade_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(11, getTumorGrade()); } for (int i = 0; i < diagnosticMarkers_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(12, diagnosticMarkers_.get(i)); } if (procedure_ != null) { size += .computeMessageSize(13, getProcedure()); } for (int i = 0; i < htsFiles_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(14, htsFiles_.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < variants_.size(); i++) { size += .computeMessageSize(15, variants_.get(i)); } if (isControlSample_ != false) { size += .computeBoolSize(16, isControlSample_); } size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize(); memoizedSize = size; return size; } @java.lang.Override public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample)) { return super.equals(obj); } org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample other = (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) obj; if (!getId() .equals(other.getId())) return false; if (!getIndividualId() .equals(other.getIndividualId())) return false; if (!getDescription() .equals(other.getDescription())) return false; if (hasSampledTissue() != other.hasSampledTissue()) return false; if (hasSampledTissue()) { if (!getSampledTissue() .equals(other.getSampledTissue())) return false; } if (!getPhenotypicFeaturesList() .equals(other.getPhenotypicFeaturesList())) return false; if (hasTaxonomy() != other.hasTaxonomy()) return false; if (hasTaxonomy()) { if (!getTaxonomy() .equals(other.getTaxonomy())) return false; } if (hasHistologicalDiagnosis() != other.hasHistologicalDiagnosis()) return false; if (hasHistologicalDiagnosis()) { if (!getHistologicalDiagnosis() .equals(other.getHistologicalDiagnosis())) return false; } if (hasTumorProgression() != other.hasTumorProgression()) return false; if (hasTumorProgression()) { if (!getTumorProgression() .equals(other.getTumorProgression())) return false; } if (hasTumorGrade() != other.hasTumorGrade()) return false; if (hasTumorGrade()) { if (!getTumorGrade() .equals(other.getTumorGrade())) return false; } if (!getDiagnosticMarkersList() .equals(other.getDiagnosticMarkersList())) return false; if (hasProcedure() != other.hasProcedure()) return false; if (hasProcedure()) { if (!getProcedure() .equals(other.getProcedure())) return false; } if (!getHtsFilesList() .equals(other.getHtsFilesList())) return false; if (!getVariantsList() .equals(other.getVariantsList())) return false; if (getIsControlSample() != other.getIsControlSample()) return false; if (!getIndividualAgeAtCollectionCase().equals(other.getIndividualAgeAtCollectionCase())) return false; switch (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_) { case 7: if (!getAgeOfIndividualAtCollection() .equals(other.getAgeOfIndividualAtCollection())) return false; break; case 8: if (!getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection() .equals(other.getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection())) return false; break; case 0: default: } if (!unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields)) return false; return true; } @java.lang.Override public int hashCode() { if (memoizedHashCode != 0) { return memoizedHashCode; } int hash = 41; hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + ID_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getId().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + INDIVIDUAL_ID_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIndividualId().hashCode(); hash = (37 * hash) + DESCRIPTION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDescription().hashCode(); if (hasSampledTissue()) { hash = (37 * hash) + SAMPLED_TISSUE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getSampledTissue().hashCode(); } if (getPhenotypicFeaturesCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + PHENOTYPIC_FEATURES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getPhenotypicFeaturesList().hashCode(); } if (hasTaxonomy()) { hash = (37 * hash) + TAXONOMY_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getTaxonomy().hashCode(); } if (hasHistologicalDiagnosis()) { hash = (37 * hash) + HISTOLOGICAL_DIAGNOSIS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getHistologicalDiagnosis().hashCode(); } if (hasTumorProgression()) { hash = (37 * hash) + TUMOR_PROGRESSION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getTumorProgression().hashCode(); } if (hasTumorGrade()) { hash = (37 * hash) + TUMOR_GRADE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getTumorGrade().hashCode(); } if (getDiagnosticMarkersCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + DIAGNOSTIC_MARKERS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getDiagnosticMarkersList().hashCode(); } if (hasProcedure()) { hash = (37 * hash) + PROCEDURE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getProcedure().hashCode(); } if (getHtsFilesCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + HTS_FILES_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getHtsFilesList().hashCode(); } if (getVariantsCount() > 0) { hash = (37 * hash) + VARIANTS_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getVariantsList().hashCode(); } hash = (37 * hash) + IS_CONTROL_SAMPLE_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getIsControlSample()); switch (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_) { case 7: hash = (37 * hash) + AGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getAgeOfIndividualAtCollection().hashCode(); break; case 8: hash = (37 * hash) + AGE_RANGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION_FIELD_NUMBER; hash = (53 * hash) + getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection().hashCode(); break; case 0: default: } hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode(); memoizedHashCode = hash; return hash; } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom(byte[] data) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( byte[] data, extensionRegistry) throws { return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseDelimitedFrom( input) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( input) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return .parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry); } @java.lang.Override public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder(); } public static Builder newBuilder(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample prototype) { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype); } @java.lang.Override public Builder toBuilder() { return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this); } @java.lang.Override protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) { Builder builder = new Builder(parent); return builder; } /** *
   * A Biosample refers to a unit of biological material from which the substrate
   * molecules (e.g. genomic DNA, RNA, proteins) for molecular analyses (e.g.
