laika.rst.TableParsers.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013-2016 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package laika.rst
import laika.ast._
import laika.bundle.{BlockParser, BlockParserBuilder}
import laika.collection.TransitionalCollectionOps.Zip3Iterator
import laika.collection.Stack
import laika.parse.{Parser, Success}
import laika.parse.text.TextParsers._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** Provides parsers for the two table types supported by reStructuredText.
* @author Jens Halm
object TableParsers {
private abstract class TableElement
private abstract class TableDecoration extends TableElement
private case object Intersection extends TableDecoration {
override def toString = "+"
private case object RowSeparator extends TableDecoration
private case object TableBoundary extends TableDecoration
private case class CellSeparator (decoration: String) extends TableDecoration {
override def toString = decoration
private case class CellElement (text: String) extends TableElement {
override def toString = text
class CellBuilder (recParser: String => Seq[Block]) {
private val seps = new ListBuffer[TableElement]
private val lines = new ListBuffer[StringBuilder]
private var last: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder
var rowSpan = 1
var colSpan = 1
var removed: Boolean = false
def nextLine (sep: TableElement, line: String, nextRow: Boolean): Unit = {
seps += sep
last = new StringBuilder(line)
lines += last
if (nextRow) rowSpan += 1
def currentLine (sep: TableElement, line: String): Unit = {
last ++= sep.toString
last ++= line
def merge (right: CellBuilder): Unit = {
Zip3Iterator(lines, right.seps, right.lines).foreach {
case (left, sep, right) => left ++= sep.toString ++= right
colSpan += 1
def cellContent: String = lines map (_.toString) mkString "\n"
def trimmedCellContent: String = {
abstract class CellLine (val indent: Int) { def padTo (indent: Int): String }
object BlankLine extends CellLine(Int.MaxValue) { def padTo (indent: Int) = "" }
class TextLine (i: Int, text: String) extends CellLine(i) { def padTo (minIndent: Int) = " " * (indent - minIndent) + text }
val cellLine = not(eof) ~> ((blankLine ^^^ BlankLine) |
(ws ~ restOfLine) ^^ { case indent ~ text => new TextLine(indent.length, text.trim) })
consumeAll(cellLine*).parse(cellContent) match {
case Success(lines, _) =>
val minIndent = lines map (_.indent) min;
lines map (_.padTo(minIndent)) mkString ("\n")
case _ => "" // TODO - error handling for edge cases
def parsedCellContent: Seq[Block] = recParser(trimmedCellContent)
def toCell (ct: CellType): Cell = Cell(ct, parsedCellContent, colSpan, rowSpan)
class CellBuilderRef (val cell: CellBuilder, val mergedLeft: Boolean = false)
class RowBuilder {
private val cells = new ListBuffer[CellBuilder]
def addCell (cell: CellBuilder): Unit = cells += cell
def toRow (ct: CellType): Row = Row(cells filterNot (_.removed) map (_.toCell(ct)) toList)
class ColumnBuilder (left: Option[ColumnBuilder], recParser: String => Seq[Block]) {
private var rowSpan = 1 // only used for sanity checks
private val cells = new Stack[CellBuilderRef]
def currentCell: CellBuilder = cells.top.cell
def previousCell: CellBuilder = cells.elements(1).cell
def nextCell: CellBuilder = {
if (cells.nonEmpty && cells.top.mergedLeft && rowspanDif != 0)
throw new MalformedTableException("Illegal merging of rows with different cellspans")
val cell = new CellBuilder(recParser)
cells push new CellBuilderRef(cell)
private def removeCell: CellBuilder = {
val cell = cells.pop.cell
cell.removed = true
def mergeLeft (previous: Boolean = false): Unit = {
if (rowspanDif != 0)
throw new MalformedTableException("Illegal merging of cells with different rowspans")
val leftCell = if (previous) left.get.previousCell else left.get.currentCell
cells push new CellBuilderRef(leftCell, true)
def rowspanDif: Int =
left.get.rowSpan - rowSpan
def addLine (sep: TableElement, line: String, nextRow: Boolean): Unit = {
val ref = cells.top
if (ref.mergedLeft) {
if (nextRow && rowspanDif != 1)
throw new MalformedTableException("Illegal merging of rows with different cellspans")
ref.cell.currentLine(sep, line)
else {
ref.cell.nextLine(sep, line, nextRow)
sep match {
case CellElement(_) => mergeLeft()
case _ => ()
if (nextRow) rowSpan += 1
class TableBuilder (columnWidths: List[Int], recParser: String => Seq[Block]) {
private object ColumnFactory {
var lastColumn: Option[ColumnBuilder] = None
val columnWidthIt = columnWidths.iterator
def next = { lastColumn = Some(new ColumnBuilder(lastColumn, recParser)); lastColumn.get }
val columns: List[ColumnBuilder] = List.fill(columnWidths.length)(ColumnFactory.next)
private val rows = new ListBuffer[RowBuilder]
private def init () = {
val row = nextRow
columns foreach (col => row.addCell(col.nextCell))
def nextRow: RowBuilder = {
val row = new RowBuilder
rows += row
def toRowList (ct: CellType): List[Row] = rows map (_.toRow(ct)) toList
private def flattenElements (result: Any): List[TableElement] = result match {
case x:TableElement => List(x)
case x ~ y => flattenElements(x) ::: flattenElements(y)
/** Parses a grid table.
