org.projecthusky.communication.mpi.impl.pdq.V3PdqConsumerResponse Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* This code is made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* in the github project there you also
* find a list of the contributors and the license information.
* This project has been developed further and modified by the joined working group Husky
* on the basis of the eHealth Connector opensource project from June 28, 2021,
* whereas medshare GmbH is the initial and main contributor/author of the eHealth Connector.
package org.projecthusky.communication.mpi.impl.pdq;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.projecthusky.communication.mpi.V3Response;
import org.projecthusky.communication.utils.PixPdqV3Utils;
import net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.datatypes.II;
import net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.prpain201306UV02.PRPAIN201306UV02Type;
import net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.prpamt201310UV02.PRPAMT201310UV02Patient;
import net.ihe.gazelle.hl7v3.prpamt201310UV02.PRPAMT201310UV02PersonalRelationship;
* @author Anthony Larocca
public class V3PdqConsumerResponse extends V3Response {
private PRPAIN201306UV02Type rootElement = null;
private String queryAcknowledgement = null;
* Create the V3PdqConsumerResponse given the provided XML element
* @param pdqConsumerResponseElement
public V3PdqConsumerResponse(PRPAIN201306UV02Type pdqConsumerResponseElement) {
// if we got a pdq response
rootElement = pdqConsumerResponseElement;
// set the id
this.messageId = rootElement.getId();
// get sender information
this.sendingApplication = rootElement.getSender().getDevice().getId().get(0).getRoot();
if (null != rootElement.getSender().getDevice().getAsAgent()
&& null != rootElement.getSender().getDevice().getAsAgent().getRepresentedOrganization()
&& !rootElement.getSender().getDevice().getAsAgent().getRepresentedOrganization().getId().isEmpty())
this.sendingFacility = rootElement.getSender().getDevice().getAsAgent().getRepresentedOrganization().getId()
// find how many receivers there are
final int numReceivers = rootElement.getReceiver().size();
// for each reciever
for (var i = 0; i < numReceivers; i++) {
// get the application and (if available) facility
if (null != rootElement.getReceiver().get(i).getDevice().getAsAgent())
// get the ack code
this.acknowledgementCode = rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getTypeCode().getCode();
// if there is acknowledgement detail
// if the code was AA, then:
if (acknowledgementCode.equalsIgnoreCase("AA")) {
// set up the response for data retrieval
queryAcknowledgement = rootElement.getControlActProcess().getQueryAck().getQueryResponseCode().getCode();
} else {
// error occurred, unknown ack
errorText = "Acknowledgement Code: " + acknowledgementCode + " not understood.";
private void setAcknowledgementDetails() {
if (!rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().isEmpty()) {
var detailCode = "";
var detailText = "";
if (null != rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0).getCode())
detailCode = rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0).getCode()
if (null != rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0).getText())
detailText = rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0).getText()
if (rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0).getLocation() != null
&& !rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0).getLocation()
detailText += " Location: " + rootElement.getAcknowledgement().get(0).getAcknowledgementDetail().get(0)
this.acknowledgementDetailCode = detailCode;
this.acknowledgementDetailText = detailText;
private void setErrorText() {
// if this was an app error
if (queryAcknowledgement.equalsIgnoreCase("AE")) {
// set the error text
errorText = "Query Acknowledgement: AE - Application Error";
} else if (queryAcknowledgement.equalsIgnoreCase("QE")) {
// set the error text
errorText = "Query Acknowledgement: QE - Query Parameter Error";
} else if (queryAcknowledgement.equalsIgnoreCase("NF")) {
// Technically, this shouldn't be an error
hasError = false;
// set the error text
errorText = "No patients found.";
} else if (queryAcknowledgement.equalsIgnoreCase("OK")) {
// Success!
hasError = false;
} else {
// error occurred, unknown ack
errorText = "Query Acknowledgement: " + queryAcknowledgement + " not understood.";
* Get the AckQueryID
* @return II - the AckQueryID for this response
public II getAckQueryID() {
return rootElement.getControlActProcess().getQueryAck().getQueryId();
* Get the number of patient ids for the specified patient.
* @param patientIndex
* @return int - the number of patient ids for the specified patient.
public int getNumPatientIDs(int patientIndex) {
return getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getId().size();
* Get the number of records on this response
* @return int - the value in the "result current quantity" of the response
public int getNumRecordsCurrent() {
var numRecords = 0;
if (rootElement != null && rootElement.getControlActProcess().getQueryAck().getResultCurrentQuantity() != null)
numRecords = rootElement.getControlActProcess().getQueryAck().getResultCurrentQuantity().getValue()
return numRecords;
* Get the number of records remaining
* @return int - the value in the "result remaining quantity" of the response
public int getNumRecordsRemaining() {
var numRecords = 0;
if (rootElement != null
&& rootElement.getControlActProcess().getQueryAck().getResultRemainingQuantity() != null)
numRecords = rootElement.getControlActProcess().getQueryAck().getResultRemainingQuantity().getValue()
return numRecords;
* Get first Address for specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @return String[] - first address for specified patient in String Array
* String[0] = Street Address Line String[1] = Additional Locator
* String[2] = City String[3] = State String[4] = Postal Code String[5]
* = {@code } String[6] = {@code } String[7] = {@code } String[8] = County
public String[] getPatientAddress(int patientIndex) {
// just get the first address
return getPatientAddress(patientIndex, 0);
* Get specified address for specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @param addrIndex
* @return String[] - specified address for specified patient in String Array
* String[0] = Street Address Line String[1] = Additional Locator
* String[2] = City String[3] = State String[4] = Postal Code String[5]
* = {@code } String[6] = {@code } String[7] = {@code } String[8] = County
public String[] getPatientAddress(int patientIndex, int addrIndex) {
var addressArray = new String[9];
// get the patient address as an array
if (getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getAddr().size() > addrIndex)
addressArray = PixPdqV3Utils
return addressArray;
* Get the specified patient's birth order number.
