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com.ocadotechnology.sttp.oauth2.AuthorizationCodeProvider.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.polyvariant.sttp.oauth2
import org.polyvariant.sttp.oauth2.common._
import org.polyvariant.sttp.oauth2.json.JsonDecoder
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.refineV
import eu.timepit.refined.string.Url
import sttp.client3._
import sttp.model.Uri
/** Provides set of functions to simplify oauth2 identity provider integration. Use the `instance` companion object method to create
* instances.
* @tparam UriType
* type of returned uri. Supported types are: Refined[String, Url] and Uri
* @tparam F
* effect wrapper
trait AuthorizationCodeProvider[UriType, F[_]] {
/** Returns login link to oauth2 provider for user authentication
* Uses redirect link provided to instance constructor.
* @param state
* optional parameter, the state will be provided back to the service after oauth2 redirect
* @param scope
* set of Scope objects specifying access privileges
* @see
* @return
* instance of UriType, use to redirect user to Oauth2 login page
def loginLink(state: Option[String] = None, scope: Set[Scope] = Set.empty): UriType
/** Returns logout link for to oauth2 provider
* @param postLogoutRedirect
* Optional override of redirect link. By default uses login redirect link.
* @return
* instance of UriType, use to redirect user to Oauth2 logout page
def logoutLink(postLogoutRedirect: Option[UriType] = None): UriType
/** Returns token details wrapped in effect
* @tparam TokenType
* type that models token response. It must implement MinimalStructurem, and have io.circe.Decoder instance. Predefined
* implementations: OAuth2TokenResponse and ExtendedOAuth2TokenResponse
* @param authCode
* code provided by oauth2 provider redirect, after user is authenticated correctly
* @return
* TokenType details containing user info and additional information
def authCodeToToken[TokenType <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: JsonDecoder](authCode: String): F[TokenType]
/** Performs the token refresh on oauth2 provider nad returns new token details wrapped in effect
* @tparam TokenType
* type that models token response. It must implement MinimalStructurem, and have io.circe.Decoder instance. Predefined
* implementations: OAuth2TokenResponse and ExtendedOAuth2TokenResponse
* @param refreshToken
* value from refresh_token field of previous access token
* @param scope
* optional parameter for overriding token scope, useful to narrow down the scope when not provided or ScopeSelection.KeepExisting
* passed, the new token will be issued for the same scope as the previous one
* @return
* TokenType details containing user info and additional information
def refreshAccessToken[TokenType <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: JsonDecoder](
refreshToken: String,
scope: ScopeSelection = ScopeSelection.KeepExisting
): F[TokenType]
object AuthorizationCodeProvider {
def apply[U, F[_]](
implicit ev: AuthorizationCodeProvider[U, F]
): AuthorizationCodeProvider[U, F] = ev
Structure describing endpoints configuration for selected oauth2 provider
final case class Config(
loginPath: Config.Path,
logoutPath: Config.Path,
tokenPath: Config.Path
object Config {
final case class Path(segments: List[Segment]) {
def values: List[String] =
final case class Segment(value: String) extends AnyVal
// Values chosen for backwards compatibilty
val default: Config = Config(
loginPath = Path(List(Segment("oauth2"), Segment("login"))),
logoutPath = Path(List(Segment("logout"))),
tokenPath = Path(List(Segment("oauth2"), Segment("token")))
val GitHub: Config = Config(
loginPath = Path(List(Segment("login"), Segment("oauth"), Segment("authorize"))),
logoutPath = Path(List(Segment("logout"))),
tokenPath = Path(List(Segment("login"), Segment("oauth"), Segment("access_token")))
val Keycloak: Config = Config(
loginPath = Path(List(Segment("protocol"), Segment("openid-connect"), Segment("auth"))),
logoutPath = Path(List(Segment("protocol"), Segment("openid-connect"), Segment("logout"))),
tokenPath = Path(List(Segment("protocol"), Segment("openid-connect"), Segment("token")))
// Other predefined configurations for well-known oauth2 providers could be placed here
def refinedInstance[F[_]](
baseUrl: Refined[String, Url],
redirectUrl: Refined[String, Url],
clientId: String,
clientSecret: Secret[String],
pathsConfig: Config = Config.default
backend: SttpBackend[F, Any]
): AuthorizationCodeProvider[Refined[String, Url], F] =
new AuthorizationCodeProvider[Refined[String, Url], F] {
private val baseUri = refinedUrlToUri(baseUrl)
private val redirectUri = refinedUrlToUri(redirectUrl)
private val tokenUri = baseUri.addPath(pathsConfig.tokenPath.values)
override def loginLink(state: Option[String] = None, scope: Set[Scope] = Set.empty): Refined[String, Url] =
.loginLink(baseUri, redirectUri, clientId, state, scope)
override def authCodeToToken[TT <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: JsonDecoder](authCode: String): F[TT] =
.authCodeToToken[F, TT](tokenUri, redirectUri, clientId, clientSecret, authCode)(backend)
override def logoutLink(postLogoutRedirect: Option[Refined[String, Url]]): Refined[String, Url] =
.logoutLink(baseUri, redirectUri, clientId,
override def refreshAccessToken[TT <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: JsonDecoder](
refreshToken: String,
scopeOverride: ScopeSelection = ScopeSelection.KeepExisting
): F[TT] =
.refreshAccessToken(tokenUri, clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken, scopeOverride)(backend)
def uriInstance[F[_]](
baseUrl: Uri,
redirectUri: Uri,
clientId: String,
clientSecret: Secret[String],
pathsConfig: Config = Config.default
backend: SttpBackend[F, Any]
): AuthorizationCodeProvider[Uri, F] =
new AuthorizationCodeProvider[Uri, F] {
private val tokenUri = baseUrl.addPath(pathsConfig.tokenPath.values)
override def loginLink(state: Option[String] = None, scope: Set[Scope] = Set.empty): Uri =
.loginLink(baseUrl, redirectUri, clientId, state, scope, pathsConfig.loginPath)
override def authCodeToToken[TT <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: JsonDecoder](authCode: String): F[TT] =
.authCodeToToken(tokenUri, redirectUri, clientId, clientSecret, authCode)(backend)
override def logoutLink(postLogoutRedirect: Option[Uri]): Uri =
.logoutLink(baseUrl, redirectUri, clientId, postLogoutRedirect, pathsConfig.logoutPath)
override def refreshAccessToken[TT <: OAuth2TokenResponse.Basic: JsonDecoder](
refreshToken: String,
scopeOverride: ScopeSelection = ScopeSelection.KeepExisting
): F[TT] =
.refreshAccessToken(tokenUri, clientId, clientSecret, refreshToken, scopeOverride)(backend)