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cn.nukkit.block.Block Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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A Minecraft Bedrock Edition server software implementation made in Java from scratch which supports all new features.

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package cn.nukkit.block;

import cn.nukkit.Player;
import cn.nukkit.api.*;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.*;
import cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException;
import cn.nukkit.entity.Entity;
import cn.nukkit.item.Item;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock;
import cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool;
import cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment;
import cn.nukkit.level.Level;
import cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition;
import cn.nukkit.level.Position;
import cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace;
import cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath;
import cn.nukkit.math.Vector3;
import cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValue;
import cn.nukkit.metadata.Metadatable;
import cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import cn.nukkit.potion.Effect;
import cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor;
import lombok.extern.log4j.Log4j2;

import javax.annotation.Nonnegative;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import static cn.nukkit.utils.Utils.dynamic;

 * @author MagicDroidX (Nukkit Project)
@PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Implements IMutableBlockState only on PowerNukkit", since = "")
@SuppressWarnings({"java:S2160", "java:S3400"})
public abstract class Block extends Position implements Metadatable, Cloneable, AxisAlignedBB, BlockID, IMutableBlockState {
    public static final Block[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Block[0];

    @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "It is being replaced by an other solution that don't require a fixed size")
    public static final int MAX_BLOCK_ID = dynamic(600);
    @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "It's not a constant value, it may be changed on major updates and" +
            " plugins will have to be recompiled in order to update this value in the binary files, " +
            "it's also being replaced by the BlockState system")
    public static final int DATA_BITS = dynamic(4);

    @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "It's not a constant value, it may be changed on major updates and" +
            " plugins will have to be recompiled in order to update this value in the binary files, " +
            "it's also being replaced by the BlockState system")
    public static final int DATA_SIZE = dynamic(1 << DATA_BITS);

    @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "It's not a constant value, it may be changed on major updates and" +
            " plugins will have to be recompiled in order to update this value in the binary files, " +
            "it's also being replaced by the BlockState system")
    public static final int DATA_MASK = dynamic(DATA_SIZE - 1);

    @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", 
            replaceWith = "Block.get(int).getClass(), to register new blocks use registerBlockImplementation()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static Class[] list = null;
    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", since = "", 
            replaceWith = "To register/override implementations use registerBlockImplementation(), " +
                    "to get the block with a given state use BlockState.of and than BlockState.getBlock()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386", "java:S1123", "java:S1133", "DeprecatedIsStillUsed"})
    public static Block[] fullList = null;
    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", since = "",
            replaceWith = "Block.getLightLevel()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static int[] light = null;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", since = "", 
            replaceWith = "Block.getLightFilter()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static int[] lightFilter = null;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", since = "",
            replaceWith = "Block.isSolid()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static boolean[] solid = null;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", since = "",
            replaceWith = "Block.getHardness()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static double[] hardness = null;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", since = "",
            replaceWith = "Block.isTransparent()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static boolean[] transparent = null;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Not encapsulated, easy to break", since = "",
            replaceWith = "Block.diffusesSkyLight()")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static boolean[] diffusesSkyLight = null;
     * if a block has can have variants
    @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "It's being replaced by the BlockState system")
    @SuppressWarnings({"java:S1444", "java:S2386"})
    public static boolean[] hasMeta = null;
    private static boolean initializing;
    public static boolean isInitializing() {
        return initializing;

    public static void init() {
        if (list == null) {
            list = new Class[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            fullList = new Block[MAX_BLOCK_ID * (1 << DATA_BITS)];
            light = new int[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            lightFilter = new int[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            solid = new boolean[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            hardness = new double[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            transparent = new boolean[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            diffusesSkyLight = new boolean[MAX_BLOCK_ID];
            hasMeta = new boolean[MAX_BLOCK_ID];

            list[AIR] = BlockAir.class; //0
            list[STONE] = BlockStone.class; //1
            list[GRASS] = BlockGrass.class; //2
            list[DIRT] = BlockDirt.class; //3
            list[COBBLESTONE] = BlockCobblestone.class; //4
            list[PLANKS] = BlockPlanks.class; //5
            list[SAPLING] = BlockSapling.class; //6
            list[BEDROCK] = BlockBedrock.class; //7
            list[WATER] = BlockWater.class; //8
            list[STILL_WATER] = BlockWaterStill.class; //9
            list[LAVA] = BlockLava.class; //10
            list[STILL_LAVA] = BlockLavaStill.class; //11
            list[SAND] = BlockSand.class; //12
            list[GRAVEL] = BlockGravel.class; //13
            list[GOLD_ORE] = BlockOreGold.class; //14
            list[IRON_ORE] = BlockOreIron.class; //15
            list[COAL_ORE] = BlockOreCoal.class; //16
            list[WOOD] = BlockWood.class; //17
            list[LEAVES] = BlockLeaves.class; //18
            list[SPONGE] = BlockSponge.class; //19
            list[GLASS] = BlockGlass.class; //20
            list[LAPIS_ORE] = BlockOreLapis.class; //21
            list[LAPIS_BLOCK] = BlockLapis.class; //22
            list[DISPENSER] = BlockDispenser.class; //23
            list[SANDSTONE] = BlockSandstone.class; //24
            list[NOTEBLOCK] = BlockNoteblock.class; //25
            list[BED_BLOCK] = BlockBed.class; //26
            list[POWERED_RAIL] = BlockRailPowered.class; //27
            list[DETECTOR_RAIL] = BlockRailDetector.class; //28
            list[STICKY_PISTON] = BlockPistonSticky.class; //29
            list[COBWEB] = BlockCobweb.class; //30
            list[TALL_GRASS] = BlockTallGrass.class; //31
            list[DEAD_BUSH] = BlockDeadBush.class; //32
            list[PISTON] = BlockPiston.class; //33
            list[PISTON_HEAD] = BlockPistonHead.class; //34
            list[WOOL] = BlockWool.class; //35
            list[DANDELION] = BlockDandelion.class; //37
            list[FLOWER] = BlockFlower.class; //38
            list[BROWN_MUSHROOM] = BlockMushroomBrown.class; //39
            list[RED_MUSHROOM] = BlockMushroomRed.class; //40
            list[GOLD_BLOCK] = BlockGold.class; //41
            list[IRON_BLOCK] = BlockIron.class; //42
            list[DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabStone.class; //43
            list[STONE_SLAB] = BlockSlabStone.class; //44
            list[BRICKS_BLOCK] = BlockBricks.class; //45
            list[TNT] = BlockTNT.class; //46
            list[BOOKSHELF] = BlockBookshelf.class; //47
            list[MOSS_STONE] = BlockMossStone.class; //48
            list[OBSIDIAN] = BlockObsidian.class; //49
            list[TORCH] = BlockTorch.class; //50
            list[FIRE] = BlockFire.class; //51
            list[MONSTER_SPAWNER] = BlockMobSpawner.class; //52
            list[WOOD_STAIRS] = BlockStairsWood.class; //53
            list[CHEST] = BlockChest.class; //54
            list[REDSTONE_WIRE] = BlockRedstoneWire.class; //55
            list[DIAMOND_ORE] = BlockOreDiamond.class; //56
            list[DIAMOND_BLOCK] = BlockDiamond.class; //57
            list[WORKBENCH] = BlockCraftingTable.class; //58
            list[WHEAT_BLOCK] = BlockWheat.class; //59
            list[FARMLAND] = BlockFarmland.class; //60
            list[FURNACE] = BlockFurnace.class; //61
            list[BURNING_FURNACE] = BlockFurnaceBurning.class; //62
            list[SIGN_POST] = BlockSignPost.class; //63
            list[WOOD_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorWood.class; //64
            list[LADDER] = BlockLadder.class; //65
            list[RAIL] = BlockRail.class; //66
            list[COBBLESTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsCobblestone.class; //67
            list[WALL_SIGN] = BlockWallSign.class; //68
            list[LEVER] = BlockLever.class; //69
            list[STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateStone.class; //70
            list[IRON_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorIron.class; //71
            list[WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateWood.class; //72
            list[REDSTONE_ORE] = BlockOreRedstone.class; //73
            list[GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE] = BlockOreRedstoneGlowing.class; //74
            list[UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH] = BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit.class;
            list[REDSTONE_TORCH] = BlockRedstoneTorch.class; //76
            list[STONE_BUTTON] = BlockButtonStone.class; //77
            list[SNOW_LAYER] = BlockSnowLayer.class; //78
            list[ICE] = BlockIce.class; //79
            list[SNOW_BLOCK] = BlockSnow.class; //80
            list[CACTUS] = BlockCactus.class; //81
            list[CLAY_BLOCK] = BlockClay.class; //82
            list[SUGARCANE_BLOCK] = BlockSugarcane.class; //83
            list[JUKEBOX] = BlockJukebox.class; //84
            list[FENCE] = BlockFence.class; //85
            list[PUMPKIN] = BlockPumpkin.class; //86
            list[NETHERRACK] = BlockNetherrack.class; //87
            list[SOUL_SAND] = BlockSoulSand.class; //88
            list[GLOWSTONE_BLOCK] = BlockGlowstone.class; //89
            list[NETHER_PORTAL] = BlockNetherPortal.class; //90
            list[LIT_PUMPKIN] = BlockPumpkinLit.class; //91
            list[CAKE_BLOCK] = BlockCake.class; //92
            list[UNPOWERED_REPEATER] = BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered.class; //93
            list[POWERED_REPEATER] = BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered.class; //94
            list[INVISIBLE_BEDROCK] = BlockBedrockInvisible.class; //95
            list[TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoor.class; //96
            list[MONSTER_EGG] = BlockMonsterEgg.class; //97
            list[STONE_BRICKS] = BlockBricksStone.class; //98
            list[BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK] = BlockHugeMushroomBrown.class; //99
            list[RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK] = BlockHugeMushroomRed.class; //100
            list[IRON_BARS] = BlockIronBars.class; //101
            list[GLASS_PANE] = BlockGlassPane.class; //102
            list[MELON_BLOCK] = BlockMelon.class; //103
            list[PUMPKIN_STEM] = BlockStemPumpkin.class; //104
            list[MELON_STEM] = BlockStemMelon.class; //105
            list[VINE] = BlockVine.class; //106
            list[FENCE_GATE] = BlockFenceGate.class; //107
            list[BRICK_STAIRS] = BlockStairsBrick.class; //108
            list[STONE_BRICK_STAIRS] = BlockStairsStoneBrick.class; //109
            list[MYCELIUM] = BlockMycelium.class; //110
            list[WATER_LILY] = BlockWaterLily.class; //111
            list[NETHER_BRICKS] = BlockBricksNether.class; //112
            list[NETHER_BRICK_FENCE] = BlockFenceNetherBrick.class; //113
            list[NETHER_BRICKS_STAIRS] = BlockStairsNetherBrick.class; //114
            list[NETHER_WART_BLOCK] = BlockNetherWart.class; //115
            list[ENCHANTING_TABLE] = BlockEnchantingTable.class; //116
            list[BREWING_STAND_BLOCK] = BlockBrewingStand.class; //117
            list[CAULDRON_BLOCK] = BlockCauldron.class; //118
            list[END_PORTAL] = BlockEndPortal.class; //119
            list[END_PORTAL_FRAME] = BlockEndPortalFrame.class; //120
            list[END_STONE] = BlockEndStone.class; //121
            list[DRAGON_EGG] = BlockDragonEgg.class; //122
            list[REDSTONE_LAMP] = BlockRedstoneLamp.class; //123
            list[LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP] = BlockRedstoneLampLit.class; //124
            list[DROPPER] = BlockDropper.class; //125
            list[ACTIVATOR_RAIL] = BlockRailActivator.class; //126
            list[COCOA] = BlockCocoa.class; //127
            list[SANDSTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsSandstone.class; //128
            list[EMERALD_ORE] = BlockOreEmerald.class; //129
            list[ENDER_CHEST] = BlockEnderChest.class; //130
            list[TRIPWIRE_HOOK] = BlockTripWireHook.class;
            list[TRIPWIRE] = BlockTripWire.class; //132
            list[EMERALD_BLOCK] = BlockEmerald.class; //133
            list[SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS] = BlockStairsSpruce.class; //134
            list[BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS] = BlockStairsBirch.class; //135
            list[JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS] = BlockStairsJungle.class; //136

