polynote.messages.ContentEdit.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package polynote.messages
import polynote.data.Rope
import scodec.Codec
import scodec.codecs.{Discriminated, Discriminator, byte}
import scodec.codecs.implicits._
import shapeless.cachedImplicit
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
sealed trait ContentEdit {
def pos: Int
def rebase(other: ContentEdits): ContentEdits = ContentEdits(ShortList(ContentEdit.rebaseAll(this, other.edits)._1))
def applyTo(rope: Rope): Rope = this match {
case Insert(pos, content) => rope.insertAt(pos, Rope(content))
case Delete(pos, length) => rope.delete(pos, length)
def nonEmpty: Boolean
def action(onStr: String): String = this match {
case Delete(pos, len) => s"""Delete "${onStr.substring(pos, pos + len)}" (at $pos)"""
case Insert(pos, str) =>
val before = if (pos > 0) s""""${onStr.substring(pos - 1, pos)}"""" else "beginning"
val after = if (pos < onStr.length - 1) s""""${onStr.substring(pos, pos + 1)}"""" else "end"
s"""Insert "$str" between $before and $after (at $pos)"""
final case class Insert(pos: Int, content: String) extends ContentEdit {
require(pos >= 0, "pos >= 0")
def nonEmpty: Boolean = content.nonEmpty
override def toString: String = s"""Insert($pos, "$content")"""
object Insert {
implicit val insertTag: Discriminator[ContentEdit, Insert, Byte] = Discriminator(0)
final case class Delete(pos: Int, length: Int) extends ContentEdit {
require(pos >= 0, "pos >= 0")
require(length >= 0, "length >= 0")
override def nonEmpty: Boolean = length != 0
object Delete {
implicit val deleteTag: Discriminator[ContentEdit, Delete, Byte] = Discriminator(1)
object ContentEdit {
implicit val discriminated: Discriminated[ContentEdit, Byte] = Discriminated(byte)
implicit val codec: Codec[ContentEdit] = cachedImplicit
* Rebase a onto b and b onto a
* @param client Whether to use the client-side rebasing logic (should be false)
* @return each edit rebased onto the other
def rebase(a: ContentEdit, b: ContentEdit, client: Boolean = false): (List[ContentEdit], List[ContentEdit]) = (a, b) match {
// equivalent edits cancel each other out on the server
case (a, b) if a == b && !client => Nil -> Nil
// equivalent edits are preserved on the client
case (a, b) if a == b => List(a) -> List(a)
// if A is before B, or A and B are at the same spot but (A is shorter than B or equal in length but lexically before B)
// then A comes before B. (but is reverse for the client)
case (winner @ Insert(posA, contentA), Insert(posB, contentB)) if
(posA < posB) ||
(posA == posB &&
((contentA.length < contentB.length || (contentA.length == contentB.length && contentA <= contentB)) && !client)) =>
List(winner) -> List(Insert(posB + contentA.length, contentB))
// Otherwise insert B comes before insert A
case (Insert(posA, contentA), winner @ Insert(_, contentB)) =>
List(Insert(posA + contentB.length, contentA)) -> List(winner)
// If an insert comes before a delete, the delete moves forward by its length
case (winner @ Insert(posA, contentA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posA <= posB =>
List(winner) -> List(Delete(posB + contentA.length, lengthB))
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), winner @ Insert(posB, contentB)) if posB <= posA =>
List(Delete(posA + contentB.length, lengthA)) -> List(winner)
// insert is in the middle of delete; delete has to split into before-insert and after-insert parts
// and insert has to move back to where the delete started
case (Insert(posA, contentA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posA < posB + lengthB =>
val beforeLength = posA - posB
List(Insert(posB, contentA)) -> List(Delete(posB, beforeLength), Delete(posB + contentA.length, lengthB - beforeLength))
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), Insert(posB, contentB)) if posB < posA + lengthA =>
val beforeLength = posB - posA
List(Delete(posA, beforeLength), Delete(posA + contentB.length, lengthA - beforeLength)) -> List(Insert(posA, contentB))
// insert is after delete - insert has to move back by deletion length
case (Insert(posA, contentA), del @ Delete(_, lengthB)) =>
List(Insert(posA - lengthB, contentA)) -> List(del)
case (del @ Delete(_, lengthA), Insert(posB, contentB)) =>
List(del) -> List(Insert(posB - lengthA, contentB))
