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laika.parse.directive.DirectiveParsers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2013-2016 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package laika.parse.directive

import laika.ast._
import laika.bundle.{BlockParser, BlockParserBuilder, SpanParser, SpanParserBuilder}
import laika.directive._
import laika.parse.Parser
import laika.parse.markup.{EscapedTextParsers, RecursiveParsers, RecursiveSpanParsers}
import laika.parse.text.TextParsers._

/** Parsers for all types of custom directives that can be used
 *  in templates or as inline or block elements in markup documents.
 *  @author Jens Halm
object DirectiveParsers {
  /** Groups the result of the parser and the source string
   *  that it successfully parsed into a tupled result. 
  def withSource[T] (p: Parser[T]): Parser[(T, String)] = Parser { in =>
    p.parse(in) match {
      case laika.parse.Success(result, next) => laika.parse.Success((result, in.capture(next.offset - in.offset)), next)
      case f: laika.parse.Failure            => f

  /** Parses a reference enclosed between `{{` and `}}`.
  def reference[T] (f: String => T): Parser[T] =
  '{' ~ ws ~> refName <~ ws ~ "}}" ^^ f

  /** Represents one part of a directive (an attribute or a body element).
  case class Part (key: Key, content: String)

  /** Represents the parsed but unprocessed content of a directive.
  case class ParsedDirective (name: String, parts: List[Part])
  type PartMap = Map[Key, String]
  /** Parses horizontal whitespace or newline characters.
  lazy val wsOrNl: Parser[String] = anyOf(' ','\t', '\n')

  /** Parses a name declaration that start with a letter and 
   *  continues with letters, numbers or the symbols '-' or '_'.
  lazy val nameDecl: Parser[String] = (anyIn('a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z') take 1) ~ 
    anyIn('a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', '0' to '9', '-', '_') ^^ { case first ~ rest => first + rest }
  /** Parses a full directive declaration, containing all its attributes,
   *  but not the body elements.
  def declarationParser (escapedText: EscapedTextParsers): Parser[(String, List[Part])] = {
    lazy val attrName: Parser[String] = nameDecl <~ wsOrNl ~ '=' ~ wsOrNl
    lazy val attrValue: Parser[String] =
      '"' ~> escapedText.escapedUntil('"') | (anyBut(' ','\t','\n','.',':') min 1)
    lazy val defaultAttribute: Parser[Part] = not(attrName) ~> attrValue ^^ { Part(Attribute(PartId.Default), _) }
    lazy val attribute: Parser[Part] = attrName ~ attrValue ^^ { case name ~ value => Part(Attribute(name), value) }
    (":" ~> nameDecl <~ wsOrNl) ~ opt(defaultAttribute <~ wsOrNl) ~ ((wsOrNl ~> attribute)*) <~ ws ^^ 
    { case name ~ defAttr ~ attrs => (name, defAttr.toList ::: attrs) }

  private lazy val bodyName: Parser[String] = '~' ~> nameDecl <~ ws ~ ':'
  private lazy val noBody: Parser[List[Part]] = '.' ^^^ List[Part]()
  /** Parses one directive instance containing its name declaration,
   *  all attributes and all body elements.
   *  @param bodyContent the parser for the body content which is different for a block directive than for a span or template directive
   *  @param escapedText the parser for escape sequences according to the rules of the host markup language
  def directiveParser (bodyContent: Parser[String], escapedText: EscapedTextParsers): Parser[ParsedDirective] = {

    val declaration = declarationParser(escapedText)

    val defaultBody: Parser[Part] = not(wsOrNl ~> bodyName) ~> bodyContent ^^ { Part(Body(PartId.Default),_) }
    val body: Parser[Part] = wsOrNl ~> bodyName ~ bodyContent ^^ { case name ~ content => Part(Body(name), content) }
    val bodies = ':' ~> (defaultBody | body) ~ (body*) ^^ { case first ~ rest => first :: rest }

