org.pitest.mutationtest.config.ReportOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010 Henry Coles
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.pitest.mutationtest.config;
import org.pitest.classpath.ClassFilter;
import org.pitest.classpath.ClassPath;
import org.pitest.classpath.ClassPathRoot;
import org.pitest.classpath.PathFilter;
import org.pitest.classpath.ProjectClassPaths;
import org.pitest.functional.prelude.Prelude;
import org.pitest.help.Help;
import org.pitest.help.PitHelpError;
import org.pitest.mutationtest.build.PercentAndConstantTimeoutStrategy;
import org.pitest.mutationtest.incremental.FileWriterFactory;
import org.pitest.mutationtest.incremental.WriterFactory;
import org.pitest.testapi.TestGroupConfig;
import org.pitest.testapi.execute.Pitest;
import org.pitest.util.Glob;
import org.pitest.util.ResultOutputStrategy;
import org.pitest.util.Unchecked;
import org.pitest.util.Verbosity;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static org.pitest.functional.Streams.asStream;
import static org.pitest.functional.prelude.Prelude.not;
import static org.pitest.functional.prelude.Prelude.or;
// FIXME move all logic to SettingsFactory and turn into simple bean
* Big ball of user supplied options to configure various aspects of mutation
* testing.
public class ReportOptions {
public static final Collection LOGGING_CLASSES = Arrays
private Collection targetClasses;
private Collection excludedMethods = Collections
private Collection excludedClasses = Collections
private Collection> excludedTestClasses = Collections
private Collection codePaths;
private String reportDir;
private File historyInputLocation;
private File historyOutputLocation;
private Collection sourceDirs;
private Collection classPathElements;
private Collection mutators;
private Collection features;
private String argLine;
private final List jvmArgs = new ArrayList<>();
private int numberOfThreads = 0;
private float timeoutFactor = PercentAndConstantTimeoutStrategy.DEFAULT_FACTOR;
private long timeoutConstant = PercentAndConstantTimeoutStrategy.DEFAULT_CONSTANT;
private Collection> targetTests;
private Collection loggingClasses = new ArrayList<>();
private Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.DEFAULT;
private boolean failWhenNoMutations = false;
private boolean skipFailingTests = false;
private final Collection outputs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private TestGroupConfig groupConfig;
private boolean fullMutationMatrix = false;
private int mutationUnitSize;
private boolean shouldCreateTimestampedReports = true;
private boolean detectInlinedCode = false;
private boolean exportLineCoverage = false;
private int mutationThreshold;
private int coverageThreshold;
private int testStrengthThreshold;
private String mutationEngine = "gregor";
private String javaExecutable;
private boolean includeLaunchClasspath = true;
private boolean reportCoverage = true;
private Properties properties;
private int maxSurvivors;
private Collection excludedRunners = new ArrayList<>();
private Collection includedTestMethods = new ArrayList<>();
private String testPlugin = "";
private Path projectBase;
private Charset inputEncoding;
private Charset outputEncoding;
private boolean arcmutateMissing = true;
private ExecutionMode mode = ExecutionMode.NORMAL;
// currently used only via maven
private Map environmentVariables = new HashMap<>();
public Verbosity getVerbosity() {
return this.verbosity;
* @return the reportDir
public String getReportDir() {
return this.reportDir;
* @param reportDir
* the reportDir to set
public void setReportDir(final String reportDir) {
this.reportDir = reportDir;
* @return the sourceDirs
public Collection getSourcePaths() {
return this.sourceDirs;
public Collection getSourceDirs() {
return sourceDirs.stream()
public Collection getClassPathElements() {
return this.classPathElements;
public void setClassPathElements(final Collection classPathElements) {
