org.plumelib.bcelutil.JvmUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.plumelib.bcelutil;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.checkerframework.checker.index.qual.Positive;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.BinaryName;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.ClassGetName;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.FieldDescriptor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.signature.qual.PrimitiveType;
* Utility functions for working with the JVM.
* Currently contains conversion utilities between Java and JVM string formats, for types and
* signatures.
* @deprecated Use org.plumelib.reflection.Signatures
public final class JvmUtil {
/** A map from Java primitive type name (such as "int") to field descriptor (such as "I"). */
private static HashMap<@PrimitiveType String, @FieldDescriptor String>
primitiveToFieldDescriptor = new HashMap<>(8);
static {
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("boolean", "Z");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("byte", "B");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("char", "C");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("double", "D");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("float", "F");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("int", "I");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("long", "J");
primitiveToFieldDescriptor.put("short", "S");
* Convert a binary name to a field descriptor. For example, convert "java.lang.Object[]" to
* "[Ljava/lang/Object;" or "int" to "I" or "pkg.Outer$Inner" to "Lpkg/Outer$Inner;".
There are no binary names for primitives or array types. Nonetheless, this method works for
* them. It converts "java.lang.Object[]" to "[Ljava/lang/Object;" or "int" to "I".
* @param classname name of the class, in binary class name format
* @return name of the class, in field descriptor format
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // conversion routine
public static @FieldDescriptor String binaryNameToFieldDescriptor(@BinaryName String classname) {
int dimensions = 0;
String sansArray = classname;
while (sansArray.endsWith("[]")) {
sansArray = sansArray.substring(0, sansArray.length() - 2);
String result = primitiveToFieldDescriptor.get(sansArray);
if (result == null) {
result = "L" + sansArray + ";";
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
result = "[" + result;
return result.replace('.', '/');
* Convert a primitive Java type name (e.g., "int", "double", etc.) to a field descriptor (e.g.,
* "I", "D", etc.).
* @param primitiveName name of the type, in Java format
* @return name of the type, in field descriptor format
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if primitiveName is not a valid primitive type name
public static @FieldDescriptor String primitiveTypeNameToFieldDescriptor(String primitiveName) {
String result = primitiveToFieldDescriptor.get(primitiveName);
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not the name of a primitive type: " + primitiveName);
return result;
* Convert from a BinaryName to the format of {@link Class#getName()}.
There are no binary names for primitives or array types. Nonetheless, this method works for
* them. It converts "java.lang.Object[]" to "[Ljava.lang.Object;" or "int" to "int".
* @param bn the binary name to convert
* @return the class name, in Class.getName format
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // conversion routine
public static @ClassGetName String binaryNameToClassGetName(@BinaryName String bn) {
if (bn.endsWith("[]")) {
return binaryNameToFieldDescriptor(bn).replace('/', '.');
} else {
return bn;
* Convert from a FieldDescriptor to the format of {@link Class#getName()}.
* @param fd the class, in field descriptor format
* @return the class name, in Class.getName format
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // conversion routine
public static @ClassGetName String fieldDescriptorToClassGetName(@FieldDescriptor String fd) {
if (fd.startsWith("[")) {
return fd.replace('/', '.');
} else {
return fieldDescriptorToBinaryName(fd);
* Convert a fully-qualified argument list from Java format to JVML format. For example, convert
* "(java.lang.Integer[], int, java.lang.Integer[][])" to
* "([Ljava/lang/Integer;I[[Ljava/lang/Integer;)".
* @param arglist an argument list, in Java format
* @return argument list, in JVML format
public static String arglistToJvm(String arglist) {
if (!(arglist.startsWith("(") && arglist.endsWith(")"))) {
throw new Error("Malformed arglist: " + arglist);
String result = "(";
String commaSepArgs = arglist.substring(1, arglist.length() - 1);
StringTokenizer argsTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(commaSepArgs, ",", false);
while (argsTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // substring
@BinaryName String arg = argsTokenizer.nextToken().trim();
result += binaryNameToFieldDescriptor(arg);
result += ")";
// System.out.println("arglistToJvm: " + arglist + " => " + result);
return result;
/** A map from field descriptor (sach as "I") to Java primitive type (such as "int"). */
private static HashMap fieldDescriptorToPrimitive = new HashMap<>(8);
static {
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("Z", "boolean");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("B", "byte");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("C", "char");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("D", "double");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("F", "float");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("I", "int");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("J", "long");
fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.put("S", "short");
// does not convert "V" to "void". Should it?
* Convert a field descriptor to a binary name. For example, convert "[Ljava/lang/Object;" to
* "java.lang.Object[]" or "I" to "int".
* @param classname name of the type, in JVML format
* @return name of the type, in Java format
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // conversion routine
public static @BinaryName String fieldDescriptorToBinaryName(String classname) {
if (classname.equals("")) {
throw new Error("Empty string passed to fieldDescriptorToBinaryName");
int dimensions = 0;
while (classname.startsWith("[")) {
classname = classname.substring(1);
String result;
if (classname.startsWith("L") && classname.endsWith(";")) {
result = classname.substring(1, classname.length() - 1);
} else {
result = fieldDescriptorToPrimitive.get(classname);
if (result == null) {
throw new Error("Malformed base class: " + classname);
for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
result += "[]";
return result.replace('/', '.');
* Convert an argument list from JVML format to Java format. For example, convert
* "([Ljava/lang/Integer;I[[Ljava/lang/Integer;)" to "(java.lang.Integer[], int,
* java.lang.Integer[][])".
* The argument is the first part of a method descriptor.
* @param arglist an argument list, in JVML format
* @return argument list, in Java format
public static String arglistFromJvm(String arglist) {
if (!(arglist.startsWith("(") && arglist.endsWith(")"))) {
throw new Error("Malformed arglist: " + arglist);
String result = "(";
@Positive int pos = 1;
while (pos < arglist.length() - 1) {
if (pos > 1) {
result += ", ";
int nonarrayPos = pos;
while (arglist.charAt(nonarrayPos) == '[') {
if (nonarrayPos >= arglist.length()) {
throw new Error("Malformed arglist: " + arglist);
char c = arglist.charAt(nonarrayPos);
if (c == 'L') {
int semicolonPos = arglist.indexOf(';', nonarrayPos);
if (semicolonPos == -1) {
throw new Error("Malformed arglist: " + arglist);
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // string parsing
@FieldDescriptor String fieldDescriptor = arglist.substring(pos, semicolonPos + 1);
result += fieldDescriptorToBinaryName(fieldDescriptor);
pos = semicolonPos + 1;
} else {
@SuppressWarnings("signature") // string parsing
@FieldDescriptor String fieldDescriptor = arglist.substring(pos, nonarrayPos + 1);
String maybe = fieldDescriptorToBinaryName(fieldDescriptor);
if (maybe == null) {
// return null;
throw new Error("Malformed arglist: " + arglist);
result += maybe;
pos = nonarrayPos + 1;
return result + ")";