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org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.ShapeImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Shaded fat Jar for pkl-config-java, a Java config library based on the Pkl config language.
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
* Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
* person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
* data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
* copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
* freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
* unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
* the Larger Works (as defined below), to deal in both
* (a) the Software, and
* (b) any piece of software and/or hardware listed in the lrgrwrks.txt file if
* one is included with the Software each a "Larger Work" to which the Software
* is contributed by such licensors),
* without restriction, including without limitation the rights to copy, create
* derivative works of, display, perform, and distribute the Software and make,
* use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, have made, and have sold the
* Software and the Larger Work(s), and to sublicense the foregoing rights on
* either these or other terms.
* This license is subject to the following condition:
* The above copyright notice and either this complete permission notice or at a
* minimum a reference to the UPL must be included in all copies or substantial
* portions of the Software.
package org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object;
import static org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.shouldNotReachHere;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.graalvm.collections.EconomicMap;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.Assumption;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.CompilationFinal;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives.TruffleBoundary;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.Truffle;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.DynamicObject;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.DynamicObjectFactory;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.HiddenKey;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Location;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Property;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Shape;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.LocationImpl.LocationVisitor;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.Transition.AddPropertyTransition;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.Transition.ObjectFlagsTransition;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.Transition.ObjectTypeTransition;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.Transition.RemovePropertyTransition;
import org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.object.Transition.ShareShapeTransition;
* Shape objects create a mapping of Property objects to indexes. The mapping of those indexes to an
* actual store is not part of Shape's role, but DynamicObject's. Shapes are immutable; adding or
* deleting a property yields a new Shape which links to the old one. This allows inline caching to
* simply check the identity of an object's Shape to determine if the cache is valid. There is one
* exception to this immutability, the transition map, but that is used simply to assure that an
* identical series of property additions and deletions will yield the same Shape object.
* @see DynamicObject
* @see Property
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public abstract class ShapeImpl extends Shape {
/** Shape and object flags. */
protected final int flags;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final LayoutImpl layout;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final Object objectType;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final ShapeImpl parent;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final PropertyMap propertyMap;
protected final Object sharedData;
private final ShapeImpl root;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int objectArraySize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int objectArrayCapacity;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int objectFieldSize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int primitiveFieldSize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int primitiveArraySize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int primitiveArrayCapacity;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int depth;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final int propertyCount;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final Assumption validAssumption;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
@CompilationFinal protected volatile Assumption leafAssumption;
* Shape transition map; lazily initialized. One of:
* {@code null}: empty map
* {@link StrongKeyWeakValueEntry}: immutable single entry map
* {@link TransitionMap}: mutable multiple entry map
* @see #queryTransition(Transition)
* @see #addTransitionInternal(Transition, ShapeImpl)
private volatile Object transitionMap;
private final Transition transitionFromParent;
private volatile PropertyAssumptions sharedPropertyAssumptions;
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater TRANSITION_MAP_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ShapeImpl.class, Object.class, "transitionMap");
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater LEAF_ASSUMPTION_UPDATER = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ShapeImpl.class, Assumption.class, "leafAssumption");
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater PROPERTY_ASSUMPTIONS_UPDATER = //
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(ShapeImpl.class, PropertyAssumptions.class, "sharedPropertyAssumptions");
/** Shared shape flag. */
protected static final int FLAG_SHARED_SHAPE = 1 << 16;
/** Flag that is set if {@link Shape.Builder#propertyAssumptions(boolean)} is true. */
protected static final int FLAG_ALLOW_PROPERTY_ASSUMPTIONS = 1 << 17;
/** Automatic flag that is set if the shape has instance properties. */
protected static final int FLAG_HAS_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES = 1 << 18;
* Private constructor.