* See [[http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#grid-tables]].
lazy val gridTable: BlockParserBuilder = BlockParser.forStartChar('+').recursive { recParsers =>
val intersect = (anyOf('+') take 1) ^^^ Intersection
val rowSep = anyOf('-').min(1).count
val topBorder = ((rowSep <~ intersect)+) <~ wsEol
val colSep = ((anyOf('|') take 1) ^^^ CellSeparator("|")) | intersect
val colSepOrText = colSep | ((any take 1) ^^ CellElement)
recParsers.withRecursiveBlockParser(topBorder) >> { case (recParser, cols) =>
val separators = colSep :: List.fill(cols.length - 1)(colSepOrText)
val colsWithSep = Zip3Iterator(separators, cols, separators.reverse)
def rowSep (width: Int): Parser[Any] =
intersect ~ ((anyOf('-') take width) ^^^ RowSeparator) <~ lookAhead(intersect)
def boundaryPart (width: Int): Parser[Any] =
intersect ~ ((anyOf('=') take width) ^^^ TableBoundary) <~ lookAhead(intersect)
def cell (sepL: Parser[Any], width: Int, sepR: Parser[Any]): Parser[Any] =
sepL ~ ((any take width) ^^ CellElement) <~ lookAhead(sepR)
val row = (colsWithSep map { case (separatorL, colWidth, separatorR) =>
rowSep(colWidth) | cell(separatorL, colWidth, separatorR)
} reduceRight (_ ~ _)) ^^ flattenElements
val tableBoundary: Parser[TableDecoration] = (cols map { col => boundaryPart(col) } reduceRight (_ ~ _)) ^^^ TableBoundary
def isSeparatorRow (row: List[TableElement]): Boolean = {
row.forall {
case RowSeparator => true
case Intersection => true
case _ => false
def buildRowList (rows: List[List[TableElement]], ct: CellType): List[Row] = {
val tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(cols map (_ + 1), recParser) // column width includes separator
rows foreach { row =>
val hasSeparator = row exists { case RowSeparator => true; case _ => false }
val newRowBuilder = if (hasSeparator) Some(tableBuilder.nextRow) else None
row.sliding(2,2).zip(tableBuilder.columns.iterator).foreach {
case (_ :: RowSeparator :: Nil, column) => newRowBuilder.get.addCell(column.nextCell)
case (sep :: CellElement(text) :: Nil, column) => column.addLine(sep, text, hasSeparator)
case _ => () // cannot happen, just to avoid the warning
def validateLastRow (rows: List[List[TableElement]]): Unit = {
if (rows.isEmpty || !isSeparatorRow(rows.last)) throw new MalformedTableException("Table not terminated correctly")
val boundaryRow = tableBoundary <~ (any take 1) ~ wsEol
val tablePart = ((not(tableBoundary) ~> row <~ (any take 1) ~ wsEol)*)
(tablePart ~ opt(boundaryRow ~> tablePart)) ^^? { result =>
/* Need to fail for certain illegal constructs in the interim model,
* so that the next parser can pick up the (broken) table input */
try {
val table = result match {
case head ~ Some(body) => validateLastRow(body); Table(TableHead(buildRowList(head, HeadCell)), TableBody(buildRowList(body.init, BodyCell)))
case body ~ None => validateLastRow(body); Table(TableHead(Nil), TableBody(buildRowList(body.init, BodyCell)))
catch {
case ex: MalformedTableException => Left(ex.getMessage)
/** Parses a simple table.
