org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Value Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
* Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
* either these or other terms.
* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
package org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.TargetMappingPrecedence;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.impl.AbstractPolyglotImpl.AbstractValueDispatch;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.Proxy;
* Represents a polyglot value that can be accessed using a set of language agnostic operations.
* Polyglot values represent values from {@link #isHostObject() host} or guest language. Polyglot
* values are bound to a {@link Context context}. If the context is closed then all value operations
* throw an {@link IllegalStateException}.
* Polyglot values have one of the following type combinations:
* - {@link #isNull() Null}: This value represents a
like value. Certain
* languages might use a different name or use multiple values to represent null
* values.
* - {@link #isNumber() Number}: This value represents a floating or fixed point number. The
* number value may be accessed as {@link #asByte() byte}, {@link #asShort() short}, {@link #asInt()
* int}, {@link #asLong() long}, {@link #asBigInteger()} BigInteger}, {@link #asFloat() float}, or
* {@link #asDouble() double} value.
- {@link #isBoolean() Boolean}. This value represents a boolean value. The boolean value can be
* accessed using {@link #asBoolean()}.
- {@link #isString() String}: This value represents a string value. The string value can be
* accessed using {@link #asString()}.
- {@link #isDate() Date}, {@link #isTime() Time} or {@link #isTimeZone() Timezone}: This value
* represents a date, time or timezone. Multiple types may return
at the same
* time.
* - {@link #isDuration() Duration}: This value represents a duration value. The duration value
* can be accessed using {@link #asDuration()}.
- {@link #isHostObject() Host Object}: This value represents a value of the host language
* (Java). The original Java value can be accessed using {@link #asHostObject()}.
- {@link #isProxyObject() Proxy Object}: This value represents a {@link Proxy proxy} value.
- {@link #isNativePointer() Native Pointer}: This value represents a native pointer. The native
* pointer value can be accessed using {@link #asNativePointer()}.
- {@link #isException() Exception}: This value represents an exception object. The exception
* can be thrown using {@link #throwException()}.
- {@link #isMetaObject() Meta-Object}: This value represents a metaobject. Access metaobject
* operations using {@link #getMetaSimpleName()}, {@link #getMetaQualifiedName()} and
* {@link #isMetaInstance(Object)}.
- {@link #isIterator() Iterator}: This value represents an iterator. The iterator can be
* iterated using {@link #hasIteratorNextElement()} and {@link #getIteratorNextElement()}.
* In addition any value may have one or more of the following traits:
* - {@link #hasArrayElements() Array Elements}: This value may contain array elements. The array
* indices always start with
, also if the language uses a different style.
* - {@link #hasMembers() Members}: This value may contain members. Members are structural
* elements of an object. For example, the members of a Java object are all public methods and
* fields. Members are accessible using {@link #getMember(String)}.
- {@link #canExecute() Executable}: This value can be {@link #execute(Object...) executed}.
* This indicates that the value represents an element that can be executed. Guest language examples
* for executable elements are functions, methods, closures or promises.
- {@link #canInstantiate() Instantiable}: This value can be {@link #newInstance(Object...)
* instantiated}. For example, Java classes are instantiable.
- {@link #hasBufferElements() Buffer Elements}: This value may contain buffer elements. The
* buffer indices always start with
, also if the language uses a different style.
* - {@link #hasIterator() Iterable}: This value {@link #getIterator() provides} an
* {@link #isIterator() iterator} which can be used to {@link #getIteratorNextElement() iterate}
* value elements. For example, Guest language arrays are iterable.
- {@link #hasHashEntries()} Hash Entries}: This value represents a map.
- {@link #hasMetaParents()} Meta Parents}: This value represents Array Elements of Meta
* Objects.
* In addition to the language agnostic types, the language specific type can be accessed using
* {@link #getMetaObject()}. The identity of value objects is unspecified and should not be relied
* upon. For example, multiple calls to {@link #getArrayElement(long)} with the same index might
* return the same or different instances of {@link Value}. The {@link #equals(Object) equality} of
* values is based on the identity of the value instance. All values return a human-readable
* {@link #toString() string} for debugging, formatted by the original language.
* Polyglot values may be converted to host objects using {@link #as(Class)}. In addition values may
* be created from Java values using {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
Naive and aware dates and times
* If a date or time value has a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} then it is called aware,
* otherwise naive.
* An aware time and date has sufficient knowledge of applicable algorithmic and political time
* adjustments, such as time zone and daylight saving time information, to locate itself relative to
* other aware objects. An aware object is used to represent a specific moment in time that is not
* open to interpretation.
* A naive time and date does not contain enough information to unambiguously locate itself relative
* to other date/time objects. Whether a naive object represents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC),
* local time, or time in some other timezone is purely up to the program, just like it is up to the
* program whether a particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive objects are easy to
* understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of reality.
Scoped Values
* In the case of a guest-to-host callback, a value may be passed as a parameter. These values may
* represent objects that are only valid during the invocation of the callback function, i.e. they
* are scoped, with the scope being the callback function. If enabled via the corresponding settings
* in {@link HostAccess}, such values are released when the function returns, with all future
* invocations of value operations throwing an exception.
* If an embedder wishes to extend the scope of the value beyond the callback's return, the value
* can be {@linkplain Value#pin() pinned}, such that it is not released automatically.
* @see Context
* @see Engine
* @see PolyglotException
* @since 19.0
public final class Value extends AbstractValue {
Value(AbstractValueDispatch dispatch, Object context, Object receiver) {
super(dispatch, context, receiver);
* Returns the metaobject that is associated with this value or null
if no
* metaobject is available. The metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals it's
* kind and it's features. Some information that a metaobject might define includes the base
* object's type, interface, class, methods, attributes, etc.
