
play.routes.compiler.templates.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) from 2022 The Play Framework Contributors , 2011-2021 Lightbend Inc.
package play.routes.compiler
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.util.matching.Regex
* Helper methods used in the templates
package object templates {
* Mark lines with source map information.
def markLines(routes: Rule*): String = {
// since a compilation error is really not possible in a comment, there is no point in putting one line per
// route, only the first one will ever be taken
routes.headOption.fold("")("// @LINE:" + _.pos.line)
* Generate a base identifier for the given route
def baseIdentifier(route: Route, index: Int): String =
route.call.packageName.map(_.replace(".", "_") + "_").getOrElse("") + route.call.controller
.replace(".", "_") + "_" + route.call.method + index
* Generate a route object identifier for the given route
def routeIdentifier(route: Route, index: Int): String = baseIdentifier(route, index) + "_route"
* Generate a invoker object identifier for the given route
def invokerIdentifier(route: Route, index: Int): String = baseIdentifier(route, index) + "_invoker"
* Generate a router object identifier
def routerIdentifier(include: Include, index: Int): String = include.router.replace(".", "_") + index
def concatSep[T](seq: Seq[T], sep: String)(f: T => ScalaContent): Any = {
if (seq.isEmpty) {
} else {
Seq(f(seq.head), seq.tail.map { t => Seq(sep, f(t)) })
* Generate a controller method call for the given injected route
def injectedControllerMethodCall(r: Route, ident: String, paramFormat: Parameter => String): String = {
val methodPart = if (r.call.instantiate) {
} else {
val paramPart = r.call.parameters
.map { params => params.map(paramFormat).mkString(", ") }
.map("(" + _ + ")")
methodPart + paramPart
def paramNameOnQueryString(paramName: String): String = {
if (paramName.matches("^`[^`]+`$"))
paramName.substring(1, paramName.length - 1)
* A route binding
def routeBinding(route: Route): String = {
.map { params =>
val ps = params.filterNot(_.isJavaRequest).map { p =>
val paramName: String = paramNameOnQueryString(p.name)
.map { v => """Param[""" + p.typeName + """]("""" + paramName + """", Right(""" + v + """))""" }
.getOrElse {
"""params.""" + (if (route.path.has(paramName)) "fromPath"
else "fromQuery") + """[""" + p.typeName + """]("""" + paramName + """", """ + p.default
.map("Some(" + _ + ")")
.getOrElse("None") + """)"""
if (ps.size < 22) ps.mkString(", ") else ps
.map("(" + _ + ")")
.filterNot(_ == "()")
* Extract the local names out from the route, as tuple. See PR#4244
def tupleNames(route: Route): String =
.map { params => params.filterNot(_.isJavaRequest).map(x => safeKeyword(x.name)).mkString(", ") }
.map("(" + _ + ") =>")
* Extract the local names out from the route, as List. See PR#4244
def listNames(route: Route): String =
.map { params =>
params.filterNot(_.isJavaRequest).map(x => "(" + safeKeyword(x.name) + ": " + x.typeName + ")").mkString(":: ")
.map("case " + _ + " :: Nil =>")
* Extract the local names out from the route
def localNames(route: Route): String =
if (route.call.parameters.map(_.filterNot(_.isJavaRequest).size).getOrElse(0) < 22) tupleNames(route)
else listNames(route)
* The code to statically get the Play injector
val Injector =
val scalaReservedWords = List(
// Not scala keywords, but are used in the router
* Ensure that the given keyword doesn't clash with any of the keywords that Play is using, including Scala keywords.
def safeKeyword(keyword: String): String =
.collectFirst {
case reserved if reserved == keyword => s"_pf_escape_$reserved"
* Calculate the parameters for the reverse route call for the given routes.
def reverseParameters(routes: Seq[Route]): Seq[(Parameter, Int)] =
routes.head.call.routeParams.zipWithIndex.filterNot {
case (p, i) =>
val fixeds = routes.map(_.call.routeParams(i).fixed).distinct
fixeds.size == 1 && fixeds.head.isDefined
* Calculate the parameters for the javascript reverse route call for the given routes.
