anorm.Macro.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors , 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc.
package anorm
import scala.quoted.{ Expr, FromExpr, Quotes, ToExpr, Type }
* @define caseTParam the type of case class
* @define namingParam the column naming, to resolve the column name for each case class property
* @define namesParam the names of the columns corresponding to the case class properties
* @define sealedParserDoc Returns a row parser generated
* for a sealed class family.
* Each direct known subclasses `C` must be provided with an appropriate
* `RowParser[C]` in the implicit scope.
* @define discriminatorNamingParam the naming function for the discriminator column
* @define discriminateParam the discriminating function applied to each name of the family type
* @define familyTParam the type of the type family (either a sealed trait or abstract class)
* @define separatorParam the separator used with nested properties
* @define projectionParam The optional projection for the properties as parameters; If none, using the all the class properties.
* @define valueClassTParam the type of the value class
object Macro extends MacroOptions with macros.ValueColumn with macros.ValueToStatement:
* Returns a row parser generated for a case class `T`,
* getting column values by name.
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }
* case class YourCaseClass(v: Int)
* val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macro.namedParser[YourCaseClass]
* }}}
inline def namedParser[T]: RowParser[T] = ${ namedParserImpl[T] }
* Returns a row parser generated for a case class `T`,
* getting column values by name.
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* @param naming $namingParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }
* case class YourCaseClass(v: Int)
* val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macro.namedParser[YourCaseClass]
* }}}
inline def namedParser[T](inline naming: ColumnNaming): RowParser[T] =
${ namedParserImpl1[T]('naming) }
* Returns a row parser generated for a case class `T`,
* getting column values according the property `names`.
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* @param names $namesParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }
* case class YourCaseClass(a: Int, b: String)
* val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] =
* Macro.parser[YourCaseClass]("foo", "bar")
* }}}
inline def parser[T](inline names: String*): RowParser[T] =
${ namedParserImpl3[T]('names) }
* Returns a row parser generated for a case class `T`,
* getting column values according the property `names`.
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* @param naming $namingParam
* @param names $namesParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }
* case class YourCaseClass(a: Int, b: String)
* val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] =
* Macro.parser[YourCaseClass]("foo", "loremIpsum")
* }}}
inline def parser[T](inline naming: ColumnNaming, inline names: String*): RowParser[T] =
${ namedParserImpl2[T]('naming, 'names) }
* Returns a row parser generated for a case class `T`,
* getting column values by position.
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }
* case class YourCaseClass(v: Int)
* val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macro.indexedParser[YourCaseClass]
* }}}
inline def indexedParser[T]: RowParser[T] = ${ indexedParserImpl[T] }
* Returns a row parser generated for a case class `T`,
* getting column values by position, with an offset.
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* @param offset the offset of column to be considered by the parser
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, RowParser }
* case class YourCaseClass(v: Int)
* val p: RowParser[YourCaseClass] = Macro.offsetParser[YourCaseClass](2)
* }}}
inline def offsetParser[T](inline offset: Int): RowParser[T] =
${ offsetParserImpl[T]('offset) }
* $sealedParserDoc
* The default naming is used.
* @tparam T $familyTParam
inline def sealedParser[T]: RowParser[T] = ${ sealedParserImpl1[T] }
* $sealedParserDoc
* @param naming $discriminatorNamingParam
* @tparam T $familyTParam
inline def sealedParser[T](inline naming: DiscriminatorNaming): RowParser[T] =
${ sealedParserImpl2[T]('naming) }
* $sealedParserDoc
* @param discriminate $discriminateParam
* @tparam T $familyTParam
inline def sealedParser[T](inline discriminate: Discriminate): RowParser[T] =
${ sealedParserImpl3[T]('discriminate) }
* $sealedParserDoc
* @param naming $discriminatorNamingParam
* @param discriminate $discriminateParam
* @tparam T $familyTParam
inline def sealedParser[T](inline naming: DiscriminatorNaming, discriminate: Discriminate): RowParser[T] =
${ sealedParserImpl[T]('naming, 'discriminate) }
// ---
* Returns a column parser for specified value class.