* The returned value returns true
for {@link #isMetaObject()} and provides
* implementations for {@link #getMetaSimpleName()}, {@link #getMetaQualifiedName()}, and
* {@link #isMetaInstance(Object)}.
* This method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #isMetaObject()
* @since 19.0 revised in 20.1
public Value getMetaObject() {
return dispatch.getMetaObject(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if the value represents a metaobject. Metaobjects may be values
* that naturally occur in a language or they may be returned by {@link #getMetaObject()}. A
* metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Returns
* false
by default. Metaobjects are often also {@link #canInstantiate()
* instantiable}, but not necessarily.
* Sample interpretations: In Java an instance of the type {@link Class} is a metaobject.
* In JavaScript any function instance is a metaobject. For example, the metaobject of a
* JavaScript class is the associated constructor function.
* This method does not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then
* also {@link #getMetaQualifiedName()}, {@link #getMetaSimpleName()} and
* {@link #isMetaInstance(Object)} must be implemented as well.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #getMetaQualifiedName()
* @see #getMetaSimpleName()
* @see #isMetaInstance(Object)
* @see #getMetaObject()
* @since 20.1
public boolean isMetaObject() {
return dispatch.isMetaObject(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the qualified name of a metaobject as {@link #isString() String}.
* Sample interpretations: The qualified name of a Java class includes the package name
* and its class name. JavaScript does not have the notion of qualified name and therefore
* returns the {@link #getMetaSimpleName() simple name} instead.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject()} returns
* false
for the same value.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 20.1
public String getMetaQualifiedName() {
return dispatch.getMetaQualifiedName(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the simple name of a metaobject as {@link #isString() string}.
* Sample interpretations: The simple name of a Java class is the class name.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject()} returns
* false
for the same value.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 20.1
public String getMetaSimpleName() {
return dispatch.getMetaSimpleName(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if the given instance is an instance of this value, else
* false
. The instance value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as
* described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* Sample interpretations: A Java object is an instance of its returned
* {@link Object#getClass() class}.
* @param instance the instance object to check.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject()} returns
* false
for the same value.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 20.1
public boolean isMetaInstance(Object instance) {
return dispatch.isMetaInstance(this.context, receiver, instance);
* Returns true
if the value represents a metaobject and the metaobject has meta
* parents. Returns false
by default.
* Sample interpretations: In Java an instance of the type {@link Class} is a metaobject.
* Further, the superclass and the implemented interfaces types of that type constitute the meta
* parents. In JavaScript any function instance is a metaobject. For example, the metaobject of
* a JavaScript class is the associated constructor function.
* This method does not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then
* also {@link #getMetaParents()} must be implemented as well.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #getMetaParents()
* @since 22.2
public boolean hasMetaParents() {
return dispatch.hasMetaParents(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the meta parents of a meta object as an array object {@link #hasArrayElements()}.
* This method does not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then
* also {@link #hasMetaParents()} must be implemented as well.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any
* {@link #hasMetaParents()} meta parents.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #hasMetaParents()
* @since 22.2
public Value getMetaParents() {
return dispatch.getMetaParents(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this polyglot value has array elements. In this case array
* elements can be accessed using {@link #getArrayElement(long)},
* {@link #setArrayElement(long, Object)}, {@link #removeArrayElement(long)} and the array size
* can be queried using {@link #getArraySize()}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public boolean hasArrayElements() {
return dispatch.hasArrayElements(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the array element of a given index. Polyglot arrays start with index 0
* independent of the guest language. The given array index must be greater or equal to 0.
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the array index does not exist.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any
* {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or if the index exists but is not
* readable.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public Value getArrayElement(long index) {
return dispatch.getArrayElement(this.context, receiver, index);
* Sets the value at a given index. Polyglot arrays start with index 0
, independent
* of the guest language. The array element value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as
* described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the array index does not exist.
* @throws ClassCastException if the provided value type is not allowed to be written.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any
* {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or if the index exists but is not
* modifiable.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public void setArrayElement(long index, Object value) {
dispatch.setArrayElement(this.context, receiver, index, value);
* Removes an array element at a given index. Returns true
if the underlying array
* element could be removed, otherwise false
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the array index does not exist.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any
* {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or if the index exists but is not
* removable.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public boolean removeArrayElement(long index) {
return dispatch.removeArrayElement(this.context, receiver, index);
* Returns the array size for values with array elements.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any
* {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public long getArraySize() {
return dispatch.getArraySize(this.context, receiver);
// region Buffer Methods
* Returns {@code true} if the receiver may have buffer elements. In this case, the buffer size
* can be queried using {@link #getBufferSize()} and elements can be read using
* {@link #readBufferByte(long)}, {@link #readBufferShort(ByteOrder, long)},
* {@link #readBufferInt(ByteOrder, long)}, {@link #readBufferLong(ByteOrder, long)},
* {@link #readBufferFloat(ByteOrder, long)} and {@link #readBufferDouble(ByteOrder, long)}. If
* {@link #isBufferWritable()} returns {@code true}, then buffer elements can also be written
* using {@link #writeBufferByte(long, byte)},
* {@link #writeBufferShort(ByteOrder, long, short)},
* {@link #writeBufferInt(ByteOrder, long, int)},
* {@link #writeBufferLong(ByteOrder, long, long)},
* {@link #writeBufferFloat(ByteOrder, long, float)} and
* {@link #writeBufferDouble(ByteOrder, long, double)}.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #hasBufferElements()
* @since 21.1
public boolean hasBufferElements() {
return dispatch.hasBufferElements(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true if the receiver object is a modifiable buffer. In this case, elements can be
* written using {@link #writeBufferByte(long, byte)},
* {@link #writeBufferShort(ByteOrder, long, short)},
* {@link #writeBufferInt(ByteOrder, long, int)},
* {@link #writeBufferLong(ByteOrder, long, long)},
* {@link #writeBufferFloat(ByteOrder, long, float)} and
* {@link #writeBufferDouble(ByteOrder, long, double)}.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @since 21.1
public boolean isBufferWritable() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.isBufferWritable(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the buffer size in bytes for values with buffer elements.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @since 21.1
public long getBufferSize() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getBufferSize(this.context, receiver);
* Reads the byte at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer at which the byte will
* be read.
