play.api.cache.Cached.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors , 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc.
package play.api.cache
import java.time.Instant
import javax.inject.Inject
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import play.api._
import play.api.http.HeaderNames.ETAG
import play.api.http.HeaderNames.EXPIRES
import play.api.http.HeaderNames.IF_NONE_MATCH
import play.api.libs.streams.Accumulator
import play.api.libs.Codecs
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.mvc.Results.NotModified
* A helper to add caching to an Action.
class Cached @Inject() (cache: AsyncCacheApi)(implicit materializer: Materializer) {
* Cache an action.
* @param key Compute a key from the request header
* @param caching Compute a cache duration from the resource header
def apply(key: RequestHeader => String, caching: PartialFunction[ResponseHeader, Duration]): CachedBuilder = {
new CachedBuilder(cache, key, caching)
* Cache an action.
* @param key Compute a key from the request header
def apply(key: RequestHeader => String): CachedBuilder = {
apply(key, duration = 0)
* Cache an action.
* @param key Cache key
def apply(key: String): CachedBuilder = {
apply((_: RequestHeader) => key, duration = 0)
* Cache an action.
* @param key Cache key
* @param duration Cache duration (in seconds)
def apply(key: RequestHeader => String, duration: Int): CachedBuilder = {
new CachedBuilder(cache, key, { case (_: ResponseHeader) => Duration(duration, SECONDS) })
* Cache an action.
* @param key Cache key
* @param duration Cache duration
def apply(key: RequestHeader => String, duration: Duration): CachedBuilder = {
new CachedBuilder(cache, key, { case (_: ResponseHeader) => duration })
* A cached instance caching nothing
* Useful for composition
def empty(key: RequestHeader => String): CachedBuilder =
new CachedBuilder(cache, key, PartialFunction.empty)
* Caches everything, forever
def everything(key: RequestHeader => String): CachedBuilder =
* Caches everything for the specified seconds
def everything(key: RequestHeader => String, duration: Int): CachedBuilder =
* Caches everything for the specified duration
def everything(key: RequestHeader => String, duration: Duration): CachedBuilder =
* Caches the specified status, for the specified number of seconds
def status(key: RequestHeader => String, status: Int, duration: Int): CachedBuilder =
empty(key).includeStatus(status, Duration(duration, SECONDS))
* Caches the specified status, for the specified duration
def status(key: RequestHeader => String, status: Int, duration: Duration): CachedBuilder =
empty(key).includeStatus(status, duration)
* Caches the specified status forever
def status(key: RequestHeader => String, status: Int): CachedBuilder =
* Builds an action with caching behavior. Typically created with one of the methods in the `Cached`
* class. Uses both server and client caches:
* - Adds an `Expires` header to the response, so clients can cache response content ;
* - Adds an `Etag` header to the response, so clients can cache response content and ask the server for freshness ;
* - Cache the result on the server, so the underlying action is not computed at each call.
* @param cache The cache used for caching results
* @param key Compute a key from the request header
* @param caching A callback to get the number of seconds to cache results for
final class CachedBuilder(
cache: AsyncCacheApi,
key: RequestHeader => String,
caching: PartialFunction[ResponseHeader, Duration]
)(implicit materializer: Materializer) {
* Compose the cache with an action
def apply(action: EssentialAction): EssentialAction = build(action)
* Compose the cache with an action
def build(action: EssentialAction): EssentialAction = EssentialAction { request =>
import play.core.Execution.Implicits.trampoline
val resultKey = key(request)
val etagKey = s"$resultKey-etag"
def parseEtag(etag: String) = {
val Etag = """(?:W/)?("[^"]*")""".r
Etag.findAllMatchIn(etag).map(m =>
// Check if the client has a version as new as ours
.flatMap {
case Some(requestEtag) =>
cache.get[String](etagKey).map {
case Some(etag) if requestEtag == "*" || parseEtag(requestEtag).contains(etag) =>
case _ => None
case None => Future.successful(None)
.flatMap {
case Some(result) =>
// The client has the most recent version
case None =>
// Otherwise try to serve the resource from the cache, if it has not yet expired
.map { result =>
result.collect {
case sr: SerializableResult => Accumulator.done(sr.result)
.map {
case Some(cachedResource) => cachedResource
case None =>
// The resource was not in the cache, so we have to run the underlying action
val accumulatorResult = action(request)
// Add cache information to the response, so clients can cache its content
accumulatorResult.mapFuture(handleResult(_, etagKey, resultKey))
* Eternity is one year long. Duration zero means eternity.
private val cachingWithEternity = caching.andThen { duration =>
// FIXME: Surely Duration.Inf is a better marker for eternity than 0?
val zeroDuration: Boolean = duration.neg().equals(duration)
if (zeroDuration) {
Duration(60 * 60 * 24 * 365, SECONDS)
} else {
private def handleResult(result: Result, etagKey: String, resultKey: String): Future[Result] = {
import play.core.Execution.Implicits.trampoline
.andThen { duration =>
// Format expiration date according to http standard
val expirationDate =
http.dateFormat.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(System.currentTimeMillis() + duration.toMillis))
// Generate a fresh ETAG for it
// Use quoted sha1 hash of expiration date as ETAG
val etag = s""""${Codecs.sha1(expirationDate)}""""
val resultWithHeaders = result.withHeaders(ETAG -> etag, EXPIRES -> expirationDate)
for {
// Cache the new ETAG of the resource
_ <- cache.set(etagKey, etag, duration)
// Cache the new Result of the resource
_ <- cache.set(resultKey, new SerializableResult(resultWithHeaders), duration)
} yield resultWithHeaders
.applyOrElse(result.header, (_: ResponseHeader) => Future.successful(result))
* Whether this cache should cache the specified response if the status code match
* This method will cache the result forever
def includeStatus(status: Int): CachedBuilder = includeStatus(status, Duration.Zero)
* Whether this cache should cache the specified response if the status code match
* This method will cache the result for duration seconds
* @param status the status code to check
* @param duration the number of seconds to cache the result for
def includeStatus(status: Int, duration: Int): CachedBuilder = includeStatus(status, Duration(duration, SECONDS))
* Whether this cache should cache the specified response if the status code match
* This method will cache the result for duration seconds
* @param status the status code to check
* @param duration how long should we cache the result for
def includeStatus(status: Int, duration: Duration): CachedBuilder = compose {
case e if e.status == status => {
* The returned cache will store all responses whatever they may contain
* @param duration how long we should store responses
def default(duration: Duration): CachedBuilder = compose { case _: ResponseHeader => duration }
* The returned cache will store all responses whatever they may contain
* @param duration the number of seconds we should store responses
def default(duration: Int): CachedBuilder = default(Duration(duration, SECONDS))
* Compose the cache with new caching function
* @param alternative a closure getting the response header and returning the duration
* we should cache for
def compose(alternative: PartialFunction[ResponseHeader, Duration]): CachedBuilder = new CachedBuilder(
cache = cache,
key = key,
caching = caching.orElse(alternative)