            list[BEACON] = BlockBeacon.class; //138
            list[STONE_WALL] = BlockWall.class; //139
            list[FLOWER_POT_BLOCK] = BlockFlowerPot.class; //140
            list[CARROT_BLOCK] = BlockCarrot.class; //141
            list[POTATO_BLOCK] = BlockPotato.class; //142
            list[WOODEN_BUTTON] = BlockButtonWooden.class; //143
            list[SKULL_BLOCK] = BlockSkull.class; //144
            list[ANVIL] = BlockAnvil.class; //145
            list[TRAPPED_CHEST] = BlockTrappedChest.class; //146
            list[LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight.class; //147
            list[HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy.class; //148
            list[UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR] = BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered.class; //149
            list[POWERED_COMPARATOR] = BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered.class; //149
            list[DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR] = BlockDaylightDetector.class; //151
            list[REDSTONE_BLOCK] = BlockRedstone.class; //152
            list[QUARTZ_ORE] = BlockOreQuartz.class; //153
            list[HOPPER_BLOCK] = BlockHopper.class; //154
            list[QUARTZ_BLOCK] = BlockQuartz.class; //155
            list[QUARTZ_STAIRS] = BlockStairsQuartz.class; //156
            list[DOUBLE_WOOD_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabWood.class; //157
            list[WOOD_SLAB] = BlockSlabWood.class; //158
            list[STAINED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaStained.class; //159
            list[STAINED_GLASS_PANE] = BlockGlassPaneStained.class; //160

            list[LEAVES2] = BlockLeaves2.class; //161
            list[WOOD2] = BlockWood2.class; //162
            list[ACACIA_WOOD_STAIRS] = BlockStairsAcacia.class; //163
            list[DARK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS] = BlockStairsDarkOak.class; //164
            list[SLIME_BLOCK] = BlockSlime.class; //165

            list[IRON_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorIron.class; //167
            list[PRISMARINE] = BlockPrismarine.class; //168
            list[SEA_LANTERN] = BlockSeaLantern.class; //169
            list[HAY_BALE] = BlockHayBale.class; //170
            list[CARPET] = BlockCarpet.class; //171
            list[TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracotta.class; //172
            list[COAL_BLOCK] = BlockCoal.class; //173
            list[PACKED_ICE] = BlockIcePacked.class; //174
            list[DOUBLE_PLANT] = BlockDoublePlant.class; //175
            list[STANDING_BANNER] = BlockBanner.class; //176
            list[WALL_BANNER] = BlockWallBanner.class; //177
            list[DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED] = BlockDaylightDetectorInverted.class; //178
            list[RED_SANDSTONE] = BlockRedSandstone.class; //179
            list[RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsRedSandstone.class; //180
            list[DOUBLE_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone.class; //181
            list[RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB] = BlockSlabRedSandstone.class; //182
            list[FENCE_GATE_SPRUCE] = BlockFenceGateSpruce.class; //183
            list[FENCE_GATE_BIRCH] = BlockFenceGateBirch.class; //184
            list[FENCE_GATE_JUNGLE] = BlockFenceGateJungle.class; //185
            list[FENCE_GATE_DARK_OAK] = BlockFenceGateDarkOak.class; //186
            list[FENCE_GATE_ACACIA] = BlockFenceGateAcacia.class; //187

            list[SPRUCE_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorSpruce.class; //193
            list[BIRCH_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorBirch.class; //194
            list[JUNGLE_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorJungle.class; //195
            list[ACACIA_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorAcacia.class; //196
            list[DARK_OAK_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorDarkOak.class; //197
            list[GRASS_PATH] = BlockGrassPath.class; //198
            list[ITEM_FRAME_BLOCK] = BlockItemFrame.class; //199
            list[CHORUS_FLOWER] = BlockChorusFlower.class; //200
            list[PURPUR_BLOCK] = BlockPurpur.class; //201

            list[PURPUR_STAIRS] = BlockStairsPurpur.class; //203
            list[UNDYED_SHULKER_BOX] = BlockUndyedShulkerBox.class; //205
            list[END_BRICKS] = BlockBricksEndStone.class; //206
            list[ICE_FROSTED] = BlockIceFrosted.class; //207
            list[END_ROD] = BlockEndRod.class; //208
            list[END_GATEWAY] = BlockEndGateway.class; //209
            list[ALLOW] = BlockAllow.class; //210
            list[DENY] = BlockDeny.class; //211
            list[BORDER_BLOCK] = BlockBorder.class; //212
            list[MAGMA] = BlockMagma.class; //213
            list[BLOCK_NETHER_WART_BLOCK] = BlockNetherWartBlock.class; //214
            list[RED_NETHER_BRICK] = BlockBricksRedNether.class; //215
            list[BONE_BLOCK] = BlockBone.class; //216
            list[STRUCTURE_VOID] = BlockStructureVoid.class; //217
            list[SHULKER_BOX] = BlockShulkerBox.class; //218
            list[PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple.class; //219
            list[WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite.class; //220
            list[ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange.class; //221
            list[MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta.class; //222
            list[LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue.class; //223
            list[YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow.class; //224
            list[LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedLime.class; //225
            list[PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedPink.class; //226
            list[GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedGray.class; //227
            list[SILVER_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver.class; //228
            list[CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan.class; //229

