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org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.DynamicObjectLibraryImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Shaded fat Jar for pkl-config-java, a Java config library based on the Pkl config language.
* Copyright (c) 2018, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
* Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
* either these or other terms.
* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
package org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.LayoutImpl.ACCESS;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.LocationImpl.expectDouble;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.LocationImpl.expectInteger;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.LocationImpl.expectLong;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.collections.EconomicSet;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.Assumption;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.Bind;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.Cached;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.Cached.Shared;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.GenerateCached;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.GenerateInline;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.GenerateUncached;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.NeverDefault;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.dsl.Specialization;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.ExportLibrary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.library.ExportMessage;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.Node;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.nodes.UnexpectedResultException;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.DynamicObjectLibrary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Location;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Property;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Shape;
* The implementation of {@link DynamicObjectLibrary}.
@ExportLibrary(value = DynamicObjectLibrary.class, receiverType = DynamicObject.class, priority = 10, transitionLimit = "5")
abstract class DynamicObjectLibraryImpl {
static final int KEY_LIMIT = 3;
static boolean keyEquals(Object cachedKey, Object key) {
if (cachedKey instanceof String) {
return cachedKey == key || (key instanceof String && ((String) cachedKey).equals(key));
} else if (cachedKey instanceof HiddenKey) {
return key == cachedKey;
} else if (cachedKey instanceof Long) {
return key instanceof Long && ((Long) cachedKey).equals(key);
} else {
return cachedKey == key || keyEqualsBoundary(cachedKey, key);
@TruffleBoundary(allowInlining = true)
static boolean keyEqualsBoundary(Object cachedKey, Object key) {
return Objects.equals(cachedKey, key);
static boolean accepts(DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return object.getShape() == cachedShape;
static Shape getShape(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return cachedShape;
static Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
return keyCache.getOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
static int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) throws UnexpectedResultException {
return keyCache.getIntOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
static double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) throws UnexpectedResultException {
return keyCache.getDoubleOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
static long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object defaultValue,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) throws UnexpectedResultException {
return keyCache.getLongOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
static boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Object key,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
return keyCache.containsKey(object, cachedShape, key);
static void put(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
keyCache.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.DEFAULT);
static void putInt(DynamicObject object, Object key, int value,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
keyCache.putInt(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.DEFAULT);
static void putLong(DynamicObject object, Object key, long value,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
keyCache.putLong(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.DEFAULT);
static void putDouble(DynamicObject object, Object key, double value,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
keyCache.putDouble(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.DEFAULT);
static boolean putIfPresent(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
return keyCache.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.SET_EXISTING);
static void putWithFlags(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value, int flags,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
keyCache.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.propertyFlagsToPutFlags(flags) | Flags.UPDATE_FLAGS);
static void putConstant(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value, int flags,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
keyCache.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, Flags.propertyFlagsToPutFlags(flags) | Flags.UPDATE_FLAGS | Flags.CONST);
public static Property getProperty(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object, Object key,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
return keyCache.getProperty(object, cachedShape, key);
public static boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Object key, int propertyFlags,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
return keyCache.setPropertyFlags(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags);
static ShapeImpl changePropertyFlags(ShapeImpl shape, PropertyImpl cachedProperty, int propertyFlags) {
return shape.replaceProperty(cachedProperty, cachedProperty.copyWithFlags(propertyFlags));
public static boolean removeKey(DynamicObject object, Object key,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Shared("keyCache") @Cached("create(object.getShape(), key)") KeyCacheNode keyCache) {
