org.pipservices4.grpc.controllers.GrpcEndpoint Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.pipservices4.grpc.controllers;
import io.grpc.Server;
import io.grpc.ServerBuilder;
import io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition;
import io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts;
import io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import org.pipservices4.components.config.ConfigParams;
import org.pipservices4.components.config.IConfigurable;
import org.pipservices4.commons.errors.*;
import org.pipservices4.components.context.ContextResolver;
import org.pipservices4.components.context.IContext;
import org.pipservices4.components.refer.IReferenceable;
import org.pipservices4.components.refer.IReferences;
import org.pipservices4.components.refer.ReferenceException;
import org.pipservices4.observability.count.CompositeCounters;
import org.pipservices4.observability.log.CompositeLogger;
import org.pipservices4.grpc.commandable.CommandableGrpc;
import org.pipservices4.grpc.commandable.InvokeReply;
import org.pipservices4.config.connect.HttpConnectionResolver;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Used for creating GRPC endpoints. An endpoint is a URL, at which a given service can be accessed by a client.
* ### Configuration parameters ###
* Parameters to pass to the {@link #configure} method for component configuration:
* - connection(s) - the connection resolver's connections:
* - "connection.discovery_key" - the key to use for connection resolving in a discovery service;
* - "connection.protocol" - the connection's protocol;
* - "" - the target host;
* - "connection.port" - the target port;
* - "connection.uri" - the target URI.
* - credential - the HTTPS credentials:
* - "credential.ssl_key_file" - the SSL private key in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_crt_file" - the SSL certificate in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_ca_file" - the certificate authorities (root cerfiticates) in PEM
* ### References ###
* A logger, counters, and a connection resolver can be referenced by passing the
* following references to the object's {@link #setReferences} method:
* - logger: *:logger:*:*:1.0
* - counters: *:counters:*:*:1.0"
* - discovery: *:discovery:*:*:1.0" (for the connection resolver).
* ### Example ###
* {@code
* public MyMethod(ConfigParams config, IReferences references) {
* let endpoint = new HttpEndpoint();
* if (this._config)
* endpoint.configure(this._config);
* if (this._references)
* endpoint.setReferences(this._references);
* ...
* }
* }
public class GrpcEndpoint implements IOpenable, IConfigurable, IReferenceable {
private static final ConfigParams _defaultConfig = ConfigParams.fromTuples(
"connection.protocol", "http",
"", "",
"connection.port", 3000,
"credential.ssl_key_file", null,
"credential.ssl_crt_file", null,
"credential.ssl_ca_file", null,
"options.maintenance_enabled", false,
"options.request_max_size", 1024 * 1024,
"options.file_max_size", 200 * 1024 * 1024,
"options.connect_timeout", 60000,
"options.debug", true
protected final List _interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
private ServerBuilder extends ServerBuilder>> _builder;
private Server _server;
private final HttpConnectionResolver _connectionResolver = new HttpConnectionResolver();
private final CompositeLogger _logger = new CompositeLogger();
private final CompositeCounters _counters = new CompositeCounters();
private boolean _maintenanceEnabled = false;
private long _fileMaxSize = 200 * 1024 * 1024;
private String _uri;
private List _registrations = new ArrayList<>();
* Configures this HttpEndpoint using the given configuration parameters.
* __Configuration parameters:__
* - __connection(s)__ - the connection resolver's connections;
* - "connection.discovery_key" - the key to use for connection resolving in a discovery service;
* - "connection.protocol" - the connection's protocol;
* - "" - the target host;
* - "connection.port" - the target port;
* - "connection.uri" - the target URI.
* - "credential.ssl_key_file" - SSL private key in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_crt_file" - SSL certificate in PEM
* - "credential.ssl_ca_file" - Certificate authority (root certificate) in PEM
* @param config configuration parameters, containing a "connection(s)" section.