            list[BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue.class; //231
            list[BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown.class; //232
            list[GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen.class; //233
            list[RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedRed.class; //234
            list[BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA] = BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack.class; //235
            list[CONCRETE] = BlockConcrete.class; //236
            list[CONCRETE_POWDER] = BlockConcretePowder.class; //237

            list[CHORUS_PLANT] = BlockChorusPlant.class; //240
            list[STAINED_GLASS] = BlockGlassStained.class; //241
            list[PODZOL] = BlockPodzol.class; //243
            list[BEETROOT_BLOCK] = BlockBeetroot.class; //244
            list[STONECUTTER] = BlockStonecutter.class; //245
            list[GLOWING_OBSIDIAN] = BlockObsidianGlowing.class; //246
            list[NETHER_REACTOR] = BlockNetherReactor.class; //247 Should not be removed

            list[MOVING_BLOCK] = BlockMoving.class; //250
            list[OBSERVER] = BlockObserver.class; //251
            list[STRUCTURE_BLOCK] = BlockStructure.class; //252
            list[PRISMARINE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsPrismarine.class; //257
            list[DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsDarkPrismarine.class; //258
            list[PRISMARINE_BRICKS_STAIRS] = BlockStairsPrismarineBrick.class; //259
            list[STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG] = BlockWoodStrippedSpruce.class; //260
            list[STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG] = BlockWoodStrippedBirch.class; //261
            list[STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG] = BlockWoodStrippedJungle.class; //262
            list[STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG] = BlockWoodStrippedAcacia.class; //263
            list[STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG] = BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak.class; //264
            list[STRIPPED_OAK_LOG] = BlockWoodStrippedOak.class; //265
            list[BLUE_ICE] = BlockBlueIce.class; //266

            list[SEAGRASS] = BlockSeagrass.class; //385
            list[CORAL] = BlockCoral.class; //386
            list[CORAL_BLOCK] = BlockCoralBlock.class; //387
            list[CORAL_FAN] = BlockCoralFan.class; //388
            list[CORAL_FAN_DEAD] = BlockCoralFanDead.class; //389
            list[CORAL_FAN_HANG] = BlockCoralFanHang.class; //390
            list[CORAL_FAN_HANG2] = BlockCoralFanHang2.class; //391
            list[CORAL_FAN_HANG3] = BlockCoralFanHang3.class; //392
            list[BLOCK_KELP] = BlockKelp.class; //393
            list[DRIED_KELP_BLOCK] = BlockDriedKelpBlock.class; //394
            list[ACACIA_BUTTON] = BlockButtonAcacia.class; //395
            list[BIRCH_BUTTON] = BlockButtonBirch.class; //396
            list[DARK_OAK_BUTTON] = BlockButtonDarkOak.class; //397
            list[JUNGLE_BUTTON] = BlockButtonJungle.class; //398
            list[SPRUCE_BUTTON] = BlockButtonSpruce.class; //399
            list[ACACIA_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorAcacia.class; //400
            list[BIRCH_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorBirch.class; //401
            list[DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorDarkOak.class; //402
            list[JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorJungle.class; //403
            list[SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorSpruce.class; //404
            list[ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateAcacia.class; //405
            list[BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateBirch.class; //406
            list[DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateDarkOak.class; //407
            list[JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateJungle.class; //408
            list[SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateSpruce.class; //409
            list[CARVED_PUMPKIN] = BlockCarvedPumpkin.class; //410
            list[SEA_PICKLE] = BlockSeaPickle.class; //411
            list[CONDUIT] = BlockConduit.class; //412

            list[TURTLE_EGG] = BlockTurtleEgg.class; //414
            list[BUBBLE_COLUMN] = BlockBubbleColumn.class; //415
            list[BARRIER] = BlockBarrier.class; //416
            list[STONE_SLAB3] = BlockSlabStone3.class ; //417
            list[BAMBOO] = BlockBamboo.class; //418
            list[BAMBOO_SAPLING] = BlockBambooSapling.class; //419
            list[SCAFFOLDING] = BlockScaffolding.class; //420
            list[STONE_SLAB4] = BlockSlabStone4.class ; //421
            list[DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB3] = BlockDoubleSlabStone3.class; //422
            list[DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB4] = BlockDoubleSlabStone4.class; //422

            list[GRANITE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsGranite.class; //424
            list[DIORITE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsDiorite.class; //425
            list[ANDESITE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsAndesite.class; //426
            list[POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsGranitePolished.class; //427
            list[POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsDioritePolished.class; //428
            list[POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsAndesitePolished.class; //429
            list[MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS] = BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick.class; //430
            list[SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone.class; //431
            list[SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsSmoothSandstone.class; //432
            list[END_BRICK_STAIRS] = BlockStairsEndBrick.class; //433
            list[MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsMossyCobblestone.class; //434
            list[NORMAL_STONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsStone.class; //435

            list[SMOOTH_STONE] = BlockSmoothStone.class; //438
            list[RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS] = BlockStairsRedNetherBrick.class; //439
            list[SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS] = BlockStairsSmoothQuartz.class; //440

            list[SPRUCE_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockSpruceSignPost.class; //436
            list[SPRUCE_WALL_SIGN] = BlockSpruceWallSign.class; //437

            list[BIRCH_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockBirchSignPost.class; //441
            list[BIRCH_WALL_SIGN] = BlockBirchWallSign.class; //442
            list[JUNGLE_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockJungleSignPost.class; //443
            list[JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN] = BlockJungleWallSign.class; //444
            list[ACACIA_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockAcaciaSignPost.class; //445
            list[ACACIA_WALL_SIGN] = BlockAcaciaWallSign.class; //446
            list[DARKOAK_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockDarkOakSignPost.class; //447
            list[DARKOAK_WALL_SIGN] = BlockDarkOakWallSign.class; //448

            list[LECTERN] = BlockLectern.class; //449
            list[GRINDSTONE] = BlockGrindstone.class; //450
            list[BLAST_FURNACE] = BlockBlastFurnace.class; //451
            list[STONECUTTER_BLOCK] = BlockStonecutterBlock.class; //452
            list[SMOKER] = BlockSmoker.class; //453
            list[LIT_SMOKER] = BlockSmokerBurning.class; //454

            list[CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE] = BlockCartographyTable.class; //455
            list[FLETCHING_TABLE] = BlockFletchingTable.class; //456
            list[SMITHING_TABLE] = BlockSmithingTable.class; //457
            list[BARREL] = BlockBarrel.class; //458
            list[LOOM] = BlockLoom.class; //459

            list[BELL] = BlockBell.class; //462
            list[SWEET_BERRY_BUSH] = BlockSweetBerryBush.class; //462
            list[LANTERN] = BlockLantern.class; //463

