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org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.impl.AbstractPolyglotImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Shaded fat Jar for pkl-config-java, a Java config library based on the Pkl config language.
* Copyright (c) 2017, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
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* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
package org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.impl;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.collections.UnmodifiableEconomicMap;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.collections.UnmodifiableEconomicSet;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.options.OptionDescriptors;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Engine;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.EnvironmentAccess;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.MutableTargetMapping;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.TargetMappingPrecedence;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Instrument;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Language;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotAccess;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException.StackFrame;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.ResourceLimitEvent;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.ResourceLimits;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.SandboxPolicy;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Source;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.SourceSection;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.TypeLiteral;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Value;
* This class is intended to be used by polyglot implementations. Methods in this class are not
* intended to be used directly.
* This class and its inner classes break compatibility without notice. Do not use, unless you know
* what you are doing.
public abstract class AbstractPolyglotImpl {
protected AbstractPolyglotImpl() {
public abstract static class ManagementAccess {
protected ManagementAccess() {
if (!getClass().getCanonicalName().equals("")) {
throw new AssertionError("Only one implementation of ManagementAccessImpl allowed. " + getClass().getCanonicalName());
public abstract ExecutionListener newExecutionListener(AbstractExecutionListenerDispatch dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract ExecutionEvent newExecutionEvent(AbstractExecutionEventDispatch dispatch, Object event);
public abstract Object getReceiver(ExecutionListener executionListener);
public abstract AbstractExecutionListenerDispatch getDispatch(ExecutionListener executionListener);
public abstract Object getReceiver(ExecutionEvent executionEvent);
public abstract AbstractExecutionEventDispatch getDispatch(ExecutionEvent executionEvent);
public abstract static class IOAccessor {
protected IOAccessor() {
if (!getClass().getCanonicalName().equals("")) {
throw new AssertionError("Only one implementation of IOAccess allowed. " + getClass().getCanonicalName());
public abstract ProcessHandler.ProcessCommand newProcessCommand(List cmd, String cwd, Map environment, boolean redirectErrorStream,
ProcessHandler.Redirect inputRedirect, ProcessHandler.Redirect outputRedirect, ProcessHandler.Redirect errorRedirect);
public abstract ProcessHandler.Redirect createRedirectToStream(OutputStream stream);
public abstract OutputStream getOutputStream(ProcessHandler.Redirect redirect);
public abstract FileSystem getFileSystem(IOAccess ioAccess);
public abstract boolean hasHostFileAccess(IOAccess ioAccess);
public abstract boolean hasHostSocketAccess(IOAccess ioaccess);
public abstract static class APIAccess {
protected APIAccess() {
if (!getClass().getCanonicalName().equals("org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.polyglot.Engine.APIAccessImpl")) {
throw new AssertionError("Only one implementation of APIAccess allowed. " + getClass().getCanonicalName());
public abstract Engine newEngine(AbstractEngineDispatch dispatch, Object receiver, boolean registerInActiveEngines);
public abstract Context newContext(AbstractContextDispatch dispatch, Object receiver, Engine engine);
public abstract Language newLanguage(AbstractLanguageDispatch dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract Instrument newInstrument(AbstractInstrumentDispatch dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract Value newValue(AbstractValueDispatch dispatch, Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Source newSource(AbstractSourceDispatch dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract SourceSection newSourceSection(Source source, AbstractSourceSectionDispatch dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract PolyglotException newLanguageException(String message, AbstractExceptionDispatch dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract Object getReceiver(Instrument instrument);
public abstract Object getReceiver(Language language);
public abstract Object getReceiver(Engine engine);
public abstract Object getReceiver(Context context);
public abstract Object getReceiver(PolyglotException exception);
public abstract Object getReceiver(Value value);
public abstract Object getReceiver(ResourceLimits value);
public abstract Object getReceiver(Source source);
