axle.pgm.BayesianNetwork.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package axle.pgm
import scala.Stream.cons
import scala.Stream.empty
import axle.XmlAble
import axle.graph.DirectedGraph
import axle.graph.JungDirectedGraph
import axle.graph.Vertex
import axle.stats.CaseIs
import axle.stats.Distribution
import axle.stats.FactorModule
// .Factor
//import axle.stats.FactorModule.Factor.factorEq
import axle.stats.Independence
import spire.optional.unicode.Π
import spire.algebra.Eq
import spire.algebra.Field
import spire.algebra.Order
import spire.implicits.IntAlgebra
import spire.implicits.StringOrder
import spire.implicits.eqOps
import spire.implicits.multiplicativeSemigroupOps
import spire.math.ConvertableFrom
trait BayesianNetworkModule extends FactorModule with EliminationTreeModule {
case class BayesianNetworkNode[T: Eq, N: Field](rv: Distribution[T, N], cpt: Factor[T, N])
extends XmlAble {
override def toString: String = + "\n\n" + cpt
def toXml: xml.Node =
{ }
{ cpt.toHtml }
object BayesianNetworkNode {
implicit def bnnEq[T: Eq, N: Field] = new Eq[BayesianNetworkNode[T, N]] {
def eqv(x: BayesianNetworkNode[T, N], y: BayesianNetworkNode[T, N]): Boolean = x equals y
case class BayesianNetwork[T: Manifest: Eq, N: Field: ConvertableFrom: Order: Manifest](name: String, graph: DirectedGraph[BayesianNetworkNode[T, N], String]) {
def duplicate: BayesianNetwork[T, N] = BayesianNetwork(name, graph)
def numVariables = graph.size
def randomVariables: Vector[Distribution[T, N]] =
def jointProbabilityTable: Factor[T, N] = {
val newVars = randomVariables
new Factor(newVars,
.map(kase => (kase, probabilityOf(kase)))
def cpt(variable: Distribution[T, N]): Factor[T, N] =
graph.findVertex(_.payload.rv === variable).map(_.payload.cpt).get
def probabilityOf(cs: Seq[CaseIs[T, N]]) = Π( => cpt(c.distribution)(cs)).toVector)
def markovAssumptionsFor(rv: Distribution[T, N]): Independence[T, N] = {
val rvVertex = graph.findVertex(_.payload.rv === rv).get
val X: Set[Distribution[T, N]] = Set(rv)
val Z: Set[Distribution[T, N]] = graph.predecessors(rvVertex).map(_.payload.rv).toSet
val D = graph.descendants(rvVertex) ++ graph.predecessors(rvVertex) + rvVertex
val Dvars =
new Independence(X, Z, randomVariables.filter(!Dvars.contains(_)).toSet)
def computeFullCase(c: List[CaseIs[T, N]]): Double = {
// not an airtight check
assert(numVariables === c.size)
// order variables such that all nodes appear before their ancestors
// rewrite using chain rule
// drop on conditionals in expressions using Markov independence assumptions
// now each term should simply be a lookup in the curresponding CPT
// multiply results
-1.0 // TODO
* Algorithm 1 from Chapter 6 (page 9)
* @param Q is a set of variables
* @param π is an ordered list of the variables not in Q
* @return the prior marginal pr(Q)
* The cost is the cost of the Tk multiplication. This is highly dependent on π
def variableEliminationPriorMarginalI(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], π: List[Distribution[T, N]]): Factor[T, N] =
Π(π.foldLeft(, rv) => {
val allMentions = S.filter(_.mentions(rv))
val mentionsWithout = Π(allMentions).sumOut(rv)
(S -- allMentions) + mentionsWithout
* Chapter 6 Algorithm 5 (page 17)
* assert: Q subset of variables
* assert: π ordering of variables in S but not in Q
* assert: e assigns values to variables in this network
def variableEliminationPriorMarginalII(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], π: List[Distribution[T, N]], e: CaseIs[T, N]): Factor[T, N] =
(S, rv) => {
val allMentions = S.filter(_.mentions(rv))
(S -- allMentions) + Π(allMentions).sumOut(rv)
def interactsWith(v1: Distribution[T, N], v2: Distribution[T, N]): Boolean = => f.mentions(v1) && f.mentions(v2))
* interactionGraph
* Also called the "moral graph"
def interactionGraph: InteractionGraph[T, N] =
(vs: Seq[Vertex[Distribution[T, N]]]) =>
(for {
vi <- vs // TODO "doubles"
vj <- vs
if interactsWith(vi.payload, vj.payload)
} yield {
(vi, vj, "")
* orderWidth
* Chapter 6 Algorithm 2 (page 13)
def orderWidth(order: List[Distribution[T, N]]): Int =
randomVariables.scanLeft((interactionGraph, 0))(
(gi, rv) => {
val ig = gi._1
(ig.eliminate(rv), ig.graph.neighbors(ig.graph.findVertex(_.payload === rv).get).size)
// def makeFactorFor(rv: Distribution[_]): Factor =
// Factor(randomVariables.filter(getPredecessors(findVertex(_.rv === rv).get).map(_.getPayload.rv).contains) ++ List(rv))
* pruneEdges
* 6.8.2
def pruneEdges(resultName: String, eOpt: Option[List[CaseIs[T, N]]]): BayesianNetwork[T, N] = {
val result = BayesianNetwork[T, N](resultName, ???) => { foreach { U =>
val uVertex = result.graph.findVertex(_.payload.rv === U).get
result.graph.outputEdgesOf(uVertex) foreach { edge => // ModelEdge
// TODO !!!