* @see ConfigParams (in the PipServices "Commons" package)
public void configure(ConfigParams config) throws ConfigException {
config = config.setDefaults(GrpcEndpoint._defaultConfig);
this._maintenanceEnabled = config.getAsBooleanWithDefault("options.maintenance_enabled", this._maintenanceEnabled);
this._fileMaxSize = config.getAsLongWithDefault("options.file_max_size", this._fileMaxSize);
* Sets references to this endpoint's logger, counters, and connection resolver.
* References:
* - logger: *:logger:\*:\*:1.0
* - counters: *:counters:\*:\*:1.0
* - discovery: *:discovery:\*:\*:1.0 (for the connection resolver)
* @param references an IReferences object, containing references to a logger, counters,
* and a connection resolver.
* @see IReferences (in the PipServices "Commons" package)
public void setReferences(IReferences references) throws ReferenceException, ConfigException {
* @return whether or not this endpoint is open with an actively listening GRPC server.
public boolean isOpen() {
return this._server != null;
* Opens a connection using the parameters resolved by the referenced connection
* resolver and creates a GRPC server (service) using the set options and parameters.
* @param context (optional) a context to trace execution through call chain.
public void open(IContext context) throws ApplicationException {
if (this.isOpen()) {
var connection = this._connectionResolver.resolve(context);
this._uri = connection.getAsString("uri");
var port = connection.getAsInteger("port");
try {
// TODO add credentials
if (Objects.equals(connection.getAsStringWithDefault("protocol", "http"), "https")) {
var sslKeyPath = connection.getAsNullableString("ssl_key_file");
var sslCrtPath = connection.getAsNullableString("ssl_crt_file");
var sslCaPath = connection.getAsNullableString("ssl_ca_file");
// var ca = new ArrayList<>();
// if (sslCaPath != null) {
// try(var caFile = new FileInputStream(sslCaPath)) {
// var caText = new String(caFile.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// var crtIndex = caText.lastIndexOf("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----");
// if (crtIndex > -1) {
// ca.add(caText.substring(crtIndex));
// caText = caText.substring(0, crtIndex);
// }
// }
// }
SslContext sslContext = GrpcSslContexts.forClient()
// if server's cert doesn't chain to a standard root
.trustManager(new File(sslCaPath))
.keyManager(new File(sslCrtPath), new File(sslKeyPath)) // client cert
_builder = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(port)
.addService(new CommandableImpl())
} else {
// Create instance of express application
_builder = ServerBuilder.forPort(port)
.addService(new CommandableImpl());
// Start operations
_server =;
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
// Use stderr here since the logger may have been reset by its JVM shutdown hook.
// System.err.println("*** grpc server shut down");
} catch (Exception ex) {
this._server = null;
throw new ConnectionException(
"Opening GRPC service failed"
).wrap(ex).withDetails("url", this._uri);
* Closes this endpoint and the GRPC server (service) that was opened earlier.
* @param context (optional) a context to trace execution through call chain.
public void close(IContext context) {
if (_server != null) {
this._uri = null;
try {
_server.shutdown().awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
this._logger.debug(context, "Closed GRPC service at %s", this._uri);
this._server = null;
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
this._logger.warn(context, "Failed while closing GRPC service: %s", ex);
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
* Registers a registerable object for dynamic endpoint discovery.
* @param registration the registration to add.
* @see IRegisterable
public void register(IRegisterable registration) {
* Unregisters a registerable object, so that it is no longer used in dynamic
* endpoint discovery.
* @param registration the registration to remove.
* @see IRegisterable
public void unregister(IRegisterable registration) {
this._registrations = -> r != registration).toList();
private void performRegistrations() throws ReferenceException {
for (var registration : this._registrations) {
// register interceptors in service
_interceptors.forEach((interceptor) -> _builder.intercept(interceptor));
class CommandableImpl extends CommandableGrpc.CommandableImplBase {
public void invoke(org.pipservices4.grpc.commandable.InvokeRequest request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
InvokeReply reply;
reply = InvokeReply.newBuilder().setResultJsonBytes(request.getArgsJsonBytes()).build();
* Registers a service with related implementation
* @param service a GRPC service object.
public void registerService(ServerServiceDefinition service) {