return keyCache.removeKey(object, cachedShape, key);
public static Object getDynamicType(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return cachedShape.getDynamicType();
public static boolean setDynamicType(DynamicObject object, Object objectType,
@Bind("$node") Node node,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Cached SetDynamicTypeNode setCache) {
return setCache.execute(node, object, cachedShape, objectType);
public static int getShapeFlags(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return cachedShape.getFlags();
public static boolean setShapeFlags(DynamicObject object, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int flags,
@Bind("$node") Node node,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Cached SetFlagsNode setCache) {
return setCache.execute(node, object, cachedShape, flags);
public static boolean isShared(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return cachedShape.isShared();
public static void markShared(DynamicObject object,
@Bind("$node") Node node,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Cached MakeSharedNode setCache) {
setCache.execute(node, object, cachedShape);
public static boolean updateShape(DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
if (cachedShape.isValid()) {
return false;
} else {
return updateShapeImpl(object);
static boolean updateShapeImpl(DynamicObject object) {
return ((ShapeImpl) object.getShape()).getLayoutStrategy().updateShape(object);
public static boolean resetShape(DynamicObject object, Shape otherShape,
@Bind("$node") Node node,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape,
@Cached ResetShapeNode setCache) {
return setCache.execute(node, object, cachedShape, otherShape);
public static Object[] getKeyArray(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return ((ShapeImpl) cachedShape).getKeyArray();
public static Property[] getPropertyArray(@SuppressWarnings("unused") DynamicObject object,
@Shared("cachedShape") @Cached(value = "object.getShape()", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedShape) {
return ((ShapeImpl) cachedShape).getPropertyArray();
static LocationImpl getLocation(Property existing) {
return (LocationImpl) existing.getLocation();
protected static boolean putUncached(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value, long putFlags) {
Shape s = ACCESS.getShape(object);
Property existingProperty = s.getProperty(key);
if (existingProperty == null && Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags)) {
return false;
if (existingProperty != null && !Flags.isUpdateFlags(putFlags) && existingProperty.getLocation().canStore(value)) {
getLocation(existingProperty).setSafe(object, value, false, false);
return true;
} else {
return putUncachedSlow(object, key, value, putFlags);
private static boolean putUncachedSlow(DynamicObject object, Object key, Object value, long putFlags) {
ShapeImpl oldShape;
Property existingProperty;
Shape newShape;
Property property;
do {
oldShape = (ShapeImpl) ACCESS.getShape(object);
existingProperty = oldShape.getProperty(key);
if (existingProperty == null) {
if (Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags)) {
return false;
} else {
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
newShape = strategy.defineProperty(oldShape, key, value, Flags.getPropertyFlags(putFlags), null, existingProperty, putFlags);
property = newShape.getProperty(key);
} else if (Flags.isUpdateFlags(putFlags) && Flags.getPropertyFlags(putFlags) != existingProperty.getFlags()) {
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
newShape = strategy.defineProperty(oldShape, key, value, Flags.getPropertyFlags(putFlags), null, existingProperty, putFlags);
property = newShape.getProperty(key);
} else {
if (existingProperty.getLocation().canStore(value)) {
newShape = oldShape;
property = existingProperty;
} else {
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
newShape = strategy.defineProperty(oldShape, key, value, existingProperty.getFlags(), null, existingProperty, putFlags);
property = newShape.getProperty(key);
} while (updateShapeImpl(object));
assert ACCESS.getShape(object) == oldShape;
LocationImpl location = getLocation(property);
if (oldShape != newShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setSafe(object, value, false, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else {
location.setSafe(object, value, false, false);
return true;
static RemovePlan prepareRemove(ShapeImpl shapeBefore, ShapeImpl shapeAfter) {
assert !shapeBefore.isShared();
LayoutStrategy strategy = shapeBefore.getLayoutStrategy();
List moves = new ArrayList<>();
boolean canMoveInPlace = shapeAfter.getObjectArrayCapacity() <= shapeBefore.getObjectArrayCapacity() &&
shapeAfter.getPrimitiveArrayCapacity() <= shapeBefore.getPrimitiveArrayCapacity();
for (ListIterator iterator = shapeAfter.getPropertyListInternal(false).listIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Property to =;
Property from = shapeBefore.getProperty(to.getKey());
LocationImpl fromLoc = getLocation(from);
LocationImpl toLoc = getLocation(to);
if (LocationImpl.isSameLocation(toLoc, fromLoc)) {
assert !toLoc.isValue();
int fromOrd = strategy.getLocationOrdinal(fromLoc);
int toOrd = strategy.getLocationOrdinal(toLoc);
Move move = new Move(fromLoc, toLoc, fromOrd, toOrd);
canMoveInPlace = canMoveInPlace && fromOrd > toOrd;
if (canMoveInPlace) {
if (!isSorted(moves)) {
return new RemovePlan(moves.toArray(new Move[0]), canMoveInPlace, shapeBefore, shapeAfter);
private static boolean isSorted(List moves) {
for (int i = 1; i < moves.size(); i++) {
Move m1 = moves.get(i - 1);
Move m2 = moves.get(i);
if (m1.compareTo(m2) > 0) {
return false;
return true;
private static final class Move implements Comparable {
private final LocationImpl fromLoc;
private final LocationImpl toLoc;
private final int fromOrd;
private final int toOrd;
Move(LocationImpl fromLoc, LocationImpl toLoc, int fromOrd, int toOrd) {
this.fromLoc = fromLoc;
this.toLoc = toLoc;
this.fromOrd = fromOrd;
this.toOrd = toOrd;
void perform(DynamicObject obj) {
performSet(obj, performGet(obj));
Object performGet(DynamicObject obj) {
return fromLoc.get(obj, false);