this.classPathElements = classPathElements;
* @param sourceDirs
* the sourceDirs to set
public void setSourceDirs(final Collection sourceDirs) {
this.sourceDirs = sourceDirs;
* @return the mutators
public Collection getMutators() {
return this.mutators;
* @param mutators
* the mutators to set
public void setMutators(final Collection mutators) {
this.mutators = mutators;
public Collection getFeatures() {
return this.features;
public void setFeatures(Collection features) {
this.features = features;
public List getJvmArgs() {
return this.jvmArgs;
public void addChildJVMArgs(final List args) {
public String getArgLine() {
return argLine;
public void setArgLine(String argLine) {
this.argLine = argLine;
public ClassPath getClassPath() {
if (this.classPathElements != null) {
return createClassPathFromElements();
} else {
return new ClassPath();
private ClassPath createClassPathFromElements() {
return new ClassPath(asStream(this.classPathElements)
public Collection getTargetClasses() {
return this.targetClasses;
public Predicate getTargetClassesFilter() {
final Predicate filter = Prelude.and(or(Glob.toGlobPredicates(this.targetClasses)),
return filter;
private void checkNotTryingToMutateSelf(final Predicate filter) {
if (filter.test(Pitest.class.getName())) {
throw new PitHelpError(Help.BAD_FILTER);
public void setTargetClasses(final Collection targetClasses) {
this.targetClasses = targetClasses;
public void setTargetTests(
final Collection> targetTestsPredicates) {
this.targetTests = targetTestsPredicates;
public int getNumberOfThreads() {
return this.numberOfThreads;
public void setNumberOfThreads(final int numberOfThreads) {
this.numberOfThreads = numberOfThreads;
public float getTimeoutFactor() {
return this.timeoutFactor;
public long getTimeoutConstant() {
return this.timeoutConstant;
public void setTimeoutConstant(final long timeoutConstant) {
this.timeoutConstant = timeoutConstant;
public void setTimeoutFactor(final float timeoutFactor) {
this.timeoutFactor = timeoutFactor;
public Collection> getTargetTests() {
return this.targetTests;
public Predicate getTargetTestsFilter() {
if ((this.targetTests == null) || this.targetTests.isEmpty()) {
// If target tests is not explicitly set we assume that the
// target classes predicate covers both classes and tests
return Prelude.and(or(Glob.toGlobPredicates(this.targetClasses)),
} else {
return Prelude.and(or(this.targetTests),
private static Predicate isBlackListed(
final Collection> excludedClasses) {
return or(excludedClasses);
public Collection getLoggingClasses() {
if (this.loggingClasses.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return this.loggingClasses;
public void setLoggingClasses(final Collection loggingClasses) {
this.loggingClasses = loggingClasses;
public Collection getExcludedMethods() {
return this.excludedMethods;
public void setExcludedMethods(
final Collection excludedMethods) {
this.excludedMethods = excludedMethods;
public void setVerbosity(Verbosity verbose) {
this.verbosity = verbose;
public void setExcludedClasses(
final Collection excludedClasses) {
this.excludedClasses = excludedClasses;
public void setExcludedTestClasses(
final Collection> excludedClasses) {
this.excludedTestClasses = excludedClasses;
public void addOutputFormats(final Collection formats) {
public Collection getOutputFormats() {
return this.outputs;
public Collection getExcludedClasses() {
return this.excludedClasses;
public Collection> getExcludedTestClasses() {
return this.excludedTestClasses;
public boolean shouldFailWhenNoMutations() {
return this.failWhenNoMutations;
public void setFailWhenNoMutations(final boolean failWhenNoMutations) {
this.failWhenNoMutations = failWhenNoMutations;
public boolean skipFailingTests() {
return skipFailingTests;
public void setSkipFailingTests(final boolean skipFailingTests) {
this.skipFailingTests = skipFailingTests;
public ProjectClassPaths getMutationClassPaths() {
return new ProjectClassPaths(this.getClassPath(), createClassesFilter(),