            list[CAMPFIRE_BLOCK] = BlockCampfire.class; //464
            list[LAVA_CAULDRON] = BlockCauldronLava.class; //465
            list[JIGSAW] = BlockJigsaw.class; //466
            list[WOOD_BARK] = BlockWoodBark.class; //467
            list[COMPOSTER] = BlockComposter.class; //468
            list[LIT_BLAST_FURNACE] = BlockBlastFurnaceBurning.class; //469
            list[LIGHT_BLOCK] = BlockLight.class; //470
            list[WITHER_ROSE] = BlockWitherRose.class; //471
            list[STICKYPISTONARMCOLLISION] = BlockPistonHeadSticky.class; //472
            list[BEE_NEST] = BlockBeeNest.class; //473
            list[BEEHIVE] = BlockBeehive.class; //474
            list[HONEY_BLOCK] = BlockHoney.class; //475
            list[HONEYCOMB_BLOCK] = BlockHoneycombBlock.class; //476
            list[LODESTONE] = BlockLodestone.class; //477
            list[CRIMSON_ROOTS] = BlockRootsCrimson.class; //478
            list[WARPED_ROOTS] = BlockRootsWarped.class; //479
            list[CRIMSON_STEM] = BlockStemCrimson.class; //480
            list[WARPED_STEM] = BlockStemWarped.class; //481
            list[WARPED_WART_BLOCK] = BlockWarpedWartBlock.class; //482 
            list[CRIMSON_FUNGUS] = BlockFungusCrimson.class; //483
            list[WARPED_FUNGUS] = BlockFungusWarped.class; //484
            list[SHROOMLIGHT] = BlockShroomlight.class; //485
            list[WEEPING_VINES] = BlockVinesWeeping.class; //486
            list[CRIMSON_NYLIUM] = BlockNyliumCrimson.class; //487
            list[WARPED_NYLIUM] = BlockNyliumWarped.class; //488
            list[BASALT] = BlockBasalt.class; //489
            list[POLISHED_BASALT] = BlockPolishedBasalt.class; //490
            list[SOUL_SOIL] = BlockSoulSoil.class; //491
            list[SOUL_FIRE] = BlockFireSoul.class; //492
            list[NETHER_SPROUTS_BLOCK] = BlockNetherSprout.class; //493 
            list[TARGET] = BlockTarget.class; //494
            list[STRIPPED_CRIMSON_STEM] = BlockStemStrippedCrimson.class; //495
            list[STRIPPED_WARPED_STEM] = BlockStemStrippedWarped.class; //496
            list[CRIMSON_PLANKS] = BlockPlanksCrimson.class; //497
            list[WARPED_PLANKS] = BlockPlanksWarped.class; //498
            list[CRIMSON_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorCrimson.class; //499
            list[WARPED_DOOR_BLOCK] = BlockDoorWarped.class; //500
            list[CRIMSON_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorCrimson.class; //501
            list[WARPED_TRAPDOOR] = BlockTrapdoorWarped.class; //502
            // 503
            // 504
            list[CRIMSON_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockCrimsonSignPost.class; //505
            list[CRIMSON_WALL_SIGN] = BlockCrimsonWallSign.class; //506
            list[WARPED_STANDING_SIGN] = BlockWarpedSignPost.class; //507
            list[WARPED_WALL_SIGN] = BlockWarpedWallSign.class; //508
            list[CRIMSON_STAIRS] = BlockStairsCrimson.class; //509
            list[WARPED_STAIRS] = BlockStairsWarped.class; //510
            list[CRIMSON_FENCE] = BlockFenceCrimson.class; //511
            list[WARPED_FENCE] = BlockFenceWarped.class; //512
            list[CRIMSON_FENCE_GATE] = BlockFenceGateCrimson.class; //513
            list[WARPED_FENCE_GATE] = BlockFenceGateWarped.class; //514
            list[CRIMSON_BUTTON] = BlockButtonCrimson.class; //515
            list[WARPED_BUTTON] = BlockButtonWarped.class; //516
            list[CRIMSON_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateCrimson.class; //517
            list[WARPED_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateWarped.class; //518
            list[CRIMSON_SLAB] = BlockSlabCrimson.class; //519
            list[WARPED_SLAB] = BlockSlabWarped.class; //520
            list[CRIMSON_DOUBLE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabCrimson.class; //521
            list[WARPED_DOUBLE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabWarped.class; //522
            list[SOUL_TORCH] = BlockSoulTorch.class; //523
            list[SOUL_LANTERN] = BlockSoulLantern.class; //524
            list[NETHERITE_BLOCK] = BlockNetheriteBlock.class; //525
            list[ANCIENT_DERBRIS] = BlockAncientDebris.class; //526
            //list[RESPAWN_ANCHOR] = Block.class; //527
            list[BLACKSTONE] = BlockBlackstone.class; //528
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS] = BlockBricksBlackstonePolished.class; //529
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_STAIRS] = BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished.class; //530
            list[BLACKSTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsBlackstone.class; //531
            list[BLACKSTONE_WALL] = BlockWallBlackstone.class; //532
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_WALL] = BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished.class; //533
            list[CHISELED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE] = BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled.class; //534
            list[CRACKED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS] = BlockBricksBlackstonePolishedCracked.class; //535
            list[GILDED_BLACKSTONE] = BlockBlackstoneGilded.class; //536
            list[BLACKSTONE_SLAB] = BlockSlabBlackstone.class; //537
            list[BLACKSTONE_DOUBLE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone.class; //538
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_SLAB] = BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished.class; //539
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished.class; //540
            list[CHAIN_BLOCK] = BlockChain.class; //541
            list[TWISTING_VINES] = BlockVinesTwisting.class; //542
            list[NETHER_GOLD_ORE] = BlockOreGoldNether.class; //543
            list[CRYING_OBSIDIAN] = BlockObsidianCrying.class; //544
            list[SOUL_CAMPFIRE_BLOCK] = BlockCampfireSoul.class; //545
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE] = BlockBlackstonePolished.class; //546
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_STAIRS] = BlockStairsBlackstonePolished.class; //547
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_SLAB] = BlockSlabBlackstonePolished.class; //548
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_DOUBLE_SLAB] = BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished.class; //549
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_PRESSURE_PLATE] = BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished.class; //550
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BUTTON] = BlockButtonBlackstonePolished.class; //551
            list[POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_WALL] = BlockWallBlackstonePolished.class; //552
            list[WARPED_HYPHAE] = BlockHyphaeWarped.class; //553
            list[CRIMSON_HYPHAE] = BlockHyphaeCrimson.class; //554
            list[STRIPPED_CRIMSON_HYPHAE] = BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson.class; //555
            list[STRIPPED_WARPED_HYPHAE] = BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped.class; //556
            list[CHISELED_NETHER_BRICKS] = BlockBricksNetherChiseled.class; //557
            list[CRACKED_NETHER_BRICKS] = BlockBricksNetherCracked.class; //558
            list[QUARTZ_BRICKS] = BlockBricksQuartz.class; //559
            initializing = true;
            for (int id = 0; id < MAX_BLOCK_ID; id++) {
                Class c = list[id];
                if (c != null) {
                    Block block;
                    try {
                        block = c.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
                        String persistenceName = block.getPersistenceName();
                        BlockStateRegistry.registerPersistenceName(id, persistenceName);
                        try {
                            Constructor constructor = c.getDeclaredConstructor(int.class);
                            for (int data = 0; data < (1 << DATA_BITS); ++data) {
                                int fullId = (id << DATA_BITS) | data;
                                Block b;
                                try {
                                    b = constructor.newInstance(data);
                                    if (b.getDamage() != data) {
                                        b = new BlockUnknown(id, data);
                                } catch (InvocationTargetException wrapper) {
                                    Throwable uncaught = wrapper.getTargetException();
                                    if (!(uncaught instanceof InvalidBlockStateException)) {
                                        log.error("Error while registering " + c.getName()+" with meta "+data, uncaught);
                                    b = new BlockUnknown(id, data);
                                fullList[fullId] = b;
                            hasMeta[id] = true;
                        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) {
                            for (int data = 0; data < DATA_SIZE; ++data) {
                                int fullId = (id << DATA_BITS) | data;
                                fullList[fullId] = block;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("Error while registering " + c.getName(), e);
                        for (int data = 0; data < DATA_SIZE; ++data) {
                            fullList[(id << DATA_BITS) | data] = new BlockUnknown(id, data);
                        block = fullList[id << DATA_BITS];

                    solid[id] = block.isSolid();
                    transparent[id] = block.isTransparent();
                    diffusesSkyLight[id] = block.diffusesSkyLight();
                    hardness[id] = block.getHardness();
                    light[id] = block.getLightLevel();
                    lightFilter[id] = block.getLightFilter();
                } else {
                    lightFilter[id] = 1;
                    for (int data = 0; data < DATA_SIZE; ++data) {
                        fullList[(id << DATA_BITS) | data] = new BlockUnknown(id, data);
            initializing = false;

    public static Block get(int id) {
        if (id < 0) {
            id = 255 - id;
        return fullList[id << DATA_BITS].clone();
    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "BlockState.getBlock()", since = "")
    public static Block get(int id, Integer meta) {
        if (id < 0) {
            id = 255 - id;
        if (meta != null) {
            int iMeta = meta;
            if (iMeta <= DATA_SIZE) {
                return fullList[(id << DATA_BITS) | meta].clone();
            } else {
                Block block = fullList[id << DATA_BITS].clone();
                return block;
        } else {
            return fullList[id << DATA_BITS].clone();

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "BlockState.getBlock()", since = "")
    public static Block get(int id, Integer meta, Position pos) {
        return get(id, meta, pos, 0);

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "BlockState.getBlock()", since = "")
    public static Block get(int id, Integer meta, Position pos, int layer) {
        if (id < 0) {
            id = 255 - id;