   * sequencing, array hybridisation, mass-spectrometry) are extracted. Examples
   * would be a tissue biopsy, a single cell from a culture for single cell genome
   * sequencing or a protein fraction from a gradient centrifugation.
   * Several instances (e.g. technical replicates) or types of experiments (e.g.
   * genomic array as well as RNA-seq experiments) may refer to the same Biosample.
   * FHIR mapping: Specimen (
* * Protobuf type {@code org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample} */ public static final class Builder extends implements // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.BiosampleOrBuilder { public static final getDescriptor() { return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Base.internal_static_org_phenopackets_schema_v1_core_Biosample_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable() { return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Base.internal_static_org_phenopackets_schema_v1_core_Biosample_fieldAccessorTable .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.class, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.Builder.class); } // Construct using org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.newBuilder() private Builder() { maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private Builder( parent) { super(parent); maybeForceBuilderInitialization(); } private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() { if ( .alwaysUseFieldBuilders) { getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder(); getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder(); getHtsFilesFieldBuilder(); getVariantsFieldBuilder(); } } @java.lang.Override public Builder clear() { super.clear(); id_ = ""; individualId_ = ""; description_ = ""; if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { sampledTissue_ = null; } else { sampledTissue_ = null; sampledTissueBuilder_ = null; } if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { phenotypicFeatures_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.clear(); } if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { taxonomy_ = null; } else { taxonomy_ = null; taxonomyBuilder_ = null; } if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { histologicalDiagnosis_ = null; } else { histologicalDiagnosis_ = null; histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ = null; } if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { tumorProgression_ = null; } else { tumorProgression_ = null; tumorProgressionBuilder_ = null; } if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { tumorGrade_ = null; } else { tumorGrade_ = null; tumorGradeBuilder_ = null; } if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticMarkers_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.clear(); } if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { procedure_ = null; } else { procedure_ = null; procedureBuilder_ = null; } if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { htsFiles_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.clear(); } if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { variants_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } else { variantsBuilder_.clear(); } isControlSample_ = false; individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; return this; } @java.lang.Override public getDescriptorForType() { return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Base.internal_static_org_phenopackets_schema_v1_core_Biosample_descriptor; } @java.lang.Override public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample getDefaultInstanceForType() { return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.getDefaultInstance(); } @java.lang.Override public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample build() { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample result = buildPartial(); if (!result.isInitialized()) { throw newUninitializedMessageException(result); } return result; } @java.lang.Override public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample buildPartial() { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample result = new org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample(this); int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_; result.id_ = id_; result.individualId_ = individualId_; result.description_ = description_; if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { result.sampledTissue_ = sampledTissue_; } else { result.sampledTissue_ =; } if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { phenotypicFeatures_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(phenotypicFeatures_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } result.phenotypicFeatures_ = phenotypicFeatures_; } else { result.phenotypicFeatures_ =; } if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { result.taxonomy_ = taxonomy_; } else { result.taxonomy_ =; } if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { result.individualAgeAtCollection_ = individualAgeAtCollection_; } else { result.individualAgeAtCollection_ =; } } if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { result.individualAgeAtCollection_ = individualAgeAtCollection_; } else { result.individualAgeAtCollection_ =; } } if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { result.histologicalDiagnosis_ = histologicalDiagnosis_; } else { result.histologicalDiagnosis_ =; } if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { result.tumorProgression_ = tumorProgression_; } else { result.tumorProgression_ =; } if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { result.tumorGrade_ = tumorGrade_; } else { result.tumorGrade_ =; } if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) { diagnosticMarkers_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(diagnosticMarkers_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } result.diagnosticMarkers_ = diagnosticMarkers_; } else { result.diagnosticMarkers_ =; } if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { result.procedure_ = procedure_; } else { result.procedure_ =; } if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { htsFiles_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(htsFiles_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } result.htsFiles_ = htsFiles_; } else { result.htsFiles_ =; } if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) { variants_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(variants_); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } result.variants_ = variants_; } else { result.variants_ =; } result.isControlSample_ = isControlSample_; result.individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = individualAgeAtCollectionCase_; onBuilt(); return result; } @java.lang.Override public Builder clone() { return super.clone(); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return super.setField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearField( field) { return super.clearField(field); } @java.lang.Override public Builder clearOneof( oneof) { return super.clearOneof(oneof); } @java.lang.Override public Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, java.lang.Object value) { return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder addRepeatedField( field, java.lang.Object value) { return super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( other) { if (other instanceof org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) { return mergeFrom((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample)other); } else { super.mergeFrom(other); return this; } } public Builder mergeFrom(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample other) { if (other == org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample.getDefaultInstance()) return this; if (!other.getId().isEmpty()) { id_ = other.id_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getIndividualId().isEmpty()) { individualId_ = other.individualId_; onChanged(); } if (!other.getDescription().isEmpty()) { description_ = other.description_; onChanged(); } if (other.hasSampledTissue()) { mergeSampledTissue(other.getSampledTissue()); } if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.phenotypicFeatures_.isEmpty()) { if (phenotypicFeatures_.isEmpty()) { phenotypicFeatures_ = other.phenotypicFeatures_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); } else { ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.addAll(other.phenotypicFeatures_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.phenotypicFeatures_.isEmpty()) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.isEmpty()) { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.dispose(); phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ = null; phenotypicFeatures_ = other.phenotypicFeatures_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ = ? getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder() : null; } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.phenotypicFeatures_); } } } if (other.hasTaxonomy()) { mergeTaxonomy(other.getTaxonomy()); } if (other.hasHistologicalDiagnosis()) { mergeHistologicalDiagnosis(other.getHistologicalDiagnosis()); } if (other.hasTumorProgression()) { mergeTumorProgression(other.getTumorProgression()); } if (other.hasTumorGrade()) { mergeTumorGrade(other.getTumorGrade()); } if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.diagnosticMarkers_.isEmpty()) { if (diagnosticMarkers_.isEmpty()) { diagnosticMarkers_ = other.diagnosticMarkers_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); } else { ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.addAll(other.diagnosticMarkers_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.diagnosticMarkers_.isEmpty()) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.isEmpty()) { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.dispose(); diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ = null; diagnosticMarkers_ = other.diagnosticMarkers_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ = ? getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder() : null; } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.diagnosticMarkers_); } } } if (other.hasProcedure()) { mergeProcedure(other.getProcedure()); } if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.htsFiles_.isEmpty()) { if (htsFiles_.isEmpty()) { htsFiles_ = other.htsFiles_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); } else { ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.addAll(other.htsFiles_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.htsFiles_.isEmpty()) { if (htsFilesBuilder_.isEmpty()) { htsFilesBuilder_.dispose(); htsFilesBuilder_ = null; htsFiles_ = other.htsFiles_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); htsFilesBuilder_ = ? getHtsFilesFieldBuilder() : null; } else { htsFilesBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.htsFiles_); } } } if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { if (!other.variants_.isEmpty()) { if (variants_.isEmpty()) { variants_ = other.variants_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); } else { ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.addAll(other.variants_); } onChanged(); } } else { if (!other.variants_.isEmpty()) { if (variantsBuilder_.isEmpty()) { variantsBuilder_.dispose(); variantsBuilder_ = null; variants_ = other.variants_; bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); variantsBuilder_ = ? getVariantsFieldBuilder() : null; } else { variantsBuilder_.addAllMessages(other.variants_); } } } if (other.getIsControlSample() != false) { setIsControlSample(other.getIsControlSample()); } switch (other.getIndividualAgeAtCollectionCase()) { case AGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION: { mergeAgeOfIndividualAtCollection(other.getAgeOfIndividualAtCollection()); break; } case AGE_RANGE_OF_INDIVIDUAL_AT_COLLECTION: { mergeAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection(other.getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection()); break; } case INDIVIDUALAGEATCOLLECTION_NOT_SET: { break; } } this.mergeUnknownFields(other.unknownFields); onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final boolean isInitialized() { return true; } @java.lang.Override public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample parsedMessage = null; try { parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry); } catch ( e) { parsedMessage = (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) e.getUnfinishedMessage(); throw e.unwrapIOException(); } finally { if (parsedMessage != null) { mergeFrom(parsedMessage); } } return this; } private int individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; private java.lang.Object individualAgeAtCollection_; public IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase getIndividualAgeAtCollectionCase() { return IndividualAgeAtCollectionCase.forNumber( individualAgeAtCollectionCase_); } public Builder clearIndividualAgeAtCollection() { individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; onChanged(); return this; } private int bitField0_; private java.lang.Object id_ = ""; /** *
     * The Biosample id This is unique in the
     * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public java.lang.String getId() { java.lang.Object ref = id_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); id_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
     * The Biosample id This is unique in the
     * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public getIdBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = id_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); id_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
     * The Biosample id This is unique in the
     * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public Builder setId( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } id_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * The Biosample id This is unique in the
     * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public Builder clearId() { id_ = getDefaultInstance().getId(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * The Biosample id This is unique in the
     * context of the server instance.