public ClassFilter createClassesFilter() {
return new ClassFilter(this.getTargetTestsFilter(),
private PathFilter createPathFilter() {
return new PathFilter(createCodePathFilter(),
not(new DefaultDependencyPathPredicate()));
private Predicate createCodePathFilter() {
if ((this.codePaths != null) && !this.codePaths.isEmpty()) {
return new PathNamePredicate(Prelude.or(Glob
} else {
return new DefaultCodePathPredicate();
public Collection getCodePaths() {
return this.codePaths;
public void setCodePaths(final Collection codePaths) {
this.codePaths = codePaths;
public void setGroupConfig(final TestGroupConfig groupConfig) {
this.groupConfig = groupConfig;
public TestGroupConfig getGroupConfig() {
return this.groupConfig;
public void setFullMutationMatrix(final boolean fullMutationMatrix) {
this.fullMutationMatrix = fullMutationMatrix;
public boolean isFullMutationMatrix() {
return fullMutationMatrix;
public int getMutationUnitSize() {
return this.mutationUnitSize;
public void setMutationUnitSize(final int size) {
this.mutationUnitSize = size;
public ResultOutputStrategy getReportDirectoryStrategy() {
return new DirectoryResultOutputStrategy(getReportDir(),
public void setShouldCreateTimestampedReports(
final boolean shouldCreateTimestampedReports) {
this.shouldCreateTimestampedReports = shouldCreateTimestampedReports;
private ReportDirCreationStrategy pickDirectoryStrategy() {
if (this.shouldCreateTimestampedReports) {
return new DatedDirectoryReportDirCreationStrategy();
} else {
return new UndatedReportDirCreationStrategy();
public boolean shouldCreateTimeStampedReports() {
return this.shouldCreateTimestampedReports;
public boolean isDetectInlinedCode() {
return this.detectInlinedCode;
public void setDetectInlinedCode(final boolean b) {
this.detectInlinedCode = b;
public Optional createHistoryWriter() {
if (this.historyOutputLocation == null) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(new FileWriterFactory(this.historyOutputLocation));
public Optional createHistoryReader() {
if (this.historyInputLocation == null) {
return Optional.empty();
try {
if (this.historyInputLocation.exists()
&& (this.historyInputLocation.length() > 0)) {
return Optional.of(new InputStreamReader(Files.newInputStream(this.historyInputLocation.toPath()), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
return Optional.empty();
} catch (final IOException ex) {
throw Unchecked.translateCheckedException(ex);
public void setHistoryInputLocation(final File historyInputLocation) {
this.historyInputLocation = historyInputLocation;
public void setHistoryOutputLocation(final File historyOutputLocation) {
this.historyOutputLocation = historyOutputLocation;
public File getHistoryInputLocation() {
return this.historyInputLocation;
public File getHistoryOutputLocation() {
return this.historyOutputLocation;
public void setExportLineCoverage(final boolean value) {
this.exportLineCoverage = value;
public boolean shouldExportLineCoverage() {
return this.exportLineCoverage;
public int getMutationThreshold() {
return this.mutationThreshold;
public void setMutationThreshold(final int value) {
this.mutationThreshold = value;
public String getMutationEngine() {
return this.mutationEngine;
public void setMutationEngine(final String mutationEngine) {
this.mutationEngine = mutationEngine;
public int getCoverageThreshold() {
return this.coverageThreshold;
public void setCoverageThreshold(final int coverageThreshold) {
this.coverageThreshold = coverageThreshold;
public int getTestStrengthThreshold() {
return this.testStrengthThreshold;
public void setTestStrengthThreshold(final int testStrengthThreshold) {
this.testStrengthThreshold = testStrengthThreshold;
public String getJavaExecutable() {
return this.javaExecutable;
public void setJavaExecutable(final String javaExecutable) {
this.javaExecutable = javaExecutable;
public void setIncludeLaunchClasspath(final boolean b) {
this.includeLaunchClasspath = b;