void performSet(DynamicObject obj, Object value) {
toLoc.setSafe(obj, value, false, true);
void clear(DynamicObject obj) {
// clear location to avoid memory leak
public String toString() {
return fromLoc + " => " + toLoc;
public int compareTo(Move other) {
int order =, other.fromOrd);
assert order ==, other.toOrd);
return -order;
private static final class RemovePlan {
private static final int MAX_UNROLL = 32;
@CompilationFinal(dimensions = 1) private final Move[] moves;
private final boolean canMoveInPlace;
private final Shape shapeBefore;
private final Shape shapeAfter;
RemovePlan(Move[] moves, boolean canMoveInPlace, Shape shapeBefore, Shape shapeAfter) {
this.moves = moves;
this.canMoveInPlace = canMoveInPlace;
this.shapeBefore = shapeBefore;
this.shapeAfter = shapeAfter;
void execute(DynamicObject object) {
if (CompilerDirectives.inCompiledCode() && moves.length <= MAX_UNROLL) {
} else {
void perform(DynamicObject object) {
if (canMoveInPlace) {
// perform the moves in inverse order
for (int i = moves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i == 0) {
ACCESS.trimToSize(object, shapeBefore, shapeAfter);
ACCESS.setShape(object, shapeAfter);
} else {
// we cannot perform the moves in place, so stash away the values
Object[] tempValues = new Object[moves.length];
for (int i = moves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tempValues[i] = moves[i].performGet(object);
ACCESS.resize(object, shapeBefore, shapeAfter);
for (int i = moves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
moves[i].performSet(object, tempValues[i]);
ACCESS.setShape(object, shapeAfter);
void performBoundary(DynamicObject object) {
abstract static class KeyCacheNode extends Node {
public abstract Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue);
public abstract int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException;
public abstract long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException;
public abstract double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException;
public abstract boolean put(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object value, long putFlags);
public abstract boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key);
public abstract Property getProperty(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key);
public abstract boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int propertyFlags);
public abstract boolean removeKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key);
public boolean putInt(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int value, long putFlags) {
return put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
public boolean putLong(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, long value, long putFlags) {
return put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
public boolean putDouble(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, double value, long putFlags) {
return put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
boolean isIdentity() {
return false;
static KeyCacheNode create(Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
if (key == null) {
return getUncached();
return AnyKey.create(key, cachedShape);
static KeyCacheEntry getUncached() {
return Generic.instance();
abstract static class KeyCacheEntry extends KeyCacheNode {
@Child KeyCacheEntry next;
KeyCacheEntry(KeyCacheEntry next) { = next;
public boolean acceptsKey(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Object key) {
return true;
static final class Generic extends KeyCacheEntry {
private static final Generic INSTANCE = new Generic();
Generic() {
static Generic instance() {
return INSTANCE;
public boolean isAdoptable() {
return false;
public Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) {
Property existing = ACCESS.getShape(object).getProperty(key);
if (existing != null) {
return getLocation(existing).get(object, false);
} else {
return defaultValue;
public int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
Property existing = ACCESS.getShape(object).getProperty(key);
if (existing != null) {
return getLocation(existing).getInt(object, false);
} else {
return expectInteger(defaultValue);
public long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
Property existing = ACCESS.getShape(object).getProperty(key);
if (existing != null) {
return getLocation(existing).getLong(object, false);
} else {
return expectLong(defaultValue);
public double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
Property existing = ACCESS.getShape(object).getProperty(key);
if (existing != null) {
return getLocation(existing).getDouble(object, false);
} else {
return expectDouble(defaultValue);
public boolean put(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object value, long putFlags) {
return putUncached(object, key, value, putFlags);
public boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
Property existing = getProperty(object, cachedShape, key);
return existing != null;
public Property getProperty(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
return ACCESS.getShape(object).getProperty(key);
public boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int propertyFlags) {
ShapeImpl oldShape = (ShapeImpl) ACCESS.getShape(object);
Property existingProperty = oldShape.getProperty(key);
if (existingProperty == null) {
return false;
if (existingProperty.getFlags() != propertyFlags) {
Shape newShape = changePropertyFlags(oldShape, (PropertyImpl) existingProperty, propertyFlags);
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
return true;
public boolean removeKey(DynamicObject obj, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
ShapeImpl oldShape = (ShapeImpl) cachedShape;
Property property = oldShape.getProperty(key);
if (property == null) {
return false;
Map archive = null;
assert (archive = ACCESS.archive(obj)) != null;
ShapeImpl newShape = oldShape.removeProperty(property);
assert oldShape != newShape;
assert ACCESS.getShape(obj) == oldShape;
if (!oldShape.isShared()) {
RemovePlan plan = prepareRemove(oldShape, newShape);
} else {
ACCESS.setShape(obj, newShape);
assert ACCESS.verifyValues(obj, archive);
return true;
* Polymorphic inline cache for a limited number of distinct property keys.
