laika.rewrite.link.LinkTargetProvider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package laika.rewrite.link
import laika.ast._
import IdGenerators._
import LinkTargets._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** Provider for all tree elements that can be referenced from other
* elements, like images, footnotes, citations and other
* inline targets.
* @author Jens Halm
class LinkTargetProvider (path: Path, root: RootElement) {
private val headerIdMap = new IdMap
/** Selects all elements from the document that can serve
* as a target for a reference element.
protected def selectTargets: List[TargetDefinition] = {
val levels = new DecoratedHeaderLevels
val symbols = new SymbolGenerator
val numbers = new NumberGenerator
val anonPos = Iterator.from(1)
root.collect {
case c: Citation => new CitationTarget(c)
case f: FootnoteDefinition => f.label match {
case Autosymbol => new FootnoteTarget(f, Generated(symbols), AutosymbolSelector)
case Autonumber => new FootnoteTarget(f, Generated(numbers), AutonumberSelector)
case AutonumberLabel(id) => new FootnoteTarget(f, Hybrid(id, Generated(numbers)), id)
case NumericLabel(num) => new FootnoteTarget(f, Named(num.toString), num.toString)
case lt: ExternalLinkDefinition => if (lt.id.isEmpty) new ExternalLinkTarget(lt, Anonymous(anonPos.next), AnonymousSelector, path)
else new ExternalLinkTarget(lt, Named(lt.id), lt.id, path)
case lt: LinkAlias => new LinkAliasTarget(lt)
case hd @ DecoratedHeader(_,_,Id(id)) => new DecoratedHeaderTarget(hd, suggestedId(id, headerIdMap), path, levels)
case hd @ Header(_,_,Id(id)) => new HeaderTarget(hd, suggestedId(id, headerIdMap), path)
case c: Customizable if c.options.id.isDefined => new CustomizableTarget(c, c.options.id.get, path)
/** Resolves the specified targets, replacing elements
* with duplicate target ids with invalid block elements
* and producing the ids of elements with generated identifiers.
protected def resolveTargets (targets: Seq[TargetDefinition]): Seq[SingleTargetResolver] = {
val docIdMap = new IdMap
val (ids, validatedTargets) = (targets.zipWithIndex.groupBy { t => t._1.id match {
case Named(name) => Some(name)
case Hybrid(name,_) => Some(name)
case _ => None
}} collect {
case e @ (None,_) => e
case (name, (target :: Nil)) => (name, target :: Nil)
case (name, conflicting) => (name, conflicting map { case (t, index) => (t.invalid(s"duplicate target id: ${name.get}"), index) })
val usedIds = ids.filter(_.isDefined).map(_.get).toSet
val orderedTargets = validatedTargets.flatten.sortBy(_._2).map(_._1)
def documentId (id: String, used: Set[String]) = {
val suggest = id.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+","-").replaceFirst("^-","").replaceFirst("-$","").toLowerCase
val gen = suggestedId(if (suggest.isEmpty) "id" else suggest, docIdMap)
orderedTargets.foldLeft((new ListBuffer[SingleTargetResolver], usedIds, Set("id"))) {
case ((buf, used, docIds), t) => t.id match {
case Generated(f) =>
val displayId = f(used)
val docId = documentId(displayId, docIds)
(buf += t.withResolvedIds(docId, displayId), used + displayId, docIds + docId)
case Hybrid(id, Generated(f)) =>
val display = f(used)
val docId = documentId(id, docIds)
(buf += t.withResolvedIds(docId, display), used + display, docIds + docId)
case Named(name) =>
val docId = documentId(name, docIds)
(buf += t.withResolvedIds(docId, name), used, docIds + docId)
case _ =>
(buf += t.withResolvedIds("", ""), used, docIds)
/** Resolves all aliases contained in the specified target sequence,
* replacing them with the targets they are pointing to or with
* invalid block elements in case they cannot be resolved.
protected def resolveAliases (targets: Seq[SingleTargetResolver]): Seq[TargetResolver] = {
val map = targets map (t => (t.selector, t)) toMap
def resolve (alias: LinkAliasTarget, selector: Selector): SingleTargetResolver = {
def doResolve (current: LinkAliasTarget, visited: Set[Any]): SingleTargetResolver = {
if (visited.contains(current.id)) alias.invalid(s"circular link reference: ${alias.from}").withResolvedIds("","")
map.get(current.ref) map {
case SingleTargetResolver(alias2: LinkAliasTarget, _, _, _) => doResolve(alias2, visited + current.id)
case other => other.forAlias(selector)
} getOrElse alias.invalid(s"unresolved link alias: ${alias.ref}").withResolvedIds("","")
doResolve(alias, Set())
targets map {
case SingleTargetResolver(alias: LinkAliasTarget, selector, _, _) => resolve(alias, selector)
case other => other
/** Provides a map of all targets that can be referenced from elements
* within the same document.
val local: Map[Selector, TargetResolver] = resolveAliases(resolveTargets(selectTargets)).toList groupBy (_.selector) map {
case (selector: UniqueSelector, target :: Nil) => (selector, target)
case (selector, list) => (selector, TargetSequenceResolver(list, selector))
/** Provides a map of all targets that can be referenced from elements
* within any document within the document tree.
val global: Map[Selector, TargetResolver] = {
val global = local filter (_._2.global)
global ++ (global collect {
case (UniqueSelector(name), target) => (PathSelector(path, name), target)
/** A function for resolving header ids, taking the desired header id as
* input and returning the actual resolved id which might be different
* in case multiple headers were attempting to use the same id.
def headerIds: String => Option[String] = headerIdMap.lookupFunction
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