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import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.NamingException;

import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Param;

@MessageBundle(projectCode = "PBOX", length = 5)
public interface PicketBoxMessages {

    PicketBoxMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(PicketBoxMessages.class);

    @Message(id = 1, value = "Invalid control flag: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidControlFlag(String flag);

    @Message(id = 2, value = "IdentityFactory for type %s not implemented")
    IllegalArgumentException identityTypeFactoryNotImplemented(String identityType);

    @Message(id = 3, value = "Class is not an instance of %s")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidType(String type);

    @Message(id = 4, value = "Argument %s cannot be null")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidNullArgument(String argumentName);

    @Message(id = 5, value = "Caller denied by identity trust framework")
    String deniedByIdentityTrustMessage();

    @Message(id = 6, value = "Unable to load vault class")
    String unableToLoadVaultMessage();

    @Message(id = 7, value = "Unable to instantiate vault class")
    String unableToCreateVaultMessage();

    @Message(id = 8, value = "Vault is not initialized")
    String vaultNotInitializedMessage();

    @Message(id = 9, value = "Invalid vaultString format: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidVaultStringFormat(String vaultString);

    @Message(id = 10, value = "Unable to find setSecurityInfo(Principal, Object) in CallbackHandler")
    String unableToFindSetSecurityInfoMessage();

    @Message(id = 11, value = "Thread context classloader has not been set")
    IllegalStateException invalidThreadContextClassLoader();

    @Message(id = 12, value = "'' system property not set and auth.conf file not present")
    IllegalStateException invalidNullLoginConfig();

    @Message(id = 13, value = "Unable to initialize security factory")
    RuntimeException unableToInitSecurityFactory(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 14, value = "%s does not handle a callback of type %s")
    UnsupportedCallbackException unableToHandleCallback(@Param Callback callback, String callbackHandler, String callbackType);

    @Message(id = 15, value = "Invalid annotation configuration: either @SecurityConfig or @Authentication is needed")
    RuntimeException invalidSecurityAnnotationConfig();

    @Message(id = 16, value = "Access denied: authentication failed")
    String authenticationFailedMessage();

    @Message(id = 17, value = "Access denied: authorization failed")
    String authorizationFailedMessage();

    @Message(id = 18, value = "Subject contains a null set of roles")
    String nullRolesInSubjectMessage();

    @Message(id = 19, value = "ACLEntry permission has already been set")
    IllegalStateException aclEntryPermissionAlreadySet();

    @Message(id = 20, value = "ACL resource has already been set")
    IllegalStateException aclResourceAlreadySet();

    @Message(id = 21, value = "Failed to instantiate persistence strategy class")
    RuntimeException unableToCreateACLPersistenceStrategy(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 22, value = "Unable to locate ACL for resource %s")
    String unableToLocateACLForResourceMessage(String resource);

    @Message(id = 23, value = "Unable to locate ACL: persistence strategy has not been set")
    String unableToLocateACLWithNoStrategyMessage();

    @Message(id = 24, value = "Malformed identity string: %s. Expected Identity_Class:Identity_Name")
    IllegalArgumentException malformedIdentityString(String identityString);

    @Message(id = 25, value = "Failed to obtain SHA MessageDigest")
    ProviderException failedToObtainSHAMessageDigest(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 26, value = "Failed to create SecretKeySpec from session key")
    KeyException failedToCreateSecretKeySpec(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 27, value = "Unexpected exception during SecretKeySpec creation")
    KeyException unexpectedExceptionDuringSecretKeyCreation(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 28, value = "Failed to create SealedObject")
    GeneralSecurityException failedToCreateSealedObject(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 29, value = "Enter the username: ")
    String enterUsernameMessage();

    @Message(id = 30, value = "Enter the password: ")
    String enterPasswordMessage();

    @Message(id = 31, value = "Failed to obtain the username")
    SecurityException failedToObtainUsername(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 32, value = "Failed to obtain the password")
    SecurityException failedToObtainPassword(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 33, value = "No matching principal found in DB: %s")
    RuntimeException unableToFindPrincipalInDB(String principalName);