// val X = edge.dest.payload.rv
// val oldF = result.cpt(X)
// result.deleteEdge(edge) // TODO: not functional
// val smallerF: Factor = makeFactorFor(X)
// smallerF.cases foreach { c =>
// // set its value to what e sets it to
// // TODO c(U) = e.valueOf(U)
// // TODO smallerF(c) = oldF(c)
// }
// TODO result.setCPT(edge.getDest.getPayload, smallerF) // TODO should be setting on the return value
def pruneNodes(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], eOpt: Option[List[CaseIs[T, N]]], g: BayesianNetwork[T, N]): BayesianNetwork[T, N] = {
val vars = ++
def nodePruneStream(g: BayesianNetwork[T, N]): Stream[BayesianNetwork[T, N]] = {
val xVertices = g.graph.leaves.toSet -- => g.graph.findVertex(_.payload.rv === rv).get)
xVertices.size match {
case 0 => empty
case _ => {
val result = xVertices.foldLeft(g)(
(bn, xV) => new BayesianNetwork( + " - " + xV, bn.graph /* TODO filterVertices(v => ! v === xV) */ ))
cons(result, nodePruneStream(result))
* pruneNetworkVarsAndEdges
* 6.8.3
def pruneNetworkVarsAndEdges(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], eOpt: Option[List[CaseIs[T, N]]]): BayesianNetwork[T, N] =
BayesianNetwork(, ???) // TODO pruneNodes(Q, eOpt, pruneEdges("pruned", eOpt).getGraph)
// def variableEliminationPR(Q: Set[Distribution[_]], eOpt: Option[List[CaseIs[_]]]): (Factor, BayesianNetwork) = {
// val pruned = pruneNetworkVarsAndEdges(Q, eOpt)
// val R = randomVariables.filter(!Q.contains(_)).toSet
// val π = pruned.minDegreeOrder(R)
// val S = π.foldLeft( => pruned.cpt(rv).projectRowsConsistentWith(eOpt)).toSet)(
// (S, rv) => {
// val allMentions = S.filter(_.mentions(rv))
// (S -- allMentions) + allMentions.reduce(_ * _).sumOut(rv)
// })
// (S.reduce(_ * _), pruned)
// }
// def variableEliminationMPE(e: List[CaseIs[_]]): (Double, BayesianNetwork) = {
// val pruned = pruneEdges("pruned", Some(e))
// val Q = pruned.randomVariables
// val π = pruned.minDegreeOrder(Q.toSet)
// val S = π.foldLeft( => pruned.cpt(rv).projectRowsConsistentWith(Some(e))).toSet)(
// (S, rv) => {
// val allMentions = S.filter(_.mentions(rv))
// (S -- allMentions) + allMentions.reduce(_ * _).maxOut(rv)
// })
// // at this point (since we're iterating over *all* variables in Q)
// // S will contain exactly one trivial Factor
// assert(S.size === 1)
// val sl = S.toList
// val result = sl(0)
// // assert(result.numCases === 1)
// (result(List()), pruned)
// }
* variableEliminationMAP
* returns an instantiation q which maximizes Pr(q,e) and that probability
* see ch 6 page 31: Algorithm 8
def variableEliminationMAP(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], e: List[Distribution[T, N]]): List[CaseIs[T, N]] = {
// def minDegreeOrder(pX: Set[Distribution[_]]): List[Distribution[_]] = {
// val X = Set[Distribution[_]]() ++ pX
// val ig = interactionGraph
// while (X.size > 0) {
// val xVertices =
// val rv = ig.vertexWithFewestNeighborsAmong(xVertices).payload
// result += rv
// ig.eliminate(rv)
// X -= rv
// }
// }