* @param parent predecessor shape
* @param transitionFromParent direct transition from parent shape
private ShapeImpl(org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Layout layout, ShapeImpl parent, Object objectType, Object sharedData, PropertyMap propertyMap, Transition transitionFromParent,
int objectArraySize, int objectFieldSize, int primitiveFieldSize, int primitiveArraySize, int flags, Assumption singleContextAssumption) {
this.layout = (LayoutImpl) layout;
this.objectType = Objects.requireNonNull(objectType);
this.propertyMap = Objects.requireNonNull(propertyMap);
this.root = parent != null ? parent.getRoot() : this;
this.parent = parent;
this.objectArraySize = objectArraySize;
this.objectArrayCapacity = capacityFromSize(objectArraySize);
this.objectFieldSize = objectFieldSize;
this.primitiveFieldSize = primitiveFieldSize;
this.primitiveArraySize = primitiveArraySize;
this.primitiveArrayCapacity = capacityFromSize(primitiveArraySize);
if (parent != null) {
this.propertyCount = makePropertyCount(parent, propertyMap, transitionFromParent);
this.depth = parent.depth + 1;
} else {
this.propertyCount = 0;
this.depth = 0;
this.validAssumption = createValidAssumption();
int allFlags = flags;
if ((allFlags & FLAG_HAS_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES) == 0) {
if (objectFieldSize != 0 || objectArraySize != 0 || primitiveFieldSize != 0 || primitiveArraySize != 0) {
this.flags = allFlags;
this.transitionFromParent = transitionFromParent;
this.sharedData = sharedData;
assert parent == null || this.sharedData == parent.sharedData;
this.sharedPropertyAssumptions = parent == null && (flags & FLAG_ALLOW_PROPERTY_ASSUMPTIONS) != 0 && singleContextAssumption != null
? new PropertyAssumptions(singleContextAssumption)
: null;;
if (ObjectStorageOptions.DumpShapes) {
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected ShapeImpl(org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Layout layout, ShapeImpl parent, Object objectType, Object sharedData, PropertyMap propertyMap,
Transition transition, Allocator allocator, int flags) {
this(layout, parent, objectType, sharedData, propertyMap, transition, ((BaseAllocator) allocator).objectArraySize, ((BaseAllocator) allocator).objectFieldSize,
((BaseAllocator) allocator).primitiveFieldSize, ((BaseAllocator) allocator).primitiveArraySize, flags, null);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract ShapeImpl createShape(org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Layout layout, Object sharedData, ShapeImpl parent, Object objectType, PropertyMap propertyMap,
Transition transition, Allocator allocator, int id);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected ShapeImpl(org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.Layout layout, Object dynamicType, Object sharedData, int flags, Assumption constantObjectAssumption) {
this(layout, null, dynamicType, sharedData, PropertyMap.empty(), null, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags, constantObjectAssumption);
private static int makePropertyCount(ShapeImpl parent, PropertyMap propertyMap, Transition transitionFromParent) {
int thisSize = propertyMap.size();
int parentSize = parent.propertyMap.size();
if (thisSize > parentSize) {
Property lastProperty = propertyMap.getLastProperty();
if (!lastProperty.isHidden()) {
return parent.propertyCount + 1;
} else if (thisSize < parentSize && transitionFromParent instanceof RemovePropertyTransition) {
if (!(((RemovePropertyTransition) transitionFromParent).getPropertyKey() instanceof HiddenKey)) {
return parent.propertyCount - 1;
return parent.propertyCount;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final Property getLastProperty() {
return propertyMap.getLastProperty();
public final int getFlags() {
return getObjectFlags(flags);
public final int getFlagsInternal() {
return flags;
* Calculate array size for the given number of elements.
private static int capacityFromSize(int size) {
if (size == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (size <= 4) {
return 4;
} else if (size <= 8) {
return 8;
} else {
// round up to (3/2) * highestOneBit or the next power of 2, alternately;
// i.e., the next in the sequence: 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, ...
int hi = Integer.highestOneBit(size);
int cap = hi;
if (cap < size) {
cap = hi + (hi >>> 1);
if (cap < size) {
cap = hi << 1;
if (cap < size) {
// handle potential overflow
cap = size;
return cap;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getObjectArraySize() {
return objectArraySize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getObjectFieldSize() {
return objectFieldSize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getPrimitiveFieldSize() {
return primitiveFieldSize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getObjectArrayCapacity() {
return objectArrayCapacity;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getPrimitiveArrayCapacity() {
return primitiveArrayCapacity;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getPrimitiveArraySize() {
return primitiveArraySize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final boolean hasPrimitiveArray() {
return getLayout().hasPrimitiveExtensionArray();
* @return true if this shape has instance properties.
protected boolean hasInstanceProperties() {
return (flags & FLAG_HAS_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES) != 0;
* Get a property entry by string name.
