polynote.config.PolynoteConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package polynote.config
import java.io.{File, FileNotFoundException, FileReader}
import java.net.{InetSocketAddress, URI}
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import cats.syntax.either._
import io.circe.generic.extras.semiauto._
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe._
import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, TaskB}
import polynote.kernel.environment.Config
import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging
import polynote.messages.ShortMap
import scodec.{Attempt, Codec}
import scodec.codecs.implicits._
import scodec.codecs.utf8_32
import zio.{ZIO, ZLayer}
import zio.blocking.{Blocking, effectBlocking}
import shapeless.cachedImplicit
import scala.util.Try
final case class Listen(
port: Int = 8192,
host: String = ""
) {
lazy val toSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, port)
object Listen {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Listen] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Listen] = deriveConfigDecoder
final case class Mount(dir: String, mounts: Map[String, Mount] = Map.empty)
object Mount {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Mount] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Mount] = deriveConfigDecoder[Mount]
final case class KernelConfig(
listen: Option[String] = None,
portRange: Option[Range] = None,
scalaVersion: Option[String] = None,
jvmArgs: Option[Seq[String]] = None
object KernelConfig {
private implicit val rangeDecoder: Decoder[Range] = Decoder.decodeString.emap {
str => str.split(':') match {
case Array(from, to) => Either.catchNonFatal(Range.inclusive(from.toInt, to.toInt)).leftMap(_.getMessage)
case _ => Left(s"Invalid range $str (must be e.g. 1234:4321)")
private implicit val rangeEncoder: Encoder[Range] = Encoder.encodeString.contramap[Range] { portRange =>
portRange.start + ":" + portRange.end
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[KernelConfig] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[KernelConfig] = deriveConfigDecoder[KernelConfig]
final case class Wal(
enable: Boolean = false
object Wal {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Wal] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Wal] = deriveConfigDecoder[Wal]
final case class Storage(
cache: String = "tmp",
dir: String = "notebooks",
mounts: Map[String, Mount] = Map.empty,
wal: Wal = Wal()
object Storage {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Storage] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Storage] = deriveConfigDecoder[Storage]
sealed trait KernelIsolation
object KernelIsolation {
case object Never extends KernelIsolation
case object Always extends KernelIsolation
case object SparkOnly extends KernelIsolation
implicit val encoder: Encoder[KernelIsolation] = Encoder.instance {
case Never => Json.fromString("never")
case Always => Json.fromString("always")
case SparkOnly => Json.fromString("spark")
implicit val decoder: Decoder[KernelIsolation] = Decoder.decodeString.emap {
case "never" => Right(Never)
case "always" => Right(Always)
case "spark" => Right(SparkOnly)
case other => Left(s"Invalid value for kernel_isolation: $other (expected one of: never, always, spark)")
final case class Behavior(
dependencyIsolation: Boolean = true,
kernelIsolation: KernelIsolation = KernelIsolation.Always, // TODO: Should move this to KernelConfig now?
sharedPackages: List[String] = Nil
) {
private final val defaultShares = "scala|javax?|jdk|sun|com.sun|com.oracle|polynote|org.w3c|org.xml|org.omg|org.ietf|org.jcp|org.apache.spark|org.spark_project|org.glassfish.jersey|org.jvnet.hk2|org.apache.hadoop|org.codehaus|org.slf4j|org.log4j|org.apache.log4j"
def getSharedString: String = "^(" + (sharedPackages :+ defaultShares).mkString("|") + ")\\."