* @return the byte at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >=
{@link #getBufferSize()}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public byte readBufferByte(long byteOffset) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return dispatch.readBufferByte(this.context, receiver, byteOffset);
* Writes the given byte at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer at which the byte will
* be written.
* @param value the byte value to be written.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >=
{@link #getBufferSize()}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements} or is not {@link #isBufferWritable() modifiable}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void writeBufferByte(long byteOffset, byte value) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
dispatch.writeBufferByte(this.context, receiver, byteOffset, value);
* Reads the short at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer in the given byte
* order.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @param order the order in which to read the individual bytes of the short.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the short
* will be read.
* @return the short at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 1
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public short readBufferShort(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return dispatch.readBufferShort(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset);
* Writes the given short in the given byte order at the given byte offset from the start of the
* buffer.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* @param order the order in which to write the individual bytes of the short.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the short
* will be written.
* @param value the short value to be written.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 1
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements} or is not {@link #isBufferWritable() modifiable}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void writeBufferShort(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, short value) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
dispatch.writeBufferShort(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset, value);
* Reads the int at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer in the given byte order.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @param order the order in which to read the individual bytes of the int.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the int will
* be read.
* @return the int at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 3
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public int readBufferInt(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return dispatch.readBufferInt(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset);
* Writes the given int in the given byte order at the given byte offset from the start of the
* buffer.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* @param order the order in which to write the individual bytes of the int.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the int will
* be written.
* @param value the int value to be written.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 3
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements} or is not {@link #isBufferWritable() modifiable}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void writeBufferInt(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, int value) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
dispatch.writeBufferInt(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset, value);
* Reads the long at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer in the given byte order.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @param order the order in which to read the individual bytes of the long.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the int will
* be read.
* @return the int at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 7
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public long readBufferLong(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return dispatch.readBufferLong(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset);
* Writes the given long in the given byte order at the given byte offset from the start of the
* buffer.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* @param order the order in which to write the individual bytes of the long.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the int will
* be written.
* @param value the int value to be written.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 7
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements} or is not {@link #isBufferWritable() modifiable}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void writeBufferLong(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, long value) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
dispatch.writeBufferLong(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset, value);
* Reads the float at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer in the given byte
* order.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @param order the order in which to read the individual bytes of the float.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the float
* will be read.
* @return the float at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 3
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public float readBufferFloat(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return dispatch.readBufferFloat(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset);
* Writes the given float in the given byte order at the given byte offset from the start of the
* buffer.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* @param order the order in which to read the individual bytes of the float.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the float
* will be written.
* @param value the float value to be written.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 3
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements} or is not {@link #isBufferWritable() modifiable}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void writeBufferFloat(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, float value) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
dispatch.writeBufferFloat(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset, value);
* Reads the double at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer in the given byte
* order.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* Invoking this method does not cause any observable side-effects.
* @param order the order in which to write the individual bytes of the double.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the double
* will be read.
* @return the double at the given byte offset from the start of the buffer.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 7
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public double readBufferDouble(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
return dispatch.readBufferDouble(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset);
* Writes the given double in the given byte order at the given byte offset from the start of
* the buffer.
* Unaligned accesses are supported.
* The access is not guaranteed to be atomic. Therefore, this method is not
* thread-safe.
* @param order the order in which to write the individual bytes of the double.
* @param byteOffset the offset, in bytes, from the start of the buffer from which the double
* will be written.
* @param value the double value to be written.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if and only if
* byteOffset < 0 || byteOffset >= {@link #getBufferSize()} - 7
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have {@link #hasBufferElements
* buffer elements} or is not {@link #isBufferWritable() modifiable}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void writeBufferDouble(ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, double value) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
dispatch.writeBufferDouble(this.context, receiver, order, byteOffset, value);
// endregion
* Returns true
if this value generally supports containing members. To check
* whether a value has no members use
* {@link #getMemberKeys() getMemberKeys()}.{@link Set#isEmpty() isEmpty()}
* instead. If polyglot value has members, it may also support {@link #getMember(String)},
* {@link #putMember(String, Object)} and {@link #removeMember(String)}.
* @see #hasMember(String) To check the existence of members.
* @see #getMember(String) To read members.
* @see #putMember(String, Object) To write members.
* @see #removeMember(String) To remove a member.
* @see #getMemberKeys() For a list of members.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public boolean hasMembers() {
return dispatch.hasMembers(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if such a member exists for a given identifier
. If the
* value has no {@link #hasMembers() members} then {@link #hasMember(String)} returns
* false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null.
* @since 19.0
public boolean hasMember(String identifier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier");
return dispatch.hasMember(this.context, receiver, identifier);
* Returns the member with a given identifier
or null
if the member
* does not exist.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value {@link #hasMembers() has no members} or
* the given identifier exists but is not readable.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null.
* @since 19.0
public Value getMember(String identifier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier");
return dispatch.getMember(this.context, receiver, identifier);
* Returns a set of all member keys. Calling {@link Set#contains(Object)} with a string key is
* equivalent to calling {@link #hasMember(String)}. Removing an element from the returned set
* is equivalent to calling {@link #removeMember(String)}. Adding an element to the set is
* equivalent to calling {@linkplain #putMember(String, Object) putMember(key, null)}. If the
* value does not support {@link #hasMembers() members} then an empty unmodifiable set is
* returned. If the context gets closed while the returned set is still alive, then the set will
* throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if any methods except Object methods are invoked.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public Set getMemberKeys() {
return dispatch.getMemberKeys(this.context, receiver);
* Sets the value of a member using an identifier. The member value is subject to polyglot value
* mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasMembers()
* members}, the key does not exist and new members cannot be added, or the existing
* member is not modifiable.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided value type is not allowed to be written.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null.