def reverseParametersJavascript(routes: Seq[Route]): Seq[(Parameter, Int)] =
.map {
case (p, i) =>
val re: Regex = """[^\p{javaJavaIdentifierPart}]""".r
val paramEscapedName: String = re.replaceAllIn(p.name, "_")
(p.copy(name = paramEscapedName + i), i)
.filterNot {
case (p, i) =>
val fixeds = routes.map(_.call.routeParams(i).fixed).distinct
fixeds.size == 1 && fixeds.head.isDefined
* Reverse parameters for matching
def reverseMatchParameters(params: Seq[(Parameter, Int)], annotateUnchecked: Boolean): String = {
val annotation = if (annotateUnchecked) ": @unchecked" else ""
params.map(x => safeKeyword(x._1.name) + annotation).mkString(", ")
* Generate the reverse parameter constraints
* In routes like /dummy controllers.Application.dummy(foo = "bar")
* foo = "bar" is a constraint
def reverseParameterConstraints(route: Route, localNames: Map[String, String]): String = {
.filter { p => localNames.contains(p.name) && p.fixed.isDefined }
.map { p => safeKeyword(p.name) + " == " + p.fixed.get } match {
case Nil => ""
case nonEmpty => "if " + nonEmpty.mkString(" && ")
* Calculate the local names that need to be matched
def reverseLocalNames(route: Route, params: Seq[(Parameter, Int)]): Map[String, String] =
params.map {
case (lp, i) => route.call.routeParams(i).name -> lp.name
* Calculate the unique reverse constraints, and generate them using the given block
def reverseUniqueConstraints(routes: Seq[Route], params: Seq[(Parameter, Int)])(
block: (Route, String, String, Map[String, String]) => ScalaContent
): Seq[ScalaContent] = {
ListMap(routes.reverse.map { route =>
val localNames = reverseLocalNames(route, params)
val parameters = reverseMatchParameters(params, annotateUnchecked = false)
val parameterConstraints = reverseParameterConstraints(route, localNames)
(parameters -> parameterConstraints) -> block(route, parameters, parameterConstraints, localNames)
}: _*).values.toSeq.reverse
* Generate the reverse route context
def reverseRouteContext(route: Route): String = {
val fixedParams = route.call.parameters.getOrElse(Nil).collect {
case Parameter(name, _, Some(fixed), _) => "(\"%s\", %s)".format(name, fixed)
if (fixedParams.isEmpty) {
} else {
"implicit lazy val _rrc = new play.core.routing.ReverseRouteContext(Map(%s)); _rrc".format(
fixedParams.mkString(", ")
* Generate the parameter signature for the reverse route call for the given routes.
def reverseSignature(routes: Seq[Route]): String =
.map(_ =>
.map(p =>
safeKeyword(p._1.name) + ":" + p._1.typeName + {
.filter(_.size == 1)
.map {
case None => ""
case Some(default) => " = " + default
.mkString(", ")
.map("(" + _ + ")")
* Generate the reverse call
def reverseCall(route: Route, localNames: Map[String, String] = Map()): String = {
val df = if (route.path.parts.isEmpty) "" else " + { _defaultPrefix } + "
val callPath = "_prefix" + df + route.path.parts
.map {
case StaticPart(part) => "\"" + part + "\""
case DynamicPart(name, _, encode) =>
.find(_.name == name)
.map { param =>
val paramName: String = paramNameOnQueryString(param.name)
val unbound = s"""implicitly[play.api.mvc.PathBindable[${param.typeName}]]""" +
s""".unbind("$paramName", ${safeKeyword(localNames.getOrElse(param.name, param.name))})"""
if (encode) s"play.core.routing.dynamicString($unbound)" else unbound
.getOrElse {
throw new Error("missing key " + name)
.mkString(" + ")
val queryParams = route.call.routeParams.filterNot { p =>
p.fixed.isDefined ||
.collect {
case DynamicPart(name, _, _) => name
val callQueryString = if (queryParams.isEmpty) {
} else {
""" + play.core.routing.queryString(List(%s))""".format(
.map { p =>
("""implicitly[play.api.mvc.QueryStringBindable[""" + p.typeName + """]].unbind("""" + paramNameOnQueryString(
) + """", """ + safeKeyword(localNames.getOrElse(p.name, p.name)) + """)""") -> p
.map {
case (u, Parameter(name, typeName, None, Some(default))) =>
"""if(""" + safeKeyword(
localNames.getOrElse(name, name)
) + """ == """ + default + """) None else Some(""" + u + """)"""
case (u, Parameter(name, typeName, None, None)) => "Some(" + u + ")"
.mkString(", ")
"""Call("%s", %s%s)""".format(route.verb.value, callPath, callQueryString)
* Generate the Javascript code for the parameter constraints.