* @param key the name to look up
* @return a Property object, or null if not found
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public Property getProperty(Object key) {
return propertyMap.get(key);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final PropertyMap getPropertyMap() {
return propertyMap;
public final ShapeImpl addDirectTransition(Transition transition, ShapeImpl next) {
return addTransitionIfAbsentOrGet(transition, next);
public final ShapeImpl addIndirectTransition(Transition transition, ShapeImpl next) {
return addTransitionIfAbsentOrGet(transition, next);
public final ShapeImpl addTransitionIfAbsentOrGet(Transition transition, ShapeImpl successor) {
ShapeImpl existing = addTransitionIfAbsentOrNull(transition, successor);
if (existing != null) {
return existing;
} else {
return successor;
* Adds a new shape transition if not the transition is not already in the cache.
* @return {@code null} or an existing cached shape for this transition.
public final ShapeImpl addTransitionIfAbsentOrNull(Transition transition, ShapeImpl successor) {
assert transition.isDirect() == (successor.getParent() == this);
assert !isShared() || transition.isDirect();
// Type is either single entry or transition map.
Object prev;
Object next;
do {
prev = TRANSITION_MAP_UPDATER.get(this);
if (prev == null) {
next = newSingleEntry(transition, successor);
} else if (isSingleEntry(prev)) {
StrongKeyWeakValueEntry entry = asSingleEntry(prev);
Transition existingTransition;
ShapeImpl existingSuccessor = entry.getValue();
if (existingSuccessor != null && (existingTransition = unwrapKey(entry.getKey())) != null) {
if (existingTransition.equals(transition)) {
return existingSuccessor;
} else {
next = newTransitionMap(existingTransition, existingSuccessor, transition, successor);
} else {
next = newSingleEntry(transition, successor);
} else {
ShapeImpl existingSuccessor = addToTransitionMap(transition, successor, asTransitionMap(prev));
if (existingSuccessor != null) {
return existingSuccessor;
} else {
next = prev;
if (prev == next) {
return null;
} while (!TRANSITION_MAP_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, prev, next));
return null;
private static Object newTransitionMap(Transition firstTransition, ShapeImpl firstShape, Transition secondTransition, ShapeImpl secondShape) {
TransitionMap map = newTransitionMap();
addToTransitionMap(firstTransition, firstShape, map);
addToTransitionMap(secondTransition, secondShape, map);
return map;
private static ShapeImpl addToTransitionMap(Transition transition, ShapeImpl successor, TransitionMap map) {
if (transition.hasConstantLocation()) {
return map.putWeakKeyIfAbsent(transition, successor);
} else {
return map.putIfAbsent(transition, successor);
private static TransitionMap newTransitionMap() {
return new TransitionMap<>();
private static Transition unwrapKey(Object key) {
if (key instanceof WeakKey>) {
return ((WeakKey) key).get();
return (Transition) key;
private static TransitionMap asTransitionMap(Object map) {
return (TransitionMap) map;
private static boolean isTransitionMap(Object trans) {
return trans instanceof TransitionMap, ?>;
private static Object newSingleEntry(Transition transition, ShapeImpl successor) {
Object key = transition;
if (transition.hasConstantLocation()) {
key = new WeakKey<>(transition);
return new StrongKeyWeakValueEntry<>(key, successor);
private static boolean isSingleEntry(Object trans) {
return trans instanceof StrongKeyWeakValueEntry;
private static StrongKeyWeakValueEntry asSingleEntry(Object trans) {
return (StrongKeyWeakValueEntry) trans;
* @since 0.17 or earlier
* @deprecated use {@link #forEachTransition(BiConsumer)} instead.