* @since 19.0
public void putMember(String identifier, Object value) {
Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier");
dispatch.putMember(this.context, receiver, identifier, value);
* Removes a single member from the object. Returns true
if the member was
* successfully removed, false
if such a member does not exist.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasMembers()
* members} or if the key {@link #hasMember(String) exists} but cannot be removed.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null.
* @since 19.0
public boolean removeMember(String identifier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier");
return dispatch.removeMember(this.context, receiver, identifier);
// executable
* Returns true
if the value can be {@link #execute(Object...) executed}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #execute(Object...)
* @since 19.0
public boolean canExecute() {
return dispatch.canExecute(this.context, receiver);
* Executes this value if it {@link #canExecute() can} be executed and returns its result. If no
* result value is expected or needed use {@link #executeVoid(Object...)} for better
* performance. All arguments are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in
* {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a wrong number of arguments was provided or one of the
* arguments was not applicable.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value cannot be executed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null.
* @see #executeVoid(Object...)
* @since 19.0
public Value execute(Object... arguments) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
// specialized entry point for zero argument execute calls
return dispatch.execute(this.context, receiver);
} else {
return dispatch.execute(this.context, receiver, arguments);
* Executes this value if it {@link #canExecute() can} be executed. All arguments are subject to
* polyglot value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a wrong number of arguments was provided or one of the
* arguments was not applicable.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value cannot be executed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null.
* @see #execute(Object...)
* @since 19.0
public void executeVoid(Object... arguments) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
// specialized entry point for zero argument execute calls
dispatch.executeVoid(this.context, receiver);
} else {
dispatch.executeVoid(this.context, receiver, arguments);
* Returns true
if the value can be instantiated. This indicates that the
* {@link #newInstance(Object...)} can be used with this value. If a value is instantiable it is
* often also a {@link #isMetaObject()}, but this is not a requirement.
* @see #isMetaObject()
* @since 19.0
public boolean canInstantiate() {
return dispatch.canInstantiate(this.context, receiver);
* Instantiates this value if it {@link #canInstantiate() can} be instantiated. All arguments
* are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a wrong number of arguments was provided or one of the
* arguments was not applicable.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value cannot be instantiated.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null.
* @since 19.0
public Value newInstance(Object... arguments) {
Objects.requireNonNull(arguments, "arguments");
return dispatch.newInstance(this.context, receiver, arguments);
* Returns true
if the given member exists and can be invoked. Returns
* false
if the member does not exist ({@link #hasMember(String)} returns
* false
), or is not invocable.
* @param identifier the member identifier
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred.
* @see #getMemberKeys() For a list of members.
* @see #invokeMember(String, Object...)
* @since 19.0
public boolean canInvokeMember(String identifier) {
Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier");
return dispatch.canInvoke(this.context, identifier, receiver);
* Invokes the given member of this value. Unlike {@link #execute(Object...)}, this is an object
* oriented execution of a member of an object. To test whether invocation is supported, call
* {@link #canInvokeMember(String)}. When object oriented semantics are not supported, use
* {@link #getMember(String)}.{@link #execute(Object...) execute(Object...)}
* instead.
* @param identifier the member identifier to invoke
* @param arguments the invocation arguments
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this member cannot be invoked.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during invocation.
* @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null.
* @see #canInvokeMember(String)
* @since 19.0
public Value invokeMember(String identifier, Object... arguments) {
Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier");
if (arguments.length == 0) {
// specialized entry point for zero argument invoke calls
return dispatch.invoke(this.context, receiver, identifier);
} else {
return dispatch.invoke(this.context, receiver, identifier, arguments);
* Returns true
if this value represents a string.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean isString() {
return dispatch.isString(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the {@link String} value if this value {@link #isString() is} a string. This method
* returns null
if this value represents a {@link #isNull() null} value.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted to string.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value does not represent a string.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 19.0
public String asString() {
return dispatch.asString(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in int
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asInt()
* @since 19.0
public boolean fitsInInt() {
return dispatch.fitsInInt(this.context, receiver);
* Returns an int
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number}
* and the value {@link #fitsInInt() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public int asInt() {
return dispatch.asInt(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a boolean value.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asBoolean()
* @since 19.0
public boolean isBoolean() {
return dispatch.isBoolean(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a boolean
representation of this value if it is {@link #isBoolean()
* boolean}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean asBoolean() {
return dispatch.asBoolean(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number}, else
* false
. The number value may be accessed as {@link #asByte() byte},
* {@link #asShort() short} {@link #asInt() int} {@link #asLong() long}, {@link #asFloat()
* float} or {@link #asDouble() double} value.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean isNumber() {
return dispatch.isNumber(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in long
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asLong()
* @since 19.0
public boolean fitsInLong() {
return dispatch.fitsInLong(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a long
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number}
* and the value {@link #fitsInLong() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted to long.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public long asLong() {
return dispatch.asLong(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in BigInteger
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asBigInteger()
* @since 23.0
public boolean fitsInBigInteger() {
return dispatch.fitsInBigInteger(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a BigInteger
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber()
* number} and the value {@link #fitsInBigInteger() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted to BigInteger.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 23.0
public BigInteger asBigInteger() {
return dispatch.asBigInteger(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in double
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asDouble()
* @since 19.0
public boolean fitsInDouble() {
return dispatch.fitsInDouble(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a double
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber()
* number} and the value {@link #fitsInDouble() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public double asDouble() {
return dispatch.asDouble(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in float
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asFloat()
* @since 19.0
public boolean fitsInFloat() {
return dispatch.fitsInFloat(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a float
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number}
* and the value {@link #fitsInFloat() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public float asFloat() {
return dispatch.asFloat(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in byte
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asByte()
* @since 19.0
public boolean fitsInByte() {
return dispatch.fitsInByte(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a byte
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number}
* and the value {@link #fitsInByte() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public byte asByte() {
return dispatch.asByte(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value
* fits in short
, else false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @see #asShort()
* @since 19.0
public boolean fitsInShort() {
return dispatch.fitsInShort(this.context, receiver);
* Returns a short
representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number}
* and the value {@link #fitsInShort() fits}.