* * string id = 1; */ public Builder setIdBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); id_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object individualId_ = ""; /** *
     * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public java.lang.String getIndividualId() { java.lang.Object ref = individualId_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); individualId_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
     * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public getIndividualIdBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = individualId_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); individualId_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
     * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public Builder setIndividualId( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } individualId_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public Builder clearIndividualId() { individualId_ = getDefaultInstance().getIndividualId(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * The id of the individual this biosample was derived from.
* * string individual_id = 2; */ public Builder setIndividualIdBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); individualId_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private java.lang.Object description_ = ""; /** *
     * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
     * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public java.lang.String getDescription() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) { bs = ( ref; java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8(); description_ = s; return s; } else { return (java.lang.String) ref; } } /** *
     * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
     * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public getDescriptionBytes() { java.lang.Object ref = description_; if (ref instanceof String) { b = (java.lang.String) ref); description_ = b; return b; } else { return ( ref; } } /** *
     * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
     * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public Builder setDescription( java.lang.String value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
     * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public Builder clearDescription() { description_ = getDefaultInstance().getDescription(); onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * The biosample's description. This attribute contains human readable text.
     * The "description" attributes should not contain any structured data.
* * string description = 3; */ public Builder setDescriptionBytes( value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } checkByteStringIsUtf8(value); description_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampledTissue_; private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> sampledTissueBuilder_; /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public boolean hasSampledTissue() { return sampledTissueBuilder_ != null || sampledTissue_ != null; } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getSampledTissue() { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { return sampledTissue_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : sampledTissue_; } else { return sampledTissueBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public Builder setSampledTissue(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } sampledTissue_ = value; onChanged(); } else { sampledTissueBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public Builder setSampledTissue( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { sampledTissue_ =; onChanged(); } else { sampledTissueBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public Builder mergeSampledTissue(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { if (sampledTissue_ != null) { sampledTissue_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.newBuilder(sampledTissue_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { sampledTissue_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { sampledTissueBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public Builder clearSampledTissue() { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { sampledTissue_ = null; onChanged(); } else { sampledTissue_ = null; sampledTissueBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder getSampledTissueBuilder() { onChanged(); return getSampledTissueFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getSampledTissueOrBuilder() { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ != null) { return sampledTissueBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return sampledTissue_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : sampledTissue_; } } /** *
     * UBERON class describing the tissue from which the specimen was collected.
     * PDX-MI mapping: 'Specimen tumor tissue'
     * FHIR mapping: Specimen.type
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass sampled_tissue = 4; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> getSampledTissueFieldBuilder() { if (sampledTissueBuilder_ == null) { sampledTissueBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder>( getSampledTissue(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); sampledTissue_ = null; } return sampledTissueBuilder_; } private java.util.List phenotypicFeatures_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) { phenotypicFeatures_ = new java.util.ArrayList(phenotypicFeatures_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000001; } } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeatureOrBuilder> phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_; /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public java.util.List getPhenotypicFeaturesList() { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(phenotypicFeatures_); } else { return phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public int getPhenotypicFeaturesCount() { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { return phenotypicFeatures_.size(); } else { return phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature getPhenotypicFeatures(int index) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { return phenotypicFeatures_.get(index); } else { return phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder setPhenotypicFeatures( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature value) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder setPhenotypicFeatures( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder builderForValue) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder addPhenotypicFeatures(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature value) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder addPhenotypicFeatures( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature value) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder addPhenotypicFeatures( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder builderForValue) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.add(; onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder addPhenotypicFeatures( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder builderForValue) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder addAllPhenotypicFeatures( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); values, phenotypicFeatures_); onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder clearPhenotypicFeatures() { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { phenotypicFeatures_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001); onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public Builder removePhenotypicFeatures(int index) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { ensurePhenotypicFeaturesIsMutable(); phenotypicFeatures_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder getPhenotypicFeaturesBuilder( int index) { return getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeatureOrBuilder getPhenotypicFeaturesOrBuilder( int index) { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { return phenotypicFeatures_.get(index); } else { return phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public java.util.List getPhenotypicFeaturesOrBuilderList() { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ != null) { return phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(phenotypicFeatures_); } } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder addPhenotypicFeaturesBuilder() { return getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder addPhenotypicFeaturesBuilder( int index) { return getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Phenotypic characteristics of the BioSample, for example histological findings of a biopsy.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature phenotypic_features = 5; */ public java.util.List getPhenotypicFeaturesBuilderList() { return getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeatureOrBuilder> getPhenotypicFeaturesFieldBuilder() { if (phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ == null) { phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeature.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.PhenotypicFeatureOrBuilder>( phenotypicFeatures_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); phenotypicFeatures_ = null; } return phenotypicFeaturesBuilder_; } private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy_; private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> taxonomyBuilder_; /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public boolean hasTaxonomy() { return taxonomyBuilder_ != null || taxonomy_ != null; } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getTaxonomy() { if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { return taxonomy_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : taxonomy_; } else { return taxonomyBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public Builder setTaxonomy(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } taxonomy_ = value; onChanged(); } else { taxonomyBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public Builder setTaxonomy( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { taxonomy_ =; onChanged(); } else { taxonomyBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public Builder mergeTaxonomy(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { if (taxonomy_ != null) { taxonomy_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.newBuilder(taxonomy_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { taxonomy_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { taxonomyBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public Builder clearTaxonomy() { if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { taxonomy_ = null; onChanged(); } else { taxonomy_ = null; taxonomyBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder getTaxonomyBuilder() { onChanged(); return getTaxonomyFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getTaxonomyOrBuilder() { if (taxonomyBuilder_ != null) { return taxonomyBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return taxonomy_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : taxonomy_; } } /** *
