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org.protelis.vm.impl.AbstractExecutionContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2021, Danilo Pianini and contributors listed in the project's build.gradle.kts or pom.xml file.
 * This file is part of Protelis, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
 * with a linking exception, as described in the file LICENSE.txt in this project's top directory.
package org.protelis.vm.impl;

import static;
import static org.protelis.lang.interpreter.util.Bytecode.INIT;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.protelis.lang.datatype.DatatypeFactory;
import org.protelis.lang.datatype.DeviceUID;
import org.protelis.lang.datatype.Field;
import org.protelis.lang.interpreter.util.Reference;
import org.protelis.vm.CodePath;
import org.protelis.vm.CodePathFactory;
import org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext;
import org.protelis.vm.ExecutionEnvironment;
import org.protelis.vm.NetworkManager;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import gnu.trove.list.TIntList;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import gnu.trove.stack.TIntStack;
import gnu.trove.stack.array.TIntArrayStack;

 * Partial implementation of ExecutionContext, containing functionality expected
 * to be shared between most implementations. Instantiations of Protelis should
 * generally extend this class.
 * @param  self-type. Subclasses must parameterize AbstractExecutionContext
 *            with themselves, and return themselves in instance(). This forces
 *            a compiler check on the type of instanced contexts, ensuring (if
 *            no foolish cast is used) that restricted contexts have all the
 *            methods available in the main {@link ExecutionContext}. For
 *            instance, if your class is MyContext, it should be written as
 *            MyContext extends AbstractExecutionContext<MyContext>.
public abstract class AbstractExecutionContext> implements ExecutionContext {

    private static final int MASK = 0xFF;
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExecutionContext.class);
    private final TIntStack callFrameSizes = new TIntArrayStack();
    private final TIntList callStack = new TIntArrayList(10, -1);
    private final CodePathFactory codePathFactory;
    private int deferredExportSize;
    private final ExecutionEnvironment environment;
    private int exportsSize;
    private Optional> functions = Optional.empty();
    private Map gamma;
    private final NetworkManager networkManager;
    private Number previousRoundTime;
    private final List> restrictedContexts = Lists.newArrayList();
    private Map> theta;
    private Map> tobeComputedBeforeSending;
    private Map toSend;
    private Map toStore;
    private Map lastStored = Collections.emptyMap();
    private int variablesSize;

     * Create a new AbstractExecutionContext with a default, time-efficient code path factory.
     * @param execenv
     *            The execution environment
     * @param netmgr
     *            Abstract network interface to be used
    protected AbstractExecutionContext(final ExecutionEnvironment execenv, final NetworkManager netmgr) {
        this(execenv, netmgr, (stack, sizes) -> new DefaultTimeEfficientCodePath(stack));