        Block block;
        if (meta != null && meta > DATA_SIZE) {
            block = fullList[id << DATA_BITS].clone();
        } else {
            block = fullList[(id << DATA_BITS) | (meta == null ? 0 : meta)].clone();
        if (pos != null) {
            block.x = pos.x;
            block.y = pos.y;
            block.z = pos.z;
            block.level = pos.level;
            block.layer = layer;
        return block;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "BlockState.getBlock()", since = "")
    public static Block get(int id, int data) {
        if (id < 0) {
            id = 255 - id;
        if (data < DATA_SIZE) {
            return fullList[(id << DATA_BITS) | data].clone();
        } else {
            Block block = fullList[(id << DATA_BITS)].clone();
            return block;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", since = "")
    public static Block get(int fullId, Level level, int x, int y, int z) {
        return get(fullId, level, x, y, z, 0);

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", since = "")
    public static Block get(int fullId, Level level, int x, int y, int z, int layer) {
        Block block = fullList[fullId].clone();
        block.x = x;
        block.y = y;
        block.z = z;
        block.level = level;
        block.layer = layer;
        return block;

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "BlockState.getBlock()", since = "")
    public static Block get(int id, int meta, Level level, int x, int y, int z) {
        return get(id, meta, level, x, y, z, 0);

    @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", replaceWith = "BlockState.getBlock()", since = "")
    public static Block get(int id, int meta, Level level, int x, int y, int z, int layer) {
        Block block;
        if (meta <= DATA_SIZE) {
            block = fullList[id << DATA_BITS | meta].clone();
        } else {
            block = fullList[id << DATA_BITS].clone();
        block.x = x;
        block.y = y;
        block.z = z;
        block.level = level;
        block.layer = layer;
        return block;

     * Register a new block implementation overriding the existing one.
     * @param blockId The block ID that will be registered. Can't be negative.
     * @param blockClass The class that overrides {@link Block} and implements this block, 
     *                   it must have a constructor without params and optionally one that accepts {@code Number} or {@code int} 
     * @param persistenceName The block persistence name, must use the format namespace:block_name
     * @param receivesRandomTick If the block should receive random ticks from the level
    public static void registerBlockImplementation(int blockId, @Nonnull Class blockClass, @Nonnull String persistenceName, boolean receivesRandomTick) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(blockId >= 0, "Negative block id {}", blockId);
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(blockClass, "blockClass was null");
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(persistenceName, "persistenceName was null");
        Preconditions.checkArgument(blockId < MAX_BLOCK_ID, "blockId {} must be less than {}", blockId, MAX_BLOCK_ID);
        Block mainBlock;
        BlockProperties properties;
        try {
            mainBlock = blockClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
            mainBlock.clone(); // Make sure clone works
            properties = mainBlock.getProperties();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create the main block of "+blockClass, e);
        list[blockId] = blockClass;
        solid[blockId] = mainBlock.isSolid();
        transparent[blockId] = mainBlock.isTransparent();
        diffusesSkyLight[blockId] = mainBlock.diffusesSkyLight();
        hardness[blockId] = mainBlock.getHardness();
        light[blockId] = mainBlock.getLightLevel();
        lightFilter[blockId] = mainBlock.getLightFilter();
        fullList[blockId << DATA_BITS] = mainBlock;
        boolean metaAdded = false;
        if (properties.getBitSize() > 0) {
            for (int data = 0; data < (1 << DATA_BITS); ++data) {
                int fullId = (blockId << DATA_BITS) | data;
                Constructor constructor = null;
                Exception exception = null;
                try {
                    Constructor testing = blockClass.getDeclaredConstructor(Number.class);
                    constructor = testing;
                } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                    exception = e;
                    try {
                        Constructor testing = blockClass.getDeclaredConstructor(int.class);
                        constructor = testing;
                        exception = null;
                    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e2) {
                        try {
                            Constructor testing = blockClass.getDeclaredConstructor(Integer.class);
                            constructor = testing;
                            exception = null;
                        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e3) {
                Block b = null;
                if (constructor != null) {
                    try {
                        b = constructor.newInstance(data);
                        if (b.getDamage() != data) {
                            b = new BlockUnknown(blockId, data);
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException wrapper) {
                        Throwable uncaught = wrapper.getTargetException();
                        if (uncaught instanceof InvalidBlockStateException) {
                            b = new BlockUnknown(blockId, data);
                    } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                        exception = e;
                if (b == null) {
                    try {
                        b = BlockState.of(blockId, data).getBlock();
                    } catch (InvalidBlockStateException e) {
                        b = new BlockUnknown(blockId, data);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        b = new BlockUnknown(blockId, data);
                        if (exception != null) {
                        } else {
                            log.error("Error while registering " + blockClass.getName()+" with meta "+data, exception);
                if (!metaAdded && !(b instanceof BlockUnknown)) {
                    metaAdded = true;
                fullList[fullId] = b;
            hasMeta[blockId] = metaAdded;
        } else {
            hasMeta[blockId] = false;
        Level.setCanRandomTick(blockId, receivesRandomTick);
    private MutableBlockState mutableState;
    public int layer;
    protected Block() {}

    protected final MutableBlockState getMutableState() {
        if (mutableState == null) {
            mutableState = getProperties().createMutableState(getId());
        return mutableState;

     * Place and initialize a this block correctly in the world.

The current instance must have level, x, y, z, and layer properties already set before calling this method.