     * NCBI taxonomic identifier (NCBITaxon) of the sample e.g. NCBITaxon:9606
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass taxonomy = 6; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> getTaxonomyFieldBuilder() { if (taxonomyBuilder_ == null) { taxonomyBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder>( getTaxonomy(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); taxonomy_ = null; } return taxonomyBuilder_; } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeOrBuilder> ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_; /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public boolean hasAgeOfIndividualAtCollection() { return individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age getAgeOfIndividualAtCollection() { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance(); } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { return ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.getMessage(); } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance(); } } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public Builder setAgeOfIndividualAtCollection(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age value) { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } individualAgeAtCollection_ = value; onChanged(); } else { ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.setMessage(value); } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 7; return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public Builder setAgeOfIndividualAtCollection( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.Builder builderForValue) { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { individualAgeAtCollection_ =; onChanged(); } else { ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.setMessage(; } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 7; return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public Builder mergeAgeOfIndividualAtCollection(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age value) { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7 && individualAgeAtCollection_ != org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance()) { individualAgeAtCollection_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.newBuilder((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_) .mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { individualAgeAtCollection_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.setMessage(value); } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 7; return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public Builder clearAgeOfIndividualAtCollection() { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; onChanged(); } } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; } ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.Builder getAgeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder() { return getAgeOfIndividualAtCollectionFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeOrBuilder getAgeOfIndividualAtCollectionOrBuilder() { if ((individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) && (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ != null)) { return ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance(); } } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age age_of_individual_at_collection = 7; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeOrBuilder> getAgeOfIndividualAtCollectionFieldBuilder() { if (ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (!(individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 7)) { individualAgeAtCollection_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.getDefaultInstance(); } ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeOrBuilder>( (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Age) individualAgeAtCollection_, getParentForChildren(), isClean()); individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 7; onChanged();; return ageOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_; } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRangeOrBuilder> ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_; /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public boolean hasAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection() { return individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection() { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance(); } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { return ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.getMessage(); } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance(); } } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public Builder setAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange value) { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } individualAgeAtCollection_ = value; onChanged(); } else { ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.setMessage(value); } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 8; return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public Builder setAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.Builder builderForValue) { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { individualAgeAtCollection_ =; onChanged(); } else { ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.setMessage(; } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 8; return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public Builder mergeAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange value) { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8 && individualAgeAtCollection_ != org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance()) { individualAgeAtCollection_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.newBuilder((org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_) .mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { individualAgeAtCollection_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.setMessage(value); } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 8; return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public Builder clearAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollection() { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; onChanged(); } } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 0; individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; } ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.Builder getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder() { return getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRangeOrBuilder getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionOrBuilder() { if ((individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) && (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ != null)) { return ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { if (individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8) { return (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_; } return org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance(); } } /** * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange age_range_of_individual_at_collection = 8; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRangeOrBuilder> getAgeRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionFieldBuilder() { if (ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ == null) { if (!(individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ == 8)) { individualAgeAtCollection_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.getDefaultInstance(); } ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRangeOrBuilder>( (org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.AgeRange) individualAgeAtCollection_, getParentForChildren(), isClean()); individualAgeAtCollection_ = null; } individualAgeAtCollectionCase_ = 8; onChanged();; return ageRangeOfIndividualAtCollectionBuilder_; } private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histologicalDiagnosis_; private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_; /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public boolean hasHistologicalDiagnosis() { return histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ != null || histologicalDiagnosis_ != null; } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getHistologicalDiagnosis() { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { return histologicalDiagnosis_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : histologicalDiagnosis_; } else { return histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public Builder setHistologicalDiagnosis(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } histologicalDiagnosis_ = value; onChanged(); } else { histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public Builder setHistologicalDiagnosis( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { histologicalDiagnosis_ =; onChanged(); } else { histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public Builder mergeHistologicalDiagnosis(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { if (histologicalDiagnosis_ != null) { histologicalDiagnosis_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.newBuilder(histologicalDiagnosis_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { histologicalDiagnosis_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public Builder clearHistologicalDiagnosis() { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { histologicalDiagnosis_ = null; onChanged(); } else { histologicalDiagnosis_ = null; histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder getHistologicalDiagnosisBuilder() { onChanged(); return getHistologicalDiagnosisFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getHistologicalDiagnosisOrBuilder() { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ != null) { return histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return histologicalDiagnosis_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : histologicalDiagnosis_; } } /** *
     * This is the pathologist’s diagnosis and may often represent a refinement of the clinical diagnosis given in the
     * Patient/Clinical module. Should use the same terminology as diagnosis, but represent the pathologist’s findings.