* See [[http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#simple-tables]].
lazy val simpleTable: BlockParserBuilder = BlockParser.withoutStartChar.recursive { recParsers =>
val intersect = anyOf(' ').min(1).count
val tableBorder = anyOf('=').min(1).count
val columnSpec = tableBorder ~ opt(intersect) ^^ {
case col ~ Some(sep) => (col, sep)
case col ~ None => (col, 0)
val topBorder = columnSpec.rep.min(2) <~ wsEol
recParsers.withRecursiveBlockParser(topBorder) >> { case (recParser, cols) =>
val (rowColumns, boundaryColumns): (Seq[Parser[Any]],Seq[Parser[Any]]) = (cols map { case (col, sep) =>
val cellText = if (sep == 0) anyBut('\n', '\r') ^^ CellElement
else (any take col) ^^ CellElement
val separator = (anyOf(' ') take sep) ^^ CellSeparator
val textInSep = (any take sep) ^^ CellSeparator
val textColumn = cellText ~ (separator | textInSep)
val rowSep = (anyOf('-') take col) ^^^ RowSeparator
val merged = (anyOf('-') take sep) ^^^ RowSeparator
val split = (anyOf(' ') take sep) ^^^ Intersection
val underline = rowSep ~ (split | merged)
val bCell = (anyOf('=') take col) ^^^ TableBoundary
val bMerged = (anyOf('=') take sep) ^^^ TableBoundary
val bSplit = (anyOf(' ') take sep) ^^^ Intersection
val boundary = bCell ~ (bSplit | bMerged)
(underline | not(boundary) ~> textColumn, boundary)
val row: Parser[Any] = (rowColumns reduceRight (_ ~ _)) <~ wsEol
val boundary: Parser[Any] = (boundaryColumns reduceRight (_ ~ _)) <~ wsEol
val blank: Parser[Any] = not(eof) ~> blankLine
val tablePart: Parser[List[Any]] = (((blank | row)*) ~ boundary) ^^ { case rows ~ boundary => rows :+ boundary }
def buildRowList (rows: List[Any], ct: CellType): List[Row] = {
val tableBuilder = new TableBuilder(cols map { col => col._1 + col._2 }, recParser)
def addBlankLines (acc: ListBuffer[List[TableElement]]) =
acc += (cols flatMap { case (cell, sep) => List(CellElement(" " * cell), CellSeparator(" " * sep)) })
def addRowSeparators (acc: ListBuffer[List[TableElement]]) =
acc += (cols flatMap { _ => List(RowSeparator, Intersection) })
/* in contrast to the grid table, some rows need to be processed in context,
* as their exact behaviour depends on preceding or following lines. */
val rowBuffer = rows.foldLeft((ListBuffer[List[TableElement]](), 0, false)) { case ((acc, blanks, rowOpen), row) =>
row match {
case result: ~[_,_] =>
val row = flattenElements(result)
row.head match {
case RowSeparator => (acc += row, 0, false)
case TableBoundary => (acc += row, 0, false)
case CellElement(text) =>
if (text.trim.isEmpty) for (_ <- 1 to blanks) addBlankLines(acc)
else if (rowOpen) addRowSeparators(acc)
(acc += row, 0, true)
case _ => (acc, blanks, rowOpen) // cannot happen, just to avoid the warning
case _ => (acc, blanks + 1, rowOpen) // blank line
rowBuffer foreach { row =>
def foreachColumn (row: List[TableElement])(f: ((List[TableElement], ColumnBuilder)) => Any) = {
row.head match {
case RowSeparator =>
val newRowBuilder = tableBuilder.nextRow
foreachColumn(row) {
case (Intersection :: RowSeparator :: Nil, column) => newRowBuilder.addCell(column.nextCell)
case (RowSeparator :: RowSeparator :: Nil, column) => column.mergeLeft(true); newRowBuilder.addCell(column.nextCell)
case _ => ()
case TableBoundary =>
foreachColumn(row) {
case (Intersection :: TableBoundary :: Nil, _) => ()
case (TableBoundary :: TableBoundary :: Nil, column) => column.mergeLeft()
case _ => ()
case CellElement(text) =>
tableBuilder.columns.head.addLine(CellSeparator(""), text, nextRow = false)
foreachColumn(row) {
case (sep :: CellElement(text) :: Nil, column) => column.addLine(sep, text, nextRow = false)
case _ => ()
case _ => ()
tablePart ~ opt(tablePart) ^^ {
case head ~ Some(body) => Table(TableHead(buildRowList(head, HeadCell)), TableBody(buildRowList(body, BodyCell)))
case body ~ None => Table(TableHead(Nil), TableBody(buildRowList(body, BodyCell)))
class MalformedTableException (msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg)
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