* @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public short asShort() {
return dispatch.asShort(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value is a null
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean isNull() {
return dispatch.isNull(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value is a native pointer. The value of the pointer can be
* accessed using {@link #asNativePointer()}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean isNativePointer() {
return dispatch.isNativePointer(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the value of the pointer as long
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value is not a pointer.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public long asNativePointer() {
return dispatch.asNativePointer(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if the value originated form the host language Java. In such a case
* the value can be accessed using {@link #asHostObject()}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean isHostObject() {
return dispatch.isHostObject(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the original Java host language object.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if {@link #isHostObject()} is false
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public T asHostObject() {
return (T) dispatch.asHostObject(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents a {@link Proxy}. The proxy instance can be
* unboxed using {@link #asProxyObject()}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public boolean isProxyObject() {
return dispatch.isProxyObject(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the unboxed instance of the {@link Proxy}. Proxies are not automatically boxed to
* {@link #isHostObject() host objects} on host language call boundaries (Java methods).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if a value is not a proxy object.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed.
* @since 19.0
public T asProxyObject() {
return (T) dispatch.asProxyObject(this.context, receiver);
* Maps a polyglot value to a value with a given Java target type.
* Target type mapping
* The following target types are supported and interpreted in the following order:
* - Custom
* {@link HostAccess.Builder#targetTypeMapping(Class, Class, java.util.function.Predicate, Function)
* target type mappings} specified in the {@link HostAccess} configuration with precedence
* {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#HIGHEST} or {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#HIGH}. These custom
* target type mappings may override all the type mappings below. This allows for customization
* if one of the below type mappings is not suitable.
{@link Value}.class
is always supported and returns this instance.
* - If the value represents a {@link #isHostObject() host object} then all classes
* implemented or extended by the host object can be used as target type.
{@link String}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isString()
* string}.
* {@link Character}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isString()
* string} of length one or if a number can be safely be converted to a character.
* {@link Number}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isNumber()
* number}. {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} and
* {@link Double} are allowed if they fit without conversion. If a conversion is necessary then
* a {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. Primitive class literals throw a
* {@link NullPointerException} if the value represents {@link #isNull() null}.
* {@link Boolean}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isBoolean()
* boolean}. Primitive {@link Boolean boolean.class} literal is also supported. The primitive
* class literal throws a {@link NullPointerException} if the value represents {@link #isNull()
* null}.
* {@link LocalDate}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isDate()
* date}
* {@link LocalTime}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isTime()
* time}
* {@link LocalDateTime}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isDate()
* date} and {@link #isTime() time}.
* {@link Instant}.class
is supported if the value is an {@link #isInstant()
* instant}.
* {@link ZonedDateTime}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isDate()
* date}, {@link #isTime() time} and {@link #isTimeZone() timezone}.
* {@link ZoneId}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isTimeZone()
* timezone}.
* {@link Duration}.class
is supported if the value is a {@link #isDuration()
* duration}.
* {@link PolyglotException}.class
is supported if the value is an
* {@link #isException() exception object}.
* - Any Java type in the type hierarchy of a {@link #isHostObject() host object}.
- Custom
* {@link HostAccess.Builder#targetTypeMapping(Class, Class, java.util.function.Predicate, Function)
* target type mappings} specified in the {@link HostAccess} configuration with precedence
* {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#LOW}.
{@link Object}.class
is always supported. See section Object mapping rules.
* {@link Map}.class
is supported if
* {@link HostAccess.MutableTargetMapping#MEMBERS_TO_JAVA_MAP} respectively
* {@link HostAccess.MutableTargetMapping#HASH_TO_JAVA_MAP} are
* {@link HostAccess.Builder#allowMutableTargetMappings(HostAccess.MutableTargetMapping...)
* allowed} and the value has {@link #hasHashEntries()} hash entries}, {@link #hasMembers()
* members} or {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements}. The returned map can be safely cast
* to Map
* A {@link ClassCastException} is thrown for other unsupported target types.
* JavaScript Usage Examples:
* Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.ALL).build();
* assert context.eval("js", "undefined").as(Object.class) == null;
* assert context.eval("js", "'foobar'").as(String.class).equals("foobar");
* assert context.eval("js", "42").as(Integer.class) == 42;
* assert context.eval("js", "({foo:'bar'})").as(Map.class).get("foo").equals("bar");
* assert context.eval("js", "[42]").as(List.class).get(0).equals(42);
* assert ((Map<String, Object>) context.eval("js", "[{foo:'bar'}]").as(List.class).get(0)).get("foo").equals("bar");
* @FunctionalInterface
* interface IntFunction {
* int foo(int value);
* }
* assert context.eval("js", "(function(a){return a})").as(IntFunction.class).foo(42).asInt() == 42;
* @FunctionalInterface
* interface StringListFunction {
* int foo(List<String> value);
* }
* assert context.eval("js", "(function(a){return a.length})").as(StringListFunction.class).foo(new String[]{"42"}).asInt() == 1;
* public abstract class AbstractClass {
* public AbstractClass() {
* }
* int foo(int value);
* }
* assert context.eval("js", "({foo: function(a){return a}})").as(AbstractClass.class).foo(42).asInt() == 42;
* Object target type mapping
* Object target mapping is useful to map polyglot values to its closest corresponding standard
* JDK type.