    declaration ~ (noBody | bodies) ^^ { case (name, attrs) ~ bodies => ParsedDirective(name, attrs ::: bodies) }
  abstract class DirectiveContextBase (parts: PartMap, docCursor: Option[DocumentCursor] = None) {
    def part (key: Key): Option[String] = parts.get(key)
    val cursor: Option[DocumentCursor] = docCursor
  def applyDirective [E <: Element] (builder: BuilderContext[E]) (
      parseResult: ParsedDirective, 
      directives: String => Option[builder.Directive], 
      createContext: (PartMap, Option[DocumentCursor]) => builder.DirectiveContext,
      createPlaceholder: (DocumentCursor => E) => E, 
      createInvalidElement: String => E,
      directiveTypeDesc: String
    ): E = {
    val directive = directives(
        .getOrElse(Failure(s"No $directiveTypeDesc directive registered with name: ${}"))
    val partMap = {
      val dups = groupBy (_.key) filterNot (_._2.tail.isEmpty) keySet;
      if (dups.isEmpty) Success( map (p => (p.key, p.content)) toMap)
      else Failure("Duplicate "+_.desc).toList)
    def processResult (result: Result[E]) = result match {
      case Success(result)   => result
      case Failure(messages) => createInvalidElement("One or more errors processing directive '"
          + + "': " + messages.mkString(", "))
    processResult((directive ~ partMap) flatMap { case directive ~ partMap =>
      def directiveWithContext (cursor: Option[DocumentCursor]) = directive(createContext(partMap, cursor))
      if (directive.requiresContext) Success(createPlaceholder(c => processResult(directiveWithContext(Some(c)))))
      else directiveWithContext(None)
  val nestedBraces: Parser[Text] = delimitedBy('}') ^^ (str => Text(s"{$str}"))


/** Provides the parser definitions for span directives in markup documents.
object SpanDirectiveParsers {

  import DirectiveParsers._
  import laika.directive.Spans

  case class DirectiveSpan (f: DocumentCursor => Span, options: Options = NoOpt) extends SpanResolver {
    def resolve (cursor: DocumentCursor) = f(cursor)

  val contextRef: SpanParserBuilder =

  def spanDirective (directives: Map[String, Spans.Directive]): SpanParserBuilder =

  def spanDirectiveParser(directives: Map[String, Spans.Directive])(recParsers: RecursiveSpanParsers): Parser[Span] = {

    import recParsers._

    val contextRefOrNestedBraces = Map('{' -> (reference(MarkupContextReference(_)) | nestedBraces))
    val bodyContent = wsOrNl ~ '{' ~> (withSource(delimitedRecursiveSpans(delimitedBy('}'), contextRefOrNestedBraces)) ^^ (_._2.dropRight(1)))
    withRecursiveSpanParser(withSource(directiveParser(bodyContent, recParsers))) ^^ {
      case (recParser, (result, source)) => // TODO - optimization - parsed spans might be cached for DirectiveContext (applies for the template parser, too)

        def createContext (parts: PartMap, docCursor: Option[DocumentCursor]): Spans.DirectiveContext = {
          new DirectiveContextBase(parts, docCursor) with Spans.DirectiveContext {
            val parser = new Spans.Parser {
              def apply (source: String) = recParser(source)
        def invalid (msg: String) = InvalidElement(msg, "@"+source).asSpan

        applyDirective(Spans)(result, directives.get, createContext, DirectiveSpan(_), invalid, "span")


/** Provides the parser definitions for block directives in markup documents.
object BlockDirectiveParsers {

  import DirectiveParsers._
  import laika.directive.Blocks
  import laika.parse.markup.BlockParsers._

  case class DirectiveBlock (f: DocumentCursor => Block, options: Options = NoOpt) extends BlockResolver {
    def resolve (cursor: DocumentCursor) = f(cursor)

  def blockDirective (directives: Map[String, Blocks.Directive]): BlockParserBuilder =

  def blockDirectiveParser (directives: Map[String, Blocks.Directive])(recParsers: RecursiveParsers): Parser[Block] = {

    import recParsers._

    val bodyContent = indentedBlock() ^^? { block =>
      val trimmed = block.trim
      Either.cond(trimmed.nonEmpty, trimmed, "empty body")
    withRecursiveSpanParser(withRecursiveBlockParser(withSource(directiveParser(bodyContent, recParsers)))) ^^ {
      case (recSpanParser, (recBlockParser, (result, source))) =>

        def createContext (parts: PartMap, docCursor: Option[DocumentCursor]): Blocks.DirectiveContext = {
          new DirectiveContextBase(parts, docCursor) with Blocks.DirectiveContext {
            val parser = new Blocks.Parser {
              def apply (source: String): Seq[Block] = recBlockParser(source)
              def parseInline (source: String): Seq[Span] = recSpanParser(source)
        def invalid (msg: String) = InvalidElement(msg, s"@$source").asBlock

        applyDirective(Blocks)(result, directives.get, createContext, DirectiveBlock(_), invalid, "block")


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