* The generic case is used if the number of property keys accessed overflows the limit of the
* polymorphic inline cache.
static final class AnyKey extends KeyCacheNode {
@Child private KeyCacheEntry keyCache;
AnyKey(KeyCacheEntry keyCache) {
this.keyCache = keyCache;
public static KeyCacheNode create() {
return new AnyKey(null);
public static KeyCacheNode create(Object key, Shape cachedShape) {
return new AnyKey(SpecificKey.create(key, cachedShape, null, true));
public Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.getOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.getOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
return Generic.instance().getOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
public int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.getIntOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.getIntOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
return Generic.instance().getIntOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
public long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.getLongOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.getLongOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
return Generic.instance().getLongOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
public double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.getDoubleOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.getDoubleOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
return Generic.instance().getDoubleOrDefault(object, cachedShape, key, defaultValue);
public boolean put(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object value, long putFlags) {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
return Generic.instance().put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
public boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.containsKey(object, cachedShape, key);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.containsKey(object, cachedShape, key);
return Generic.instance().containsKey(object, cachedShape, key);
public Property getProperty(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.getProperty(object, cachedShape, key);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.getProperty(object, cachedShape, key);
return Generic.instance().getProperty(object, cachedShape, key);
public boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int propertyFlags) {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.setPropertyFlags(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.setPropertyFlags(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags);
return Generic.instance().setPropertyFlags(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags);
public boolean removeKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
KeyCacheEntry start = keyCache;
if (start != KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
for (KeyCacheEntry c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c.removeKey(object, cachedShape, key);
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoKeyCache(key, cachedShape);
if (impl != null) {
return impl.removeKey(object, cachedShape, key);
return Generic.instance().removeKey(object, cachedShape, key);
private KeyCacheNode insertIntoKeyCache(Object key, Shape cachedShape) {
Lock lock = getLock();
try {
KeyCacheEntry tail = this.keyCache;
int cachedCount = 0;
boolean generic = false;
boolean useIdentity = true;
for (KeyCacheEntry c = tail; c != null; c = {
if (c == KeyCacheNode.getUncached()) {
generic = true;
} else {
if (c.acceptsKey(key)) {
return c;
if (!c.isIdentity()) {
useIdentity = false;
if (cachedCount > 1 && useIdentity) {
// if we have duplicate keys in the cache due to identity comparison,
// clear the cache and compare keys with equals() from now on.
if (hasDuplicateCacheKeys(tail, key)) {
tail = null;
cachedCount = 0;
useIdentity = false;
if (cachedCount >= KEY_LIMIT) {
generic = true;
this.keyCache = KeyCacheNode.getUncached();
if (generic) {
return null;
SpecificKey newEntry = SpecificKey.create(key, cachedShape, tail, useIdentity);
this.keyCache = newEntry;
return this;
} finally {
private static boolean hasDuplicateCacheKeys(KeyCacheEntry tail, Object key) {
EconomicSet keySet = EconomicSet.create();
for (KeyCacheEntry c = tail; c != null; c = {
if (c instanceof SpecificKey) {
SpecificKey cacheEntry = (SpecificKey) c;
if (!keySet.add(cacheEntry.cachedKey)) {
return true;
return !keySet.add(key);
abstract static class SpecificKey extends KeyCacheEntry {
final Object cachedKey;
@CompilationFinal MutateCacheData cache;
SpecificKey(Object key, KeyCacheEntry next) {
this.cachedKey = key;
static SpecificKey create(Object key, Shape shape, KeyCacheEntry next, boolean useIdentity) {
if (key != null) {
Property property = shape.getProperty(key);
if (property != null) {
return useIdentity ? new SpecificKey.ExistingKeyIdentity(key, property, next) : new SpecificKey.ExistingKey(key, property, next);
return useIdentity ? new SpecificKey.MissingKeyIdentity(key, next) : new SpecificKey.MissingKey(key, next);
protected final boolean assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
// The object's Shape might differ from cachedShape if cachedShape is shared,
// this is fine for reads.
