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org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.NodeLibrary Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Shaded fat Jar for pkl-config-java, a Java config library based on the Pkl config language.

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 * Copyright (c) 2020, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
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package org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop;

import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.assertString;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.validScope;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.interop.AssertUtils.violationInvariant;

import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.TruffleLanguage;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.frame.Frame;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.Abstract;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.GenerateLibrary.DefaultExport;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.Library;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.LibraryFactory;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.LanguageInfo;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.RootNode;

 * Node Library provides access to guest language information associated with a particular
 * {@link Node} location. The receiver of this library must be an
 * {@link org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.instrumentation.InstrumentableNode#isInstrumentable()
 * instrumentable} {@link Node} that has a {@link Node#getRootNode() root node}.
 * @since 20.3
@GenerateLibrary(assertions = NodeLibrary.Asserts.class, receiverType = Node.class)
public abstract class NodeLibrary extends Library {

    static final LibraryFactory FACTORY = LibraryFactory.resolve(NodeLibrary.class);

     * @since 20.3
    protected NodeLibrary() {

     * Returns true, if the node is in a scope containing local variables, else
     * false.

* This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never null * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be null in case of lexical access. * @see #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) * @since 20.3 */ @Abstract(ifExported = "getScope") public boolean hasScope(Object node, Frame frame) { return false; } /** * Get an object representing a local scope containing variables visible at the node location. * The returned object must respond true to {@link InteropLibrary#isScope(Object)}. * The scope object exposes all locally visible variables as flattened * {@link InteropLibrary#getMembers(Object) members}, including all parent scopes (for example * block, closure, lexical or dynamic scopes). Local scopes are associated with a {@link Frame}. * See {@link InteropLibrary#isScope(Object)} for details. *

* This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasScope(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. *

* A returned scope is only valid while the regular guest language execution on this thread is * suspended. If the guest execution is continued e.g. if a new instrumentation event occurs, * the scope is invalid and should be discarded. * * @param node a Node, never null * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be null in case of lexical access. * @param nodeEnter when true, the location that determines scope variables is at * the enter to the node execution, else false. Use true * when called e.g. by instruments from * {@link org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.instrumentation.ExecutionEventNode#onEnter(VirtualFrame)} * and false when called e.g. from * {@link org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.instrumentation.ExecutionEventNode#onReturnValue(VirtualFrame, Object)}. * This argument helps to determine visible variables in case that some variables are * added during the node execution. * @return An interop object with {@link InteropLibrary#isScope(Object)} being true. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasScope(Object, Frame)} returns * false for the same node and frame. * @since 20.3 */ @Abstract(ifExported = {"hasScope", "getReceiverMember"}) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object getScope(Object node, Frame frame, boolean nodeEnter) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } /** * Returns true, if there is a named receiver object, else false. *

* This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getReceiverMember(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never null * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be null in case of lexical access. * @see #getReceiverMember(Object, Frame) * @since 20.3 */ @Abstract(ifExported = {"getReceiverMember"}) public boolean hasReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) { return false; } /** * Returns an object that represents the receiver name when available. The returned value is * guaranteed to return true for {@link InteropLibrary#isString(Object)}. Examples for receiver * names are this in Java or self in Ruby or Python. The value of the * receiver object can be retrieved from the {@link #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) scope} by * converting the member to a string using {@link InteropLibrary#isString(Object)}. The return * value of this method is an Object intentionally to allow the member to have additional * interop traits. *

* This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never null * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be null in case of lexical access. * @return an {@link InteropLibrary#isString(Object) interop string object}. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame)} * returns false for the same node and frame. * @see #hasReceiverMember(Object, Frame) * @see #getScope(Object, Frame, boolean) * @since 20.3 */ @Abstract(ifExported = "hasReceiverMember") public Object getReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } /** * Returns true, if a current instance of the guest language representation of the * root node (e.g. the enclosing guest language function) is available, else false. *

