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org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.debug.DebugScope Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
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 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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 * (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
 * one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
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package org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.debug;

import java.util.Objects;

import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.InteropLibrary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.InvalidArrayIndexException;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.NodeLibrary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.TruffleObject;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.UnknownIdentifierException;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedMessageException;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.UnsupportedTypeException;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.ExportMessage;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.LanguageInfo;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.NodeVisitor;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

 * Representation of guest language scope at the current suspension point, or a top scope. It
 * contains a set of declared and valid variables, if any. The scope associated with a
 * {@link DebugStackFrame frame} is only valid as long as the associated {@link DebugStackFrame
 * frame} is valid and methods on such scope need to be called on the frame's thread.
 * @see DebugStackFrame#getScope()
 * @see DebuggerSession#getTopScope(String)
 * @since 0.26
public final class DebugScope {

    private static final InteropLibrary INTEROP = InteropLibrary.getUncached();
    private static final NodeLibrary NODE = NodeLibrary.getUncached();

    private final Object scope;
    private final DebuggerSession session;
    private final SuspendedEvent event;
    private final Node node;
    private final Frame frame;
    private final RootNode root;
    private final LanguageInfo language;
    private DebugScope parent;
    private ValuePropertiesCollection variables;

    DebugScope(Object scope, DebuggerSession session,
                    SuspendedEvent event, Node node, Frame frame, RootNode root) {
        this(scope, session, event, node, frame, root, null);

    DebugScope(Object scope, DebuggerSession session,
                    LanguageInfo language) {
        this(scope, session, null, null, null, null, language);

    private DebugScope(Object scope, DebuggerSession session,
                    SuspendedEvent event, Node node, Frame frame, RootNode root,
                    LanguageInfo language) {
        this.scope = scope;
        this.session = session;
        this.event = event;
        this.node = node;
        this.frame = frame;
        this.root = root;
        this.language = language;

     * Get a human readable name of this scope.
     * @since 0.26
    public String getName() {
        try {
            return INTEROP.asString(INTEROP.toDisplayString(scope));
        } catch (ThreadDeath td) {
            throw td;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language, node, true, null);

     * Get a parent scope.
     * @return the parent scope, or null.
     * @throws DebugException when guest language code throws an exception
     * @since 0.26
    public DebugScope getParent() throws DebugException {
        try {
            if (parent == null && INTEROP.hasScopeParent(scope)) {
                parent = new DebugScope(INTEROP.getScopeParent(scope), session, event, node, frame, root, language);
        } catch (ThreadDeath td) {
            throw td;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language);
        return parent;

     * Test if this scope represents the function scope at the frame it was
     * {@link DebugStackFrame#getScope() obtained from}.
     * @since 0.26
    public boolean isFunctionScope() {
        SourceSection rootSourceSection = getRootSourceSection();
        try {
            return rootSourceSection != null && INTEROP.hasSourceLocation(scope) && rootSourceSection.equals(INTEROP.getSourceLocation(scope));
        } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) {
            return false;

    private SourceSection getRootSourceSection() {
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        SourceSection rootSourceSection = root.getSourceSection();
        if (rootSourceSection == null) {
            SourceSection[] rootSection = new SourceSection[]{null};
            root.accept(new NodeVisitor() {
                public boolean visit(Node n) {
                    if (n instanceof InstrumentableNode) {
                        InstrumentableNode inode = (InstrumentableNode) n;
                        if (inode.isInstrumentable() && inode.hasTag(StandardTags.RootTag.class)) {
                            rootSection[0] = n.getSourceSection();
                            return false;
                    return true;
            rootSourceSection = rootSection[0];
        return rootSourceSection;

     * Get a source section representing this scope. Please note that while this scope does not
     * provide variables that are valid only after the suspension point, the source section can
     * actually span after the suspension point.
     * @return the source section, or null when not available.
     * @throws DebugException when guest language code throws an exception
     * @since 0.29
    public SourceSection getSourceSection() throws DebugException {
        try {
            if (!INTEROP.hasSourceLocation(scope)) {
                return null;
            SourceSection location = INTEROP.getSourceLocation(scope);
            if (location != null) {
                return session.resolveSection(location);
            } else {
                return null;
        } catch (ThreadDeath td) {
            throw td;
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language);

     * Get arguments of this scope. If this scope is a {@link #isFunctionScope() function} scope,
     * function arguments are returned.