     * Normal samples would be tagged with the term "NCIT:C38757", "Negative Finding"
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass histological_diagnosis = 9; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> getHistologicalDiagnosisFieldBuilder() { if (histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ == null) { histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder>( getHistologicalDiagnosis(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); histologicalDiagnosis_ = null; } return histologicalDiagnosisBuilder_; } private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumorProgression_; private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> tumorProgressionBuilder_; /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public boolean hasTumorProgression() { return tumorProgressionBuilder_ != null || tumorProgression_ != null; } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getTumorProgression() { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { return tumorProgression_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : tumorProgression_; } else { return tumorProgressionBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public Builder setTumorProgression(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } tumorProgression_ = value; onChanged(); } else { tumorProgressionBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public Builder setTumorProgression( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { tumorProgression_ =; onChanged(); } else { tumorProgressionBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public Builder mergeTumorProgression(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { if (tumorProgression_ != null) { tumorProgression_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.newBuilder(tumorProgression_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { tumorProgression_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { tumorProgressionBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public Builder clearTumorProgression() { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { tumorProgression_ = null; onChanged(); } else { tumorProgression_ = null; tumorProgressionBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder getTumorProgressionBuilder() { onChanged(); return getTumorProgressionFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getTumorProgressionOrBuilder() { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ != null) { return tumorProgressionBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return tumorProgression_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : tumorProgression_; } } /** *
     * Is the specimen tissue from the primary tumor, a metastasis or a recurrence?
     * Most likely a child term of NCIT:C7062 (Neoplasm by Special Category)
     * NCIT:C3677 (Benign Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C84509 (Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C95606 (Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C3261 (Metastatic Neoplasm)
     * NCIT:C4813 (Recurrent Malignant Neoplasm)
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_progression = 10; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> getTumorProgressionFieldBuilder() { if (tumorProgressionBuilder_ == null) { tumorProgressionBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder>( getTumorProgression(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); tumorProgression_ = null; } return tumorProgressionBuilder_; } private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumorGrade_; private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> tumorGradeBuilder_; /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public boolean hasTumorGrade() { return tumorGradeBuilder_ != null || tumorGrade_ != null; } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getTumorGrade() { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { return tumorGrade_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : tumorGrade_; } else { return tumorGradeBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public Builder setTumorGrade(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } tumorGrade_ = value; onChanged(); } else { tumorGradeBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public Builder setTumorGrade( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { tumorGrade_ =; onChanged(); } else { tumorGradeBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public Builder mergeTumorGrade(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { if (tumorGrade_ != null) { tumorGrade_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.newBuilder(tumorGrade_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { tumorGrade_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { tumorGradeBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public Builder clearTumorGrade() { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { tumorGrade_ = null; onChanged(); } else { tumorGrade_ = null; tumorGradeBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder getTumorGradeBuilder() { onChanged(); return getTumorGradeFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getTumorGradeOrBuilder() { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ != null) { return tumorGradeBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return tumorGrade_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance() : tumorGrade_; } } /** *
     * Potentially a child term of NCIT:C28076 (Disease Grade Qualifier) or equivalent
     * See