assert object.getShape() == cachedShape || cachedShape.isShared();
assert keyEquals(this.cachedKey, key);
return true;
protected final boolean assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert object.getShape() == cachedShape;
assert keyEquals(this.cachedKey, key);
return true;
public boolean acceptsKey(Object key) {
return keyEquals(cachedKey, key);
static class ExistingKey extends SpecificKey {
final Property cachedProperty;
ExistingKey(Object key, Property property, KeyCacheEntry next) {
super(key, next);
this.cachedProperty = property;
private static boolean guard(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape) {
return object.getShape() == cachedShape;
public Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return getLocation(cachedProperty).get(object, guard(object, cachedShape));
public int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return getLocation(cachedProperty).getInt(object, guard(object, cachedShape));
public long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return getLocation(cachedProperty).getLong(object, guard(object, cachedShape));
public double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return getLocation(cachedProperty).getDouble(object, guard(object, cachedShape));
public boolean put(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, cachedProperty);
public boolean putInt(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putIntImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, cachedProperty);
public boolean putLong(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, long value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putLongImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, cachedProperty);
public boolean putDouble(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, double value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putDoubleImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, cachedProperty);
public boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return true;
public Property getProperty(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return cachedProperty;
public boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int propertyFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return setPropertyFlagsImpl(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags, cachedProperty);
public boolean removeKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return removeKeyImpl(object, cachedShape, key, cachedProperty);
static class MissingKey extends SpecificKey {
MissingKey(Object key, KeyCacheEntry next) {
super(key, next);
public Object getOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return defaultValue;
public boolean put(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, null);
public boolean putInt(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putIntImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, null);
public boolean putLong(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, long value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putLongImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, null);
public boolean putDouble(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, double value, long putFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return putDoubleImpl(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags, null);
public boolean containsKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return false;
public Property getProperty(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForRead(object, cachedShape, key);
return null;
public int getIntOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
return expectInteger(defaultValue);
public long getLongOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
return expectLong(defaultValue);
public double getDoubleOrDefault(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object defaultValue) throws UnexpectedResultException {
return expectDouble(defaultValue);
public boolean setPropertyFlags(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int propertyFlags) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return false;
public boolean removeKey(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key) {
assert assertCachedKeyAndShapeForWrite(object, cachedShape, key);
return false;
static final class ExistingKeyIdentity extends ExistingKey {
ExistingKeyIdentity(Object key, Property property, KeyCacheEntry next) {
super(key, property, next);
public boolean acceptsKey(Object key) {
return cachedKey == key;
boolean isIdentity() {
return true;
static final class MissingKeyIdentity extends MissingKey {
MissingKeyIdentity(Object key, KeyCacheEntry next) {
super(key, next);
public boolean acceptsKey(Object key) {
return cachedKey == key;
boolean isIdentity() {
return true;
protected boolean putImpl(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Object value, long putFlags, Property oldProperty) {
Shape oldShape = cachedShape;
MutateCacheData start = cache;
if (start == MutateCacheData.GENERIC || !cachedShape.isValid()) {
return putUncached(object, key, value, putFlags);
for (MutateCacheData c = start; c != null; c = {
if (!c.isValid()) {
} else if (c instanceof PutCacheData && ((PutCacheData) c).putFlags == putFlags) {
Property newProperty = ((PutCacheData) c).property;
if (newProperty == null) {
assert Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags);
return false;
} else {
LocationImpl location = getLocation(newProperty);
boolean guardCondition = object.getShape() == oldShape;
if (location.canStore(value)) {
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoPutCache(object, cachedShape, value, putFlags, oldProperty);
return impl.put(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
protected boolean putIntImpl(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int value, long putFlags, Property oldProperty) {
Shape oldShape = cachedShape;
MutateCacheData start = cache;
if (start == MutateCacheData.GENERIC || !cachedShape.isValid()) {
return putUncached(object, key, value, putFlags);
for (MutateCacheData c = start; c != null; c = {
if (!c.isValid()) {
} else if (c instanceof PutCacheData && ((PutCacheData) c).putFlags == putFlags) {
Property newProperty = ((PutCacheData) c).property;
if (newProperty == null) {
assert Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags);
return false;
} else {
LocationImpl location = getLocation(newProperty);
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
boolean guardCondition = object.getShape() == oldShape;
if (location.isIntLocation()) {
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setIntSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setIntSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
} else if (location.isImplicitCastIntToLong()) {
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setLongSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setLongSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