// def minFillOrder(pX: Set[Distribution[_]]): List[Distribution[_]] = {
// val X = Set[Distribution[_]]() ++ pX
// val ig = interactionGraph
// while (X.size > 0) {
// val xVertices =
// val rv = ig.vertexWithFewestEdgesToEliminateAmong(xVertices, (v1, v2) => { "x" }).payload
// result += rv
// ig.eliminate(rv)
// X -= rv
// }
// }
def _factorElimination1(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], S: List[Factor[T, N]]): Factor[T, N] = S match {
case Nil => throw new Exception("S is empty")
case fi :: Nil => fi.projectToOnly(Q.toVector)
case fi :: fj :: rest =>
rest ++ List(fj * fi.sumOut(fi.variables
.filter(v => !Q.contains(v) && !S.exists(_.mentions(v)))
def factorElimination1(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]]): Factor[T, N] =
// TODO: Make immutable: this should not be calling delete or setPayload
// the variables Q appear on the CPT for the product of Factors assigned to node r
def factorElimination2(Q: Set[Distribution[T, N]], τ: EliminationTree[T, N], f: Factor[T, N]): (BayesianNetwork[T, N], Factor[T, N]) = {
while (τ.graph.vertices.size > 1) {
// remove node i (other than r) that has single neighbor j in τ
val fl = τ.graph.firstLeafOtherThan(τ.graph.findVertex(_.payload === f).get) => {
val j = τ.graph.neighbors(i)
val ɸ_i = i.payload
// TODO j.setPayload(ɸ_i.sumOut(ɸ_i.getVariables().toSet -- τ.getAllVariables().toSet))
(???, f.projectToOnly(Q.toVector))
// def factorElimination3(Q: Set[Distribution[_]], τ: EliminationTree, f: Factor): Factor = {
// // Q is a subset of C_r
// while (τ.vertices.size > 1) {
// // remove node i (other than r) that has single neighbor j in tau
// val fl = τ.firstLeafOtherThan(τ.findVertex(f).get)
// => {
// val j = τ.neighbors(i)
// val ɸ_i = i.payload
// τ.delete(i)
// val Sij = τ.separate(i, j)
// // TODO j.setPayload(ɸ_i.projectToOnly(Sij.toList))
// })
// }
// f.projectToOnly(Q.toList)
// }
// Note: not sure about this return type:
def factorElimination(τ: EliminationTree[T, N], e: List[CaseIs[T, N]]): Map[Factor[T, N], Factor[T, N]] =
τ.graph.vertices foreach { i =>
e foreach { ci =>
// val lambdaE = new Factor(ci.rv, Map())
// assign lambdaE.E to e.get(E)
// TODO val root = chooseRoot(τ)
// TODO pullMessagesTowardsRoot()
// TODO pushMessagesFromRoot()
τ.graph.vertices foreach { v =>
object BayesianNetwork {
def apply[T: Manifest: Eq, N: Field: ConvertableFrom: Order: Manifest](
name: String,
vps: Seq[BayesianNetworkNode[T, N]],
ef: Seq[Vertex[BayesianNetworkNode[T, N]]] => Seq[(Vertex[BayesianNetworkNode[T, N]], Vertex[BayesianNetworkNode[T, N]], String)]): BayesianNetwork[T, N] =
apply(name, new JungDirectedGraph(vps, ef))
// implicit def bnnAsModel[BT: Manifest: Eq] = new Model[BayesianNetwork[BT]] {
// type T = BT
// override def name(bnn: Model[BT]) =
// def graph(bnn: Model[BT]) = bnn.graph
// override def vertexPayloadToRandomVariable(mvp: BayesianNetworkNode[T]): Distribution[T] = mvp.rv
// }
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