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass tumor_grade = 11; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> getTumorGradeFieldBuilder() { if (tumorGradeBuilder_ == null) { tumorGradeBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder>( getTumorGrade(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); tumorGrade_ = null; } return tumorGradeBuilder_; } private java.util.List diagnosticMarkers_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) { diagnosticMarkers_ = new java.util.ArrayList(diagnosticMarkers_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000002; } } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> diagnosticMarkersBuilder_; /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public java.util.List getDiagnosticMarkersList() { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(diagnosticMarkers_); } else { return diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public int getDiagnosticMarkersCount() { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticMarkers_.size(); } else { return diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass getDiagnosticMarkers(int index) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticMarkers_.get(index); } else { return diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder setDiagnosticMarkers( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder setDiagnosticMarkers( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder addDiagnosticMarkers(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder addDiagnosticMarkers( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass value) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder addDiagnosticMarkers( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.add(; onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder addDiagnosticMarkers( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder builderForValue) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder addAllDiagnosticMarkers( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); values, diagnosticMarkers_); onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder clearDiagnosticMarkers() { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticMarkers_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002); onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public Builder removeDiagnosticMarkers(int index) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { ensureDiagnosticMarkersIsMutable(); diagnosticMarkers_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder getDiagnosticMarkersBuilder( int index) { return getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder getDiagnosticMarkersOrBuilder( int index) { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { return diagnosticMarkers_.get(index); } else { return diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public java.util.List getDiagnosticMarkersOrBuilderList() { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ != null) { return diagnosticMarkersBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(diagnosticMarkers_); } } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder addDiagnosticMarkersBuilder() { return getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder addDiagnosticMarkersBuilder( int index) { return getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Clinically relevant bio markers. Most of the assays such as IHC are covered by the NCIT under the sub-hierarchy
     * NCIT:C25294 (Laboratory Procedure).
     * e.g. NCIT:C68748 (HER2/Neu Positive), NCIT:C131711 (Human Papillomavirus-18 Positive)
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass diagnostic_markers = 12; */ public java.util.List getDiagnosticMarkersBuilderList() { return getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder> getDiagnosticMarkersFieldBuilder() { if (diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ == null) { diagnosticMarkersBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClass.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.OntologyClassOrBuilder>( diagnosticMarkers_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); diagnosticMarkers_ = null; } return diagnosticMarkersBuilder_; } private org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure_; private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.ProcedureOrBuilder> procedureBuilder_; /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public boolean hasProcedure() { return procedureBuilder_ != null || procedure_ != null; } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure getProcedure() { if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { return procedure_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.getDefaultInstance() : procedure_; } else { return procedureBuilder_.getMessage(); } } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public Builder setProcedure(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure value) { if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } procedure_ = value; onChanged(); } else { procedureBuilder_.setMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public Builder setProcedure( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.Builder builderForValue) { if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { procedure_ =; onChanged(); } else { procedureBuilder_.setMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public Builder mergeProcedure(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure value) { if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { if (procedure_ != null) { procedure_ = org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.newBuilder(procedure_).mergeFrom(value).buildPartial(); } else { procedure_ = value; } onChanged(); } else { procedureBuilder_.mergeFrom(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public Builder clearProcedure() { if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { procedure_ = null; onChanged(); } else { procedure_ = null; procedureBuilder_ = null; } return this; } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.Builder getProcedureBuilder() { onChanged(); return getProcedureFieldBuilder().getBuilder(); } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.ProcedureOrBuilder getProcedureOrBuilder() { if (procedureBuilder_ != null) { return procedureBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(); } else { return procedure_ == null ? org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.getDefaultInstance() : procedure_; } } /** *
     * Clinical procedure performed on the subject in order to extract the biosample.