    @Message(id = 34, value = "Unable to lookup DataSource - the DS JNDI name is null")
    RuntimeException unableToLookupDataSource();

    @Message(id = 35, value = "Unable to proceed: security context is null")
    RuntimeException invalidNullSecurityContext();

    @Message(id = 36, value = "Invalid configuration: baseCtxDN is null")
    NamingException invalidNullBaseContextDN();

    @Message(id = 37, value = "Search for context %s found no results")
    NamingException failedToFindBaseContextDN(String baseDN);

    @Message(id = 38, value = "Unable to follow referral for authentication: %s")
    NamingException unableToFollowReferralForAuth(String name);

    @Message(id = 39, value = "Invalid password type: %s")
    RuntimeException invalidPasswordType(Class type);

    @Message(id = 40, value = "Unsupported algorithm: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException unsupportedAlgorithm(String algorithm);

    @Message(id = 41, value = "Unsupported quality of protection: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException unsupportedQOP(String qop);

    @Message(id = 42, value = "Size mismatch between %s and %s")
    String sizeMismatchMessage(String param1, String param2);

    @Message(id = 43, value = "Failed to find resource %s")
    IOException failedToFindResource(String resourceName);

    @Message(id = 44, value = "Invalid key format: %s")
    RuntimeException invalidKeyFormat(String key);

    @Message(id = 45, value = "Failed to register AuthConfigProvider %s")
    SecurityException failedToRegisterAuthConfigProvider(String providerClass, @Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 46, value = "CallbackHandler not specified by system property %s")
    IllegalStateException callbackHandlerSysPropertyNotSet(String systemPropertyName);

    @Message(id = 47, value = "Failed to obtain security domain from security context or configuration")
    IllegalStateException failedToObtainSecDomainFromContextOrConfig();

    @Message(id = 48, value = "Failed to obtain ApplicationPolicy for domain %s")
    IllegalStateException failedToObtainApplicationPolicy(String securityDomain);

    @Message(id = 49, value = "AuthenticationInfo not set in security domain %s")
    IllegalStateException failedToObtainAuthenticationInfo(String securityDomain);

    @Message(id = 50, value = "No ServerAuthModule configured to support type %s")
    IllegalStateException noServerAuthModuleForRequestType(Class requestType);

    @Message(id = 51, value = "Failed to create principal: %s")
    LoginException failedToCreatePrincipal(String message);

    @Message(id = 52, value = "Supplied credential did not match existing credential for alias %s")
    FailedLoginException failedToMatchCredential(String alias);

    @Message(id = 53, value = "No CallbackHandler available to collect authentication information")
    LoginException noCallbackHandlerAvailable();

    @Message(id = 54, value = "Unable to obtain a X509Certificate from %s")
    LoginException unableToGetCertificateFromClass(Class certClass);

    @Message(id = 55, value = "Failed to invoke CallbackHandler")
    LoginException failedToInvokeCallbackHandler();

    @Message(id = 56, value = "Supplied credential: ")
    String suppliedCredentialMessage();

    @Message(id = 57, value = "Existing credential: ")
    String existingCredentialMessage();

    @Message(id = 58, value = "No match for alias %s, existing aliases: %s")
    String noMatchForAliasMessage(String alias, List existingAliases);

    @Message(id = 59, value = "Missing properties file: %s")
    LoginException missingPropertiesFile(String fileName);

    @Message(id = 60, value = "Unable to get TransactionManager")
    RuntimeException failedToGetTransactionManager(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 61, value = "Invalid null TransactionManager")
    IllegalStateException invalidNullTransactionManager();

    @Message(id = 62, value = "No matching username found in principals")
    FailedLoginException noMatchingUsernameFoundInPrincipals();

    @Message(id = 63, value = "No matching username found in roles")
    FailedLoginException noMatchingUsernameFoundInRoles();

    @Message(id = 64, value = "Error looking up DataSource from %s")
    String failedToLookupDataSourceMessage(String jndiName);

