polynote.kernel.Kernel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package polynote.kernel
import polynote.buildinfo.BuildInfo
import polynote.kernel.environment.CurrentNotebook
import polynote.kernel.task.TaskManager
import polynote.messages.{ByteVector32, CellID, HandleType}
import polynote.runtime.{StreamingDataRepr, TableOp}
import zio.{Has, RIO, Task, URIO, ZIO}
trait Kernel {
* Enqueues a cell to be run with its appropriate interpreter. Evaluating the outer task causes the cell to be
* queued, and evaluating the inner task blocks until it is finished evaluating.
def queueCell(id: CellID): TaskC[Task[Unit]]
def cancelAll(): RIO[BaseEnv with TaskManager, Unit] = TaskManager.access.flatMap(_.cancelAll())
def cancelTask(taskId: String): RIO[BaseEnv with TaskManager, Unit] = TaskManager.access.flatMap(_.cancelTask(taskId))
def tasks(): RIO[BaseEnv with TaskManager, List[TaskInfo]] = TaskManager.access.flatMap(_.list)
* Provide completions for the given position in the given cell
def completionsAt(id: CellID, pos: Int): TaskC[List[Completion]]
* Provide parameter hints for the given position in the given cell
def parametersAt(id: CellID, pos: Int): TaskC[Option[Signatures]]
* Perform any initialization for the kernel
def init(): TaskC[Unit]
* Shut down this kernel and its interpreters, releasing their resources and ending any internally managed tasks or processes
def shutdown(): TaskB[Unit]
* Provide the current busy status of the kernel
def status(): TaskB[KernelBusyState]
* Provide free-form key/value HTML information about the kernel
def info(): TaskG[KernelInfo] = ZIO.succeed(KernelInfo(
"Polynote Version:" -> s"""${BuildInfo.version}""",
"Build Commit:" -> s"""${BuildInfo.commit}"""
* Provide all values that currently are known by the kernel
def values(): TaskB[List[ResultValue]]
* @return An array of up to `count` [[scodec.bits.ByteVector]] elements, in which each element represents one encoded
* element from the given handle of the given type
def getHandleData(handleType: HandleType, handle: Int, count: Int): RIO[BaseEnv with StreamingHandles, Array[ByteVector32]]
* Create a new [[StreamingDataRepr]] handle by performing [[TableOp]] operations on the given streaming handle. The
* given handle itself must be unaffected.
* @return If the operations make no changes, returns the given handle. If the operations are valid for the stream,
* and it supports the modification, returns a new handle for the modified stream. If the stream doesn't support
* modification, returns None. If the modifications are invalid or unsupported by the the stream, it may either
* raise an error or return None.
def modifyStream(handleId: Int, ops: List[TableOp]): RIO[BaseEnv with StreamingHandles, Option[StreamingDataRepr]]
* Release a handle. No further data will be available using [[getHandleData()]].
def releaseHandle(handleType: HandleType, handleId: Int): RIO[BaseEnv with StreamingHandles, Unit]
* @return A task which will wait for the kernel to be closed. Completes with an error if the kernel closes due to
* error.
def awaitClosed: Task[Unit]
object Kernel {
type Factory = Has[Factory.Service]
object Factory {
trait Service {
def apply(): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv, Kernel]
trait LocalService extends Service {
override def apply(): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv, Kernel]
def choose(choose: RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv, Service]): Service = new Service {
override def apply(): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv, Kernel] = choose.flatMap(_.apply())
def const(inst: Kernel): Service = new Service {
override def apply(): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv, Kernel] = ZIO.succeed(inst)
def access: URIO[Kernel.Factory, Service] = ZIO.access[Kernel.Factory](_.get)
def newKernel: RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CellEnv, Kernel] = access.flatMap(_.apply())
case object InterpreterNotStarted extends Throwable