public abstract Object getReceiver(SourceSection sourceSection);
public abstract AbstractValueDispatch getDispatch(Value value);
public abstract Object getContext(Value value);
public abstract AbstractStackFrameImpl getDispatch(StackFrame value);
public abstract AbstractLanguageDispatch getDispatch(Language value);
public abstract AbstractInstrumentDispatch getDispatch(Instrument value);
public abstract AbstractEngineDispatch getDispatch(Engine engine);
public abstract AbstractContextDispatch getDispatch(Context context);
public abstract AbstractSourceDispatch getDispatch(Source source);
public abstract AbstractSourceSectionDispatch getDispatch(SourceSection sourceSection);
public abstract ResourceLimitEvent newResourceLimitsEvent(Context context);
public abstract StackFrame newPolyglotStackTraceElement(AbstractStackFrameImpl dispatch, Object receiver);
public abstract List getTargetMappings(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean allowsAccess(HostAccess access, AnnotatedElement element);
public abstract boolean allowsImplementation(HostAccess access, Class> type);
public abstract boolean isMethodScopingEnabled(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isMethodScoped(HostAccess access, Executable e);
public abstract boolean isArrayAccessible(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isListAccessible(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isBufferAccessible(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isIterableAccessible(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isIteratorAccessible(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isMapAccessible(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean isBigIntegerAccessibleAsNumber(HostAccess access);
public abstract boolean allowsPublicAccess(HostAccess hostAccess);
public abstract boolean allowsAccessInheritance(HostAccess hostAccess);
public abstract Object getHostAccessImpl(HostAccess conf);
public abstract void setHostAccessImpl(HostAccess conf, Object impl);
public abstract UnmodifiableEconomicSet getEvalAccess(PolyglotAccess access, String language);
public abstract UnmodifiableEconomicMap> getEvalAccess(PolyglotAccess access);
public abstract UnmodifiableEconomicSet getBindingsAccess(PolyglotAccess access);
public abstract String validatePolyglotAccess(PolyglotAccess access, Set language);
public abstract void engineClosed(Engine engine);
public abstract MutableTargetMapping[] getMutableTargetMappings(HostAccess access);
public abstract Map readOptionsFromSystemProperties();
// shared SPI
private APIAccess api;
private ManagementAccess management;
private IOAccessor io;
private AbstractPolyglotImpl next;
private AbstractPolyglotImpl prev;
public final void setMonitoring(ManagementAccess monitoring) { = monitoring;
AbstractPolyglotImpl nextImpl = next;
if (nextImpl != null) {
public final void setConstructors(APIAccess constructors) {
this.api = constructors;
public final void setNext(AbstractPolyglotImpl next) { = next;
if (next != null) {
next.prev = this;
public final AbstractPolyglotImpl getNext() {
if (next == null) {
throw new AbstractMethodError("No implementation available.");
return next;
public final void setIO(IOAccessor ioAccess) {
Objects.requireNonNull(ioAccess, "IOAccess must be non null."); = ioAccess;
AbstractPolyglotImpl nextImpl =;
if (nextImpl != null) {
public final APIAccess getAPIAccess() {
return api;
public final ManagementAccess getManagement() {
return management;
public final IOAccessor getIO() {
if (io == null) {
try {
Class.forName("", true, getClass().getClassLoader());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return io;
protected void initialize() {
public Engine buildEngine(String[] permittedLanguages, SandboxPolicy sandboxPolicy, OutputStream out, OutputStream err, InputStream in, Map options,
boolean allowExperimentalOptions, boolean boundEngine, MessageTransport messageInterceptor, LogHandler logHandler, Object hostLanguage,
boolean hostLanguageOnly, boolean registerInActiveEngines, AbstractPolyglotHostService polyglotHostService) {
return getNext().buildEngine(permittedLanguages, sandboxPolicy, out, err, in, options, allowExperimentalOptions, boundEngine, messageInterceptor, logHandler, hostLanguage,
hostLanguageOnly, registerInActiveEngines, polyglotHostService);
public abstract int getPriority();
public void preInitializeEngine() {
public Object createHostLanguage(AbstractHostAccess access) {
return getNext().createHostLanguage(access);
public void resetPreInitializedEngine() {
public Source build(String language, Object origin, URI uri, String name, String mimeType, Object content, boolean interactive, boolean internal, boolean cached, Charset encoding, URL url,
String path)
throws IOException {
return getNext().build(language, origin, uri, name, mimeType, content, interactive, internal, cached, encoding, url, path);
public String findLanguage(File file) throws IOException {
return getNext().findLanguage(file);
public String findLanguage(URL url) throws IOException {
return getNext().findLanguage(url);
public String findLanguage(String mimeType) {
return getNext().findLanguage(mimeType);
public String findMimeType(File file) throws IOException {
return getNext().findMimeType(file);
public String findMimeType(URL url) throws IOException {
return getNext().findMimeType(url);
public AbstractHostAccess createHostAccess() {
return getNext().createHostAccess();
* Marker base class for native-image.
