axle.matrix.MatrixFactory.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package axle.matrix
import spire.implicits.IntAlgebra
import spire.implicits.eqOps
trait MatrixModule {
type C[T]
implicit val convertDouble: C[Double]
implicit val convertInt: C[Int]
implicit val convertBoolean: C[Boolean]
type Matrix[T] <: MatrixLike[T]
trait MatrixLike[T] { this: Matrix[T] =>
type S
def underlying: S
def rows: Int
def columns: Int
def length: Int
def apply(i: Int, j: Int): T
def apply(rs: Seq[Int], cs: Seq[Int]): Matrix[T]
// def update(i: Int, j: Int, v: T): Unit
def toList: List[T]
def column(j: Int): Matrix[T]
def row(i: Int): Matrix[T]
def isEmpty: Boolean
def isRowVector: Boolean
def isColumnVector: Boolean
def isVector: Boolean
def isSquare: Boolean
def isScalar: Boolean
// resize
// reshape
def dup: Matrix[T]
def negate: Matrix[T]
def transpose: Matrix[T]
def diag: Matrix[T]
def invert: Matrix[T]
def ceil: Matrix[Int]
def floor: Matrix[Int]
def log: Matrix[Double]
def log10: Matrix[Double]
def fullSVD: (Matrix[T], Matrix[T], Matrix[T]) // (U, S, V) such that A = U * diag(S) * V' // TODO: all Matrix[Double] ?
// def truth: M[Boolean]
def pow(p: Double): Matrix[T]
def addScalar(x: T): Matrix[T]
def addAssignment(r: Int, c: Int, v: T): Matrix[T]
def subtractScalar(x: T): Matrix[T]
def multiplyScalar(x: T): Matrix[T]
def divideScalar(x: T): Matrix[T]
def mulRow(i: Int, x: T): Matrix[T]
def mulColumn(i: Int, x: T): Matrix[T]
// Operations on pairs of matrices
// TODO: add and subtract don't make sense for T = Boolean
def addMatrix(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def subtractMatrix(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def multiplyMatrix(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def mulPointwise(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def divPointwise(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def concatenateHorizontally(right: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def concatenateVertically(under: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def solve(B: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] // returns X, where this === A and A x X = B
// Operations on a matrix and a column/row vector
def addRowVector(row: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def addColumnVector(column: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def subRowVector(row: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def subColumnVector(column: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def mulRowVector(row: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def mulColumnVector(column: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def divRowVector(row: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
def divColumnVector(column: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T]
// Operations on pair of matrices that return M[Boolean]
def lt(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def le(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def gt(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def ge(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def eq(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def ne(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def and(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def or(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def xor(other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[Boolean]
def not: Matrix[Boolean]
// various mins and maxs
def max: T
def argmax: (Int, Int)
def min: T
def argmin: (Int, Int)
def rowSums: Matrix[T]
def columnSums: Matrix[T]
def columnMins: Matrix[T]
def columnMaxs: Matrix[T]
// def columnArgmins
// def columnArgmaxs
def columnMeans: Matrix[T]
def sortColumns: Matrix[T]
def rowMins: Matrix[T]
def rowMaxs: Matrix[T]
def rowMeans: Matrix[T]
def sortRows: Matrix[T]
// Higher-order methods
def map[B: C](f: T => B): Matrix[B]
def flatMapColumns[A: C](f: Matrix[T] => Matrix[A]): Matrix[A]
def foldLeft[A](zero: Matrix[A])(f: (Matrix[A], Matrix[T]) => Matrix[A]): Matrix[A] =
(0 until columns).foldLeft(zero)((m: Matrix[A], c: Int) => f(m, column(c)))
def foldTop[A](zero: Matrix[A])(f: (Matrix[A], Matrix[T]) => Matrix[A]): Matrix[A] =
(0 until rows).foldLeft(zero)((m: Matrix[A], r: Int) => f(m, row(r)))
// aliases
def t = transpose
def tr = transpose
def inv = invert
def scalar = {
this(0, 0)
def +(x: T) = addScalar(x)
// def +=(x: T) = addi(x)
def +(other: Matrix[T]) = addMatrix(other)
// def +=(other: Matrix[T]) = addMatrixi(other)
def +(rc2v: ((Int, Int), T)) = addAssignment(rc2v._1._1, rc2v._1._2, rc2v._2)
def -(x: T) = subtractScalar(x)
// def -=(x: T) = subtracti(x)
def -(other: Matrix[T]) = subtractMatrix(other)
// def -=(other: Matrix[T]) = subtractMatrixi(other)
def *(x: T) = multiplyScalar(x)
// def *=(x: T) = multiplyi(x)
def ⨯(other: Matrix[T]) = multiplyMatrix(other)
def mm(other: Matrix[T]) = multiplyMatrix(other)
def /(x: T) = divideScalar(x)
// def /=(x: T) = dividei(x)
def +|+(right: Matrix[T]) = concatenateHorizontally(right)
def +/+(under: Matrix[T]) = concatenateVertically(under)
def aside(right: Matrix[T]) = concatenateHorizontally(right)
def atop(under: Matrix[T]) = concatenateVertically(under)
def <(other: Matrix[T]) = lt(other)
def <=(other: Matrix[T]) = le(other)
def ≤(other: Matrix[T]) = le(other)
def >(other: Matrix[T]) = gt(other)
def >=(other: Matrix[T]) = ge(other)
def ≥(other: Matrix[T]) = ge(other)
def ==(other: Matrix[T]) = eq(other)
def !=(other: Matrix[T]) = ne(other)
def ≠(other: Matrix[T]) = ne(other)
def &(other: Matrix[T]) = and(other)
def ∧(other: Matrix[T]) = and(other)
def |(other: Matrix[T]) = or(other)
def ∨(other: Matrix[T]) = or(other)
def ⊕(other: Matrix[T]) = xor(other)
def ⊻(other: Matrix[T]) = xor(other)
def ! = not
def ~ = not
def ¬ = not
// * Type Parameters:
// *
// * T element type
// * S storage type
// * M subtype of Matrix that is backed by storage S and has elements of type T
// implicit val formatDouble = (d: Double) => "%.6f".format(d)
// implicit val formatInt = (i: Int) => i.toString
// implicit val formatBoolean = (b: Boolean) => b.toString
def zeros[T: C](m: Int, n: Int): Matrix[T]
def ones[T: C](m: Int, n: Int): Matrix[T]
def eye[T: C](n: Int): Matrix[T]
def matrix[T: C](m: Int, n: Int, values: Array[T]): Matrix[T]
def matrix[T: C](m: Int, n: Int, topleft: => T, left: Int => T, top: Int => T, fill: (Int, Int, T, T, T) => T): Matrix[T]
def matrix[T: C](m: Int, n: Int, f: (Int, Int) => T): Matrix[T]
* Hilbert matrix
def hilb(n: Int) = matrix[Double](n, n, (r: Int, c: Int) => 1D / (r + c + 1))
def median(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double] = {
val sorted = m.sortColumns
if (m.rows % 2 === 0) {
(sorted.row(m.rows / 2 - 1) + sorted.row(m.rows / 2)) / 2.0
} else {
sorted.row(m.rows / 2)
def centerRows(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def centerColumns(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def rowRange(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def columnRange(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def sumsq(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def cov(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def std(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def zscore(m: Matrix[Double]): Matrix[Double]
def pca(Xnorm: Matrix[Double], cutoff: Double = 0.95): (Matrix[Double], Matrix[Double])
def numComponentsForCutoff(s: Matrix[Double], cutoff: Double): Int
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