* The following rules apply when Object
is used as a target type:
* - If the value represents {@link #isNull() null} then
is returned.
* - If the value is a {@link #isHostObject() host object} then the value is coerced to
* {@link #asHostObject() host object value}.
- If the value is a {@link #isString() string} then the value is coerced to {@link String}
* or {@link Character}.
- If the value is a {@link #isBoolean() boolean} then the value is coerced to
* {@link Boolean}.
- If the value is a {@link #isNumber() number} then the value is coerced to {@link Number}.
* The specific sub type of the {@link Number} is not specified. Users need to be prepared for
* any Number subclass including {@link BigInteger} or {@link BigDecimal}. It is recommended to
* cast to {@link Number} and then convert to a Java primitive like with
* {@link Number#longValue()}.
- If the value has {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} and it has an
* {@link Value#getArraySize() array size} that is smaller or equal than
* {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} then the result value will implement {@link List}. Every array
* element of the value maps to one list element. The size of the returned list maps to the
* array size of the value. The returned value may also implement {@link Function} if the value
* can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}.
- If the value has {@link #hasHashEntries() hash entries} then the result value will
* implement {@link Map}. The {@link Map#size() size} of the returned {@link Map} is equal to
* the {@link #getHashSize() hash entries count}. The returned value may also implement
* {@link Function} if the value can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or
* {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}.
- If the value {@link #hasMembers() has members} then the result value will implement
* {@link Map}. If this value {@link #hasMembers() has members} then all members are accessible
* using {@link String} keys. The {@link Map#size() size} of the returned {@link Map} is equal
* to the count of all members. The returned value may also implement {@link Function} if the
* value can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}.
- If the value has an {@link #hasIterator()} iterator} then the result value will implement
* {@link Iterable}. The returned value may also implement {@link Function} if the value can be
* {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}.
- If the value is an {@link #isIterator()} iterator} then the result value will implement
* {@link Iterator}. The returned value may also implement {@link Function} if the value can be
* {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}.
- If the value can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate()
* instantiated} then the result value implements {@link Function Function}. By default the
* argument of the function will be used as single argument to the function when executed. If a
* value of type {@link Object Object[]} is provided then the function will be executed with
* those arguments. The returned function may also implement {@link List} or {@link Map} if the
* value has {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or {@link #hasMembers() members},
* respectively.
- Mappings to mutable target types such as {@link List}, {@link Map}, {@link Iterator} and
* {@link Iterable} are only available if the corresponding mappings are enabled (see
* {@link org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.Builder#allowMutableTargetMappings(org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.MutableTargetMapping...)}).
- If none of the above rules apply then this {@link Value} instance is returned.
* Returned {@link #isHostObject() host objects}, {@link String}, {@link Number},
* {@link Boolean} and null
values have unlimited lifetime. Other values will throw
* an {@link IllegalStateException} for any operation if their originating {@link Context
* context} was closed.
* If a {@link Map} element is modified, a {@link List} element is modified or a
* {@link Function} argument is provided then these values are interpreted according to the
* {@link Context#asValue(Object) host to polyglot value mapping rules}.
* JavaScript Usage Examples:
* Context context = Context.create();
* assert context.eval("js", "undefined").as(Object.class) == null;
* assert context.eval("js", "'foobar'").as(Object.class) instanceof String;
* assert context.eval("js", "42").as(Object.class) instanceof Number;
* assert context.eval("js", "[]").as(Object.class) instanceof Map;
* assert context.eval("js", "{}").as(Object.class) instanceof Map;
* assert ((Map<Object, Object>) context.eval("js", "[{}]").as(Object.class)).get(0) instanceof Map;
* assert context.eval("js", "(function(){})").as(Object.class) instanceof Function;
* Object Identity
* If polyglot values are mapped as Java primitives such as {@link Boolean}, null
* {@link String}, {@link Character} or {@link Number}, then the identity of the polyglot value
* is not preserved. All other results can be converted back to a {@link Value polyglot value}
* using {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* Mapping Example using JavaScript: This example first creates a new JavaScript object
* and maps it to a {@link Map}. Using the {@link Context#asValue(Object)} it is possible to
* recreate the {@link Value polyglot value} from the Java map. The JavaScript object identity
* is preserved in the process.
* Context context = Context.create();
* Map<Object, Object> javaMap = context.eval("js", "{}").as(Map.class);
* Value polyglotValue = context.asValue(javaMap);
* @see #as(TypeLiteral) to map to generic type signatures.
* @param targetType the target Java type to map
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @since 19.0
public T as(Class targetType) throws ClassCastException, IllegalStateException, PolyglotException {
Objects.requireNonNull(targetType, "targetType");
if (targetType == Value.class) {
return (T) this;
return, receiver, targetType);
* Maps a polyglot value to a given Java target type literal. For usage instructions see
* {@link TypeLiteral}.
* Usage example:
* static final TypeLiteral<List<String>> STRING_LIST = new TypeLiteral<List<String>>() {
* };
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* Context context = Context.create();
* List<String> javaList = context.eval("js", "['foo', 'bar', 'bazz']").as(STRING_LIST);
* assert javaList.get(0).equals("foo");
* }
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @see #as(Class)
* @since 19.0
public T as(TypeLiteral targetType) {
Objects.requireNonNull(targetType, "targetType");
return, receiver, targetType);
* Converts this value to a human readable string. Each language may have special formating
* conventions - even primitive values may not follow the traditional Java formating rules. The
* format of the returned string is intended to be interpreted by humans not machines and should
* therefore not be relied upon by machines. By default this value class name and its
* {@link System#identityHashCode(Object) identity hash code} is used as string representation.