public final Map getTransitionMapForRead() {
Map snapshot = new HashMap<>();
forEachTransition(new BiConsumer() {
public void accept(Transition t, ShapeImpl s) {
snapshot.put(t, s);
return snapshot;
public final void forEachTransition(BiConsumer consumer) {
Object trans = transitionMap;
if (trans == null) {
} else if (isSingleEntry(trans)) {
StrongKeyWeakValueEntry entry = asSingleEntry(trans);
ShapeImpl shape = entry.getValue();
if (shape != null) {
Transition key = unwrapKey(entry.getKey());
if (key != null) {
consumer.accept(key, shape);
} else {
assert isTransitionMap(trans);
TransitionMap map = asTransitionMap(trans);
private ShapeImpl queryTransitionImpl(Transition transition) {
Object trans = transitionMap;
if (trans == null) {
return null;
} else if (isSingleEntry(trans)) {
StrongKeyWeakValueEntry entry = asSingleEntry(trans);
ShapeImpl shape = entry.getValue();
if (shape != null) {
Transition key = unwrapKey(entry.getKey());
if (key != null && transition.equals(key)) {
return shape;
return null;
} else {
assert isTransitionMap(trans);
TransitionMap map = asTransitionMap(trans);
return map.get(transition);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final ShapeImpl queryTransition(Transition transition) {
ShapeImpl cachedShape = queryTransitionImpl(transition);
if (cachedShape != null) {;
return cachedShape;
return null;
public final R iterateTransitions(BiFunction consumer) {
Object trans = transitionMap;
if (trans == null) {
return null;
} else if (isSingleEntry(trans)) {
StrongKeyWeakValueEntry entry = asSingleEntry(trans);
ShapeImpl shape = entry.getValue();
if (shape != null) {
Transition key = unwrapKey(entry.getKey());
if (key != null) {
return consumer.apply(key, shape);
return null;
} else {
assert isTransitionMap(trans);
TransitionMap map = asTransitionMap(trans);
return map.iterateEntries(consumer);
* Add a new property in the map, yielding a new or cached Shape object.
* @param property the property to add
* @return the new Shape
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public ShapeImpl addProperty(Property property) {
return getLayoutStrategy().addProperty(this, property);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected void onPropertyTransition(Property property) {
final void onPropertyTransitionWithKey(Object propertyKey) {
if (allowPropertyAssumptions()) {
PropertyAssumptions propertyAssumptions = getPropertyAssumptions();
if (propertyAssumptions != null) {
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public ShapeImpl defineProperty(Object key, Object value, int propertyFlags) {
return getLayoutStrategy().defineProperty(this, key, value, propertyFlags, null);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public ShapeImpl defineProperty(Object key, Object value, int propertyFlags, org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.LocationFactory locationFactory) {
return getLayoutStrategy().defineProperty(this, key, value, propertyFlags, locationFactory);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected ShapeImpl cloneRoot(ShapeImpl from, Object newSharedData) {
return createShape(from.layout, newSharedData, null, from.objectType, from.propertyMap, null, from.allocator(), from.flags);
* Create a separate clone of a shape.
* @param newParent the cloned parent shape
* @since 0.17 or earlier
protected final ShapeImpl cloneOnto(ShapeImpl newParent) {
ShapeImpl from = this;
ShapeImpl newShape = createShape(newParent.layout, newParent.sharedData, newParent, from.objectType, from.propertyMap, from.transitionFromParent, from.allocator(), newParent.flags);;
return newParent.addDirectTransition(from.transitionFromParent, newShape);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final Transition getTransitionFromParent() {
return transitionFromParent;
* Create a new shape that adds a property to the parent shape.
* @since 0.17 or earlier
protected static ShapeImpl makeShapeWithAddedProperty(ShapeImpl parent, AddPropertyTransition addTransition) {
Property addend = addTransition.getProperty();
BaseAllocator allocator = parent.allocator().addLocation(addend.getLocation());
PropertyMap newPropertyMap = parent.propertyMap.putCopy(addend);
ShapeImpl newShape = parent.createShape(parent.layout, parent.sharedData, parent, parent.objectType, newPropertyMap, addTransition, allocator, parent.flags);
assert newShape.hasPrimitiveArray() || ((LocationImpl) addend.getLocation()).primitiveArrayCount() == 0;
assert newShape.depth == allocator.depth;
return newShape;
* Are these two shapes related, i.e. do they have the same root?
* @param other Shape to compare to
* @return true if one shape is an upcast of the other, or the Shapes are equal
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public boolean isRelated(Shape other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (this.getRoot() == getRoot()) {
return true;
return false;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final List getPropertyList() {
return Arrays.asList(getPropertyArray());
public final Property[] getPropertyArray() {
Property[] props = new Property[getPropertyCount()];
int i = props.length;
for (Iterator it = this.propertyMap.reverseOrderedValueIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Property currentProperty =;
if (!currentProperty.isHidden()) {
props[--i] = currentProperty;
return props;
* Returns all (also hidden) Property objects in this shape.
