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* Copyright (c) 2017-2024 AutoDeployAI
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.pmml4s.model
import org.pmml4s.common._
import{DataVal, Series}
import org.pmml4s.metadata.{MiningSchema, Output, OutputField, Targets}
import org.pmml4s.model.Criterion.Criterion
import org.pmml4s.transformations.LocalTransformations
import org.pmml4s.xml.ElemTags.{COMPOUND_RULE, SIMPLE_RULE}
import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
* Ruleset models can be thought of as flattened decision tree models. A ruleset consists of a number of rules. Each
* rule contains a predicate and a predicted class value, plus some information collected at training or testing time on
* the performance of the rule.
class RuleSetModel(var parent: Model,
override val attributes: ModelAttributes,
override val miningSchema: MiningSchema,
val ruleSet: RuleSet,
override val output: Option[Output] = None,
override val targets: Option[Targets] = None,
override val localTransformations: Option[LocalTransformations] = None,
override val modelStats: Option[ModelStats] = None,
override val modelExplanation: Option[ModelExplanation] = None,
override val modelVerification: Option[ModelVerification] = None,
override val extensions: immutable.Seq[Extension] = immutable.Seq.empty)
extends Model with HasWrappedModelAttributes {
// If more than one method is included, the first method is used as the default method for scoring
var criterion: Criterion = ruleSet.ruleSelectionMethods.head.criterion
/** Model element type. */
override def modelElement: ModelElement = ModelElement.RuleSetModel
/** Predicts values for a given data series. */
override def predict(values: Series): Series = {
val (series, returnInvalid) = prepare(values)
if (returnInvalid) {
return nullSeries
val outputs = createOutputs().
import Criterion._
criterion match {
case `firstHit` => {
val first = ruleSet.first(series)
if (first.isDefined) {
outputs.predictedValue = first.get.score
outputs.confidence = first.get.confidence
case _ => {
val rules =
if (rules.nonEmpty) {
if (criterion == `weightedMax`) {
val max = rules.maxBy(_.weight)
outputs.predictedValue = max.score
outputs.confidence = max.confidence
} else {
val one = rules.groupBy(_.score).map(x => (x._1,
outputs.predictedValue = one._1
outputs.confidence = one._2 / rules.length
result(series, outputs)
/** Returns all candidates output fields of this model when there is no output specified explicitly. */
override def defaultOutputFields: Array[OutputField] = {
if (isClassification) {
val result = mutable.ArrayBuilder.make[OutputField]
result += OutputField.predictedValue(this)
result += OutputField.confidence()
} else {
/** Creates an object of subclass of ModelOutputs that is for writing into an output series. */
override def createOutputs(): RuleSetOutputs = new RuleSetOutputs
/** Returns all candidates of criteria, */
def criteria: Array[Criterion] =
* @param ruleSelectionMethods specifies how to select rules from the ruleset to score a new case. If more than one
* method is included, the first method is used as the default method for scoring, but the
* other methods included may be selected by the application wishing to perform scoring as
* valid alternative methods.
* @param scoreDistributions describe the distribution of the predicted value in the test/training data.
* @param rules contains 0 or more rules which comprise the ruleset.
* @param recordCount The number of training/test cases to which the ruleset was applied to generate support
* and
* confidence measures for individual rules.
* @param nbCorrect indicates the number of training/test instances for which the default score is correct.
* @param defaultScore The value of score in a RuleSet serves as the default predicted value when scoring a
* case no
* rules in the ruleset fire.
* @param defaultConfidence provides a confidence to be returned with the default score (when scoring a case and no
* rules in the ruleset fire).
class RuleSet(val ruleSelectionMethods: Array[RuleSelectionMethod],
val scoreDistributions: ScoreDistributions,
val rules: Array[Rule],
val recordCount: Option[Int],
val nbCorrect: Option[Int],
val defaultScore: Option[DataVal],
val defaultConfidence: Option[Double]) extends PmmlElement {
def first(series: Series): Option[SimpleRule] = {
val len = rules.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val rule = rules(i)
val res = rule.first(series)
if (res.isDefined)
return res
i += 1
def fire(series: Series): Array[SimpleRule] = {
* Describes how rules are selected to apply the model to a new case
* @param criterion explains how to determine and rank predictions and their associated confidences from the ruleset in
* case multiple rules fire.
class RuleSelectionMethod(val criterion: Criterion) extends PmmlElement
object Criterion extends Enumeration {
type Criterion = Value
* There are many many possible ways of applying rulesets, but three useful approaches are covered.
