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* Copyright (c) 2017-2019 AutoDeploy AI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.pmml4s.metadata
import org.pmml4s.common.{OpType, PmmlElement}
import org.pmml4s.model.Model
* If a regression model should predict integers, use the attribute castInteger to control how decimal places should be
* handled.
object CastInteger extends Enumeration {
type CastInteger = Value
* round: round to nearest integer, e.g., 2.718 becomes 3, -2.89 becomes -3
* ceiling: smallest integer greater than or equal, e.g., 2.718 becomes 3, -1.2 becomes -1
* floor: largest integer smaller than or equal, e.g., 2.718 becomes 2, -1.2 becomes -2
val round, ceiling, floor = Value
import org.pmml4s.metadata.CastInteger._
* @param value corresponds to the class labels in a classification model.
* @param displayValue usually more readable version which can be used by PMML consumers to display values in
* scoring results or other applications.
* @param priorProbability specifies a default probability for the corresponding target category. It is used if the
* prediction logic itself did not produce a result.
* The attribute priorProbability is used only if the optype of the field is categorical or
* ordinal.
* @param defaultValue the counterpart of prior probabilities for continuous fields. Usually the value is the mean
* of the target values in the training data. The attribute defaultValue is used only if the
* optype of the field is continuous.
class TargetValue(
val value: Option[Any],
val displayValue: Option[String],
val priorProbability: Option[Double],
val defaultValue: Option[Double]) extends PmmlElement
* Note that castInteger, min, max, rescaleConstant and rescaleFactor only apply to models of type regression.
* Furthermore, they must be applied in sequence, which is:
* min and max
* rescaleFactor
* rescaleConstant
* castInteger
* @param field must refer to a name of a DataField or DerivedField. It can be absent when the model is used
* inside a Segment of a MiningModel and does not have a real target field in the input data
* @param optype When Target specifies optype then it overrides the optype attribute in a corresponding
* MiningField, if it exists. If the target does not specify optype then the MiningField is used
* as default. And, in turn, if the MiningField does not specify an optype, it is taken from the
* corresponding DataField. In other words, a MiningField overrides a DataField, and a Target
* overrides a MiningField.
* @param castInteger If a regression model should predict integers, use the attribute castInteger to control how
* decimal places should be handled.
* @param min If min is present, the predicted value will be the value of min if it is smaller than that.
* @param max If max is present, the predicted value will be max if it is larger than that.
* @param rescaleConstant can be used for simple rescale of the predicted value: First off, the predicted value is
* multiplied by rescaleFactor.
* @param rescaleFactor after that, rescaleConstant is added to the predicted value.
* @param targetValues In classification models, TargetValue is required. For regression models, TargetValue is only
* optional.
class Target(
val field: Option[String],
val optype: Option[OpType],
val castInteger: Option[CastInteger],
val min: Option[Double],
val max: Option[Double],
val rescaleConstant: Double = 0.0,
val rescaleFactor: Double = 1.0,
val targetValues: Array[TargetValue] = Array.empty) extends PmmlElement {
lazy val priorPredictedValue: Any = if (priorProbabilities.nonEmpty) priorProbabilities.maxBy(_._2)._1 else null
lazy val displayValues: Map[Any, String] =
targetValues.filter(x => (x.value.isDefined && x.displayValue.isDefined)).map(x => x.value.get -> x.displayValue.get).toMap
def defaultValue: Option[Double] = if (targetValues.length != 0) targetValues(0).defaultValue else None
def categories: Array[Any] = targetValues.flatMap(_.value)
def priorProbabilities: Map[Any, Double] = { => (x.value, x.priorProbability)).filter(_._2.isDefined).map(x => (x._1.orNull, x._2.get)).toMap
def postPredictedValue(predictedValue: Double): Double = {
val a = if (min.isDefined) Math.max(min.get, predictedValue) else predictedValue
val b = if (max.isDefined) Math.min(max.get, a) else a
val c = b * rescaleFactor + rescaleConstant => x match {
case `round` => Math.round(c).toDouble
case `ceiling` => Math.ceil(c)
case `floor` => Math.floor(c)
def displayValue(value: Any): Option[String] = displayValues.get(value)
trait HasTargetFields {
def targetNames: Array[String]
/** Name of the first target for the supervised model. */
def targetName: String = if (targetNames.nonEmpty) targetNames.head else null
def hasTarget: Boolean = targetNames.nonEmpty
def multiTargets: Boolean = targetNames.length > 1
def singleTarget: Boolean = targetNames.length == 1
def size: Int = targetName.length
class Targets(val targets: Array[Target]) extends HasTargetFields with PmmlElement {
private lazy val map: Map[String, Target] =
override def targetNames: Array[String] =""))
def get(name: String): Option[Target] = map.get(name)
def apply(name: String): Target = map(name)
def target: Target = targets.head
def categories: Array[Any] = target.categories
def categories(name: String): Option[Array[Any]] = get(name).map(_.categories)
def postPredictedValue(predictedValue: Double): Double = target.postPredictedValue(predictedValue)
def defaultValue: Option[Double] = target.defaultValue
def priorPredictedValue: Any = target.priorPredictedValue
def priorPredictedValue(name: String): Any = get(name).map(_.priorPredictedValue).orNull
def priorProbabilities: Map[Any, Double] = target.priorProbabilities
def priorProbabilities(name: String): Map[Any, Double] = get(name).map(_.priorProbabilities).getOrElse(Map.empty)
def displayValue(value: Any, name: String = null): Option[String] = if (name eq null) target.displayValue(value) else
get(name).flatMap(x => x.displayValue(name))
trait HasTargets {
self: Model =>
def targets: Option[Targets]