org.plasmalabs.crypto.encryption.VaultStore.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.plasmalabs.crypto.encryption
import cats.Monad
import cats.implicits.catsSyntaxEitherId
import cats.implicits.toFlatMapOps
import cats.implicits.toFunctorOps
import org.plasmalabs.crypto.encryption.cipher.Cipher
import org.plasmalabs.crypto.encryption.cipher.Codecs._
import org.plasmalabs.crypto.encryption.kdf.Codecs._
import org.plasmalabs.crypto.encryption.kdf.Kdf
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.Decoder.Result
import io.circe.DecodingFailure
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.HCursor
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.bouncycastle.util.Strings
* A VaultStore is a JSON encode-able object that contains the KDF and Cipher necessary to decrypt the cipher text.
* @param kdf the associated KDF
* @param cipher the associated Cipher
* @param cipherText cipher text
* @param mac MAC to validate the data integrity
case class VaultStore[F[_]](kdf: Kdf[F], cipher: Cipher[F], cipherText: Array[Byte], mac: Array[Byte]) {
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: VaultStore[_] =>
kdf == that.kdf &&
cipher == that.cipher &&
java.util.Arrays.equals(cipherText, that.cipherText) &&
java.util.Arrays.equals(mac, that.mac)
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int =
kdf.hashCode + cipher.hashCode + java.util.Arrays.hashCode(cipherText) + java.util.Arrays.hashCode(mac)
object VaultStore {
* Create a VaultStore instance from a JSON object.
* @param json the JSON object
* @return a VaultStore instance
def fromJson[F[_]: Monad](json: Json): Either[DecodingFailure, VaultStore[F]] =
* Decode a the cipher text of a VaultStore
* @param VaultStore the VaultStore
* @return the decrypted data if mac is valid, otherwise [[InvalidMac]]
def decodeCipher[F[_]: Monad](
VaultStore: VaultStore[F],
password: Array[Byte]
): F[Either[InvalidMac.type, Array[Byte]]] =
for {
dKeyRaw <- VaultStore.kdf.deriveKey(password)
isDKeyValid <- Mac.make(dKeyRaw, VaultStore.cipherText).validateMac[F](VaultStore.mac)
decoded <- VaultStore.cipher.decrypt(VaultStore.cipherText, dKeyRaw)
} yield if (isDKeyValid) decoded.asRight else InvalidMac.asLeft
* JSON codecs for a VaultStore
object Codecs {
* JSON encoder for a VaultStore
implicit def vaultStoreToJson[F[_]: Monad]: Encoder[VaultStore[F]] = new Encoder[VaultStore[F]] {
final override def apply(a: VaultStore[F]): Json = Json.obj(
"kdf" -> a.kdf.asJson,
"cipher" -> a.cipher.asJson,
"cipherText" -> Json.fromString(Strings.fromByteArray(a.cipherText)),
"mac" -> Json.fromString(Strings.fromByteArray(a.mac))
* JSON decoder for a VaultStore
implicit def vaultStoreFromJson[F[_]: Monad]: Decoder[VaultStore[F]] = new Decoder[VaultStore[F]] {
override def apply(c: HCursor): Result[VaultStore[F]] =
for {
kdf <- c.downField("kdf").as[Kdf[F]]
cipher <- c.downField("cipher").as[Cipher[F]]
cipherText <- c.downField("cipherText").as[String]
mac <- c.downField("mac").as[String]
} yield VaultStore[F](kdf, cipher, Strings.toByteArray(cipherText), Strings.toByteArray(mac))
sealed trait InvalidVaultStoreFailure extends Throwable
case object InvalidMac extends InvalidVaultStoreFailure