} else if (location.isImplicitCastIntToDouble()) {
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setDoubleSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setDoubleSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
} else if (location.canStore(value)) {
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoPutCache(object, cachedShape, value, putFlags, oldProperty);
return impl.putInt(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
protected boolean putLongImpl(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, long value, long putFlags, Property oldProperty) {
Shape oldShape = cachedShape;
MutateCacheData start = cache;
if (start == MutateCacheData.GENERIC) {
return putUncached(object, key, value, putFlags);
for (MutateCacheData c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c instanceof PutCacheData && ((PutCacheData) c).putFlags == putFlags) {
Property newProperty = ((PutCacheData) c).property;
if (newProperty == null) {
assert Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags);
return false;
} else {
LocationImpl location = getLocation(newProperty);
boolean guardCondition = object.getShape() == oldShape;
if (location.isLongLocation()) {
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setLongSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setLongSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
} else if (location.canStore(value)) {
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoPutCache(object, cachedShape, value, putFlags, oldProperty);
return impl.putLong(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
protected boolean putDoubleImpl(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, double value, long putFlags, Property oldProperty) {
Shape oldShape = cachedShape;
MutateCacheData start = cache;
if (start == MutateCacheData.GENERIC) {
return putUncached(object, key, value, putFlags);
for (MutateCacheData c = start; c != null; c = {
if (c instanceof PutCacheData && ((PutCacheData) c).putFlags == putFlags) {
Property newProperty = ((PutCacheData) c).property;
if (newProperty == null) {
assert Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags);
return false;
} else {
LocationImpl location = getLocation(newProperty);
boolean guardCondition = object.getShape() == oldShape;
if (location.isDoubleLocation()) {
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setDoubleSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setDoubleSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
} else if (newProperty.getLocation().canStore(value)) {
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.grow(object, oldShape, newShape);
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, true);
ACCESS.setShapeWithStoreFence(object, newShape);
} else if (location.isFinal()) {
} else {
location.setSafe(object, value, guardCondition, false);
return true;
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoPutCache(object, cachedShape, value, putFlags, oldProperty);
return impl.putDouble(object, cachedShape, key, value, putFlags);
protected KeyCacheNode insertIntoPutCache(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object value, long putFlags, Property property) {
if (!cachedShape.isValid()) {
return Generic.instance();
Lock lock = getLock();
try {
MutateCacheData tail = filterValid(this.cache);
ShapeImpl oldShape = (ShapeImpl) cachedShape;
ShapeImpl newShape = getNewShape(object, value, putFlags, property, oldShape);
if (!oldShape.isValid()) {
// If shape was invalidated, other locations may have changed, too,
// so we need to update the object's shape first.
// Cache entries with an invalid cache entry directly go to the slow path.
return Generic.instance();
Property newProperty;
if (newShape == oldShape) {
newProperty = property;
} else {
newProperty = newShape.getProperty(cachedKey);
assert newProperty.getLocation().canStore(value);
Assumption newShapeValid = getShapeValidAssumption(oldShape, newShape);
this.cache = new PutCacheData(putFlags, newShape, newShapeValid, newProperty, tail);
return this;
} finally {
private ShapeImpl getNewShape(DynamicObject object, Object value, long putFlags, Property property, ShapeImpl oldShape) {
if (property == null) {
if (Flags.isSetExisting(putFlags)) {
return oldShape;
} else {
int propertyFlags = Flags.getPropertyFlags(putFlags);
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
return strategy.defineProperty(oldShape, cachedKey, value, propertyFlags, null, putFlags);
if (Flags.isUpdateFlags(putFlags)) {
if (Flags.getPropertyFlags(putFlags) != property.getFlags()) {
int propertyFlags = Flags.getPropertyFlags(putFlags);
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
return strategy.defineProperty(oldShape, cachedKey, value, propertyFlags, null, putFlags);
Location location = property.getLocation();
if (!location.isDeclared() && !location.canStore(value)) {
// generalize
assert oldShape == ACCESS.getShape(object);
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
ShapeImpl newShape = strategy.definePropertyGeneralize(oldShape, property, value, null, putFlags);
assert newShape != oldShape;
return newShape;
} else if (location.isDeclared()) {
// redefine declared
LayoutStrategy strategy = oldShape.getLayoutStrategy();
return strategy.defineProperty(oldShape, cachedKey, value, property.getFlags(), null, putFlags);
} else {
// set existing
assert location.canStore(value);
return oldShape;
protected boolean setPropertyFlagsImpl(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, int propertyFlags, Property cachedProperty) {
Shape oldShape = cachedShape;
MutateCacheData start = cache;
if (start == MutateCacheData.GENERIC || !cachedShape.isValid()) {
return Generic.instance().setPropertyFlags(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags);
for (MutateCacheData c = start; c != null; c = {
if (!c.isValid()) {
} else if (c instanceof SetPropertyFlagsCacheData && ((SetPropertyFlagsCacheData) c).property.getFlags() == propertyFlags) {
if (cachedProperty == null) {
return false;
if (cachedProperty.getFlags() != propertyFlags) {
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
if (newShape != oldShape) {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
return true;
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoSetPropertyFlagsCache(cachedShape, propertyFlags, cachedProperty);
return impl.setPropertyFlags(object, cachedShape, key, propertyFlags);
protected KeyCacheNode insertIntoSetPropertyFlagsCache(Shape cachedShape, int propertyFlags, Property cachedProperty) {
if (!cachedShape.isValid()) {
return Generic.instance();
Lock lock = getLock();
try {
MutateCacheData tail = filterValid(this.cache);
ShapeImpl oldShape = (ShapeImpl) cachedShape;
ShapeImpl newShape = changePropertyFlags(oldShape, (PropertyImpl) cachedProperty, propertyFlags);
if (!oldShape.isValid()) {
// If shape was invalidated, other locations may have changed, too,
// so we need to update the object's shape first.