* @param patientIndex
* @return String - patient's birth order number
public String getPatientBirthOrderNumber(int patientIndex) {
if (getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getMultipleBirthOrderNumber() != null) {
final Integer birthOrder = getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getMultipleBirthOrderNumber()
return birthOrder.toString();
return null;
* Get the specified patient object
* @param patientIndex
* @return PRPAMT201310UV02Patient - the patient object at the specified index.
private PRPAMT201310UV02Patient getPatientByIndex(int patientIndex) {
return rootElement.getControlActProcess().getSubject().get(patientIndex).getRegistrationEvent().getSubject1()
* Get Date of Birth for the specified patient.
* @param patientIndex
* @return String - Specified Patient's Date of Birth
public String getPatientDOB(int patientIndex) {
var patientDOB = "";
if (getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getBirthTime() != null)
patientDOB = getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getBirthTime().getValue();
return patientDOB;
* Get the first id for the specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @return String[] - Patient ID in String Array String[0] = id.getExtension();
* String[1] = id.getAssigningAuthorityName(); String[2] = id.getRoot();
* String[3] = "";
public String[] getPatientID(int patientIndex) {
// get just the first patientID
return getPatientID(patientIndex, 0);
* Get the specified ID for the specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @param idIndex
* @return String[] - Patient ID in String Array String[0] = id.getExtension();
* String[1] = id.getAssigningAuthorityName(); String[2] = id.getRoot();
* String[3] = "";
public String[] getPatientID(int patientIndex, int idIndex) {
String[] response = null;
// if there is an id at this level
if (getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getId().size() > idIndex)
response = PixPdqV3Utils.iiToStringArray(getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getId().get(idIndex));
// return the response
return response;
* Get all of the patient Ids from the response
* @return String[] - Array of Ids in HL7 format
public String[] getPatientIds() {
final var patientIds = new String[getNumRecordsCurrent()];
for (var i = 0; i < getNumRecordsCurrent(); i++) {
final String[] patientId = getPatientID(i);
patientIds[i] = patientId[0] + "^^^&" + patientId[2] + "&" + patientId[1];
return patientIds;
* Get the first mother's maiden name for the specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @return String[] - the first Mother's maiden name in String Array if
* available, otherwise null
public String[] getPatientMothersMaidenName(int patientIndex) {
return getPatientName(patientIndex, 0);
* Get the specified Mother's Maiden name for the specified Patient
* @param patientIndex
* @param nameIndex
* @return String[] - Mother's maiden name in String Array if available,
* otherwise null
public String[] getPatientMothersMaidenName(int patientIndex, int nameIndex) {
final List relationship = getPatientByIndex(patientIndex)
if (relationship != null) {
final Iterator iter = relationship.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final PRPAMT201310UV02PersonalRelationship pr =;
if (pr.getCode().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("MTH")) {
return PixPdqV3Utils.enToStringArray(pr.getRelationshipHolder1().getName().get(nameIndex));
return new String[0];
* Get the specified patient's Multiple Birth Indicator
* @param patientIndex
* @return String - patient's Multiple Birth Indicator
public String getPatientMultipleBirthIndicator(int patientIndex) {
if (getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getMultipleBirthInd() != null) {
final boolean response = getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getMultipleBirthInd().value;
if (response) {
return "true";
return "false";
return null;
* Get the first patient name for the specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @return String[] - specified patient name in String Array: String[0] = Family
* Name String[1] = Given Name (first instance) String[2] = Given Name
* (second instance, if available) String[3] = Suffix String[4] = Prefix
public String[] getPatientName(int patientIndex) {
// get the patient name as an array
return getPatientName(patientIndex, 0);
* Get the specified patient name for the specified patient
* @param patientIndex
* @param nameIndex
* @return String[] - specified patient name in String Array: String[0] = Family
* Name String[1] = Given Name (first instance) String[2] = Given Name
* (second instance, if available) String[3] = Suffix String[4] = Prefix
public String[] getPatientName(int patientIndex, int nameIndex) {
// get the patient name as an array
return PixPdqV3Utils
* Get the Patients Business Phone number (Use code of "WP")
* @param patientIndex
* @return String - Telecom value with use code of "WP" for the specified
* patient, if available
public String getPatientPhoneBusiness(int patientIndex) {
return PixPdqV3Utils.getTelecomByUseCode(getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getTelecom(), "WP");
* Get the Patients Home Phone number (Use code of "HP")
* @param patientIndex
* @return String - Telecom value with use code of "HP" for the specified
* patient, if available
public String getPatientPhoneHome(int patientIndex) {
return PixPdqV3Utils.getTelecomByUseCode(getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getTelecom(), "HP");
* @param patientIndex the patient id
* @return the sex of the patient
public String getPatientSex(int patientIndex) {
return getPatientByIndex(patientIndex).getPatientPerson().getAdministrativeGenderCode().getCode();
* Get the root element of the response
* @return PRPAIN201306UV02Type - the root element
public PRPAIN201306UV02Type getPdqResponse() {
return rootElement;
* Get the Query Acknowledgement
* @return String - the Query Acknowledgement
public String getQueryAcknowledgement() {
return queryAcknowledgement;
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