polynote.kernel.interpreter.Interpreter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package polynote.kernel
package interpreter
import java.util.ServiceLoader
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import cats.syntax.semigroup._
import cats.instances.map._
import cats.instances.list._
import polynote.messages.CellID
import polynote.kernel.environment.{Config, CurrentNotebook, CurrentTask}
import polynote.kernel.task.TaskManager
import zio.blocking.{Blocking, effectBlocking}
import zio.{Has, Layer, RIO, Task, ZIO, ZLayer}
trait Interpreter {
* Run the given code in the given [[State]], returning an updated [[State]].
* @param code The code string to be executed
* @param state The given [[State]] will have the Cell ID of the cell containing the given code, and it will
* initially have empty values. Its `prev` will point to the [[State]] returned by the closes prior
* executed cell, or to [[State.Root]] if there is no such cell.
def run(code: String, state: State): RIO[InterpreterEnv, State]
* Ask for completions (if applicable) at the given position in the given code string.
* @param code The code string in which completions are requested
* @param pos The position within the code string at which completions are requested
* @param state The given [[State]] will have the Cell ID of the cell containing the given code, and it will
* initially have empty values. Its `prev` will point to the [[State]] returned by the closes prior
* executed cell, or to [[State.Root]] if there is no such cell.
def completionsAt(code: String, pos: Int, state: State): RIO[Blocking, List[Completion]]
* Ask for parameter hints (if applicable) at the given position in the given code string.
* @param code The code string in which parameter hints are requested
* @param pos The position within the code string at which parameter hints are requested
* @param state The given [[State]] will have the Cell ID of the cell containing the given code, and it will
* initially have empty values. Its `prev` will point to the [[State]] returned by the closes prior
* executed cell, or to [[State.Root]] if there is no such cell.
def parametersAt(code: String, pos: Int, state: State): RIO[Blocking, Option[Signatures]]
* Initialize the interpreter, running any predef code and setting up an initial state.
* @param state A [[State]] which is the current state of the notebook execution.
* @return An initial state for this interpreter
def init(state: State): RIO[InterpreterEnv, State]
* Shut down this interpreter, releasing its resources and ending any internally managed tasks or processes
def shutdown(): Task[Unit]
object Interpreter {
* An interpreter factory gets a Scala compiler and access to the current notebook, and constructs an interpreter.
* It's also responsible for fetching/installing/configuring whatever dependencies are needed based on the
* notebook configuration, or propagating any necessary notebook configuration state to the interpreter (as the
* interpreter methods won't have access to the notebook)
trait Factory {
def languageName: String
def apply(): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with ScalaCompiler.Provider with CurrentNotebook with CurrentTask with TaskManager, Interpreter]
def requireSpark: Boolean = false
def priority: Int = 0
def sparkConfig(config: Map[String, String]): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv, Map[String, String]] = ZIO.succeed(config)
type Factories = Has[Map[String, List[Interpreter.Factory]]]
object Factories {
def layer(factories: Map[String, List[Interpreter.Factory]]): Layer[Nothing, Factories] = ZLayer.succeed(factories)
def load: ZLayer[Blocking, Throwable, Factories] = ZLayer.fromEffect(Loader.load)
def access: ZIO[Factories, Nothing, Map[String, List[Interpreter.Factory]]] = ZIO.access[Factories](_.get)
def availableFactories(language: String): RIO[Factories, List[Interpreter.Factory]] = for {
allFactories <- ZIO.access[Factories](_.get)
factories <- ZIO.fromOption(allFactories.get(language)).mapError(_ => new IllegalArgumentException(s"No interpreter for $language"))
} yield factories
trait Loader {
def factories: Map[String, Interpreter.Factory]
object Loader {
private lazy val unsafeLoad = ServiceLoader.load(classOf[Loader]).iterator.asScala.toList
def load: RIO[Blocking, Map[String, List[Interpreter.Factory]]] = effectBlocking(unsafeLoad).map {
loaders =>
loaders.map(_.factories.mapValues(List(_)).toMap).foldLeft(Map.empty[String, List[Interpreter.Factory]])(_ |+| _).toMap.mapValues(_.sortBy(f => (-f.priority, !f.getClass.getName.startsWith("polynote"), f.getClass.getName))).toMap