public boolean isIncludeLaunchClasspath() {
return this.includeLaunchClasspath;
public Properties getFreeFormProperties() {
return this.properties;
public void setFreeFormProperties(Properties props) {
this.properties = props;
public int getMaximumAllowedSurvivors() {
return this.maxSurvivors;
public void setMaximumAllowedSurvivors(int maxSurvivors) {
this.maxSurvivors = maxSurvivors;
public Collection getExcludedRunners() {
return this.excludedRunners;
public Collection getIncludedTestMethods() {
return this.includedTestMethods;
public void setExcludedRunners(Collection excludedRunners) {
this.excludedRunners = excludedRunners;
public void setIncludedTestMethods(Collection includedTestMethods) {
this.includedTestMethods = includedTestMethods;
* Creates a serializable subset of data for use in child processes
public TestPluginArguments createMinionSettings() {
return new TestPluginArguments(this.getGroupConfig(), this.getExcludedRunners(),
this.getIncludedTestMethods(), this.skipFailingTests());
public Path getProjectBase() {
return projectBase;
public void setProjectBase(Path projectBase) {
this.projectBase = projectBase;
public Charset getInputEncoding() {
return this.inputEncoding;
public void setInputEncoding(Charset inputEncoding) {
this.inputEncoding = inputEncoding;
public Charset getOutputEncoding() {
return this.outputEncoding;
public void setOutputEncoding(Charset outputEncoding) {
this.outputEncoding = outputEncoding;
public boolean shouldReportCoverage() {
return reportCoverage;
public void setReportCoverage(boolean reportCoverage) {
this.reportCoverage = reportCoverage;
public Map getEnvironmentVariables() {
return environmentVariables;
public boolean isArcmutateMissing() {
return arcmutateMissing;
public void setArcmutateMissing(boolean arcmutateMissing) {
this.arcmutateMissing = arcmutateMissing;
public ExecutionMode mode() {
return mode;
public void setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
public String toString() {
return new StringJoiner(", ", ReportOptions.class.getSimpleName() + "[", "]")
.add("mode=" + mode)
.add("targetClasses=" + targetClasses)
.add("excludedMethods=" + excludedMethods)
.add("excludedClasses=" + excludedClasses)
.add("excludedTestClasses=" + excludedTestClasses)
.add("codePaths=" + codePaths)
.add("reportDir='" + reportDir + "'")
.add("historyInputLocation=" + historyInputLocation)
.add("historyOutputLocation=" + historyOutputLocation)
.add("sourceDirs=" + sourceDirs)
.add("classPathElements=" + classPathElements)
.add("mutators=" + mutators)
.add("features=" + features)
.add("jvmArgs=" + jvmArgs)
.add("argLine=" + argLine)
.add("numberOfThreads=" + numberOfThreads)
.add("timeoutFactor=" + timeoutFactor)
.add("timeoutConstant=" + timeoutConstant)
.add("targetTests=" + targetTests)
.add("loggingClasses=" + loggingClasses)
.add("verbosity=" + verbosity)
.add("failWhenNoMutations=" + failWhenNoMutations)
.add("skipFailingTests=" + skipFailingTests)
.add("outputs=" + outputs)
.add("groupConfig=" + groupConfig)
.add("fullMutationMatrix=" + fullMutationMatrix)
.add("mutationUnitSize=" + mutationUnitSize)
.add("shouldCreateTimestampedReports=" + shouldCreateTimestampedReports)
.add("detectInlinedCode=" + detectInlinedCode)
.add("exportLineCoverage=" + exportLineCoverage)
.add("mutationThreshold=" + mutationThreshold)
.add("coverageThreshold=" + coverageThreshold)
.add("testStrengthThreshold=" + testStrengthThreshold)
.add("mutationEngine='" + mutationEngine + "'")
.add("javaExecutable='" + javaExecutable + "'")
.add("includeLaunchClasspath=" + includeLaunchClasspath)
.add("properties=" + properties)
.add("maxSurvivors=" + maxSurvivors)
.add("excludedRunners=" + excludedRunners)
.add("includedTestMethods=" + includedTestMethods)
.add("testPlugin='" + testPlugin + "'")
.add("projectBase=" + projectBase)
.add("inputEncoding=" + inputEncoding)
.add("outputEncoding=" + outputEncoding)
.add("reportCoverage=" + reportCoverage)
.add("arcmutateMissing=" + arcmutateMissing)