    @Message(id = 65, value = "Error processing query")
    String failedToProcessQueryMessage();

    @Message(id = 66, value = "Failed to decode bindCredential")
    IllegalArgumentException failedToDecodeBindCredential(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 67, value = "Missing required module option: %s")
    String missingRequiredModuleOptionMessage(String moduleOption);

    @Message(id = 68, value = "Failed to instantiate delegate module %s")
    LoginException failedToInstantiateDelegateModule(String loginModuleName);

    @Message(id = 69, value = "Unable to get password value from vault")
    LoginException unableToGetPasswordFromVault();

    @Message(id = 70, value = "Password invalid/Password required")
    FailedLoginException invalidPassword();

    @Message(id = 71, value = "Failed to instantiate %s class")
    String failedToInstantiateClassMessage(Class clazz);

    @Message(id = 72, value = "Properties file %s not found")
    IOException unableToFindPropertiesFile(String fileName);

    @Message(id = 73, value = "Properties file %s not available for loading")
    IOException unableToLoadPropertiesFile(String fileName);

    @Message(id = 74, value = "Missing XML configuration for user/roles mapping")
    LoginException missingXMLUserRolesMapping();

    @Message(id = 75, value = "The property %s is null")
    IllegalStateException invalidNullProperty(String property);

    @Message(id = 76, value = "No matching role found in deployment descriptor for role %s")
    RuntimeException noMatchingRoleFoundInDescriptor(String roleName);

    @Message(id = 77, value = "Permission checks must be different")
    IllegalStateException invalidPermissionChecks();

    @Message(id = 78, value = "Delegate is missing for layer %s")
    IllegalStateException missingDelegateForLayer(String layer);

    @Message(id = 79, value = "Invalid delegate map entry: %s")
    IllegalStateException invalidDelegateMapEntry(String entry);

    @Message(id = 80, value = "Missing XACML policy for contextID %s")
    IllegalStateException missingXACMLPolicyForContextId(String contextID);

    @Message(id = 81, value = "Cache miss")
    String cacheMissMessage();

    @Message(id = 82, value = "Cache validation failed")
    String cacheValidationFailedMessage();

    @Message(id = 83, value = "auth-module references a login module stack that doesn't exist: %s")
    RuntimeException invalidLoginModuleStackRef(String stackRef);

    @Message(id = 84, value = "Unable to find schema file %s")
    RuntimeException unableToFindSchema(String schemaFile);

    @Message(id = 85, value = "Missing required attribute(s): %s")
    XMLStreamException missingRequiredAttributes(String attributes, @Param Location location);

    @Message(id = 86, value = "Unexpected element %s encountered")
    XMLStreamException unexpectedElement(String elementName, @Param Location location);

    @Message(id = 87, value = "Unexpected attribute %s encountered")
    XMLStreamException unexpectedAttribute(String attributeName, @Param Location location);

    @Message(id = 88, value = "Unexpected namespace %s encountered")
    XMLStreamException unexpectedNamespace(String namespaceURI, @Param Location location);

    @Message(id = 89, value = "Identity trust validation failed")
    String identityTrustValidationFailedMessage();

    @Message(id = 90, value = "Invocation of commit on module failed")
    String moduleCommitFailedMessage();

    @Message(id = 91, value = "Invocation of abort on module failed")
    String moduleAbortFailedMessage();

    @Message(id = 92, value = "No PolicyContext exists for contextID %s")
    String noPolicyContextForIdMessage(String contextID);

    @Message(id = 93, value = "Operation not allowed")
    String operationNotAllowedMessage();

    @Message(id = 94, value = "Failed to parse jacc-policy-config-states.xml")
    IllegalStateException failedToParseJACCStatesConfigFile(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 95, value = "AuthConfigProvider is null for layer %s, contextID: %s")
    IllegalStateException invalidNullAuthConfigProviderForLayer(String layer, String contextID);

    @Message(id = 96, value = "AuthorizationInfo not set in security domain %s")
    IllegalStateException failedToObtainAuthorizationInfo(String securityDomain);