// delete A comes entirely before delete B; move B back by A's length
case (winner @ Delete(posA, lengthA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posA + lengthA <= posB =>
List(winner) -> List(Delete(posB - lengthA, lengthB))
// delete B comes entirely before delete A; move A back by B's length
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), winner @ Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posB + lengthB <= posA =>
List(Delete(posA - lengthB, lengthA)) -> List(winner)
// B is entirely within A; A should shorten by B's length and B should disappear
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posB >= posA && posB + lengthB <= posA + lengthA =>
List(Delete(posA, lengthA - lengthB)) -> Nil
// A is entirely within B; opposite of above
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posA >= posB && posA + lengthA <= posB + lengthB =>
Nil -> List(Delete(posB, lengthB - lengthA))
// delete B starts in the middle of delete A; A should stop where B starts, and B should move to where A starts and shorten itself by the overlap
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posB > posA =>
val overlap = posA + lengthA - posB
List(Delete(posA, lengthA - overlap)) -> List(Delete(posA, lengthB - overlap))
// delete A starts in the middle of B; opposite of above
case (Delete(posA, lengthA), Delete(posB, lengthB)) if posA > posB =>
val overlap = posB + lengthB - posA
List(Delete(posB, lengthA - overlap)) -> List(Delete(posB, lengthB - overlap))
// rebase edit onto all of edits, and all of edits onto edit
def rebaseAll(edit: ContentEdit, edits: Seq[ContentEdit], client: Boolean = false): (List[ContentEdit], List[ContentEdit]) = {
val rebasedOther = ListBuffer[ContentEdit]()
val rebasedEdit = edits.foldLeft(List(edit)) {
(as, b) =>
var bs = List(b) // tracks the other edit rebased onto `as`, which is `edit` as it rebases through `edits`.
val rebasedAs = as.flatMap {
a =>
bs match {
case Nil => List(a)
case one :: Nil =>
val rebased = rebase(a, one, client)
bs = rebased._2
case more =>
val rebased = rebaseAll(a, more, client)
bs = rebased._1
rebasedOther ++= bs
rebasedEdit -> rebasedOther.toList
* Represents a sequence of [[ContentEdit]]s. Each edit in the sequence must be based upon (or independent of) the
* edits before it.
final case class ContentEdits(edits: ShortList[ContentEdit]) extends AnyVal {
def applyTo(rope: Rope): Rope = rope.withEdits(this)
* Given another set of edits which would act upon the same content as this set of edits, produce a new set of edits
* which would have the same effect as this set of edits but are based upon the given edits.
def rebase(other: ContentEdits, client: Boolean = false): ContentEdits = {
// each edit in this set must be rebased to all the edits in the other set.
// but we also have to track how the other edits are affected by each subsequent edit in this set, so that
// the edits after it know how to rebase.
val result = new ListBuffer[ContentEdit]
val iter = edits.iterator.filter(_.nonEmpty)
var otherEdits: List[ContentEdit] = other.edits
while (iter.hasNext) {
val edit = iter.next()
val (rebasedEdit, rebasedOther) = ContentEdit.rebaseAll(edit, otherEdits, client)
result ++= rebasedEdit
otherEdits = rebasedOther
// ContentEdits(ShortList(edits.flatMap(_.rebase(other).edits)))
def rebaseBoth(other: ContentEdits, client: Boolean = false): (ContentEdits, List[ContentEdit]) = {
// each edit in this set must be rebased to all the edits in the other set.
// but we also have to track how the other edits are affected by each subsequent edit in this set, so that
// the edits after it know how to rebase.
val result = new ListBuffer[ContentEdit]
val iter = edits.iterator.filter(_.nonEmpty)
var otherEdits: List[ContentEdit] = other.edits
while (iter.hasNext) {
val edit = iter.next()
val (rebasedEdit, rebasedOther) = ContentEdit.rebaseAll(edit, otherEdits, client)
result ++= rebasedEdit
otherEdits = rebasedOther
ContentEdits(ShortList(result.toList)) -> otherEdits
// ContentEdits(ShortList(edits.flatMap(_.rebase(other).edits)))
def rebase(other: ContentEdit): ContentEdits = rebase(ContentEdits(other))
def size: Int = edits.size
object ContentEdits {
def apply(edits: ContentEdit*): ContentEdits = ContentEdits(ShortList(edits.toList))