* @param ascending desired order
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public final List getPropertyListInternal(boolean ascending) {
Property[] props = new Property[this.propertyMap.size()];
int i = ascending ? props.length : 0;
for (Iterator it = this.propertyMap.reverseOrderedValueIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Property current =;
if (ascending) {
props[--i] = current;
} else {
props[i++] = current;
return Arrays.asList(props);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final List getKeyList() {
return Arrays.asList(getKeyArray());
public final Object[] getKeyArray() {
Object[] props = new Object[getPropertyCount()];
int i = props.length;
for (Iterator it = this.propertyMap.reverseOrderedValueIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Property currentProperty =;
if (!currentProperty.isHidden()) {
props[--i] = currentProperty.getKey();
return props;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public Iterable getKeys() {
return getKeyList();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final boolean isValid() {
return getValidAssumption().isValid();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final Assumption getValidAssumption() {
return validAssumption;
private static Assumption createValidAssumption() {
return Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("valid shape");
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final void invalidateValidAssumption() {
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final boolean isLeaf() {
Assumption assumption = leafAssumption;
return assumption == null || assumption.isValid();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final Assumption getLeafAssumption() {
Assumption assumption = leafAssumption;
if (assumption != null) {
return assumption;
} else {
Assumption prev;
Assumption next;
do {
if (prev != null) {
return prev;
} else {
boolean isLeafShape = transitionMap == null;
next = isLeafShape ? createLeafAssumption() : Assumption.NEVER_VALID;
} while (!LEAF_ASSUMPTION_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, prev, next));
return next;
private static Assumption createLeafAssumption() {
return Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption("leaf shape");
protected void invalidateLeafAssumption() {
Assumption prev;
do {
if (prev == Assumption.NEVER_VALID) {
if (prev != null) {
} while (!LEAF_ASSUMPTION_UPDATER.compareAndSet(this, prev, Assumption.NEVER_VALID));
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public String toString() {
return toStringLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public String toStringLimit(int limit) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!isValid()) {
for (Iterator iterator = propertyMap.reverseOrderedValueIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Property p =;
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
if (sb.length() >= limit) {
return sb.toString();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final ShapeImpl getParent() {
return parent;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getDepth() {
return depth;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final boolean hasProperty(Object name) {
return getProperty(name) != null;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final ShapeImpl removeProperty(Property prop) {
return getLayoutStrategy().removeProperty(this, prop);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final BaseAllocator allocator() {
return getLayoutStrategy().createAllocator(this);
* Duplicate shape exchanging existing property with new property.
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public ShapeImpl replaceProperty(Property oldProperty, Property newProperty) {
assert oldProperty.getKey().equals(newProperty.getKey());
return getLayoutStrategy().replaceProperty(this, oldProperty, newProperty);
* Find lowest common ancestor of two related shapes.
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public static ShapeImpl findCommonAncestor(ShapeImpl left, ShapeImpl right) {
if (!left.isRelated(right)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("shapes must have the same root");
} else if (left == right) {
return left;
int leftLength = left.depth;
int rightLength = right.depth;
ShapeImpl leftPtr = left;
ShapeImpl rightPtr = right;
while (leftLength > rightLength) {
leftPtr = leftPtr.parent;
while (rightLength > leftLength) {
rightPtr = rightPtr.parent;
while (leftPtr != rightPtr) {
leftPtr = leftPtr.parent;
rightPtr = rightPtr.parent;
return leftPtr;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final int getPropertyCount() {
return propertyCount;
* Find difference between two shapes.
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public static List diff(Shape oldShape, Shape newShape) {
List oldList = oldShape.getPropertyListInternal(false);
List newList = newShape.getPropertyListInternal(false);
List diff = new ArrayList<>(oldList);
List intersection = new ArrayList<>(oldList);
return diff;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.ObjectType getObjectType() {
return (org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.ObjectType) objectType;
public Object getDynamicType() {
return objectType;
protected ShapeImpl setDynamicType(Object newObjectType) {
Objects.requireNonNull(newObjectType, "dynamicType");
if (getDynamicType() == newObjectType) {
return this;
ObjectTypeTransition transition = new ObjectTypeTransition(newObjectType);
ShapeImpl cachedShape = queryTransition(transition);
if (cachedShape != null) {
return cachedShape;
ShapeImpl newShape = createShape(layout, sharedData, this, newObjectType, propertyMap, transition, allocator(), flags);
return addDirectTransition(transition, newShape);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public ShapeImpl getRoot() {
return root;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final boolean check(DynamicObject subject) {
return subject.getShape() == this;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final LayoutImpl getLayout() {
return layout;
public final LayoutStrategy getLayoutStrategy() {
return getLayout().getStrategy();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final Object getSharedData() {
return sharedData;
final Object getSharedDataInternal() {
return sharedData;
final boolean allowPropertyAssumptions() {
private PropertyAssumptions getOrCreatePropertyAssumptions() {
assert allowPropertyAssumptions();
PropertyAssumptions ass = root.sharedPropertyAssumptions;
if (ass == null) {
ass = new PropertyAssumptions(null);
if (!PROPERTY_ASSUMPTIONS_UPDATER.compareAndSet(root, null, ass)) {
ass = getPropertyAssumptions();
assert ass != null;
return ass;
private PropertyAssumptions getPropertyAssumptions() {
assert allowPropertyAssumptions();
return root.sharedPropertyAssumptions;
protected void invalidateAllPropertyAssumptions() {
assert allowPropertyAssumptions();
PropertyAssumptions propertyAssumptions = getPropertyAssumptions();
if (propertyAssumptions != null) {
protected Assumption getSingleContextAssumption() {
PropertyAssumptions propertyAssumptions = getPropertyAssumptions();
if (propertyAssumptions != null) {
return propertyAssumptions.getSingleContextAssumption();
return null;
* Clone off a separate shape with new shared data.