// Cache entries with an invalid cache entry directly go to the slow path.
return Generic.instance();
Property newProperty;
if (newShape == oldShape) {
newProperty = cachedProperty;
} else {
newProperty = newShape.getProperty(cachedKey);
Assumption newShapeValid = getShapeValidAssumption(oldShape, newShape);
this.cache = new SetPropertyFlagsCacheData(newShape, newShapeValid, newProperty, tail);
return this;
} finally {
protected boolean removeKeyImpl(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object key, Property cachedProperty) {
Shape oldShape = cachedShape;
MutateCacheData start = cache;
if (start == MutateCacheData.GENERIC || !cachedShape.isValid()) {
return Generic.instance().removeKey(object, cachedShape, key);
for (MutateCacheData c = start; c != null; c = {
if (!c.isValid()) {
} else if (c instanceof RemovePropertyCacheData) {
if (cachedProperty == null) {
return false;
Shape newShape = c.newShape;
assert newShape != oldShape;
Map archive = null;
assert (archive = ACCESS.archive(object)) != null;
if (!oldShape.isShared()) {
((RemovePropertyCacheData) c).removePlan.execute(object);
} else {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
assert ACCESS.verifyValues(object, archive);
return true;
KeyCacheNode impl = insertIntoRemoveKeyCache(cachedShape, cachedProperty);
return impl.removeKey(object, cachedShape, key);
protected KeyCacheNode insertIntoRemoveKeyCache(Shape cachedShape, Property cachedProperty) {
if (!cachedShape.isValid()) {
return Generic.instance();
Lock lock = getLock();
try {
MutateCacheData tail = filterValid(this.cache);
ShapeImpl oldShape = (ShapeImpl) cachedShape;
ShapeImpl newShape = oldShape.removeProperty(cachedProperty);
if (!oldShape.isValid()) {
// If shape was invalidated, other locations may have changed, too,
// so we need to update the object's shape first.
// Cache entries with an invalid cache entry directly go to the slow path.
return Generic.instance();
RemovePlan removePlan = null;
if (!oldShape.isShared()) {
removePlan = prepareRemove(oldShape, newShape);
Assumption newShapeValid = getShapeValidAssumption(oldShape, newShape);
this.cache = new RemovePropertyCacheData(newShape, newShapeValid, removePlan, tail);
return this;
} finally {
private static Assumption getShapeValidAssumption(Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) {
if (oldShape == newShape) {
return Assumption.ALWAYS_VALID;
return newShape.isValid() ? newShape.getValidAssumption() : Assumption.NEVER_VALID;
static > T filterValid(T cache) {
if (cache == null) {
return null;
T filteredNext = filterValid(;
if (cache.isValid()) {
if (filteredNext == {
return cache;
} else {
return cache.withNext(filteredNext);
} else {
return filteredNext;
abstract static class CacheData> {
final T next;
CacheData(T next) { = next;
protected boolean isValid() {
return true;
protected abstract T withNext(T newNext);
static class MutateCacheData extends CacheData {
static final MutateCacheData GENERIC = new MutateCacheData(null, null, null);
final Shape newShape;
final Assumption newShapeValidAssumption;
MutateCacheData(MutateCacheData next, Shape newShape, Assumption newShapeValidAssumption) {
this.newShape = newShape;
this.newShapeValidAssumption = newShapeValidAssumption;
protected boolean isValid() {
Assumption newShapeValid = newShapeValidAssumption;
return newShapeValid == Assumption.NEVER_VALID || newShapeValid == Assumption.ALWAYS_VALID || newShapeValid.isValid();
protected void maybeUpdateShape(DynamicObject store) {
if (newShapeValidAssumption == Assumption.NEVER_VALID) {
protected MutateCacheData withNext(MutateCacheData newNext) {
return new MutateCacheData(next, newShape, newShapeValidAssumption);
static class PutCacheData extends MutateCacheData {
final long putFlags;
final Property property;
PutCacheData(long putFlags, Shape newShape, Assumption newShapeValidAssumption, Property property, MutateCacheData next) {
super(next, newShape, newShapeValidAssumption);
this.putFlags = putFlags; = property;
protected MutateCacheData withNext(MutateCacheData newNext) {
return new PutCacheData(putFlags, newShape, newShapeValidAssumption, property, newNext);
static class SetPropertyFlagsCacheData extends MutateCacheData {
final Property property;
SetPropertyFlagsCacheData(Shape newShape, Assumption newShapeValidAssumption, Property property, MutateCacheData next) {
super(next, newShape, newShapeValidAssumption); = property;