public abstract static class AbstractDispatchClass {
public abstract static class AbstractExecutionListenerDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractExecutionListenerDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl polyglotImpl) {
public abstract void closeExecutionListener(Object impl);
public abstract static class AbstractExecutionEventDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractExecutionEventDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl polyglotImpl) {
public abstract List getExecutionEventInputValues(Object impl);
public abstract SourceSection getExecutionEventLocation(Object impl);
public abstract String getExecutionEventRootName(Object impl);
public abstract Value getExecutionEventReturnValue(Object impl);
public abstract boolean isExecutionEventExpression(Object impl);
public abstract boolean isExecutionEventStatement(Object impl);
public abstract boolean isExecutionEventRoot(Object impl);
public abstract PolyglotException getExecutionEventException(Object impl);
public abstract static class AbstractSourceDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractSourceDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl engineImpl) {
public abstract String getName(Object impl);
public abstract String getPath(Object impl);
public abstract boolean isCached(Object impl);
public abstract boolean isInteractive(Object impl);
public abstract URL getURL(Object impl);
public abstract URI getURI(Object impl);
public abstract Reader getReader(Object impl);
public abstract InputStream getInputStream(Object impl);
public abstract int getLength(Object impl);
public abstract CharSequence getCharacters(Object impl);
public abstract CharSequence getCharacters(Object impl, int lineNumber);
public abstract int getLineCount(Object impl);
public abstract int getLineNumber(Object impl, int offset);
public abstract int getColumnNumber(Object impl, int offset);
public abstract int getLineStartOffset(Object impl, int lineNumber);
public abstract int getLineLength(Object impl, int lineNumber);
public abstract String toString(Object impl);
public abstract int hashCode(Object impl);
public abstract boolean equals(Object impl, Object otherImpl);
public abstract boolean isInternal(Object impl);
public abstract ByteSequence getBytes(Object impl);
public abstract boolean hasCharacters(Object impl);
public abstract boolean hasBytes(Object impl);
public abstract String getMimeType(Object impl);
public abstract String getLanguage(Object impl);
public abstract static class AbstractSourceSectionDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractSourceSectionDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl polyglotImpl) {
public abstract boolean isAvailable(Object impl);
public abstract boolean hasLines(Object impl);
public abstract boolean hasColumns(Object impl);
public abstract boolean hasCharIndex(Object impl);
public abstract int getStartLine(Object impl);
public abstract int getStartColumn(Object impl);
public abstract int getEndLine(Object impl);
public abstract int getEndColumn(Object impl);
public abstract int getCharIndex(Object impl);
public abstract int getCharLength(Object impl);
public abstract int getCharEndIndex(Object impl);
public abstract CharSequence getCode(Object impl);
public abstract String toString(Object impl);
public abstract int hashCode(Object impl);
public abstract boolean equals(Object impl, Object obj);
public abstract static class AbstractContextDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractContextDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl impl) {
public abstract boolean initializeLanguage(Object receiver, String languageId);
public abstract Value eval(Object receiver, String language, Source source);
public abstract Value parse(Object receiver, String language, Source source);
public abstract void close(Object receiver, boolean cancelIfExecuting);
public abstract boolean interrupt(Object receiver, Duration timeout);
public abstract Value asValue(Object receiver, Object hostValue);
public abstract void explicitEnter(Object receiver);
public abstract void explicitLeave(Object receiver);
public abstract Value getBindings(Object receiver, String language);
public abstract Value getPolyglotBindings(Object receiver);
public abstract void resetLimits(Object receiver);
public abstract void safepoint(Object receiver);
public abstract void setAPI(Object receiver, Context key);
public abstract static class AbstractEngineDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractEngineDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl impl) {
public abstract void setAPI(Object receiver, Engine key);
public abstract Language requirePublicLanguage(Object receiver, String id);
public abstract Instrument requirePublicInstrument(Object receiver, String id);
// Runtime
public abstract void close(Object receiver, Object apiObject, boolean cancelIfExecuting);
public abstract Map getInstruments(Object receiver);
public abstract Map getLanguages(Object receiver);
public abstract OptionDescriptors getOptions(Object receiver);
public abstract Context createContext(Object receiver, SandboxPolicy sandboxPolicy, OutputStream out, OutputStream err, InputStream in,
boolean allowHostLookup,
HostAccess hostAccess,