* This generates the contents of an if statement in JavaScript, and is used for when multiple routes route to the
* same action but with different parameters. If there are no constraints, None will be returned.
def javascriptParameterConstraints(route: Route, localNames: Map[String, String]): Option[String] = {
.filter { p => localNames.contains(p.name) && p.fixed.isDefined }
.map { p =>
) + " == \"\"\" + implicitly[play.api.mvc.JavascriptLiteral[" + p.typeName + "]].to(" + p.fixed.get + ") + \"\"\""
).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(_.mkString(" && "))
* Collect all the routes that apply to a single action that are not dead.
* Dead routes occur when two routes route to the same action with the same parameters. When reverse routing, this
* means the one reverse router, depending on the parameters, will return different URLs. But if they have the same
* parameters, or no parameters, then after the first one, the subsequent ones will be dead code, never matching.
* This optimization not only saves on code generated, but since the body of the JavaScript router is a series of
* very long String concatenation, this is hard work on the typer, which can easily stack overflow.
def javascriptCollectNonDeadRoutes(routes: Seq[Route]): Seq[(Route, Map[String, String], String)] = {
.map { route =>
val localNames = reverseLocalNames(route, reverseParametersJavascript(routes))
val constraints = javascriptParameterConstraints(route, localNames)
(route, localNames, constraints)
.foldLeft((Seq.empty[(Route, Map[String, String], String)], false)) {
case ((_routes, true), dead) => (_routes, true)
case ((_routes, false), (route, localNames, None)) => (_routes :+ ((route, localNames, "true")), true)
case ((_routes, false), (route, localNames, Some(constraints))) =>
(_routes :+ ((route, localNames, constraints)), false)
* Generate the Javascript call
def javascriptCall(route: Route, localNames: Map[String, String] = Map()): String = {
val path = "\"\"\"\" + _prefix + " + {
if (route.path.parts.isEmpty) "" else "{ _defaultPrefix } + "
} + "\"\"\"\"" + route.path.parts.map {
case StaticPart(part) => " + \"" + part + "\""
case DynamicPart(name, _, encode) =>
.find(_.name == name)
.map { param =>
val paramName: String = paramNameOnQueryString(param.name)
val jsUnbound =
"(\"\"\" + implicitly[play.api.mvc.PathBindable[" + param.typeName + "]].javascriptUnbind + \"\"\")" +
s"""("$paramName", ${localNames.getOrElse(param.name, param.name)})"""
if (encode) s" + encodeURIComponent($jsUnbound)" else s" + $jsUnbound"
.getOrElse {
throw new Error("missing key " + name)
val queryParams = route.call.routeParams.filterNot { p =>
p.fixed.isDefined ||
.collect {
case DynamicPart(name, _, _) => name
val queryString = if (queryParams.isEmpty) {
} else {
""" + _qS([%s])""".format(
.map { p =>
val paramName: String = paramNameOnQueryString(p.name)
("(\"\"\" + implicitly[play.api.mvc.QueryStringBindable[" + p.typeName + "]].javascriptUnbind + \"\"\")" + """("""" + paramName + """", """ + localNames
.getOrElse(p.name, p.name) + """)""") -> p
.map {
case (u, Parameter(name, typeName, None, Some(default))) =>
"""(""" + localNames.getOrElse(name, name) + " == null ? null : " + u + ")"
case (u, Parameter(name, typeName, None, None)) => u
.mkString(", ")
"return _wA({method:\"%s\", url:%s%s})".format(route.verb.value, path, queryString)
* Encode the given String constant as a triple quoted String.
* This will split the String at any $ characters, and use concatenation to concatenate a single $ String followed
* be the remainder, this is to avoid "possible missing interpolator" false positive warnings.
* That is to say:
* {{{
* /foo/$id<[^/]+>
* }}}
* Will be encoded as:
* {{{
* """/foo/""" + "$" + """id<[^/]+>"""
* }}}
def encodeStringConstant(constant: String): String = {
constant.split('$').mkString(tq, s"""$tq + "$$" + $tq""", tq)
def groupRoutesByPackage(routes: Seq[Route]): Map[Option[String], Seq[Route]] = routes.groupBy(_.call.packageName)
def groupRoutesByController(routes: Seq[Route]): Map[String, Seq[Route]] = routes.groupBy(_.call.controller)
def groupRoutesByMethod(routes: Seq[Route]): Map[(String, Seq[String]), Seq[Route]] =
routes.groupBy(r => (r.call.method, r.call.parameters.getOrElse(Nil).map(_.typeNameReal)))
val ob = "{"
val cb = "}"
val tq = "\"\"\""
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