* This method is not thread-safe and will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if called on * another thread than it was created with. * * @return an iterable of arguments, or null when this scope does not have a * concept of arguments. * @throws DebugException when guest language code throws an exception * @since 0.26 * @deprecated since 20.3 Use {@link #getDeclaredValues()} on the {@link SourceElement#ROOT}. */ @Deprecated(since = "20.3") public Iterable getArguments() throws DebugException { verifyValidState(); if (node == null) { return null; } try { Node argNode = node; while (argNode != null && (!(argNode instanceof InstrumentableNode) || !((InstrumentableNode) argNode).hasTag(StandardTags.RootTag.class))) { argNode = argNode.getParent(); } if (argNode == null || !NODE.hasScope(argNode, frame)) { return null; } Object argumentsObj; try { argumentsObj = NODE.getScope(argNode, frame, true); if (INTEROP.hasScopeParent(argumentsObj)) { argumentsObj = new SubtractedVariables(argumentsObj, INTEROP.getScopeParent(argumentsObj)); } } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { return null; } if (argumentsObj != null) { String receiverName = null; if (NODE.hasReceiverMember(argNode, frame)) { receiverName = INTEROP.asString(NODE.getReceiverMember(argNode, frame)); } ValuePropertiesCollection properties = DebugValue.getProperties(argumentsObj, receiverName, session, getLanguage(), this); if (properties != null) { return properties; } if (ValueInteropList.INTEROP.hasArrayElements(argumentsObj)) { return new ValueInteropList(session, getLanguage(), argumentsObj); } } } catch (ThreadDeath td) { throw td; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language); } return null; } /** * Get value that represents the receiver object of this scope. The receiver object is * represented as this in Java or JavaScript and self in Ruby, for * instance. *

* The returned value has a name that represents the receiver in the guest language. The scope * that {@link #isFunctionScope() represents the function} provide receiver object, if there is * one, other scopes do not provide it, unless they override it. * * @return value that represents the receiver, or null when there is no receiver * object * @since 19.0 */ public DebugValue getReceiver() { verifyValidState(); DebugValue receiverValue = null; try { if (node == null || !NODE.hasReceiverMember(node, frame)) { return null; } String name = INTEROP.asString(NODE.getReceiverMember(node, frame)); if (!INTEROP.isMemberReadable(scope, name) || !isDeclaredInScope(name)) { return null; } receiverValue = new DebugValue.ObjectMemberValue(session, getLanguage(), this, scope, name); } catch (ThreadDeath td) { throw td; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language); } return receiverValue; } /** * Get value that represents root instance of this scope. The value is an instance of guest * language representation of the root node of this scope, e.g. a guest language function. * * @return the root instance value, or null when no such value exists. * @since 19.3.0 */ public DebugValue getRootInstance() { verifyValidState(); DebugValue functionValue = null; try { if (node == null || !NODE.hasRootInstance(node, frame)) { return null; } Object function = NODE.hasRootInstance(node, frame); if (function != null) { String name; if (INTEROP.hasExecutableName(function)) { name = INTEROP.asString(INTEROP.getExecutableName(function)); } else { name = root.getName(); } functionValue = new DebugValue.HeapValue(session, getLanguage(), name, function); } } catch (ThreadDeath td) { throw td; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language); } return functionValue; } /** * Get local variables declared in this scope, valid at the current suspension point. Call this * method on {@link #getParent() parent}, to get values of variables declared in parent scope, * if any. The declared values do not contain a {@link #getReceiver() receiver}. *

* This method is not thread-safe and will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if called on * another thread than it was created with. * * @throws DebugException when guest language code throws an exception * @since 0.26 */ public Iterable getDeclaredValues() throws DebugException { return getVariables(); } /** * Get a local variable declared in this scope by name. Call this method on {@link #getParent() * parent}, to get value of a variable declared in parent scope, if any. *