object Behavior {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Behavior] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Behavior] = deriveConfigDecoder
final case class AuthProvider(provider: String, config: JsonObject)
object AuthProvider {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[AuthProvider] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[AuthProvider] = deriveConfigDecoder
final case class Security(
websocketKey: Option[String] = None,
auth: Option[AuthProvider] = None
object Security {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Security] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Security] = deriveConfigDecoder
final case class UI(
baseUri: String = "/"
object UI {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[UI] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[UI] = deriveDecoder
case class Credentials(
coursier: Option[Credentials.Coursier] = None
object Credentials {
final case class Coursier(path: String)
object Coursier {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Coursier] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Coursier] = deriveDecoder
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[Credentials] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[Credentials] = deriveDecoder
final case class SparkPropertySet(
name: String,
properties: ShortMap[String, String] = ShortMap(Map.empty[String, String]),
sparkSubmitArgs: Option[String] = None,
distClasspathFilter: Option[Pattern] = None
object SparkPropertySet {
implicit val decoder: Decoder[SparkPropertySet] = deriveConfigDecoder
implicit val encoder: Encoder[SparkPropertySet] = deriveEncoder
private implicit val patternCodec: Codec[Pattern] = utf8_32.exmap(str => Attempt.fromTry(Try(Pattern.compile(str))), pat => Attempt.fromTry(Try(pat.pattern())))
implicit val codec: Codec[SparkPropertySet] = cachedImplicit[Codec[SparkPropertySet]]
final case class PySparkConfig(
distributeDependencies: Option[Boolean] = None,
distributionExcludes: List[String] = Nil
object PySparkConfig {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[PySparkConfig] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[PySparkConfig] = deriveDecoder
final case class SparkConfig(
properties: Map[String, String],
sparkSubmitArgs: Option[String] = None,
distClasspathFilter: Option[Pattern] = None,
propertySets: Option[List[SparkPropertySet]] = None,
defaultPropertySet: Option[String] = None,
pyspark: Option[PySparkConfig] = None
object SparkConfig {
def fromMap(properties: Map[String, String]): SparkConfig = SparkConfig(
properties - "sparkSubmitArgs",
// TODO: remove once NotebookConfig no longer uses the Map with magic sparkSubmitArgs field
def toMap(config: SparkConfig): Map[String, String] = config.properties ++ config.sparkSubmitArgs.toList.map("sparkSubmitArgs" -> _).toMap
private val legacyDecoder: Decoder[SparkConfig] = mapStringStringDecoder.map(fromMap)
private val newDecoder: Decoder[SparkConfig] = deriveConfigDecoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[SparkConfig] = Decoder.decodeJsonObject.flatMap {
case obj if obj.contains("properties") || obj.contains("spark_submit_args") || obj.contains("dist_classpath_filter") || obj.contains("property_sets") => newDecoder
case _ => legacyDecoder
implicit val encoder: Encoder[SparkConfig] = deriveEncoder
final case class StaticConfig(
path: Option[Path] = None,
url: Option[URI] = None
object StaticConfig {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[StaticConfig] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[StaticConfig] = deriveDecoder
final case class PolynoteConfig(
listen: Listen = Listen(),
kernel: KernelConfig = KernelConfig(),
storage: Storage = Storage(),
repositories: List[RepositoryConfig] = Nil,
exclusions: List[String] = Nil,
dependencies: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty,
spark: Option[SparkConfig] = None,
behavior: Behavior = Behavior(),
security: Security = Security(),
ui: UI = UI(),
credentials: Credentials = Credentials(),
env: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
static: StaticConfig = StaticConfig()
object PolynoteConfig {
implicit val encoder: Encoder.AsObject[PolynoteConfig] = deriveEncoder
implicit val decoder: Decoder[PolynoteConfig] = deriveConfigDecoder[PolynoteConfig]
private val defaultConfig = "default.yml" // we expect this to be in the directory Polynote was launched from.
def parse(content: String): Either[Throwable, PolynoteConfig] = yaml.parser.parse(content).flatMap {
case json if json.isBoolean => Right(Json.fromJsonObject(JsonObject.empty))
case json if json.isObject => Right(json)
case json => Left(DecodingFailure(s"Invalid configuration; expected properties but found $json", Nil))
private def parseFile(file: File): TaskB[Json] =
effectBlocking(file.exists()).flatMap {
case true => effectBlocking(new FileReader(file)).bracketAuto {
reader => ZIO.fromEither {
yaml.parser.parse(reader).flatMap {
case json if json.isBoolean => Right(Json.fromJsonObject(JsonObject.empty))
case json if json.isObject => Right(json)
case json => Left(DecodingFailure(s"Invalid configuration; expected properties but found $json", Nil))
case false => ZIO.succeed(Json.fromJsonObject(JsonObject.empty))
def load(file: File): TaskB[PolynoteConfig] = {
val parsed = parseFile(file)
val default = parseFile(new File(defaultConfig)).catchAll {
err =>
Logging.error(s"Unable to parse default config file $defaultConfig", err)
val configIO = for {
configJson <- parsed
defaultJson <- default
merged = defaultJson.deepMerge(configJson) // priority goes to configJson
parsedConfig <- ZIO.fromEither(merged.as[PolynoteConfig])
_ <- ZIO.when(parsedConfig.behavior.kernelIsolation == KernelIsolation.Never) {
Logging.warn("Configuration value `behavior.kernel_isolation: never` is deprecated and will be removed")
} yield parsedConfig
Logging.info(s"Loading configuration from $file") *> configIO
.catchAll {
case _: MatchError =>
ZIO.succeed(PolynoteConfig()) // TODO: Handles an upstream issue with circe-yaml, on an empty config file https://github.com/circe/circe-yaml/issues/50
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
Logging.error(s"Configuration file $file not found; using default configuration", e).as(PolynoteConfig())
case err: Throwable => ZIO.fail(err)