* - firstHit: First firing rule is chosen as the predicted class, and the confidence is the confidence of that rule.
* If further predictions and confidences are required, a search for the next firing rule that chooses a different
* predicted class is made, and so on.
* - weightedSum: Calculate the total weight for each class by summing the weights for each firing rule which predicts
* that class. The prediction with the highest total weight is then selected. The confidence is the total confidence
* of the winning class divided by the number of firing rules. If further predictions and confidences are required,
* the process is repeated to find the class with the second highest total weight, and so on. Note that if two or more
* classes are assigned the same weight, the winning class is the one that appears first in the data dictionary
* values.
* - weightedMax: Select the firing rule with the highest weight. The confidence returned is the confidence of the
* selected rule. Note that if two firing rules have the same weight, the rule that occurs first in the ruleset is
* chosen.
val weightedSum, weightedMax, firstHit = Value
sealed trait Rule {
def predicate: Predicate
def fire(series: Series): Array[SimpleRule]
def first(series: Series): Option[SimpleRule]
object Rule {
val emptySimpleRuleArray: Array[SimpleRule] = Array.empty
val values: Set[String] = Set(SIMPLE_RULE, COMPOUND_RULE)
def contains(s: String): Boolean = values.contains(s)
* SimpleRule consists of an identifier, a predicate, a score and information on rule performance.
* @param predicate the condition upon which the rule fires. For more details on PREDICATE see the section on
* predicates in TreeModel. This explains how predicates are described and evaluated and how
* missing values are handled.
* @param scoreDistributions Describes the distribution of the predicted value for instances where the rule fires in the
* training/test data.
* @param score The predicted value when the rule fires.
* @param id The value of id serves as a unique identifier for the rule. Must be unique within the
* ruleset.
* @param recordCount The number of training/test instances on which the rule fired.
* @param nbCorrect Indicates the number of training/test instances on which the rule fired and the prediction
* was correct.
* @param confidence Indicates the confidence of the rule.
* @param weight Indicates the relative importance of the rule. May or may not be equal to the confidence.
class SimpleRule(val predicate: Predicate,
val scoreDistributions: ScoreDistributions,
val score: DataVal,
val id: Option[String] = None,
val recordCount: Option[Int] = None,
val nbCorrect: Option[Int] = None,
val confidence: Double = 1.0,
val weight: Double = 1.0
) extends Rule with HasScoreDistributions with PmmlElement {
override def fire(series: Series): Array[SimpleRule] = if (predicate.eval(series) == Predication.TRUE)
Array(this) else
override def first(series: Series): Option[SimpleRule] = if (predicate.eval(series) == Predication.TRUE)
Some(this) else None
* CompoundRule consists of a predicate and one or more rules. CompoundRules offer a shorthand for a more compact
* representation of rulesets and suggest a more efficient execution mechanism.
* @param predicate the condition upon which the rule fires.
* @param rules One or more rules that are contained within the CompoundRule. Each of these rules may be a
* SimpleRule or a CompoundRule.
class CompoundRule(val predicate: Predicate, val rules: Array[Rule]) extends Rule with PmmlElement {
override def fire(series: Series): Array[SimpleRule] = if (predicate.eval(series) == Predication.TRUE) {
} else Rule.emptySimpleRuleArray
override def first(series: Series): Option[SimpleRule] = if (predicate.eval(series) == Predication.TRUE) {
val len = rules.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
val rule = rules(i)
val res = rule.first(series)
if (res.isDefined)
return res
i += 1
} else None
class RuleSetOutputs extends ModelOutputs with MutablePredictedValue with MutableConfidence {
override def modelElement: ModelElement = ModelElement.RuleSetModel
override def clear(): this.type = {