org.plasmalabs.crypto.generation.KeyInitializer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.plasmalabs.crypto.generation
import cats.implicits._
import org.plasmalabs.crypto.generation.mnemonic.{Entropy, EntropyFailure, Language}
import java.util.UUID
import org.plasmalabs.crypto.signing.{Ed25519, ExtendedEd25519, SigningKey}
* Provides functionality for creating secret keys
* @tparam SK type of secret key
trait KeyInitializer[SK <: SigningKey] {
self =>
* Creates a random secret key
def random(): SK
* Creates a secret key from the given seed
def fromEntropy(entropy: Entropy, password: Option[String] = None): SK
* Creates an instance of a secret key given a byte vector
* @param bytes bytes of the secret key
* @return
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): SK
* Create a secret key from a mnemonic string.
* @param mnemonicString The mnemonic string from which to create the key
* @param language The language of the mnemonic string
* @param password An optional password to use in creating the key.
* @return The created secret key.
def fromMnemonicString(
mnemonicString: String
)(language: Language = Language.English, password: Option[String] = None): Either[InitializationFailure, SK] =
.fromMnemonicString(mnemonicString, language)
.map(fromEntropy(_, password))
.leftMap(e => InitializationFailures.FailedToCreateEntropy(e))
object KeyInitializer {
trait Instances {
implicit def ed25519Initializer(implicit ed25519: Ed25519): KeyInitializer[Ed25519.SecretKey] =
new KeyInitializer[Ed25519.SecretKey] {
override def random(): Ed25519.SecretKey =
fromEntropy(Entropy.fromUuid(UUID.randomUUID()), password = Some(""))
override def fromEntropy(entropy: Entropy, password: Option[String]): Ed25519.SecretKey =
ed25519.deriveKeyPairFromEntropy(entropy, password).signingKey
override def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Ed25519.SecretKey = Ed25519.SecretKey(bytes)
implicit def extendedEd25519Initializer(implicit
extendedEd25519: ExtendedEd25519
): KeyInitializer[ExtendedEd25519.SecretKey] =
new KeyInitializer[ExtendedEd25519.SecretKey] {
def random(): ExtendedEd25519.SecretKey =
fromEntropy(Entropy.fromUuid(UUID.randomUUID()), password = Some(""))
def fromEntropy(entropy: Entropy, password: Option[String]): ExtendedEd25519.SecretKey =
extendedEd25519.deriveKeyPairFromEntropy(entropy, password).signingKey
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): ExtendedEd25519.SecretKey =
ExtendedEd25519.SecretKey(bytes.slice(0, 32), bytes.slice(32, 64), bytes.slice(64, 96))
object Instances extends Instances
sealed abstract class InitializationFailure
object InitializationFailures {
case class FailedToCreateEntropy(entropyFailure: EntropyFailure) extends InitializationFailure