* {{{
* import anorm._
* class ValueClassType(val v: Int) extends AnyVal
* implicit val column: Column[ValueClassType] =
* Macro.valueColumn[ValueClassType]
* }}}
* @tparam T $valueClassTParam
inline def valueColumn[T <: AnyVal]: Column[T] =
${ valueColumnImpl[T] }
// ---
* @param separator $separatorParam
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, ToParameterList }
* case class Bar(v: Float)
* // Bar must be a case class, or a sealed trait with known subclasses
* implicit val toParams: ToParameterList[Bar] = Macro.toParameters[Bar]
* }}}
inline def toParameters[T]: ToParameterList[T] = ${ defaultParameters[T] }
* @param separator $separatorParam
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, ToParameterList }
* case class Bar(v: String)
* // Bar must be a case class
* implicit val toParams: ToParameterList[Bar] =
* Macro.toParameters[Bar]("_")
* }}}
inline def toParameters[T](inline separator: String): ToParameterList[T] =
${ parametersDefaultNames[T]('separator) }
* @param projection $projectionParam
* @tparam T $caseTParam
* {{{
* import anorm.{ Macro, ToParameterList }
* case class Bar(v: Int)
* // Bar must be a case class
* implicit val toParams: ToParameterList[Bar] =
* Macro.toParameters[Bar]()
* }}}
inline def toParameters[T](inline projection: ParameterProjection*): ToParameterList[T] = ${
* @param separator $separatorParam
* @param projection $projectionParam
* @tparam T $caseTParam
inline def toParameters[T](inline separator: String, inline projection: ParameterProjection*): ToParameterList[T] = ${
parametersWithSeparator[T]('separator, 'projection)
// ---
* Returns a `ToStatement` for the specified ValueClass.
* {{{
* import anorm._
* class ValueClassType(val i: Int) extends AnyVal
* implicit val instance: ToStatement[ValueClassType] =
* Macro.valueToStatement[ValueClassType]
* }}}
* @tparam T $valueClassTParam
inline def valueToStatement[T <: AnyVal]: ToStatement[T] =
${ valueToStatementImpl[T] }
// ---
private def namedParserImpl[A](using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[A]): Expr[RowParser[A]] = {
parserImpl[A](q) {
[T] => (_: Type[T]) ?=> (col: Expr[Column[T]], n: String, _: Int) => '{ SqlParser.get[T](${ Expr(n) })($col) }
private def namedParserImpl1[A](
naming: Expr[ColumnNaming]
)(using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[A], colNme: Type[ColumnNaming]): Expr[RowParser[A]] = {
parserImpl[A](q) {
[T] =>
(_: Type[T]) ?=> (col: Expr[Column[T]], n: String, _: Int) => '{ SqlParser.get[T]($naming(${ Expr(n) }))($col) }
private def namedParserImpl2[T](
naming: Expr[ColumnNaming],
names: Expr[Seq[String]]
): Expr[RowParser[T]] =
namedParserImpl4[T](names) { n => '{ $naming($n) } }
private def namedParserImpl3[T](names: Expr[Seq[String]])(using
): Expr[RowParser[T]] = namedParserImpl4[T](names)(identity)
private def namedParserImpl4[A](
names: Expr[Seq[String]]
)(naming: Expr[String] => Expr[String])(using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[A]): Expr[RowParser[A]] = {
import q.reflect.*
val repr = TypeRepr.of[A](using tpe)
val ctor = repr.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor
val params =
def psz = params.size
val ns = names.valueOrAbort
if (ns.size < psz) {
report.errorAndAbort(s"no column name for parameters: ${ns.mkString(", ")} < ${params.mkString("[", ", ", "]")}")
} else {
parserImpl[A](q) {
[T] =>
(_: Type[T]) ?=>
(col: Expr[Column[T]], _: String, i: Int) =>
ns.lift(i) match {
case Some(n) => {
val cn = naming(Expr(n))
'{ SqlParser.get[T]($cn)($col) }
case _ =>
report.errorAndAbort(s"missing column name for parameter $i")
private def offsetParserImpl[A](offset: Expr[Int])(using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[A]): Expr[RowParser[A]] = {
parserImpl[A](q) {
[T] =>
(_: Type[T]) ?=>
(col: Expr[Column[T]], _: String, i: Int) => '{ SqlParser.get[T]($offset + ${ Expr(i + 1) })($col) }
private def indexedParserImpl[T](using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[RowParser[T]] =
offsetParserImpl[T]('{ 0 })
private def sealedParserImpl1[T](using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[RowParser[T]] = {
def discriminator = '{ Macro.DiscriminatorNaming.Default }
def discriminate = '{ Macro.Discriminate.Identity }
sealedParserImpl(discriminator, discriminate)
private def sealedParserImpl2[T](naming: Expr[DiscriminatorNaming])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[RowParser[T]] =
sealedParserImpl(naming, '{ Macro.Discriminate.Identity })
private def sealedParserImpl3[T](discriminate: Expr[Discriminate])(using Quotes, Type[T]): Expr[RowParser[T]] =
sealedParserImpl('{ Macro.DiscriminatorNaming.Default }, discriminate)
private def sealedParserImpl[T](naming: Expr[DiscriminatorNaming], discriminate: Expr[Discriminate])(using