PolyglotAccess polyglotAccess,
boolean allowNativeAccess,
boolean allowCreateThread, boolean allowHostClassLoading, boolean allowInnerContextOptions, boolean allowExperimentalOptions,
Predicate classFilter,
Map options,
Map arguments, String[] onlyLanguages, IOAccess ioAccess, LogHandler logHandler, boolean allowCreateProcess, ProcessHandler processHandler,
EnvironmentAccess environmentAccess, Map environment, ZoneId zone, Object limitsImpl, String currentWorkingDirectory, ClassLoader hostClassLoader,
boolean allowValueSharing, boolean useSystemExit);
public abstract String getImplementationName(Object receiver);
public abstract Set getCachedSources(Object receiver);
public abstract String getVersion(Object receiver);
public abstract ExecutionListener attachExecutionListener(Object engine, Consumer onEnter,
Consumer onReturn,
boolean expressions,
boolean statements,
boolean roots,
Predicate sourceFilter, Predicate rootFilter, boolean collectInputValues, boolean collectReturnValues, boolean collectExceptions);
public abstract void shutdown(Object engine);
public abstract RuntimeException hostToGuestException(Object engineReceiver, Throwable throwable);
public abstract SandboxPolicy getSandboxPolicy(Object engineReceiver);
public abstract static class AbstractExceptionDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractExceptionDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl engineImpl) {
public abstract boolean isInternalError(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isCancelled(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isExit(Object receiver);
public abstract int getExitStatus(Object receiver);
public abstract Iterable getPolyglotStackTrace(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isSyntaxError(Object receiver);
public abstract Value getGuestObject(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isIncompleteSource(Object receiver);
public abstract void onCreate(Object receiver, PolyglotException api);
public abstract void printStackTrace(Object receiver, PrintStream s);
public abstract void printStackTrace(Object receiver, PrintWriter s);
public abstract StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace(Object receiver);
public abstract String getMessage(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isHostException(Object receiver);
public abstract Throwable asHostException(Object receiver);
public abstract SourceSection getSourceLocation(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isResourceExhausted(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isInterrupted(Object receiver);
public abstract static class AbstractStackFrameImpl extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractStackFrameImpl(AbstractPolyglotImpl engineImpl) {
public abstract StackTraceElement toHostFrame();
public abstract SourceSection getSourceLocation();
public abstract String getRootName();
public abstract Language getLanguage();
public abstract boolean isHostFrame();
public abstract String toStringImpl(int languageColumn);
public abstract static class AbstractInstrumentDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractInstrumentDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl engineImpl) {
public abstract String getId(Object receiver);
public abstract String getName(Object receiver);
public abstract OptionDescriptors getOptions(Object receiver);
public abstract String getVersion(Object receiver);
public abstract T lookup(Object receiver, Class type);
public abstract String getWebsite(Object receiver);
public abstract static class AbstractLanguageDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractLanguageDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl engineImpl) {
public abstract String getName(Object receiver);
public abstract String getImplementationName(Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isInteractive(Object receiver);
public abstract String getVersion(Object receiver);
public abstract String getId(Object receiver);
public abstract OptionDescriptors getOptions(Object receiver);
public abstract Set getMimeTypes(Object receiver);
public abstract String getDefaultMimeType(Object receiver);
public abstract String getWebsite(Object receiver);
public abstract static class AbstractHostAccess extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractHostAccess(AbstractPolyglotImpl impl) {
public abstract Object toGuestValue(Object internalContext, Object hostValue);
public abstract List toList(Object internalContext, Object guestValue, boolean implementFunction, Class elementClass, Type elementType);
public abstract Map toMap(Object internalContext, Object foreignObject, boolean implementsFunction, Class keyClass, Type keyType, Class valueClass, Type valueType);
public abstract Map.Entry toMapEntry(Object internalContext, Object foreignObject, boolean implementsFunction,
Class keyClass, Type keyType, Class valueClass, Type valueType);
public abstract Function, ?> toFunction(Object internalContext, Object function, Class> returnClass, Type returnType, Class> paramClass, Type paramType);
public abstract Object toObjectProxy(Object internalContext, Class> clazz, Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException;