* Guest languages will likely require a context lookup to resolve the root instance object. * This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getRootInstance(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never null * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be null in case of lexical access, in which * case the instance would likely not be available. * @see #getRootInstance(Object, Frame) * @since 20.3 */ @Abstract(ifExported = "getRootInstance") public boolean hasRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) { return false; } /** * Returns the current instance of guest language representation of the root node (e.g. the * enclosing guest language function), when available. *

* This method must not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #hasRootInstance(Object, Frame)} must be implemented. * * @param node a Node, never null * @param frame a {@link Frame}, can be null in case of lexical access, in which * case the instance would likely not be available. * @return the root instance value which must be an {@link InteropLibrary interop} and * {@link InteropLibrary#isExecutable(Object) executable} value. * @throws UnsupportedMessageException if and only if {@link #hasRootInstance(Object, Frame)} * returns false for the same node and frame. * @see #hasRootInstance(Object, Frame) * @since 20.3 */ @Abstract(ifExported = "hasRootInstance") public Object getRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { throw UnsupportedMessageException.create(); } /** * Wraps the value to filter or add scoping specific information for values associated with the * current language and location in the code. Allows the language to augment the perspective * tools have on values depending on location and frame. This may be useful to apply local * specific visibility rules. By default this method does return the passed value, not applying * any scope information to the value. If a language does not implement any scoping and/or has * not concept of visibility then this method typically can stay without an implementation. A * typical implementation of this method may do the following: *

  • Apply visibility and scoping rules to the value hiding or removing members from the * object. *
  • Add or remove implicit members that are only available within this source location. *

* This method is only invoked with values that are associated with the current * {@link InteropLibrary#getLanguage(Object) language}. For values without language the * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) language view} is requested first * before the scoped view is requested. If this method needs an implementation then * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object)} should be implemented as well. *