* @since 0.17 or earlier
public final ShapeImpl createSeparateShape(Object newSharedData) {
if (parent == null) {
return cloneRoot(this, newSharedData);
} else {
return this.cloneOnto(parent.createSeparateShape(newSharedData));
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final ShapeImpl changeType(org.pkl.thirdparty.truffle.api.object.ObjectType newObjectType) {
return setDynamicType(newObjectType);
protected ShapeImpl setFlags(int newShapeFlags) {
if (getFlags() == newShapeFlags) {
return this;
ObjectFlagsTransition transition = new ObjectFlagsTransition(newShapeFlags);
ShapeImpl cachedShape = queryTransition(transition);
if (cachedShape != null) {
return cachedShape;
int newFlags = newShapeFlags | (flags & ~OBJECT_FLAGS_MASK);
ShapeImpl newShape = createShape(layout, sharedData, this, objectType, propertyMap, transition, allocator(), newFlags);
return addDirectTransition(transition, newShape);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final Iterable getProperties() {
return getPropertyList();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final DynamicObject newInstance() {
throw DefaultLayout.unsupported();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final DynamicObjectFactory createFactory() {
throw DefaultLayout.unsupported();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public Object getMutex() {
return getRoot();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public Shape tryMerge(Shape other) {
return null;
/** @since 0.18 */
public boolean isShared() {
return (flags & FLAG_SHARED_SHAPE) != 0;
/** @since 0.18 */
public Shape makeSharedShape() {
if (isShared()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("makeSharedShape() can only be called on non-shared shapes.");
Transition transition = new ShareShapeTransition();
ShapeImpl cachedShape = queryTransition(transition);
if (cachedShape != null) {
return cachedShape;
ShapeImpl newShape = createShape(layout, sharedData, this, objectType, propertyMap, transition, allocator(), flags | FLAG_SHARED_SHAPE);
return addDirectTransition(transition, newShape);
/** Bits available to API users. */
protected static final int OBJECT_FLAGS_MASK = 0x0000_00ff;
protected static final int OBJECT_FLAGS_SHIFT = 0;
protected static int getObjectFlags(int flags) {
protected static int checkObjectFlags(int flags) {
if ((flags & ~OBJECT_FLAGS_MASK) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("flags must be in the range [0, 255]");
return flags;
/** @since 20.2.0 */
public Assumption getPropertyAssumption(Object key) {
if (allowPropertyAssumptions()) {
Assumption propertyAssumption = getOrCreatePropertyAssumptions().getPropertyAssumption(key);
if (propertyAssumption != null && propertyAssumption.isValid()) {
return propertyAssumption;
return Assumption.NEVER_VALID;
protected boolean testPropertyFlags(IntPredicate predicate) {
for (Property p : getProperties()) {
if (predicate.test(p.getFlags())) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
/** @since 20.2.0 */
public boolean allPropertiesMatch(Predicate predicate) {
for (Property p : getProperties()) {
if (predicate.test(p)) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public abstract static class BaseAllocator extends Allocator implements LocationVisitor, Cloneable {
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final LayoutImpl layout;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected int objectArraySize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected int objectFieldSize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected int primitiveFieldSize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected int primitiveArraySize;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected int depth;
/** @since 0.18 */
protected boolean shared;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected BaseAllocator(LayoutImpl layout) {
this.layout = layout;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected BaseAllocator(ShapeImpl shape) {
this.objectArraySize = shape.objectArraySize;
this.objectFieldSize = shape.objectFieldSize;
this.primitiveFieldSize = shape.primitiveFieldSize;
this.primitiveArraySize = shape.primitiveArraySize;
this.depth = shape.depth;