* This method is not thread-safe and will throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if called on * another thread than it was created with. * * @return a value of requested name, or null when no such value was found. * @throws DebugException when guest language code throws an exception * @since 0.26 */ public DebugValue getDeclaredValue(String name) throws DebugException { return getVariables().get(name); } RootNode getRoot() { return root; } private ValuePropertiesCollection getVariables() { verifyValidState(); try { if (variables == null) { Object scopeParent = null; if (INTEROP.hasScopeParent(scope)) { try { scopeParent = INTEROP.getScopeParent(scope); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException ex) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(ex); } } Object variablesObj; if (scopeParent != null) { variablesObj = new SubtractedVariables(scope, scopeParent); } else { variablesObj = scope; } String receiverName = null; if (node != null && NODE.hasReceiverMember(node, frame)) { receiverName = INTEROP.asString(NODE.getReceiverMember(node, frame)); } variables = DebugValue.getProperties(variablesObj, receiverName, session, getLanguage(), this); } } catch (ThreadDeath td) { throw td; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw DebugException.create(session, ex, language); } return variables; } private boolean isDeclaredInScope(String name) { Object scopeParent = null; if (INTEROP.hasScopeParent(scope)) { try { scopeParent = INTEROP.getScopeParent(scope); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException ex) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(ex); } } if (scopeParent == null) { return true; } return new SubtractedVariables(scope, scopeParent).isMemberReadable(name); } /** * Converts the value to a DebugValue, or returns null if the requesting language * class does not match the root node guest language. * * This method is permitted only if the guest language class is available. This is the case if * you want to utilize the Debugger API directly from within a guest language, or if you are an * instrument bound/dependent on a specific language. * * This method is opposite to {@link DebugValue#getRawValue(Class)} where the raw guest language * value is obtained from the DebugValue. * * Note that the rawValue must be a valid Interop value. If not, the method throws * IllegalArgumentException. * * @param languageClass the Truffle language class for a given guest language * @param rawValue the raw value * @return the wrapped DebugValue * @throws IllegalArgumentException when rawValue is not an Interop value * @since 21.1 */ public DebugValue convertRawValue(Class> languageClass, Object rawValue) { Objects.requireNonNull(languageClass); RootNode rootNode = getRoot(); if (rootNode == null) { return null; } // make sure rawValue is a valid Interop value if (!InteropLibrary.isValidValue(rawValue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("raw value is not an Interop value"); } // check if language class of the root node corresponds to the input language TruffleLanguage truffleLanguage = Debugger.ACCESSOR.nodeSupport().getLanguage(rootNode); return truffleLanguage != null && truffleLanguage.getClass() == languageClass ? new DebugValue.HeapValue(session, null, rawValue) : null; } LanguageInfo getLanguage() { if (root != null) { return root.getLanguageInfo(); } else { return language; } } void verifyValidState() { if (event != null) { event.verifyValidState(false); } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static class SubtractedVariables implements TruffleObject { private final Object allVariables; private final InteropLibrary allLibrary; private final Object removedVariables; private final InteropLibrary removedLibrary; SubtractedVariables(Object allVariables, Object removedVariables) { this.allVariables = allVariables; this.allLibrary = InteropLibrary.getUncached(allVariables); this.removedVariables = removedVariables; this.removedLibrary = InteropLibrary.getUncached(removedVariables); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final boolean hasMembers() { return allLibrary.hasMembers(allVariables) && removedLibrary.hasMembers(removedVariables); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object getMembers(boolean includeInternal) throws UnsupportedMessageException { return new SubtractedKeys(allLibrary.getMembers(allVariables, includeInternal), removedLibrary.getMembers(removedVariables, includeInternal)); } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final boolean isMemberReadable(String member) { if (!allLibrary.isMemberReadable(allVariables, member)) { return false; } if (!removedLibrary.isMemberReadable(removedVariables, member)) { return true; } // Test if it's among subtracted members: return isAmongMembers(member); } private boolean isAmongMembers(String member) { try { Object members = getMembers(true); InteropLibrary membersLibrary = InteropLibrary.getUncached(members); long n = membersLibrary.getArraySize(members); for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { String m = INTEROP.asString(membersLibrary.readArrayElement(members, i)); if (member.equals(m)) { return true; } } } catch (UnsupportedMessageException | InvalidArrayIndexException e) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return false; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final Object readMember(String member) throws UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedMessageException { if (isMemberReadable(member)) { return allLibrary.readMember(allVariables, member); } else { throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(member); } } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final boolean isMemberModifiable(String member) { if (!allLibrary.isMemberModifiable(allVariables, member)) { return false; } if (!removedLibrary.isMemberModifiable(removedVariables, member)) { return true; } // If it's among members, it might be modifiable return isAmongMembers(member); } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("static-method") final boolean isMemberInsertable(@SuppressWarnings("unused") String member) { return false; } @ExportMessage @TruffleBoundary final void writeMember(String member, Object value) throws UnsupportedMessageException, UnknownIdentifierException, UnsupportedTypeException { if (isMemberModifiable(member)) { allLibrary.writeMember(allVariables, member, value); } else { throw UnknownIdentifierException.create(member); } } @ExportMessage final boolean hasMemberReadSideEffects(String member) { return isMemberReadable(member) && allLibrary.hasMemberReadSideEffects(allVariables, member); } @ExportMessage final boolean hasMemberWriteSideEffects(String member) { return isMemberModifiable(member) && allLibrary.hasMemberWriteSideEffects(allVariables, member); } } @ExportLibrary(InteropLibrary.class) static final class SubtractedKeys implements TruffleObject { private final Object allKeys; private final long allSize; private final long removedSize; SubtractedKeys(Object allKeys, Object removedKeys) throws UnsupportedMessageException { this.allKeys = allKeys; this.allSize = INTEROP.getArraySize(allKeys); this.removedSize = INTEROP.getArraySize(removedKeys); } @ExportMessage @SuppressWarnings("static-method") boolean hasArrayElements() { return true; } @ExportMessage long getArraySize() { return allSize - removedSize; } @ExportMessage Object readArrayElement(long index) throws InvalidArrayIndexException, UnsupportedMessageException { if (0 <= index && index < getArraySize()) { return INTEROP.readArrayElement(allKeys, index); } else { throw InvalidArrayIndexException.create(index); } } @ExportMessage boolean isArrayElementReadable(long index) { if (0 <= index && index < getArraySize()) { return INTEROP.isArrayElementReadable(allKeys, index); } else { return false; } } } }

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