org.powerscala.Country.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.powerscala
import org.powerscala.enum.{Enumerated, EnumEntry}
* @author Matt Hicks
sealed class Country(val fullName: String) extends EnumEntry {
override def toString = fullName
object Country extends Enumerated[Country] {
val US = new Country("United States of America")
val CA = new Country("Canada")
val GB = new Country("United Kingdom")
val AF = new Country("Afghanistan")
val AO = new Country("Angola")
val AI = new Country("Anguilla")
val AG = new Country("Antigua")
val AR = new Country("Argentina")
val AW = new Country("Aruba")
val AU = new Country("Australia")
val AT = new Country("Austria")
val BS = new Country("Bahamas")
val BH = new Country("Bahrain")
val BD = new Country("Bangladesh")
val BB = new Country("Barbados")
val BE = new Country("Belgium")
val BM = new Country("Bermuda")
val BO = new Country("Bolivia")
val XB = new Country("Bonaire")
val BA = new Country("Bosnia and Herzegovina")
val BW = new Country("Botswana")
val BR = new Country("Brazil")
val BG = new Country("Bulgaria")
val KY = new Country("Cayman Islands")
val CL = new Country("Chile")
val CN = new Country("China")
val CO = new Country("Colombia")
val CR = new Country("Costa Rica")
val CI = new Country("Cote d'Ivoire")
val HR = new Country("Croatia")
val XC = new Country("Curacao")
val CY = new Country("Cyprus")
val CZ = new Country("Czech Republic")
val DK = new Country("Denmark")
val DM = new Country("Dominica")
val DO = new Country("Dominican Republic")
val EC = new Country("Ecuador")
val EG = new Country("Egypt")
val SV = new Country("El Salvador")
val EE = new Country("Estonia")
val FJ = new Country("Fiji")
val FI = new Country("Finland")
val FR = new Country("France")
val GA = new Country("Gabon")
val DE = new Country("Germany")
val GR = new Country("Greece")
val GD = new Country("Grenada")
val GP = new Country("Guadeloupe")
val GU = new Country("Guam")
val GT = new Country("Guatemala")
val GY = new Country("Guyana (British)")
val GF = new Country("Guyana (French)")
val HT = new Country("Haiti")
val HN = new Country("Honduras")
val HK = new Country("Hong Kong")
val HU = new Country("Hungary")
val IS = new Country("Iceland")
val IN = new Country("India")
val ID = new Country("Indonesia")
val IR = new Country("Iran")
val IQ = new Country("Iraq")
val IE = new Country("Ireland, Republic Of")
val IL = new Country("Israel")
val IT = new Country("Italy")
val JM = new Country("Jamaica")
val JP = new Country("Japan")
val JO = new Country("Jordan")
val KZ = new Country("Kazakhstan")
val KR = new Country("Korea, Republic Of")
val KW = new Country("Kuwait")
val LV = new Country("Latvia")
val LB = new Country("Lebanon")
val LS = new Country("Lesotho")
val LT = new Country("Lithuania")
val LU = new Country("Luxembourg")
val MY = new Country("Malaysia")
val MT = new Country("Malta")
val MQ = new Country("Martinique")
val MU = new Country("Mauritius")
val MS = new Country("Montserrat")
val MZ = new Country("Mozambique")
val NP = new Country("Nepal")
val NL = new Country("Netherlands")
val XN = new Country("Nevis")
val NZ = new Country("New Zealand")
val NI = new Country("Nicaragua")
val NG = new Country("Nigeria")
val NO = new Country("Norway")
val OM = new Country("Oman")
val PK = new Country("Pakistan")
val PA = new Country("Panama")
val PG = new Country("Papua New Guinea")
val PY = new Country("Paraguay")
val PE = new Country("Peru")
val PH = new Country("Philippines")
val PL = new Country("Poland")
val PT = new Country("Portugal")
val PR = new Country("Puerto Rico")
val QA = new Country("Qatar")
val UG = new Country("Republic of Uganda")
val RE = new Country("Reunion Islands")
val RO = new Country("Romania")
val RU = new Country("Russian Federation The")
val SA = new Country("Saudi Arabia")
val RS = new Country("Serbia")
val SC = new Country("Seychelles")
val SG = new Country("Singapore")
val SK = new Country("Slovak Republic")
val SI = new Country("Slovenia")
val ZA = new Country("South Africa")
val ES = new Country("Spain")
val LK = new Country("Sri Lanka")
val XY = new Country("St Barthelem")
val XE = new Country("St Eustatius")
val KN = new Country("St Kitts")
val LC = new Country("St Lucia")
val VC = new Country("St Vincent")
val XM = new Country("St. Maarten")
val SR = new Country("Suriname")
val SE = new Country("Sweden")
val CH = new Country("Switzerland")
val TW = new Country("Taiwan")
val ZZ = new Country("Test Country")
val TH = new Country("Thailand")
val TT = new Country("Trinidad and Tobago")
val TR = new Country("Turkey")
val TC = new Country("Turks and Caicos Islands")
val UA = new Country("Ukraine")
val AE = new Country("United Arab Emirates")
val TZ = new Country("United Republic of Tanzania")
val UY = new Country("Uruguay")
val VE = new Country("Venezuela")
val VN = new Country("Vietnam")
val VG = new Country("Virgin Islands (British)")
val VI = new Country("Virgin Islands (US)")
val ZM = new Country("Zambia")
val ZW = new Country("Zimbabwe")
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