this.shared = shape.isShared();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location moveLocation(Location oldLocation);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location newObjectLocation(boolean useFinal, boolean nonNull);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location newTypedObjectLocation(boolean useFinal, Class> type, boolean nonNull);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location newIntLocation(boolean useFinal);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location newDoubleLocation(boolean useFinal);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location newLongLocation(boolean useFinal);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected abstract Location newBooleanLocation(boolean useFinal);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public Location constantLocation(Object value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public Location declaredLocation(Object value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected Location locationForValue(Object value, boolean useFinal, boolean nonNull) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected Location locationForValueUpcast(Object value, Location oldLocation) {
return locationForValueUpcast(value, oldLocation, 0);
protected Location locationForValueUpcast(Object value, Location oldLocation, long putFlags) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected Location locationForType(Class> type, boolean useFinal, boolean nonNull) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected T advance(T location0) {
if (location0 instanceof LocationImpl) {
LocationImpl location = (LocationImpl) location0;
assert layout.hasPrimitiveExtensionArray() || primitiveArraySize == 0;
return location0;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public BaseAllocator addLocation(Location location) {
return this;
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public void visitObjectField(int index, int count) {
objectFieldSize = Math.max(objectFieldSize, index + count);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public void visitObjectArray(int index, int count) {
objectArraySize = Math.max(objectArraySize, index + count);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public void visitPrimitiveArray(int index, int count) {
primitiveArraySize = Math.max(primitiveArraySize, index + count);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public void visitPrimitiveField(int index, int count) {
primitiveFieldSize = Math.max(primitiveFieldSize, index + count);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public final BaseAllocator copy() {
return clone();
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
protected final BaseAllocator clone() {
try {
return (BaseAllocator) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw shouldNotReachHere(e);
/** @since 0.17 or earlier */
public Location existingLocationForValue(Object value, Location oldLocation, ShapeImpl oldShape) {
assert oldShape.getLayout() == this.layout;
Location newLocation;
if (oldLocation.canStore(value)) {
newLocation = oldLocation;
} else {
newLocation = oldShape.allocator().locationForValueUpcast(value, oldLocation);
return newLocation;
static final class PropertyAssumptions {
private final EconomicMap stablePropertyAssumptions;
private final Assumption singleContextAssumption;
PropertyAssumptions(Assumption singleContextAssumption) {
this.singleContextAssumption = singleContextAssumption;
this.stablePropertyAssumptions = EconomicMap.create();
synchronized Assumption getPropertyAssumption(Object propertyName) {
EconomicMap map = stablePropertyAssumptions;
Assumption assumption = map.get(propertyName);
if (assumption != null) {
return assumption;
assumption = Truffle.getRuntime().createAssumption(propertyName.toString());
map.put(propertyName, assumption);;
return assumption;
synchronized void invalidatePropertyAssumption(Object propertyName) {
EconomicMap map = stablePropertyAssumptions;
Assumption assumption = map.get(propertyName);
if (assumption != null && assumption != Assumption.NEVER_VALID) {
map.put(propertyName, Assumption.NEVER_VALID);;
synchronized void invalidateAllPropertyAssumptions() {
for (Assumption assumption : stablePropertyAssumptions.getValues()) {
Assumption getSingleContextAssumption() {
return singleContextAssumption;
private static final DebugCounter shapeCount = DebugCounter.create("Shapes allocated total");
private static final DebugCounter shapeCloneCount = DebugCounter.create("Shapes allocated cloned");
private static final DebugCounter shapeCacheHitCount = DebugCounter.create("Shape cache hits");
private static final DebugCounter shapeCacheMissCount = DebugCounter.create("Shape cache misses");
static final DebugCounter shapeCacheExpunged = DebugCounter.create("Shape cache expunged");
static final DebugCounter shapeCacheWeakKeys = DebugCounter.create("Shape cache weak keys");
static final DebugCounter propertyAssumptionsCreated = DebugCounter.create("Property assumptions created");
static final DebugCounter propertyAssumptionsRemoved = DebugCounter.create("Property assumptions removed");