public abstract T toFunctionProxy(Object internalContext, Class functionalType, Object function);
public abstract Iterable toIterable(Object internalContext, Object iterable, boolean implementFunction, Class elementClass, Type elementType);
public abstract Iterator toIterator(Object internalContext, Object iterable, boolean implementFunction, Class elementClass, Type elementType);
public abstract PolyglotException toPolyglotException(Object internalContext, Throwable e);
public abstract Value toValue(Object internalContext, Object receiver);
public abstract String getValueInfo(Object internalContext, Object value);
public abstract Value[] toValues(Object internalContext, Object[] values, int startIndex);
public abstract Value[] toValues(Object internalContext, Object[] values);
public abstract void rethrowPolyglotException(Object internalContext, PolyglotException e);
public abstract RuntimeException toEngineException(RuntimeException e);
public abstract boolean isEngineException(RuntimeException e);
public abstract RuntimeException unboxEngineException(RuntimeException e);
public abstract static class AbstractPolyglotHostService extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractPolyglotHostService(AbstractPolyglotImpl polyglot) {
public abstract void notifyClearExplicitContextStack(Object contextReceiver);
public abstract void notifyContextCancellingOrExiting(Object contextReceiver, boolean exit, int exitCode, boolean resourceLimit, String message);
public abstract void notifyContextClosed(Object contextReceiver, boolean cancelIfExecuting, boolean resourceLimit, String message);
public abstract void notifyEngineClosed(Object engineReceiver, boolean cancelIfExecuting);
public abstract RuntimeException hostToGuestException(AbstractHostLanguageService hostLanguageService, Throwable throwable);
public abstract static class AbstractHostLanguageService extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractHostLanguageService(AbstractPolyglotImpl polyglot) {
public abstract void release();
public abstract void initializeHostContext(Object internalContext, Object context, HostAccess access, ClassLoader cl, Predicate clFilter, boolean hostCLAllowed,
boolean hostLookupAllowed);
public abstract void throwHostLanguageException(String message);
public abstract void addToHostClassPath(Object context, Object truffleFile);
public abstract Object toGuestValue(Object context, Object hostValue, boolean asValue);
public abstract Object asHostDynamicClass(Object context, Class> value);
public abstract Object asHostStaticClass(Object context, Class> value);
public abstract Object findDynamicClass(Object context, String classValue);
public abstract Object findStaticClass(Object context, String classValue);
public abstract T toHostType(Object hostNode, Object targetNode, Object hostContext, Object value, Class targetType, Type genericType);
public abstract boolean isHostValue(Object value);
public abstract Object unboxHostObject(Object hostValue);
public abstract Object unboxProxyObject(Object hostValue);
public abstract Throwable unboxHostException(Throwable hostValue);
public abstract Object toHostObject(Object context, Object value);
public abstract RuntimeException toHostException(Object hostContext, Throwable exception);
public abstract boolean isHostException(Object exception);
public abstract boolean isHostFunction(Object obj);
public abstract boolean isHostObject(Object obj);
public abstract boolean isHostSymbol(Object obj);
public abstract Object createHostAdapter(Object hostContextObject, Object[] types, Object classOverrides);
public abstract boolean isHostProxy(Object value);
public abstract Error toHostResourceError(Throwable hostException);
public abstract int findNextGuestToHostStackTraceElement(StackTraceElement firstElement, StackTraceElement[] hostStack, int nextElementIndex);
public abstract Object migrateValue(Object hostContext, Object value, Object valueContext);
public abstract void pin(Object receiver);
public abstract void hostExit(int exitCode);
public abstract boolean allowsPublicAccess();
public final boolean isHostStackTraceVisibleToGuest() {
return allowsPublicAccess();
public abstract static class AbstractValueDispatch extends AbstractDispatchClass {
protected AbstractValueDispatch(AbstractPolyglotImpl impl) {
public boolean hasArrayElements(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Value getArrayElement(Object context, Object receiver, long index);
public abstract void setArrayElement(Object context, Object receiver, long index, Object value);
public abstract boolean removeArrayElement(Object context, Object receiver, long index);
public abstract long getArraySize(Object context, Object receiver);
// region Buffer Methods
public boolean hasBufferElements(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract boolean isBufferWritable(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract long getBufferSize(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract byte readBufferByte(Object context, Object receiver, long byteOffset);
public abstract void writeBufferByte(Object context, Object receiver, long byteOffset, byte value);
public abstract short readBufferShort(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset);