    @Message(id = 97, value = "Application policy has no info of type %s")
    IllegalStateException failedToObtainInfoFromAppPolicy(String infoType);

    @Message(id = 98, value = "Application policy -> %s does not match expected security domain %s")
    IllegalStateException unexpectedSecurityDomainInInfo(String infoType, String securityDomain);

    @Message(id = 99, value = "Invalid EJB version: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidEJBVersion(String version);

    @Message(id = 100, value = "Either caller subject or caller run-as should be non-null")
    String missingCallerInfoMessage();

    @Message(id = 101, value = "%s is not an MBean attribute")
    AttributeNotFoundException invalidMBeanAttribute(String attrName);

    @Message(id = 102, value = "Write a password in opaque form to a file for use with the FilePassword accessor\n\n"
            + "Usage: FilePassword salt count password password-file\n"
            + "  salt  : an 8 char sequence for PBEKeySpec\n"
            + "  count : iteration count for PBEKeySpec\n"
            + "  password : the clear text password to write\n"
            + "  password-file : the path to the file to write the password to\n")
    String filePasswordUsageMessage();

    @Message(id = 103, value = "The context security domain does not match expected domain %s")
    IllegalArgumentException unexpectedSecurityDomainInContext(String securityDomain);

    @Message(id = 104, value = "Unsupported policy registration type: %s")
    RuntimeException invalidPolicyRegistrationType(String type);

    @Message(id = 105, value = "Ecrypt a password using the JaasSecurityDomain password\n\n"
            + "Usage: PBEUtils salt count domain-password password\n"
            + "  salt : the Salt attribute from the JaasSecurityDomain\n"
            + "  count : the IterationCount attribute from the JaasSecurityDomain\n"
            + "  domain-password : the plaintext password that maps to the KeyStorePass attribute from the JaasSecurityDomain\n"
            + "  password : the plaintext password that should be encrypted with the JaasSecurityDomain password\n")
    String pbeUtilsMessage();

    @Message(id = 106, value = "Failed to resolve target state %s for transition %s")
    String failedToResolveTargetStateMessage(String targetName, String transitionName);

    @Message(id = 107, value = "No transition for action %s from state %s ")
    String invalidTransitionForActionMessage(String actionName, String stateName);

    @Message(id = 108, value = "Unable to locate MBean server")
    IllegalStateException unableToLocateMBeanServer();

    @Message(id = 109, value = "Failed to create DocumentBuilder")
    RuntimeException failedToCreateDocumentBuilder(@Cause Throwable throwable);

    @Message(id = 110, value = "Failed to find namespace URI for %s")
    RuntimeException failedToFindNamespaceURI(String elementName);

    @Message(id = 111, value = "Usage: Base64Encoder  ")
    String base64EncoderMessage();

    @Message(id = 112, value = "Invalid Base64 string: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidBase64String(String base64Str);

    @Message(id = 113, value = "Illegal Base64 character")
    NumberFormatException illegalBase64Character();

    @Message(id = 114, value = "Failed to validate %s as a URL, file or classpath resource")
    MalformedURLException failedToValidateURL(String urlString);

    @Message(id = 115, value = "JSSE domain %s has been requested to provide sensitive security information, but no service authentication token has been configured on it. Use setServiceAuthToken()")
    IllegalStateException missingServiceAuthToken(String securityDomain);

    @Message(id = 116, value = "Service authentication token verification failed")
    SecurityException failedToVerifyServiceAuthToken();

    @Message(id = 117, value = "Cannot load KeyStore of type %s: required keyStoreURL is null")
    RuntimeException invalidNullKeyStoreURL(String keystoreType);

    @Message(id = 118, value = "Invalid password command type: %s")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidPasswordCommandType(String type);

    @Message(id = 119, value = "Unable to get the calling principal or its credentials for resource association")
    LoginException unableToGetPrincipalOrCredsForAssociation();