protected MutateCacheData withNext(MutateCacheData newNext) {
return new SetPropertyFlagsCacheData(newShape, newShapeValidAssumption, property, newNext);
static class RemovePropertyCacheData extends MutateCacheData {
final RemovePlan removePlan;
RemovePropertyCacheData(Shape newShape, Assumption newShapeValidAssumption, RemovePlan removePlan, MutateCacheData next) {
super(next, newShape, newShapeValidAssumption);
this.removePlan = removePlan;
protected MutateCacheData withNext(MutateCacheData newNext) {
return new RemovePropertyCacheData(newShape, newShapeValidAssumption, removePlan, newNext);
abstract static class SetFlagsNode extends Node {
abstract boolean execute(Node node, DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, int flags);
@Specialization(guards = {"flags == newFlags"}, limit = "3")
static boolean doCached(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, @SuppressWarnings("unused") int flags,
@Cached(value = "flags", allowUncached = true) @SuppressWarnings("unused") int newFlags,
@Cached(value = "shapeSetFlags(cachedShape, newFlags)", allowUncached = true) Shape newShape) {
if (newShape != cachedShape) {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
return true;
} else {
return false;
@Specialization(replaces = "doCached")
static boolean doUncached(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, int flags) {
Shape newShape = shapeSetFlags(cachedShape, flags);
if (newShape != cachedShape) {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
return true;
} else {
return false;
static Shape shapeSetFlags(Shape shape, int newFlags) {
return ((ShapeImpl) shape).setFlags(newFlags);
abstract static class SetDynamicTypeNode extends Node {
abstract boolean execute(Node node, DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object objectType);
@Specialization(guards = {"objectType == newObjectType"}, limit = "3")
static boolean doCached(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object objectType,
@Cached(value = "objectType", allowUncached = true) @SuppressWarnings("unused") Object newObjectType,
@Cached(value = "shapeSetDynamicType(cachedShape, newObjectType)", allowUncached = true) Shape newShape) {
if (newShape != cachedShape) {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
return true;
} else {
return false;
@Specialization(replaces = "doCached")
static boolean doUncached(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Object objectType) {
Shape newShape = shapeSetDynamicType(cachedShape, objectType);
if (newShape != cachedShape) {
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
return true;
} else {
return false;
static Shape shapeSetDynamicType(Shape shape, Object newType) {
return ((ShapeImpl) shape).setDynamicType(newType);
abstract static class MakeSharedNode extends Node {
abstract void execute(Node node, DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape);
static void doCached(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape,
@Cached(value = "makeSharedShape(cachedShape)", allowUncached = true, neverDefault = true) Shape newShape) {
assert newShape != cachedShape &&
((ShapeImpl) cachedShape).getObjectArrayCapacity() == ((ShapeImpl) newShape).getObjectArrayCapacity() &&
((ShapeImpl) cachedShape).getPrimitiveArrayCapacity() == ((ShapeImpl) newShape).getPrimitiveArrayCapacity();
ACCESS.setShape(object, newShape);
static Shape makeSharedShape(Shape inputShape) {
return ((ShapeImpl) inputShape).makeSharedShape();
abstract static class ResetShapeNode extends Node {
abstract boolean execute(Node node, DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, Shape newShape);
@Specialization(guards = "otherShape == cachedOtherShape", limit = "3")
static boolean doCached(DynamicObject object, Shape cachedShape, @SuppressWarnings("unused") Shape otherShape,
@Cached(value = "verifyResetShape(cachedShape, otherShape)", allowUncached = true) Shape cachedOtherShape) {
if (cachedShape == cachedOtherShape) {
return false;
ACCESS.resize(object, cachedShape, cachedOtherShape);
ACCESS.setShape(object, cachedOtherShape);
return true;
static Shape verifyResetShape(Shape currentShape, Shape otherShape) {
if (((ShapeImpl) otherShape).hasInstanceProperties()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shape must not contain any instance properties.");
if (currentShape != otherShape) {
return otherShape;