* @since 19.0
public String toString() {
return super.toString();
* Returns the declared source location of the value.
* @return the {@link SourceSection} or null if unknown
* @since 19.0
public SourceSection getSourceLocation() {
return dispatch.getSourceLocation(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this object represents a date, else false
. If this
* value is also a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} then the date is aware, otherwise it is naive.
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #asDate()
* @since 19.2.0
public boolean isDate() {
return dispatch.isDate(this.context, receiver);
* Returns this value as date if this object represents a {@link #isDate() date}. The returned
* date is either aware if the value has a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} otherwise it is naive.
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #isDate()
* @since 19.2.0
public LocalDate asDate() {
return dispatch.asDate(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this object represents a time, else false
. If the
* value is also a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} then the time is aware, otherwise it is naive.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #asTime()
* @since 19.2.0
public boolean isTime() {
return dispatch.isTime(this.context, receiver);
* Returns this value as time if this object represents a {@link #isTime() time}. The returned
* time is either aware if the value has a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} otherwise it is naive.
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #isTime()
* @since 19.2.0
public LocalTime asTime() {
return dispatch.asTime(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this value represents an instant. If a value is an instant then
* it is also a {@link #isDate() date}, {@link #isTime() time} and {@link #isTimeZone()
* timezone}.
* This method is short-hand for:
* v.{@linkplain #isDate() isDate}() && v.{@link #isTime() isTime}() && v.{@link #isTimeZone() isTimeZone}()
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #isDate()
* @see #isTime()
* @see #isInstant()
* @see #asInstant()
* @since 19.2.0
public boolean isInstant() {
return isDate() && isTime() && isTimeZone();
* Returns this value as instant if this object represents an {@link #isInstant() instant}. If a
* value is an instant then it is also a {@link #isDate() date}, {@link #isTime() time} and
* {@link #isTimeZone() timezone}. Using this method may be more efficient than reconstructing
* the timestamp from the date, time and timezone data.
* The following assertion always holds if {@link #isInstant()} returns true
* ZoneId zone = getTimeZone(receiver);
* LocalDate date = getDate(receiver);
* LocalTime time = getTime(receiver);
* assert ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zone).toInstant().equals(getInstant(receiver));
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #isDate()
* @see #isTime()
* @see #isTimeZone()
* @since 19.2.0
public Instant asInstant() {
return dispatch.asInstant(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this object represents a timezone, else false
. The
* interpretation of timezone objects may vary:
* - If {@link #isDate()} and {@link #isTime()} return
, then the returned
* date or time information is aware of this timezone.
* - If {@link #isDate()} and {@link #isTime()} returns
, then it represents
* just timezone information.
* Objects with only date information must not have timezone information attached and objects
* with only time information must have either none, or {@link ZoneRules#isFixedOffset() fixed
* zone} only. If this rule is violated then an {@link AssertionError} is thrown if assertions
* are enabled.
* If this method is implemented then also {@link #asTimeZone()} must be implemented.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #asTimeZone()
* @see #asInstant()
* @since 19.2.0
public boolean isTimeZone() {
return dispatch.isTimeZone(this.context, receiver);
* Returns this value as timestamp if this object represents a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone}.
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @see #isTimeZone()
* @since 19.2.0
public ZoneId asTimeZone() {
return dispatch.asTimeZone(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this object represents a duration, else false
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see Duration
* @see #asDuration()
* @since 19.2.0
public boolean isDuration() {
return dispatch.isDuration(this.context, receiver);
* Returns this value as duration if this object represents a {@link #isDuration() duration}.
* @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type.
* @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null.
* @see #isDuration()
* @since 19.2.0
public Duration asDuration() {
return dispatch.asDuration(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this object represents an exception, else false
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #throwException()
* @since 19.3
public boolean isException() {
return dispatch.isException(this.context, receiver);
* Throws this value if this object represents an {@link #isException() exception}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value is not an exception.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed.
* @see #isException()
* @since 19.3
public RuntimeException throwException() {
return dispatch.throwException(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the context this value was created with. The returned context may be
* null
if the value was created using {@link Value#asValue(Object)} and no current
* context was {@link Context#enter() entered} at the time.
* The returned context can not be used to {@link Context#enter() enter} ,
* {@link Context#leave() leave} or {@link Context#close() close} the context or
* {@link Context#getEngine() engine}. Invoking such methods will cause an
* {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown. This ensures that only the
* {@link Context#create(String...) creator} of a context is allowed to enter, leave or close a
* context and that a context is not closed while it is still active.