): Expr[RowParser[T]] =
macros.SealedRowParserImpl[T](naming, discriminate)
final class SelfRowParser[T](
f: RowParser[T] => (Row => SqlResult[T])
) extends RowParser[T] { self =>
lazy val underlying = f(self)
def apply(row: Row): SqlResult[T] = underlying(row)
inline private def withParser[T](f: RowParser[T] => (Row => SqlResult[T])): RowParser[T] = new SelfRowParser[T](f)
* @tparam T the field type
private[anorm] type RowParserGenerator =
[T] => (fieldType: Type[T]) ?=> (column: Expr[Column[T]], fieldName: String, fieldIndex: Int) => Expr[RowParser[T]]
* @tparam A the case class type
* @param genGet the function applied to each field of case class `A`
private def parserImpl[A](q: Quotes)(genGet: RowParserGenerator)(using Type[A]): Expr[RowParser[A]] = {
given quotes: Quotes = q
withParser[A] { self =>
${ macros.RowParserImpl[A](q, 'self)(genGet) }
// ---
private[anorm] given parameterProjectionFromExpr: FromExpr[ParameterProjection] = new FromExpr[ParameterProjection] {
def unapply(expr: Expr[ParameterProjection])(using q: Quotes): Option[ParameterProjection] = {
import q.reflect.*
val strTpr = TypeRepr.of[String]
def rec(term: Term): Option[ParameterProjection] = term match {
case Block(stats, e) =>
if stats.isEmpty then rec(e) else None
case Inlined(_, bindings, e) =>
if bindings.isEmpty then rec(e) else None
case Typed(e, _) =>
case Apply(meth, propNme :: paramNme :: Nil)
if meth.symbol.fullName.endsWith(f"ParameterProjection$$.apply") => {
val strFrom = FromExpr.StringFromExpr[String]
for {
propertyName <- strFrom.unapply(propNme.asExprOf[String])
parameterName <- {
if (paramNme.tpe <:< strTpr) {
} else {
} yield ParameterProjection(propertyName, parameterName)
case _ =>
private[anorm] given parameterProjectionToExpr: ToExpr[ParameterProjection] =
new ToExpr[ParameterProjection] {
def apply(p: ParameterProjection)(using q: Quotes): Expr[ParameterProjection] = {
import q.reflect.*
val propertyName = Expr(p.propertyName)
val parameterName = Expr(p.parameterName)
'{ Macro.ParameterProjection($propertyName, $parameterName) }
private def parametersDefaultNames[T](separator: Expr[String])(using
q: Quotes,
tpe: Type[T],
proj: Type[ParameterProjection]
): Expr[ToParameterList[T]] = {
import q.reflect.*
withSelfToParameterList[T] { selfRef =>
forwardExpr = 'selfRef,
projection = Expr(Seq.empty[ParameterProjection]),
separator = separator
private def configuredParameters[T](
projection: Expr[Seq[ParameterProjection]]
)(using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[T], proj: Type[ParameterProjection]): Expr[ToParameterList[T]] = {
import q.reflect.*
withSelfToParameterList[T] { selfRef =>
${ macros.ToParameterListImpl.caseClass[T]('selfRef, projection, '{ "_" }) }
private def parametersWithSeparator[T](
separator: Expr[String],
projection: Expr[Seq[ParameterProjection]]
)(using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[T], proj: Type[ParameterProjection]): Expr[ToParameterList[T]] = {
import q.reflect.*
withSelfToParameterList[T] { selfRef =>
${ macros.ToParameterListImpl.caseClass[T]('selfRef, projection, separator) }
private def defaultParameters[T](using
q: Quotes,
tpe: Type[T],
proj: Type[ParameterProjection]
): Expr[ToParameterList[T]] = {
import q.reflect.*
val repr = TypeRepr.of[T](using tpe)
val tpeSym = repr.typeSymbol
val flags = tpeSym.flags
if ( || {
} else if (!tpeSym.isClassDef || ! {
report.errorAndAbort(s"Either a sealed trait or a case class expected: $tpe")
} else {
withSelfToParameterList[T] { selfRef =>
forwardExpr = 'selfRef,
projection = Expr(Seq.empty[ParameterProjection]),
separator = '{ "_" }
// ---
private def withColumn[T](
f: Expr[Column[T]] => Expr[RowParser[T]]
)(using q: Quotes, tpe: Type[T]): Expr[RowParser[T]] = {
import q.reflect.*
Expr.summon[Column[T]] match {
case Some(col) =>
case _ => {
val repr = TypeRepr.of[T](using tpe)
report.errorAndAbort(s"Missing Column[${}]")
final class SelfToParameterList[T](
f: ToParameterList[T] => (T => List[NamedParameter])
) extends ToParameterList[T] { self =>
lazy val underlying = f(self)
def apply(input: T): List[NamedParameter] = underlying(input)
inline private def withSelfToParameterList[T](
f: ToParameterList[T] => (T => List[NamedParameter])
): ToParameterList[T] = new SelfToParameterList[T](f)
/** Only for internal purposes */
final class Placeholder {}
/** Only for internal purposes */
object Placeholder {
implicit object Parser extends RowParser[Placeholder] {
val success = Success(new Placeholder())
def apply(row: Row) = success
private[anorm] lazy val debugEnabled =
.map { v =>
"true".equals(v) || v.substring(0, 1) == "y"
end Macro
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