    @Message(id = 120, value = "Options map %s is null or empty")
    IllegalArgumentException invalidNullOrEmptyOptionMap(String mapName);

    @Message(id = 121, value = "Option %s is null or empty")
    String invalidNullOrEmptyOptionMessage(String optionName);

    @Message(id = 122, value = "Keystore password is not masked")
    String invalidUnmaskedKeystorePasswordMessage();

    @Message(id = 123, value = "File or directory %s does not exist")
    String fileOrDirectoryDoesNotExistMessage(String fileName);

    @Message(id = 124, value = "Directory %s does not end with / or \\")
    String invalidDirectoryFormatMessage(String directory);

    @Message(id = 125, value = "Failed to retrieve public key from keystore using alias %s")
    String failedToRetrievePublicKeyMessage(String publicKeyAlias);

    @Message(id = 126, value = "Failed to retrieve certificate from keystore using alias %s")
    String failedToRetrieveCertificateMessage(String publicKeyAlias);

    @Message(id = 127, value = "The shared key is invalid or has been incorrectly encoded")
    String invalidSharedKeyMessage();

    @Message(id = 128, value = "Unable to encrypt data")
    String unableToEncryptDataMessage();

    @Message(id = 129, value = "Unable to write shared key file")
    String unableToWriteShareKeyFileMessage();

    @Message(id = 130, value = "Unable to write vault data file (%s)")
    String unableToWriteVaultDataFileMessage(String fileName);

    @Message(id = 131, value = "Vault mismatch: shared key does not match for vault block %s and attribute name %s")
    String sharedKeyMismatchMessage(String vaultBlock, String attributeName);

    @Message(id = 132, value = "The specified system property %s is missing")
    IllegalArgumentException missingSystemProperty(String sysProperty);

    @Message(id = 133, value = "Failed to match %s and %s")
    RuntimeException failedToMatchStrings(String one, String two);

    @Message(id = 134, value = "Unrecognized security vault content version (%s), expecting (from %s to %s)")
    RuntimeException unrecognizedVaultContentVersion(String readVersion, String fromVersion, String toVersion);

    @Message(id = 135, value = "Security Vault contains both covnerted (%s) and pre-conversion data (%s), failed to load vault")
    RuntimeException mixedVaultDataFound(String vaultDatFile, String encDatFile);

    @Message(id = 136, value = "Security Vault conversion unsuccessful missing admin key in original vault data")
    RuntimeException missingAdminKeyInOriginalVaultData();

    @Message(id = 137, value = "Security Vault does not contain SecretKey entry under alias (%s)")
    RuntimeException vaultDoesnotContainSecretKey(String alias);
    @Message(id = 138, value = "There is no SecretKey under the alias (%s) and the alias is already used to denote diffrent crypto object in the keystore.")
    RuntimeException noSecretKeyandAliasAlreadyUsed(String alias);

    @Message(id = 139, value = "Unable to store keystore to file (%s)")
    RuntimeException unableToStoreKeyStoreToFile(@Cause Throwable throwable, String file);

    @Message(id = 140, value = "Unable to get keystore (%s)")
    RuntimeException unableToGetKeyStore(@Cause Throwable throwable, String file);
    @Message(id = 141, value = "Unable to parse referral absolute name: %s")
    RuntimeException unableToParseReferralAbsoluteName(@Cause URISyntaxException cause, String absoluteName);

    @Message(id = 142, value = "Keystore password should be either masked or prefixed with one of {EXT}, {EXTC}, {CMD}, {CMDC}, {CLASS}")
    String invalidKeystorePasswordFormatMessage();

    @Message(id = 143, value = "Unable to load password class (%s). Try to specify module to load class from using '{CLASS@module}class_name'")
    RuntimeException unableToLoadPasswordClass(@Cause Throwable t, String classToLoad);

    @Message(id = 144, value = "Trying to load null or empty class")
    RuntimeException loadingNullorEmptyClass();

    @Message(id = 145, value = "Unable to initialize login context")
    String unableToInitializeLoginContext(@Cause Throwable cause);


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