anorm.BatchSql.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package anorm
import java.sql.{ Connection, PreparedStatement }
import resource.managed
private[anorm] object BatchSqlErrors {
val HeterogeneousParameterMaps = "if each map hasn't same parameter names"
val ParameterNamesNotMatchingPlaceholders =
"if parameter names don't match query placeholders"
val UnexpectedParameterName = "if `args` contains unexpected parameter name"
val MissingParameter = "if `args` is missing some expected parameter names"
/** SQL batch */
sealed trait BatchSql {
/** SQL query */
def sql: SqlQuery
/** Names of parameter expected for each parameter map */
def names: Set[String]
/** Named parameters */
def params: Seq[Map[String, ParameterValue]] // checked: maps have same keys
* Adds a parameter map, created by zipping values with query placeholders
* ([[SqlQuery.paramsInitialOrder]]). If parameter is used for more than one
* placeholder, it will result in a parameter map with smaller size than
* given arguments (as duplicate entry are removed from map).
def addBatchParams(args: ParameterValue*): BatchSql = {
if (params.isEmpty) {
Seq(Sql.zipParams(sql.paramsInitialOrder, args, Map.empty)))
} else {
val m = checkedMap(
foldLeft(Seq.empty[NamedParameter])((ps, t) =>
ps :+ implicitly[NamedParameter](t)))
copy(params = this.params :+ m)
* Adds a parameter maps, created by zipping values with query placeholders
* ([[SqlQuery.paramsInitialOrder]]). If parameter is used for more than one
* placeholder, it will result in parameter maps with smaller size than
* given arguments (as duplicate entry are removed from map).
def addBatchParamsList(args: Compat.Trav[Seq[ParameterValue]]): BatchSql = {
if (params.isEmpty) {
sql,, _, Map.empty)))
} else {
val ms = => checkedMap(
foldLeft(Seq.empty[NamedParameter])((ps, t) =>
ps :+ implicitly[NamedParameter](t))))
copy(params = this.params ++ ms)
* Adds arguments of type `T` that can be converted as query parameters.
def bind[T](args: T*)(implicit converter: ToParameterList[T]): BatchSql = addBatchParamsList( { converter(_).map(_.value) })
def getFilledStatement(connection: Connection, getGeneratedKeys: Boolean = false) = fill(connection, null, getGeneratedKeys, params)
def execute()(implicit connection: Connection): Array[Int] = {
implicit val res = StatementResource
/** Add batch parameters to given statement. */
private def addBatchParams(stmt: PreparedStatement, ps: Seq[(Int, ParameterValue)]): PreparedStatement = {
ps foreach { case (i, v) => v.set(stmt, i + 1) }
private def fill(con: Connection, statement: PreparedStatement, getGeneratedKeys: Boolean, pm: Seq[Map[String, ParameterValue]]): PreparedStatement = {
def unsafe(ps: Map[String, ParameterValue]) =
Sql.query(sql.stmt.tokens, sql.paramsInitialOrder, ps,
0, new StringBuilder(), List.empty[(Int, ParameterValue)]).get
(statement, pm.headOption) match {
case (null, Some(ps)) => { // First with parameters
val (psql, vs): (String, Seq[(Int, ParameterValue)]) = unsafe(ps)
val stmt = if (getGeneratedKeys) con.prepareStatement(psql, java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS) else con.prepareStatement(psql)
fill(con, addBatchParams(stmt, vs), getGeneratedKeys, pm.tail)
case (null, _ /*None*/ ) => { // First with no parameter
val (psql, _): (String, Seq[(Int, ParameterValue)]) = unsafe(Map.empty)
val stmt = if (getGeneratedKeys) con.prepareStatement(psql, java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS) else con.prepareStatement(psql)
case (stmt, Some(ps)) => {
val (_, vs) = unsafe(ps)
fill(con, addBatchParams(stmt, vs), getGeneratedKeys, pm.tail)
case _ => statement
@inline private def checkedMap(args: Seq[NamedParameter]): Map[String, ParameterValue] = {
val ps = args.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, ParameterValue]) { (m, np) =>
if (!names.contains( throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"""Unexpected parameter name: ${} != expected ${names mkString ", "}""")
else m + np.tupled
if (ps.size != names.size) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"""Missing parameters: ${names.filterNot(ps.contains(_)) mkString ", "}""")
* Returns this query with the timeout updated to `seconds` delay.
* @see [[SqlQuery.timeout]]
def withQueryTimeout(seconds: Option[Int]): BatchSql =
* Returns this query with the fetch suze updated to the row `count`.
* @see [[SqlQuery.fetchSize]]
def withFetchSize(count: Option[Int]): BatchSql =
private def copy(sql: SqlQuery = this.sql, names: Set[String] = this.names, params: Seq[Map[String, ParameterValue]] = this.params) = BatchSql.Copy(sql, names, params)
/** SQL batch companion */
object BatchSql {
* Creates a batch from given `sql` statement,
* with a `first` parameter list for for SQL execution, and zero or many
* `other` parameter lists for other SQL executions, after in the same batch.
* @param sql SQL statement
* @param first Parameter list for the first SQL execution
* @param other Parameter lists for other SQL executions in the same batch
* {{{
* import anorm.{ BatchSql, NamedParameter }
* BatchSql("EXEC proc ?, ?", // Batch with 1 execution
* Seq[NamedParameter]("a" -> "Foo", "b" -> "Bar"))
* BatchSql("EXEC proc ?, ?", // Batch with 2 executions
* Seq[NamedParameter]("a" -> "Foo", "b" -> "Bar"),
* Seq[NamedParameter]("a" -> "Lorem", "b" -> "Ipsum"))
* }}}
def apply(sql: String, first: Seq[NamedParameter], other: Seq[NamedParameter]*): BatchSql = Checked(SQL(sql), (Seq(first) ++: other).map(
private[anorm] def Checked[M](query: SqlQuery, ps: Compat.Trav[Map[String, ParameterValue]]): BatchSql = ps.headOption.
fold(Copy(query, Set.empty, Nil)) { m =>
val ks = m.keySet
if (!matchPlaceholders(query, ks))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"""Expected parameter names don't correspond to placeholders in query: ${ks mkString ", "} not matching ${query.paramsInitialOrder mkString ", "}""")
paramNames(ps.tail, m.keySet) match {
case Left(err) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(err)
case Right(ns) => Copy(query, ns, ps.toSeq)
* Checks whether parameter `names` matches [[SqlQuery.paramsInitialOrder]].
@inline private[anorm] def matchPlaceholders(query: SqlQuery, names: Set[String]): Boolean = {
val pl = query.paramsInitialOrder.toSet
(pl.size == names.size && pl.intersect(names).size == names.size)
/** Get parameter names */
private def paramNames(ps: Compat.Trav[Map[String, ParameterValue]], ns: Set[String]): Either[String, Set[String]] = ps.headOption match {
case Some(m) =>
if (ns.intersect(m.keySet).size != m.size)
Left(s"""Unexpected parameter names: ${m.keySet mkString ", "} != expected ${ns mkString ", "}""")
else paramNames(ps.tail, ns)
case _ => Right(ns)
private[anorm] case class Copy(sql: SqlQuery, names: Set[String], params: Seq[Map[String, ParameterValue]]) extends BatchSql
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