* @param item The item being used to place the block. Should be used as an optional reference, may mismatch the block that is being placed depending on plugin implementations. * @param block The current block that is in the world and is getting replaced by this instance. It has the same x, y, z, layer, and level as this block. * @param target The block that was clicked to create the place action in this block position. * @param face The face that was clicked in the target block * @param fx The detailed X coordinate of the clicked target block face * @param fy The detailed Y coordinate of the clicked target block face * @param fz The detailed Z coordinate of the clicked target block face * @param player The player that is placing the block. May be null. * @return {@code true} if the block was properly place. The implementation is responsible for reverting any partial change. */ public boolean place(@Nonnull Item item, @Nonnull Block block, @Nonnull Block target, @Nonnull BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz, @Nullable Player player) { return this.getLevel().setBlock(this, this, true, true); } // public boolean canHarvestWithHand() { //used for calculating breaking time return true; } public boolean isBreakable(Item item) { return true; } public int tickRate() { return 10; } public boolean onBreak(Item item) { return this.getLevel().setBlock(this, layer, Block.get(BlockID.AIR), true, true); } public int onUpdate(int type) { return 0; } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public void onNeighborChange(@Nonnull BlockFace side) { } public boolean onActivate(@Nonnull Item item) { return this.onActivate(item, null); } public boolean onActivate(@Nonnull Item item, @Nullable Player player) { return false; } @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly public void afterRemoval(Block newBlock, boolean update) { } public boolean isSoulSpeedCompatible() { return false; } public double getHardness() { return 10; } public double getResistance() { return 1; } public int getBurnChance() { return 0; } public int getBurnAbility() { return 0; } public int getToolType() { return ItemTool.TYPE_NONE; } public double getFrictionFactor() { return 0.6; } public int getLightLevel() { return 0; } public boolean canBePlaced() { return true; } public boolean canBeReplaced() { return false; } public boolean isTransparent() { return false; } public boolean isSolid() { return true; } /** * Check if blocks can be attached in the given side. */ @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean isSolid(BlockFace side) { return isSideFull(side); } // public boolean diffusesSkyLight() { return false; } public boolean canBeFlowedInto() { return false; } @PowerNukkitOnly public int getWaterloggingLevel() { return 0; } public final boolean canWaterloggingFlowInto() { return canBeFlowedInto() || getWaterloggingLevel() > 1; } public boolean canBeActivated() { return false; } public boolean hasEntityCollision() { return false; } public boolean canPassThrough() { return false; } public boolean canBePushed() { return true; } public boolean canBePulled() { return true; } public boolean breaksWhenMoved() { return false; } public boolean sticksToPiston() { return true; } public boolean hasComparatorInputOverride() { return false; } public int getComparatorInputOverride() { return 0; } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean canHarvest(Item item) { return getToolTier() == 0 || getToolType() == 0 || correctTool0(getToolType(), item, getId()) && item.getTier() >= getToolTier(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public int getToolTier() { return 0; } public boolean canBeClimbed() { return false; } public BlockColor getColor() { return BlockColor.VOID_BLOCK_COLOR; } public abstract String getName(); public abstract int getId(); public int getItemId() { int id = getId(); if (id > 255) { return 255 - id; } else { return id; } } /** * The full id is a combination of the id and data. * @return full id * @deprecated PowerNukkit: The meta is limited to 32 bits */ @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "The meta is limited to 32 bits", since = "") public int getFullId() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getFullId(); } /** * The properties that fully describe all possible and valid states that this block can have. */ @Nonnull @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public BlockProperties getProperties() { int id = getId(); if (id >= 0 && id < hasMeta.length && !hasMeta[id]) { return CommonBlockProperties.EMPTY_PROPERTIES; } else { return CommonBlockProperties.LEGACY_PROPERTIES; } } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Nonnull public final BlockState getCurrentState() { return mutableState == null? BlockState.of(getId()) : mutableState.getCurrentState(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public final int getRuntimeId() { return getCurrentState().getRuntimeId(); } public void addVelocityToEntity(Entity entity, Vector3 vector) { } @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Limited to 32 bits", since = "") public int getDamage() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getBigDamage(); } @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Limited to 32 bits", since = "") public void setDamage(int meta) { if (meta == 0 && isDefaultState()) { return; } getMutableState().setDataStorageFromInt(meta); } @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Limited to 32 bits", since = "") public final void setDamage(Integer meta) { setDamage((meta == null ? 0 : meta & 0x0f)); } final public void position(Position v) { this.x = (int) v.x; this.y = (int) v.y; this.z = (int) v.z; this.level = v.level; } public Item[] getDrops(Item item) { if (this.getId() < 0 || this.getId() > list.length) { //Unknown blocks return Item.EMPTY_ARRAY; } else if(canHarvestWithHand() || canHarvest(item)) { return new Item[]{ this.toItem() }; } return Item.EMPTY_ARRAY; } private double toolBreakTimeBonus0(Item item) { return toolBreakTimeBonus0(toolType0(item, getId()), item.getTier(), getId()); } private static double toolBreakTimeBonus0(int toolType, int toolTier, int blockId) { if (toolType == ItemTool.TYPE_SWORD) return blockId == Block.COBWEB ? 15.0 : 1.0; if (toolType == ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS) { if (blockId == Block.WOOL || blockId == LEAVES || blockId == LEAVES2) { return 5.0; } else if (blockId == COBWEB) { return 15.0; } return 1.0; } if (toolType == ItemTool.TYPE_NONE) return 1.0; switch (toolTier) { case ItemTool.TIER_WOODEN: return 2.0; case ItemTool.TIER_STONE: return 4.0; case ItemTool.TIER_IRON: return 6.0; case ItemTool.TIER_DIAMOND: return 8.0; case ItemTool.TIER_NETHERITE: return 9.0; case ItemTool.TIER_GOLD: return 12.0; default: if (toolTier == ItemTool.TIER_NETHERITE) { return 9.0; } return 1.0; } } private static double speedBonusByEfficiencyLore0(int efficiencyLoreLevel) { if (efficiencyLoreLevel == 0) return 0; return efficiencyLoreLevel * efficiencyLoreLevel + 1; } private static double speedRateByHasteLore0(int hasteLoreLevel) { return 1.0 + (0.2 * hasteLoreLevel); } @PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Special condition for the leaves", since = "") private static int toolType0(Item item, int blockId) { if((blockId == LEAVES && item.isHoe()) || (blockId == LEAVES2 && item.isHoe())) return ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS; if (item.isSword()) return ItemTool.TYPE_SWORD; if (item.isShovel()) return ItemTool.TYPE_SHOVEL; if (item.isPickaxe()) return ItemTool.TYPE_PICKAXE; if (item.isAxe()) return ItemTool.TYPE_AXE; if (item.isHoe()) return ItemTool.TYPE_HOE; if (item.isShears()) return ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS; return ItemTool.TYPE_NONE; } @PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Special condition for the leaves", since = "") private static boolean correctTool0(int blockToolType, Item item, int blockId) { if((blockId == LEAVES && item.isHoe()) || (blockId == LEAVES2 && item.isHoe())){ return (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS && item.isHoe()); } else return (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_SWORD && item.isSword()) || (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_SHOVEL && item.isShovel()) || (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_PICKAXE && item.isPickaxe()) || (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_AXE && item.isAxe()) || (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_HOE && item.isHoe()) || (blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS && item.isShears()) || blockToolType == ItemTool.TYPE_NONE; } // private static double breakTime0(double blockHardness, boolean correctTool, boolean canHarvestWithHand, int blockId, int toolType, int toolTier, int efficiencyLoreLevel, int hasteEffectLevel, boolean insideOfWaterWithoutAquaAffinity, boolean outOfWaterButNotOnGround) { double baseTime = ((correctTool || canHarvestWithHand) ? 1.5 : 5.0) * blockHardness; double speed = 1.0 / baseTime; if (correctTool) speed *= toolBreakTimeBonus0(toolType, toolTier, blockId); speed += speedBonusByEfficiencyLore0(efficiencyLoreLevel); speed *= speedRateByHasteLore0(hasteEffectLevel); if (insideOfWaterWithoutAquaAffinity) speed *= 0.2; if (outOfWaterButNotOnGround) speed *= 0.2; return 1.0 / speed; } @Nonnull @PowerNukkitOnly public double calculateBreakTime(@Nonnull Item item) { return calculateBreakTime(item, null); } @Nonnull @PowerNukkitOnly public double calculateBreakTime(@Nonnull Item item, @Nullable Player player) { double seconds = 0; double blockHardness = getHardness(); boolean canHarvest = canHarvest(item); if (canHarvest) { seconds = blockHardness * 1.5; } else { seconds = blockHardness * 5; } double speedMultiplier = 1; boolean hasConduitPower = false; boolean hasAquaAffinity = false; int hasteEffectLevel = 0; int miningFatigueLevel = 0; if (player != null) { hasConduitPower = player.hasEffect(Effect.CONDUIT_POWER); hasAquaAffinity = Optional.ofNullable(player.getInventory().getHelmet().getEnchantment(Enchantment.ID_WATER_WORKER)) .map(Enchantment::getLevel).map(l -> l >= 1).orElse(false); hasteEffectLevel = Optional.ofNullable(player.getEffect(Effect.HASTE)) .map(Effect::getAmplifier).orElse(0); miningFatigueLevel = Optional.ofNullable(player.getEffect(Effect.MINING_FATIGUE)) .map(Effect::getAmplifier).orElse(0); } if (correctTool0(getToolType(), item, getId())) { speedMultiplier = toolBreakTimeBonus0(item); int efficiencyLevel = Optional.ofNullable(item.getEnchantment(Enchantment.ID_EFFICIENCY)) .map(Enchantment::getLevel).orElse(0); if (canHarvest && efficiencyLevel > 0) { speedMultiplier += efficiencyLevel ^ 2 + 1; } if (hasConduitPower) hasteEffectLevel = Integer.max(hasteEffectLevel, 2); if (hasteEffectLevel > 0) { speedMultiplier *= 1 + (0.2 * hasteEffectLevel); } } if (miningFatigueLevel > 0) { speedMultiplier /= 3 ^ miningFatigueLevel; } seconds /= speedMultiplier; if (player != null) { if (player.isInsideOfWater() && !hasAquaAffinity ) { seconds *= hasConduitPower && blockHardness >= 0.5 ? 