public abstract void writeBufferShort(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, short value);
public abstract int readBufferInt(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset);
public abstract void writeBufferInt(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, int value);
public abstract long readBufferLong(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset);
public abstract void writeBufferLong(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, long value);
public abstract float readBufferFloat(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset);
public abstract void writeBufferFloat(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, float value);
public abstract double readBufferDouble(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset);
public abstract void writeBufferDouble(Object context, Object receiver, ByteOrder order, long byteOffset, double value);
// endregion
public boolean hasMembers(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Value getMember(Object context, Object receiver, String key);
public boolean hasMember(Object context, Object receiver, String key) {
return false;
public Context getContext(Object context) {
return null;
public Set getMemberKeys(Object context, Object receiver) {
return Collections.emptySet();
public abstract void putMember(Object context, Object receiver, String key, Object member);
public abstract boolean removeMember(Object context, Object receiver, String key);
public boolean canExecute(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Value execute(Object context, Object receiver, Object[] arguments);
public abstract Value execute(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean canInstantiate(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Value newInstance(Object context, Object receiver, Object[] arguments);
public abstract void executeVoid(Object context, Object receiver, Object[] arguments);
public abstract void executeVoid(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean canInvoke(Object context, String identifier, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Value invoke(Object context, Object receiver, String identifier, Object[] arguments);
public abstract Value invoke(Object context, Object receiver, String identifier);
public boolean isString(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract String asString(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isBoolean(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract boolean asBoolean(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean fitsInInt(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract int asInt(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean fitsInLong(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract long asLong(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean fitsInBigInteger(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract BigInteger asBigInteger(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean fitsInDouble(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract double asDouble(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean fitsInFloat(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract float asFloat(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isNull(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public boolean isNativePointer(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public boolean fitsInByte(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract byte asByte(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean fitsInShort(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract short asShort(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract long asNativePointer(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isHostObject(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public boolean isProxyObject(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Object asHostObject(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Object asProxyObject(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract String toString(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Value getMetaObject(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isNumber(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract T as(Object context, Object receiver, Class targetType);
public abstract T as(Object context, Object receiver, TypeLiteral targetType);
public abstract SourceSection getSourceLocation(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isDate(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract LocalDate asDate(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isTime(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract LocalTime asTime(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Instant asInstant(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isTimeZone(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract ZoneId asTimeZone(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isDuration(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Duration asDuration(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isException(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract RuntimeException throwException(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isMetaObject(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract String getMetaQualifiedName(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract String getMetaSimpleName(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract boolean isMetaInstance(Object context, Object receiver, Object instance);
