polynote.kernel.interpreter.State.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package polynote.kernel.interpreter
import polynote.kernel.ResultValue
import polynote.messages.CellID
import zio.{RIO, Task, ZIO}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* A state of cell execution.
trait State {
import State.Root
* The cell ID
def id: CellID
* The state on which this one depends
def prev: State
* The values contained by this state (i.e. defined by the cell whose execution state this represents)
def values: List[ResultValue]
// TODO: make this protected, public API should prevent you from removing Root from the chain
def withPrev(prev: State): State
def updateValues(fn: ResultValue => ResultValue): State
def updateValuesM[R](fn: ResultValue => RIO[R, ResultValue]): RIO[R, State]
* Perform the side effect for each state, moving back through states in reverse chronological order
def foreachPrev(fn: State => Unit): Unit = {
var state = this
while (!(state eq Root)) {
state = state.prev
* @return a list of states in reverse chronological order
def toList: List[State] = collect { case s => s }
* @return a list of states in reverse chronological order, until (but not including) the predicate fails to hold
def takeWhile(fn: State => Boolean): List[State] = {
var state = this
val result = new ListBuffer[State]
while (!(state eq Root) && fn(state)) {
result += state
state = state.prev
* @return a list of states in reverse chronological order, until the predicate is satisfied, *including* the state
* which satisfied the predicate (if any)
def takeUntil(fn: State => Boolean): List[State] = {
var state = this
val result = new ListBuffer[State]
while (!(state eq Root) && !fn(state)) {
result += state
state = state.prev
if (fn(state) && !(state eq Root)) result += state
* Evaluate the given partial function in all states where it's defined, travelling in reverse chronological order
* and collecting results into a List.
def collect[A](pf: PartialFunction[State, A]): List[A] = {
val buf = new ListBuffer[A]
var state = this
while (!(state eq Root)) {
if (pf.isDefinedAt(state)) {
buf += pf(state)
state = state.prev
def scope: List[ResultValue] = {
val visible = new mutable.ListMap[String, ResultValue]
var state = this
while (state != Root) {
state.values.foreach {
rv => if (!visible.contains(rv.name)) {
visible.put(rv.name, rv)
state = state.prev
* Find the furthest state in the chain where the predicate still holds
def rewindWhile(predicate: State => Boolean): State = {
if (!predicate(this)) {
return this
var s = this
while (s != Root && predicate(s.prev)) {
s = s.prev
* Find the first state in the chain where the predicate holds
def rewindUntil(predicate: State => Boolean): State = {
if (predicate(this)) {
return this
var s = this.prev
while (s != Root && !predicate(s)) {
s = s.prev
def lastPredef: State = rewindUntil(_.id < 0)
* Insert the given state after the given state, such that the state with the given ID becomes the given state's
* predecessor. If no state exists with the given ID, it will be inserted after Root.
def insert(after: CellID, state: State): State = if (after == id || this == Root) {
} else withPrev(prev.insert(after, state))
* Replace the state with the same ID as the given state with the given state. If a state with the given state's
* predecessor is found before a state with the same ID as the given state, the given state will be inserted
* between the predecessor and its successor.
def insertOrReplace(state: State): State = if (state.id == id) {
} else if (this eq Root) {
} else if (state.prev.id == prev.id) {
} else if (state.prev.id == id) {
} else withPrev(prev.insertOrReplace(state))
def remove(id: CellID): State = if (this.id == id) {
} else {
* Move a previous state to be after another given previous state. The state with the given `id` will get `after` as
* its parent.
def moveAfter(id: CellID, after: CellID): State =
if (id == after) {
} else if (this.id == after) {
at(id) match {
case Some(state) => state.withPrev(remove(id))
case None => this
} else if (this.id == id) {
if (prev.id == after || (prev eq Root)) {
} else {
val swapped = prev.withPrev(this.withPrev(prev.prev))
swapped.moveAfter(id, after)
} else {
withPrev(prev.moveAfter(id, after))
def at(id: CellID): Option[State] = {
var result: Option[State] = None
var s = this
while ((result eq None) && s != Root) {
if (s.id == id) {
result = Some(s)
s = s.prev
object State {
case object Root extends State {
override val id: CellID = Short.MinValue
override val prev: State = this
override val values: List[ResultValue] = Nil
override def withPrev(prev: State): Root.type = this
override def updateValues(fn: ResultValue => ResultValue): State = this
override def updateValuesM[R](fn: ResultValue => RIO[R, ResultValue]): RIO[R, State] = ZIO.succeed(this)
override def remove(id: CellID): State = this
override def moveAfter(id: CellID, after: CellID): State = this
final case class Id(id: CellID, prev: State, values: List[ResultValue]) extends State {
override def withPrev(prev: State): State = copy(prev = prev)
override def updateValues(fn: ResultValue => ResultValue): State = copy(values = values.map(fn))
override def updateValuesM[R](fn: ResultValue => RIO[R, ResultValue]): RIO[R, State] =
ZIO.collectAll(values.map(fn)).map(values => copy(values = values))
val root: State = Root
def id(id: Int, prev: State = Root, values: List[ResultValue] = Nil): State = Id(id.toShort, prev, values)
def predef(prev: State, prevPredef: State): State = id(prevPredef.id + 1, prev)
def empty: State = predef(Root, Root)