* Scoped views may be implemented in a very similar way to * {@link TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) language views}. Please refer to the * examples from this method. * * @param node the current source location. Guaranteed to be a node from a {@link RootNode} * associated with this language. Never null. * @param frame the current active frame. Guaranteed to be a frame from a {@link RootNode} * associated with this language. Never null. * @param value the value to provide scope information for. Never null. Always * associated with this language. * @see TruffleLanguage#getLanguageView(Object, Object) * @since 20.3 */ public Object getView(Object node, Frame frame, Object value) { return value; } /** * Returns the library factory for the node library. Short-cut for * {@link LibraryFactory#resolve(Class) ResolvedLibrary.resolve(NodeLibrary.class)}. * * @see LibraryFactory#resolve(Class) * @since 20.3 */ public static LibraryFactory getFactory() { return FACTORY; } /** * Returns the uncached automatically dispatched version of the node library. This is a * short-cut for calling NodeLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(). * * @see LibraryFactory#getUncached() * @since 20.3 */ public static NodeLibrary getUncached() { return getFactory().getUncached(); } /** * Returns the uncached manually dispatched version of the node library. This is a short-cut for * calling NodeLibrary.getFactory().getUncached(v). * * @see LibraryFactory#getUncached(Object) * @since 20.3 */ public static NodeLibrary getUncached(Object node) { return getFactory().getUncached(node); } static class Asserts extends NodeLibrary { @Child private NodeLibrary delegate; private final boolean isDefaultDelegate; Asserts(NodeLibrary delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; this.isDefaultDelegate = delegate.getClass().getName().startsWith(DefaultNodeExports.class.getName()); } @Override public boolean accepts(Object receiver) { assert receiver instanceof Node; return delegate.accepts(receiver); } @Override public boolean hasScope(Object node, Frame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasScope(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean result = delegate.hasScope(node, frame); if (result) { try { assert validScope(delegate.getScope(node, frame, true)); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { delegate.getScope(node, frame, true); assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getScope(Object node, Frame frame, boolean nodeEnter) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getScope(node, frame, nodeEnter); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean hadScope = delegate.hasScope(node, frame); try { Object scope = delegate.getScope(node, frame, nodeEnter); assert hadScope : violationInvariant(node); assert validScope(scope); return scope; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(node); assert !hadScope : violationInvariant(node); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasReceiverMember(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean result = delegate.hasReceiverMember(node, frame); if (result) { try { assert assertString(node, delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame)); } catch (InteropException | ClassCastException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame); assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getReceiverMember(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame); } boolean hadReceiver = delegate.hasReceiverMember(node, frame); try { Object name = delegate.getReceiverMember(node, frame); assert hadReceiver : violationInvariant(node); assert assertString(node, name); return name; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(node); assert !hadReceiver : violationInvariant(node); throw e; } } @Override public boolean hasRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.hasRootInstance(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean result = delegate.hasRootInstance(node, frame); if (result) { try { Object instance = delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); assertValidRootInstance(instance); } catch (InteropException e) { assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); assert false : violationInvariant(node); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { } } return result; } @Override public Object getRootInstance(Object node, Frame frame) throws UnsupportedMessageException { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); } assert validReceiver(node); boolean hadRootinstance = delegate.hasRootInstance(node, frame); try { Object instance = delegate.getRootInstance(node, frame); assert hadRootinstance : violationInvariant(node); assertValidRootInstance(instance); return instance; } catch (InteropException e) { assert e instanceof UnsupportedMessageException : violationInvariant(node); assert !hadRootinstance : violationInvariant(node); throw e; } } private static void assertValidRootInstance(Object instance) { assert InteropLibrary.isValidValue(instance) : violationInvariant(instance); assert InteropLibrary.getUncached().isExecutable(instance) : String.format("The root instance '%s' is not executable.", instance); } @Override public Object getView(Object node, Frame frame, Object value) { if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode()) { return delegate.getView(node, frame, value); } assert validReceiver(node); assert InteropLibrary.isValidValue(value) : violationInvariant(value); Class languageClass = validateLocationAndFrame((Node) node, frame, value); Object view = delegate.getView(node, frame, value); assert InteropLibrary.isValidValue(view) : violationInvariant(view); InteropLibrary lib = InteropLibrary.getUncached(view); try { assert lib.hasLanguage(view) && lib.getLanguage(view) == languageClass : String.format("The returned scoped view of language '%s' must return the class '%s' for InteropLibrary.getLanguage." + "Fix the implementation of %s.getView to resolve this.", languageClass.getTypeName(), languageClass.getTypeName(), node.getClass().getTypeName()); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(e); } return view; } private static Class validateLocationAndFrame(Node location, Frame frame, Object value) { InteropLibrary interop = InteropLibrary.getUncached(value); assert interop.hasLanguage(value) : String.format("The value '%s' is not associated with any language.", value); Class> valueLanguage; try { valueLanguage = interop.getLanguage(value); } catch (UnsupportedMessageException e) { throw CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere(e); } RootNode rootNode = location.getRootNode(); assert rootNode != null : String.format("The location '%s' does not have a RootNode.", location); LanguageInfo nodeLanguageInfo = rootNode.getLanguageInfo(); assert nodeLanguageInfo != null : String.format("The location '%s' does not have a language associated.", location); Class nodeLanguage = InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.languageSupport().getSPI(InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.engineSupport().getEnvForInstrument(nodeLanguageInfo)).getClass(); assert nodeLanguage == valueLanguage : String.format("The value language '%s' must match the language of the location %s.", valueLanguage, nodeLanguage); assert frame != null : "Frame argument must not be null."; assert rootNode.getFrameDescriptor().equals(frame.getFrameDescriptor()) : String.format("The frame provided does not originate from the location. " + "Expected frame descriptor '%s' but was '%s'.", rootNode.getFrameDescriptor(), frame.getFrameDescriptor()); return nodeLanguage; } private boolean validReceiver(Object nodeObject) { if (nodeObject == null) { throw new NullPointerException("A non-null receiver is required."); } assert nodeObject instanceof Node : String.format("The node '%s' does not extend Node.", nodeObject); Node node = (Node) nodeObject; assert node.getRootNode() != null : String.format("The node '%s' does not have a RootNode.", node); assert InteropAccessor.ACCESSOR.instrumentSupport().isInstrumentable(node) || isDefaultDelegate : String.format( "The node '%s' is not instrumentable. Implement InstrumentableNode and return true from isInstrumentable()", node); return true; } } }

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