public abstract boolean hasMetaParents(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Value getMetaParents(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract boolean equalsImpl(Object context, Object receiver, Object obj);
public abstract int hashCodeImpl(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean hasIterator(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract Value getIterator(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean isIterator(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract boolean hasIteratorNextElement(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Value getIteratorNextElement(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean hasHashEntries(Object context, Object receiver) {
return false;
public abstract long getHashSize(Object context, Object receiver);
public boolean hasHashEntry(Object context, Object receiver, Object key) {
return false;
public abstract Value getHashValue(Object context, Object receiver, Object key);
public abstract Value getHashValueOrDefault(Object context, Object receiver, Object key, Object defaultValue);
public abstract void putHashEntry(Object context, Object receiver, Object key, Object value);
public abstract boolean removeHashEntry(Object context, Object receiver, Object key);
public abstract Value getHashEntriesIterator(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Value getHashKeysIterator(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract Value getHashValuesIterator(Object context, Object receiver);
public abstract void pin(Object languageContext, Object receiver);
public Class> loadLanguageClass(String className) {
return getNext().loadLanguageClass(className);
public Context getCurrentContext() {
return getNext().getCurrentContext();
public Value asValue(Object o) {
return getNext().asValue(o);
public Object newTargetTypeMapping(Class sourceType, Class targetType, Predicate acceptsValue, Function convertValue, TargetMappingPrecedence precedence) {
return getNext().newTargetTypeMapping(sourceType, targetType, acceptsValue, convertValue, precedence);
public Object buildLimits(long statementLimit, Predicate statementLimitSourceFilter, Consumer onLimit) {
return getNext().buildLimits(statementLimit, statementLimitSourceFilter, onLimit);
public FileSystem newDefaultFileSystem() {
return getNext().newDefaultFileSystem();
public FileSystem allowLanguageHomeAccess(FileSystem fileSystem) {
return getNext().allowLanguageHomeAccess(fileSystem);
public FileSystem newReadOnlyFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem) {
return getNext().newReadOnlyFileSystem(fileSystem);
public FileSystem newNIOFileSystem(java.nio.file.FileSystem fileSystem) {
return getNext().newNIOFileSystem(fileSystem);
public ProcessHandler newDefaultProcessHandler() {
return getNext().newDefaultProcessHandler();
public boolean isDefaultProcessHandler(ProcessHandler processHandler) {
return getNext().isDefaultProcessHandler(processHandler);
public boolean isInternalFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem) {
return getNext().isInternalFileSystem(fileSystem);
public boolean isHostFileSystem(FileSystem fileSystem) {
return getNext().isHostFileSystem(fileSystem);
public ThreadScope createThreadScope() {
return getNext().createThreadScope();
public boolean isInCurrentEngineHostCallback(Object engine) {
return getNext().isInCurrentEngineHostCallback(engine);
public LogHandler newLogHandler(Object logHandlerOrStream) {
return getNext().newLogHandler(logHandlerOrStream);
public OptionDescriptors createUnionOptionDescriptors(OptionDescriptors... optionDescriptors) {
return getNext().createUnionOptionDescriptors(optionDescriptors);
* Creates a union of all available option descriptors including prev implementations. This
* allows to validate the full set of options.
protected final OptionDescriptors createAllEngineOptionDescriptors() {
AbstractPolyglotImpl current = this;
while (current.prev != null) {
current = current.prev;
OptionDescriptors union = OptionDescriptors.EMPTY;
while (current != null) {
union = createUnionOptionDescriptors(current.createEngineOptionDescriptors(), union);
current =;
return union;
* Returns all additional option descriptors of the current polyglot impl or null
* Do not delegate to {@link #getNext()} in this method.
protected OptionDescriptors createEngineOptionDescriptors() {
return OptionDescriptors.EMPTY;
public final AbstractPolyglotImpl getRootImpl() {
AbstractPolyglotImpl current = this;
while (current.prev != null) {
current = current.prev;
return current;
public abstract static class ThreadScope implements AutoCloseable {
protected ThreadScope(AbstractPolyglotImpl engineImpl) {
public abstract void close();
public abstract static class LogHandler {
protected LogHandler(AbstractPolyglotImpl polyglot) {
public abstract void publish(LogRecord logRecord);
public abstract void flush();
public abstract void close();