Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import scala.util.Random.nextBoolean
import scala.util.Random.nextDouble
import scala.util.Random.nextInt
import shapeless.{:: => ::}
import shapeless.HList
import shapeless.HNil
import shapeless.Poly1
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Mapper
import shapeless.ops.hlist.Zip
import shapeless.syntax.std.tuple.hlistOps
trait Species[G] {
def random(): G
def fitness(genotype: G): Double
case class GeneticAlgorithmLog[G](
popLog: IndexedSeq[(G, Double)],
mins: TreeMap[Int, Double],
maxs: TreeMap[Int, Double],
aves: TreeMap[Int, Double])
object GeneticAlgorithm {
def apply[G <: HList, Z <: HList](populationSize: Int = 1000, numGenerations: Int = 100)(
implicit species: Species[G],
zipper: Zip.Aux[G :: G :: HNil, Z],
mapper: Mapper[Mixer.type, Z],
mapperMutate: Mapper[Mutator.type, Z]): GeneticAlgorithmC[G, Z] =
new GeneticAlgorithmC(populationSize, numGenerations)
object Mixer extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseTuple[T] = at[(T, T)](t =>
if (nextBoolean) t._2 else t._1)
object Mater extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseTuple[T] = at[(T, T, T)](t =>
if (nextDouble < 0.03) {
} else if (nextBoolean) {
} else {
object Mutator extends Poly1 {
implicit def caseTuple[T] = at[(T, T)](t => if (nextDouble < 0.03) t._2 else t._1)
class GeneticAlgorithmC[G <: HList, Z <: HList](
populationSize: Int = 1000, numGenerations: Int = 100)(
implicit species: Species[G],
zipper: Zip.Aux[G :: G :: HNil, Z],
mapperMix: Mapper[Mixer.type, Z],
mapperMutate: Mapper[Mutator.type, Z]) {
def initialPopulation(): IndexedSeq[(G, Double)] =
(0 until populationSize).map(i => {
val r = species.random()
* There are many variations of produceChild.
* The important components are:
* 1. Fitness-based selection
* 2. Crossover / gene-swapping
* 3. Mutation
def crossover[Z <: HList](h1: G, h2: G)(
implicit zipper: Zip.Aux[G :: G :: HNil, Z],
mapper: Mapper[Mixer.type, Z]) = (h1 zip h2) map Mixer
def mutate[Z <: HList](x: G, r: G)(
implicit zipper: Zip.Aux[G :: G :: HNil, Z],
mapper: Mapper[Mutator.type, Z]) = (x zip r) map Mutator
def live(population: IndexedSeq[(G, Double)], fitnessLog: List[(Double, Double, Double)]): (IndexedSeq[(G, Double)], List[(Double, Double, Double)]) = {
val nextGen = (0 until populationSize).map(i => {
val (m1, m1f) = population(nextInt(population.size))
val (m2, m2f) = population(nextInt(population.size))
val (f, _) = population(nextInt(population.size))
val m = if (m1f > m2f) { m1 } else { m2 }
val crossed = crossover(m, f).asInstanceOf[G]
val kid = mutate(crossed, species.random()).asInstanceOf[G] // TODO
(nextGen, minMaxAve(nextGen) :: fitnessLog)
def minMaxAve(population: IndexedSeq[(G, Double)]): (Double, Double, Double) =
(population.minBy(_._2)._2, population.maxBy(_._2)._2, / population.size)
def run(): GeneticAlgorithmLog[G] = {
val popLog = (0 until numGenerations)
.foldLeft((initialPopulation(), List[(Double, Double, Double)]()))(
(pl: (IndexedSeq[(G, Double)], List[(Double, Double, Double)]), i: Int) => live(pl._1, pl._2))
val logs = popLog._2.reverse
val mins = new TreeMap[Int, Double]() ++ (0 until logs.size).map(i => (i, logs(i)._1))
val maxs = new TreeMap[Int, Double]() ++ (0 until logs.size).map(i => (i, logs(i)._2))
val aves = new TreeMap[Int, Double]() ++ (0 until logs.size).map(i => (i, logs(i)._3))
GeneticAlgorithmLog[G](popLog._1, mins, maxs, aves)
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