* @since 19.3.0
public Context getContext() {
Context c = dispatch.getContext(this.context);
if (c != null && c.currentAPI != null) {
return c.currentAPI;
} else {
return c;
* Compares the identity of the underlying polyglot objects. This method does not do any
* structural comparisons.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 20.1
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj);
* Returns the identity hash code of the underlying object. This method does not compute the
* hash code depending on the contents of the value.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @since 20.1
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
* Returns true
if this polyglot value provides an iterator. In this case the
* iterator can be obtained using {@link #getIterator()}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #getIterator()
* @since 21.1
public boolean hasIterator() {
return dispatch.hasIterator(this.context, receiver);
* Creates a new iterator that allows read each element of a sequence.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not provide {@link #hasIterator()
* iterator}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #hasIterator()
* @since 21.1
public Value getIterator() {
return dispatch.getIterator(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if the value represents an iterator object. In this case the
* iterator elements can be accessed using {@link #getIteratorNextElement()}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #hasIteratorNextElement()
* @see #getIteratorNextElement()
* @since 21.1
public boolean isIterator() {
return dispatch.isIterator(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if the value represents an iterator which has more elements, else
* {@code false}. Multiple calls to the {@link #hasIteratorNextElement()} might lead to
* different results if the underlying data structure is modified.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value is not an {@link #isIterator() iterator}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #isIterator()
* @see #getIteratorNextElement()
* @since 21.1
public boolean hasIteratorNextElement() {
return dispatch.hasIteratorNextElement(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the next element in the iteration. When the underlying data structure is modified the
* {@link #getIteratorNextElement()} may throw the {@link NoSuchElementException} despite the
* {@link #hasIteratorNextElement()} returned {@code true}, or it may throw a language error.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value is not an {@link #isIterator() iterator}
* or when the underlying iterable element exists but is not readable.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the iteration has no more elements. Even if the
* {@link NoSuchElementException} was thrown it might not be thrown again by a next
* call of the {@link #getIteratorNextElement()} due to a modification of an
* underlying iterable.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @see #isIterator()
* @see #hasIteratorNextElement()
* @since 21.1
public Value getIteratorNextElement() {
return dispatch.getIteratorNextElement(this.context, receiver);
* Returns true
if this polyglot value represents a map. In this case map entries
* can be accessed using {@link #getHashValue(Object)},
* {@link #getHashValueOrDefault(Object, Object)}, {@link #putHashEntry(Object, Object)},
* {@link #removeHashEntry(Object)}, {@link #getHashEntriesIterator()} and the map size can be
* queried using {@link #getHashSize()}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public boolean hasHashEntries() {
return dispatch.hasHashEntries(this.context, receiver);
* Returns the number of map entries for values with hash entries.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any
* {@link #hasHashEntries()} hash entries}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public long getHashSize() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getHashSize(this.context, receiver);
* Returns {@code true} if mapping for the specified key exists. If the value has no
* {@link #hasHashEntries() hash entries} then {@link #hasHashEntry(Object)} returns
* {@code false}. The key is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in
* {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public boolean hasHashEntry(Object key) {
return dispatch.hasHashEntry(this.context, receiver, key);
* Returns the value for the specified key or {@code null} if the mapping for the specified key
* does not exist. The key is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in
* {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value has no {@link #hasHashEntries() hash
* entries} or the mapping for given key exists but is not readable.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public Value getHashValue(Object key) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getHashValue(this.context, receiver, key);
* Returns the value for the specified key or the default value if the mapping for the specified
* key does not exist or is not readable. The key and the default value are subject to polyglot
* value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value has no {@link #hasHashEntries() hash
* entries} at all.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public Value getHashValueOrDefault(Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getHashValueOrDefault(this.context, receiver, key, defaultValue);
* Associates the specified value with the specified key. Both key and value are subject to
* polyglot value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasHashEntries()
* hash entries}, the mapping for specified key does not exist and new members
* cannot be added, or the existing mapping for specified key is not modifiable.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided key type or value type is not allowed to be
* written.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public void putHashEntry(Object key, Object value) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedOperationException {
dispatch.putHashEntry(this.context, receiver, key, value);
* Removes the mapping for a given key. Returns {@code true} if the mapping was successfully
* removed, {@code false} if mapping for a given key does not exist. The key is subject to
* polyglot value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasHashEntries()
* hash entries} or if mapping for specified key {@link #hasHashEntry(Object)
* exists} but cannot be removed.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public boolean removeHashEntry(Object key) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.removeHashEntry(this.context, receiver, key);
* Creates a new hash entries iterator that allows read each map entry. The return value is
* always an {@link #isIterator() iterator} of {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements}. The
* first array element is a key, the second array element is an associated value. Even if the
* value array element is {@link #setArrayElement(long, Object) modifiable} writing to array may
* not update the mapping, always use {@link #putHashEntry(Object, Object)} to update the
* mapping.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasHashEntries()
* hash entries}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public Value getHashEntriesIterator() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getHashEntriesIterator(this.context, receiver);
* Creates a new hash keys iterator that allows read each map key. The return value is always an
* {@link #isIterator() iterator}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasHashEntries()
* hash entries}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public Value getHashKeysIterator() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getHashKeysIterator(this.context, receiver);
* Creates a new hash values iterator that allows read each map value. The return value is
* always an {@link #isIterator() iterator}.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasHashEntries()
* hash entries}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed.
* @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution.
* @since 21.1
public Value getHashValuesIterator() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
return dispatch.getHashValuesIterator(this.context, receiver);
* Converts a Java host value to a polyglot value. Returns a value for any host or guest value.
* If there is a context available use {@link Context#asValue(Object)} for efficiency instead.
* The value is bound the {@link Context#getCurrent() current} context when created. If there is
* no context available when the value was constructed then Values constructed with this method
* may return null
for {@link #getContext()}.
* @param o the object to convert
* @throws IllegalStateException if no context is currently entered.
* @see Context#asValue(Object) Conversion rules.
* @since 19.0
public static Value asValue(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Value) {
return (Value) o;
return Engine.getImpl().asValue(o);
* Pins a scoped value such that it can be used beyond the scope of a scoped host method call.
* Pinning is an idempotent operation, i.e. pinning an already pinned value just results in a
* pinned value again.
* Trying to pin a value that is not scoped will not cause an effect. Trying to pin a scoped
* value that has already been released will raise a {@link IllegalStateException}.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the method scope of the value was finished
* @see HostAccess#SCOPED
* @since 21.3
public void pin() {, receiver);
abstract class AbstractValue {
final Object receiver;
final Object context;
final AbstractValueDispatch dispatch;
AbstractValue(AbstractValueDispatch dispatch, Object context, Object receiver) {
this.context = context;
this.dispatch = dispatch;
this.receiver = receiver;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof AbstractValue)) {
return false;
return dispatch.equalsImpl(this.context, receiver, ((AbstractValue) obj).receiver);
public int hashCode() {
return dispatch.hashCodeImpl(this.context, receiver);
public String toString() {
return dispatch.toString(this.context, receiver);