* * .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure procedure = 13; */ private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.ProcedureOrBuilder> getProcedureFieldBuilder() { if (procedureBuilder_ == null) { procedureBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Procedure.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.ProcedureOrBuilder>( getProcedure(), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); procedure_ = null; } return procedureBuilder_; } private java.util.List htsFiles_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureHtsFilesIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) { htsFiles_ = new java.util.ArrayList(htsFiles_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000004; } } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFileOrBuilder> htsFilesBuilder_; /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public java.util.List getHtsFilesList() { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(htsFiles_); } else { return htsFilesBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public int getHtsFilesCount() { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { return htsFiles_.size(); } else { return htsFilesBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile getHtsFiles(int index) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { return htsFiles_.get(index); } else { return htsFilesBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder setHtsFiles( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile value) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder setHtsFiles( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder builderForValue) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder addHtsFiles(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile value) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder addHtsFiles( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile value) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder addHtsFiles( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder builderForValue) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.add(; onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder addHtsFiles( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder builderForValue) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder addAllHtsFiles( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); values, htsFiles_); onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder clearHtsFiles() { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { htsFiles_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004); onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public Builder removeHtsFiles(int index) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { ensureHtsFilesIsMutable(); htsFiles_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { htsFilesBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder getHtsFilesBuilder( int index) { return getHtsFilesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFileOrBuilder getHtsFilesOrBuilder( int index) { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { return htsFiles_.get(index); } else { return htsFilesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public java.util.List getHtsFilesOrBuilderList() { if (htsFilesBuilder_ != null) { return htsFilesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(htsFiles_); } } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder addHtsFilesBuilder() { return getHtsFilesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder addHtsFilesBuilder( int index) { return getHtsFilesFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Pointer to the relevant HTS file(s) for the biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile hts_files = 14; */ public java.util.List getHtsFilesBuilderList() { return getHtsFilesFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFileOrBuilder> getHtsFilesFieldBuilder() { if (htsFilesBuilder_ == null) { htsFilesBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFile.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.HtsFileOrBuilder>( htsFiles_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); htsFiles_ = null; } return htsFilesBuilder_; } private java.util.List variants_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); private void ensureVariantsIsMutable() { if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) { variants_ = new java.util.ArrayList(variants_); bitField0_ |= 0x00000008; } } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.VariantOrBuilder> variantsBuilder_; /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public java.util.List getVariantsList() { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(variants_); } else { return variantsBuilder_.getMessageList(); } } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public int getVariantsCount() { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { return variants_.size(); } else { return variantsBuilder_.getCount(); } } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant getVariants(int index) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { return variants_.get(index); } else { return variantsBuilder_.getMessage(index); } } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder setVariants( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant value) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.set(index, value); onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.setMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder setVariants( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder builderForValue) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.set(index,; onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.setMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder addVariants(org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant value) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.add(value); onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.addMessage(value); } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder addVariants( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant value) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.add(index, value); onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.addMessage(index, value); } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder addVariants( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder builderForValue) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.add(; onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.addMessage(; } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder addVariants( int index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder builderForValue) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.add(index,; onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.addMessage(index,; } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder addAllVariants( java.lang.Iterable values) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { ensureVariantsIsMutable(); values, variants_); onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.addAllMessages(values); } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder clearVariants() { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { variants_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList(); bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000008); onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.clear(); } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public Builder removeVariants(int index) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { ensureVariantsIsMutable(); variants_.remove(index); onChanged(); } else { variantsBuilder_.remove(index); } return this; } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder getVariantsBuilder( int index) { return getVariantsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index); } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.VariantOrBuilder getVariantsOrBuilder( int index) { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { return variants_.get(index); } else { return variantsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index); } } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public java.util.List getVariantsOrBuilderList() { if (variantsBuilder_ != null) { return variantsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilderList(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(variants_); } } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder addVariantsBuilder() { return getVariantsFieldBuilder().addBuilder( org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder addVariantsBuilder( int index) { return getVariantsFieldBuilder().addBuilder( index, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.getDefaultInstance()); } /** *
     * Field for variants relevant to this biosample.
* * repeated .org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant variants = 15; */ public java.util.List getVariantsBuilderList() { return getVariantsFieldBuilder().getBuilderList(); } private< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.VariantOrBuilder> getVariantsFieldBuilder() { if (variantsBuilder_ == null) { variantsBuilder_ = new< org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Variant.Builder, org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.VariantOrBuilder>( variants_, ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0), getParentForChildren(), isClean()); variants_ = null; } return variantsBuilder_; } private boolean isControlSample_ ; /** *
     * if true, this sample is being use as a normal control, often in combination with
     * another sample that is thought to contain a pathological finding
     * the default value is false
* * bool is_control_sample = 16; */ public boolean getIsControlSample() { return isControlSample_; } /** *
     * if true, this sample is being use as a normal control, often in combination with
     * another sample that is thought to contain a pathological finding
     * the default value is false
* * bool is_control_sample = 16; */ public Builder setIsControlSample(boolean value) { isControlSample_ = value; onChanged(); return this; } /** *
     * if true, this sample is being use as a normal control, often in combination with
     * another sample that is thought to contain a pathological finding
     * the default value is false
* * bool is_control_sample = 16; */ public Builder clearIsControlSample() { isControlSample_ = false; onChanged(); return this; } @java.lang.Override public final Builder setUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields); } @java.lang.Override public final Builder mergeUnknownFields( final unknownFields) { return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields); } // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) } // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample) private static final org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample DEFAULT_INSTANCE; static { DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample(); } public static org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample getDefaultInstance() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } private static final PARSER = new { @java.lang.Override public Biosample parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws { return new Biosample(input, extensionRegistry); } }; public static parser() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public getParserForType() { return PARSER; } @java.lang.Override public org.phenopackets.schema.v1.core.Biosample getDefaultInstanceForType() { return DEFAULT_INSTANCE; } }

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