2.5 : 5; } if (!player.isOnGround()) { seconds *= 5; } } return seconds; } @DeprecationDetails(since = "", reason = "Not completely accurate", replaceWith = "calculateBreakeTime()") @Deprecated @PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Special condition for the leaves", since = "") public double getBreakTime(Item item, Player player) { Objects.requireNonNull(item, "getBreakTime: Item can not be null"); Objects.requireNonNull(player, "getBreakTime: Player can not be null"); double blockHardness = getHardness(); if (blockHardness == 0) { return 0; } int blockId = getId(); boolean correctTool = correctTool0(getToolType(), item, blockId); boolean canHarvestWithHand = canHarvestWithHand(); int itemToolType = toolType0(item, blockId); int itemTier = item.getTier(); int efficiencyLoreLevel = Optional.ofNullable(item.getEnchantment(Enchantment.ID_EFFICIENCY)) .map(Enchantment::getLevel).orElse(0); int hasteEffectLevel = Optional.ofNullable(player.getEffect(Effect.HASTE)) .map(Effect::getAmplifier).orElse(0); //TODO Fix the break time with CONDUIT_POWER, it's not right int conduitPowerLevel = Optional.ofNullable(player.getEffect(Effect.CONDUIT_POWER)) .map(e -> /*(e.getAmplifier() +1) * 4*/ e.getAmplifier()) .orElse(0); hasteEffectLevel += conduitPowerLevel; boolean insideOfWaterWithoutAquaAffinity = player.isInsideOfWater() && conduitPowerLevel <= 0 && Optional.ofNullable(player.getInventory().getHelmet().getEnchantment(Enchantment.ID_WATER_WORKER)) .map(Enchantment::getLevel).map(l -> l >= 1).orElse(false); boolean outOfWaterButNotOnGround = (!player.isInsideOfWater()) && (!player.isOnGround()); return breakTime0(blockHardness, correctTool, canHarvestWithHand, blockId, itemToolType, itemTier, efficiencyLoreLevel, hasteEffectLevel, insideOfWaterWithoutAquaAffinity, outOfWaterButNotOnGround); } /** * @deprecated This function is lack of Player class and is not accurate enough, use {@link #getBreakTime(Item, Player)} * @param item item used * @return break time */ @PowerNukkitDifference(info = "Special condition for the hoe and netherie support", since = "") @Deprecated public double getBreakTime(Item item) { double base = this.getHardness() * 1.5; if (this.canBeBrokenWith(item)) { if ( (this.getToolType() == ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS && item.isShears()) || (this.getToolType() == ItemTool.TYPE_SHEARS && item.isHoe())) { base /= 15; } else if ( (this.getToolType() == ItemTool.TYPE_PICKAXE && item.isPickaxe()) || (this.getToolType() == ItemTool.TYPE_AXE && item.isAxe()) || (this.getToolType() == ItemTool.TYPE_SHOVEL && item.isShovel()) || (this.getToolType() == ItemTool.TYPE_HOE && item.isHoe()) ) { int tier = item.getTier(); switch (tier) { case ItemTool.TIER_WOODEN: base /= 2; break; case ItemTool.TIER_STONE: base /= 4; break; case ItemTool.TIER_IRON: base /= 6; break; case ItemTool.TIER_DIAMOND: base /= 8; break; case ItemTool.TIER_NETHERITE: base /= 9; break; case ItemTool.TIER_GOLD: base /= 12; break; } } } else { base *= 3.33; } if (item.isSword()) { base *= 0.5; } return base; } public boolean canBeBrokenWith(Item item) { return this.getHardness() != -1; } public Block getSide(BlockFace face) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, face); } public Block getSide(BlockFace face, int step) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, face, step); } public Block getSideAtLayer(int layer, BlockFace face) { if (this.isValid()) { return this.getLevel().getBlock((int) x + face.getXOffset(), (int) y + face.getYOffset(), (int) z + face.getZOffset(), layer); } return this.getSide(face, 1); } public Block getSideAtLayer(int layer, BlockFace face, int step) { if (this.isValid()) { if (step == 1) { return this.getLevel().getBlock((int) x + face.getXOffset(), (int) y + face.getYOffset(), (int) z + face.getZOffset(), layer); } else { return this.getLevel().getBlock((int) x + face.getXOffset() * step, (int) y + face.getYOffset() * step, (int) z + face.getZOffset() * step, layer); } } Block block = Block.get(Item.AIR, 0); block.x = (int) x + face.getXOffset() * step; block.y = (int) y + face.getYOffset() * step; block.z = (int) z + face.getZOffset() * step; block.layer = layer; return block; } public Block up() { return up(1); } public Block up(int step) { return getSide(BlockFace.UP, step); } public Block up(int step, int layer) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, BlockFace.UP, step); } public Block down() { return down(1); } public Block down(int step) { return getSide(BlockFace.DOWN, step); } public Block down(int step, int layer) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, BlockFace.DOWN, step); } public Block north() { return north(1); } public Block north(int step) { return getSide(BlockFace.NORTH, step); } public Block north(int step, int layer) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, BlockFace.NORTH, step); } public Block south() { return south(1); } public Block south(int step) { return getSide(BlockFace.SOUTH, step); } public Block south(int step, int layer) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, BlockFace.SOUTH, step); } public Block east() { return east(1); } public Block east(int step) { return getSide(BlockFace.EAST, step); } public Block east(int step, int layer) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, BlockFace.EAST, step); } public Block west() { return west(1); } public Block west(int step) { return getSide(BlockFace.WEST, step); } public Block west(int step, int layer) { return getSideAtLayer(layer, BlockFace.WEST, step); } @Override public String toString() { return "Block[" + this.getName() + "] (" + this.getId() + ":" + (mutableState != null? mutableState.getDataStorage() : "0") + ")" + (isValid()? " at "+super.toString() : ""); } public boolean collidesWithBB(AxisAlignedBB bb) { return collidesWithBB(bb, false); } public boolean collidesWithBB(AxisAlignedBB bb, boolean collisionBB) { AxisAlignedBB bb1 = collisionBB ? this.getCollisionBoundingBox() : this.getBoundingBox(); return bb1 != null && bb.intersectsWith(bb1); } public void onEntityCollide(Entity entity) { } public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox() { return this.recalculateBoundingBox(); } public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBoundingBox() { return this.recalculateCollisionBoundingBox(); } protected AxisAlignedBB recalculateBoundingBox() { return this; } @Override public double getMinX() { return this.x; } @Override public double getMinY() { return this.y; } @Override public double getMinZ() { return this.z; } @Override public double getMaxX() { return this.x + 1; } @Override public double getMaxY() { return this.y + 1; } @Override public double getMaxZ() { return this.z + 1; } protected AxisAlignedBB recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() { return getBoundingBox(); } public MovingObjectPosition calculateIntercept(Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2) { AxisAlignedBB bb = this.getBoundingBox(); if (bb == null) { return null; } Vector3 v1 = pos1.getIntermediateWithXValue(pos2, bb.getMinX()); Vector3 v2 = pos1.getIntermediateWithXValue(pos2, bb.getMaxX()); Vector3 v3 = pos1.getIntermediateWithYValue(pos2, bb.getMinY()); Vector3 v4 = pos1.getIntermediateWithYValue(pos2, bb.getMaxY()); Vector3 v5 = pos1.getIntermediateWithZValue(pos2, bb.getMinZ()); Vector3 v6 = pos1.getIntermediateWithZValue(pos2, bb.getMaxZ()); if (v1 != null && !bb.isVectorInYZ(v1)) { v1 = null; } if (v2 != null && !bb.isVectorInYZ(v2)) { v2 = null; } if (v3 != null && !bb.isVectorInXZ(v3)) { v3 = null; } if (v4 != null && !bb.isVectorInXZ(v4)) { v4 = null; } if (v5 != null && !bb.isVectorInXY(v5)) { v5 = null; } if (v6 != null && !bb.isVectorInXY(v6)) { v6 = null; } Vector3 vector = v1; if (v2 != null && (vector == null || pos1.distanceSquared(v2) < pos1.distanceSquared(vector))) { vector = v2; } if (v3 != null && (vector == null || pos1.distanceSquared(v3) < pos1.distanceSquared(vector))) { vector = v3; } if (v4 != null && (vector == null || pos1.distanceSquared(v4) < pos1.distanceSquared(vector))) { vector = v4; } if (v5 != null && (vector == null || pos1.distanceSquared(v5) < pos1.distanceSquared(vector))) { vector = v5; } if (v6 != null && (vector == null || pos1.distanceSquared(v6) < pos1.distanceSquared(vector))) { vector = v6; } if (vector == null) { return null; } BlockFace f = null; if (vector == v1) { f = BlockFace.WEST; } else if (vector == v2) { f = BlockFace.EAST; } else if (vector == v3) { f = BlockFace.DOWN; } else if (vector == v4) { f = BlockFace.UP; } else if (vector == v5) { f = BlockFace.NORTH; } else if (vector == v6) { f = BlockFace.SOUTH; } return MovingObjectPosition.fromBlock((int) this.x, (int) this.y, (int) this.z, f, vector.add(this.x, this.y, this.z)); } public String getSaveId() { String name = getClass().getName(); return name.substring(16); } @Override public void setMetadata(String metadataKey, MetadataValue newMetadataValue) throws Exception { if (this.getLevel() != null) { this.getLevel().getBlockMetadata().setMetadata(this, metadataKey, newMetadataValue); } } @Override public List getMetadata(String metadataKey) throws Exception { if (this.getLevel() != null) { return this.getLevel().getBlockMetadata().getMetadata(this, metadataKey); } return null; } @Override public boolean hasMetadata(String metadataKey) throws Exception { return this.getLevel() != null && this.getLevel().getBlockMetadata().hasMetadata(this, metadataKey); } @Override public void removeMetadata(String metadataKey, Plugin owningPlugin) throws Exception { if (this.getLevel() != null) { this.getLevel().getBlockMetadata().removeMetadata(this, metadataKey, owningPlugin); } } public Block clone() { Block clone = (Block) super.clone(); clone.mutableState = mutableState != null? mutableState.copy() : null; return clone; } public int getWeakPower(BlockFace face) { return 0; } public int getStrongPower(BlockFace side) { return 0; } public boolean isPowerSource() { return false; } public String getLocationHash() { return this.getFloorX() + ":" + this.getFloorY() + ":" + this.getFloorZ(); } public int getDropExp() { return 0; } /** * Check if the block is not transparent, is solid and can't provide redstone power. */ public boolean isNormalBlock() { return !isTransparent() && isSolid() && !isPowerSource(); } /** * Check if the block is not transparent, is solid and is a full cube like a stone block. */ @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean isSimpleBlock() { return !isTransparent() && isSolid() && isFullBlock(); } /** * Check if the given face is fully occupied by the block bounding box. * @param face The face to be checked * @return If and ony if the bounding box completely cover the face */ @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean isSideFull(BlockFace face) { AxisAlignedBB boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox == null) { return false; } if (face.getAxis().getPlane() == BlockFace.Plane.HORIZONTAL) { if (boundingBox.getMinY() != getY() || boundingBox.getMaxY() != getY() + 1) { return false; } int offset = face.getXOffset(); if (offset < 0) { return boundingBox.getMinX() == getX() && boundingBox.getMinZ() == getZ() && boundingBox.getMaxZ() == getZ() + 1; } else if (offset > 0) { return boundingBox.getMaxX() == getX() + 1 && boundingBox.getMaxZ() == getZ() + 1 && boundingBox.getMinZ() == getZ(); } offset = face.getZOffset(); if (offset < 0) { return boundingBox.getMinZ() == getZ() && boundingBox.getMinX() == getX() && boundingBox.getMaxX() == getX() + 1; } return boundingBox.getMaxZ() == getZ() + 1 && boundingBox.getMaxX() == getX() + 1 && boundingBox.getMinX() == getX(); } if (boundingBox.getMinX() != getX() || boundingBox.getMaxX() != getX() + 1 || boundingBox.getMinZ() != getZ() || boundingBox.getMaxZ() != getZ() + 1) { return false; } if (face.getYOffset() < 0) { return boundingBox.getMinY() == getY(); } return boundingBox.getMaxY() == getY() + 1; } /** * Check if the block occupies the entire block space, like a stone and normal glass blocks */ @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean isFullBlock() { AxisAlignedBB boundingBox = getBoundingBox(); if (boundingBox == null) { return false; } return boundingBox.getMinX() == getX() && boundingBox.getMaxX() == getX() + 1 && boundingBox.getMinY() == getY() && boundingBox.getMaxY() == getY() + 1 && boundingBox.getMinZ() == getZ() && boundingBox.getMaxZ() == getZ() + 1; } public static boolean equals(Block b1, Block b2) { return equals(b1, b2, true); } public static boolean equals(Block b1, Block b2, boolean checkDamage) { if (b1 == null || b2 == null || b1.getId() != b2.getId()) { return false; } if (checkDamage) { boolean b1Default = b1.isDefaultState(); boolean b2Default = b2.isDefaultState(); if (b1Default != b2Default) { return false; } else if (b1Default) { // both are default return true; } else { return b1.getMutableState().equals(b2.getMutableState()); } } else { return true; } } @PowerNukkitDifference( info = "Prevents players from getting invalid items by limiting the return to the maximum damage defined in getMaxItemDamage()", since = "") public Item toItem() { return asItemBlock(1); } /** * If the block, when in item form, is resistant to lava and fire and can float on lava like if it was on water. * @since */ @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean isLavaResistant() { return false; } @Nonnull @Override public final ItemBlock asItemBlock() { return asItemBlock(1); } public boolean canSilkTouch() { return false; } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean mustSilkTouch(Vector3 vector, int layer, BlockFace face, Item item, Player player) { return false; } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean mustDrop(Vector3 vector, int layer, BlockFace face, Item item, Player player) { return false; } public Optional firstInLayers(Predicate condition) { return firstInLayers(0, condition); } public Optional firstInLayers(int startingLayer, Predicate condition) { int maximumLayer = this.level.requireProvider().getMaximumLayer(); for (int layer = startingLayer; layer <= maximumLayer; layer++) { Block block = this.getLevelBlockAtLayer(layer); if (condition.test(block)) { return Optional.of(block); } } return Optional.empty(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public void setState(@Nonnull IBlockState state) throws InvalidBlockStateException { if (state.getBlockId() == getId() && this.isDefaultState() && state.isDefaultState()) { return; } getMutableState().setState(state); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public void setDataStorage(@Nonnegative @Nonnull Number storage) { if (NukkitMath.isZero(storage) && isDefaultState()) { return; } getMutableState().setDataStorage(storage); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public void setDataStorageFromInt(@Nonnegative int storage) { if (storage == 0 && isDefaultState()) { return; } getMutableState().setDataStorageFromInt(storage); } @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly @Override public boolean setDataStorage(@Nonnegative @Nonnull Number storage, boolean repair, Consumer callback) { if (NukkitMath.isZero(storage) && isDefaultState()) { return false; } return getMutableState().setDataStorage(storage, repair, callback); } @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly @Override public boolean setDataStorageFromInt(@Nonnegative int storage, boolean repair, Consumer callback) { if (storage == 0 && isDefaultState()) { return false; } return getMutableState().setDataStorageFromInt(storage, repair, callback); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public void setPropertyValue(@Nonnull String propertyName, @Nullable Serializable value) { if (isDefaultState() && getProperties().isDefaultValue(propertyName, value)) { return; } getMutableState().setPropertyValue(propertyName, value); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public void setBooleanValue(@Nonnull String propertyName, boolean value) { if (isDefaultState() && getProperties().isDefaultBooleanValue(propertyName, value)) { return; } getMutableState().setBooleanValue(propertyName, value); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public void setIntValue(@Nonnull String propertyName, int value) { if (isDefaultState() && getProperties().isDefaultIntValue(propertyName, value)) { return; } getMutableState().setIntValue(propertyName, value); } @Nonnegative @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Does the same as getId() but the other is compatible with NukkitX and this is not", since = "") public final int getBlockId() { return getId(); } @Nonnegative @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Nonnull @Override public final Number getDataStorage() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getDataStorage(); } @Nonnegative @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Can't store all data, exists for backward compatibility reasons", since = "", replaceWith = "getDataStorage()") @Override public int getLegacyDamage() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getLegacyDamage(); } @Unsigned @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Can't store all data, exists for backward compatibility reasons", since = "", replaceWith = "getDataStorage()") @Override public int getBigDamage() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getBigDamage(); } @Nonnegative @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly @Deprecated @DeprecationDetails(reason = "Can't store all data, exists for backward compatibility reasons", since = "", replaceWith = "getDataStorage()") @Override public int getSignedBigDamage() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getSignedBigDamage(); } @Nonnegative @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Nonnull @Override public BigInteger getHugeDamage() { return mutableState == null? BigInteger.ZERO : mutableState.getHugeDamage(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Nonnull @Override public Serializable getPropertyValue(@Nonnull String propertyName) { if (isDefaultState()) { return getProperties().getBlockProperty(propertyName).getDefaultValue(); } return getMutableState().getPropertyValue(propertyName); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public int getIntValue(@Nonnull String propertyName) { if (isDefaultState()) { return getProperties().getBlockProperty(propertyName).getDefaultIntValue(); } return getMutableState().getIntValue(propertyName); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Override public boolean getBooleanValue(@Nonnull String propertyName) { if (isDefaultState()) { return getProperties().getBlockProperty(propertyName).getDefaultBooleanValue(); } return getMutableState().getBooleanValue(propertyName); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @Nonnull @Override public String getPersistenceValue(@Nonnull String propertyName) { if (isDefaultState()) { return getProperties().getBlockProperty(propertyName).getPersistenceValueForMeta(0); } return getMutableState().getPersistenceValue(propertyName); } @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly @Override public final int getExactIntStorage() { return mutableState == null? 0 : mutableState.getExactIntStorage(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean isBreakable(@Nonnull Vector3 vector, int layer, @Nonnull BlockFace face, @Nonnull Item item, @Nullable Player player, boolean setBlockDestroy) { return true; } public final boolean isBlockChangeAllowed() { return getChunk().isBlockChangeAllowed(getFloorX() & 0xF, getFloorY(), getFloorZ() & 0xF); } public final boolean isBlockChangeAllowed(@Nullable Player player) { if (isBlockChangeAllowed()) { return true; } return player != null && player.isCreative() && player.isOp(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public int getLightFilter() { return isSolid() && !isTransparent()? 15 : 1; } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public final boolean canRandomTick() { return Level.canRandomTick(getId()); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public boolean onProjectileHit(@Nonnull Entity projectile, @Nonnull Position position, @Nonnull Vector3 motion) { return false; } @Nonnull @Override public final Block getBlock() { return clone(); } @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly @Override public boolean isDefaultState() { return mutableState == null || mutableState.isDefaultState(); } @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public int getItemMaxStackSize() { return 64; } }

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