     * Create a new AbstractExecutionContext with the specified
     * {@link CodePathFactory}. Subclasses which want to use hashing or other means
     * to encode {@link CodePath}s can call this constructor, e.g.:
     * super(executionEnvironment, networkManager, new HashingCodePathFactory(Hashing.sha256()));
* * @param executionEnvironment The execution environment * @param networkManager Abstract network interface to be used * @param codePathFactory The code path factory to use */ protected AbstractExecutionContext( final ExecutionEnvironment executionEnvironment, final NetworkManager networkManager, final CodePathFactory codePathFactory ) { this.networkManager = Objects.requireNonNull(networkManager); environment = Objects.requireNonNull(executionEnvironment); this.codePathFactory = codePathFactory; } @Override public final Field buildField(final Function computeValue, final T localValue) { return buildField(computeValue, localValue, toSend, localValue); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Field buildField( final Function computeValue, final T localValue, final Map destination, final D toBeSent) { /* * Compute where we stand */ final CodePath codePath = codePathFactory.createCodePath(callStack, callFrameSizes); /* * If there is a request to build a field, then it means this is a * nbr-like operation */ final Field.Builder builder = DatatypeFactory.createFieldBuilder(); for (final Entry> e: theta.entrySet()) { final Object received = e.getValue().get(codePath); if (received != null) { builder.add(e.getKey(), computeValue.apply((T) received)); } } /* * If a field is computed locally, the local value should get echoed to * neighbors. However, such operation must be performed *after* the build * construction has been proved successful, in order to prevent errors due to a * bugged NetworkManager to propagate within the intepreter, giving rise to very * unclear exception messages. */ if (destination.putIfAbsent(codePath, toBeSent) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "This program has attempted to build a field twice with the same code path. " + "This is probably a bug in Protelis. Debug information: tried to insert " + codePath + " into " + toSend + ". Value to insert: " + localValue + ", existing one: " + toSend.get(codePath) ); } return, computeValue.apply(Objects.requireNonNull(localValue))); } @Override public final Field buildFieldDeferred( final Function computeValue, final T currentLocal, final Supplier toBeSent) { return buildField(computeValue, currentLocal, tobeComputedBeforeSending, toBeSent); } @Override public final void commit() { // send precisely once tobeComputedBeforeSending.forEach((codepath, supplier) -> { final Object computed = supplier.get(); final Object previous = toSend.putIfAbsent(codepath, computed); if (previous != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicated field entry with the same codepath " + "caused by the computation of a deferred build field: this is likely a bug in Protelis.\n" + "codepath: " + codepath + '\n' + "previously: " + previous + '\n' + "computed: " + computed + '\n' + "overall exports: " + toSend + '\n' + "overall deferred exports: " + tobeComputedBeforeSending ); } }); networkManager.shareState(toSend); exportsSize = toSend.size(); variablesSize = gamma.size(); deferredExportSize = tobeComputedBeforeSending.size(); // commit and clear including recursion into restricted contexts commitRecursively(); } /** * recursively commits on restricted contexts. */ protected final void commitRecursively() { Objects.requireNonNull(environment); Objects.requireNonNull(gamma); Objects.requireNonNull(theta); Objects.requireNonNull(toSend); Objects.requireNonNull(toStore); Objects.requireNonNull(tobeComputedBeforeSending); Objects.requireNonNull(functions); previousRoundTime = getCurrentTime(); environment.commit(); gamma = null; theta = null; toSend = null; lastStored = Collections.unmodifiableMap(toStore); toStore = null; tobeComputedBeforeSending = null; for (final AbstractExecutionContext rctx: restrictedContexts) { rctx.commitRecursively(); } restrictedContexts.clear(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Number getDeltaTime() { /* * try not to lose precision: */ final Class tClass = Optional.of(previousRoundTime).orElse(0.0d).getClass(); if (tClass == Integer.class || tClass == Long.class || tClass == Short.class || tClass == Byte.class) { return getCurrentTime().longValue() - previousRoundTime.longValue(); } return getCurrentTime().doubleValue() - previousRoundTime.doubleValue(); } @Override @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP", justification = "This is intentional") public final ExecutionEnvironment getExecutionEnvironment() { return environment; } /** * Support for first-class functions by returning the set of currently * accessible functions. * * @return Map from function name to function objects */ protected final Map getFunctions() { return functions.orElseGet(Collections::emptyMap); } /** * Accessor for abstract network interface. * * @return Current abstract network interface */ protected final NetworkManager getNetworkManager() { return networkManager; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final

P getPersistent(final Supplier

ifAbsent) { final CodePath path = codePathFactory.createCodePath(callStack, callFrameSizes); final P last = (P) lastStored.get(path); return last == null ? ifAbsent.get() : last; } @Override public final Object getVariable(final Reference name) { return gamma.get(name); } /** * @return a view on the state stored in this context. */ @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "EI_EXPOSE_REP", justification = "The field is unmodifiable") public final Map getStoredState() { return lastStored; } /** * Produce a child execution context, for encapsulated evaluation of * sub-programs. * * @return Child execution context */ protected abstract S instance(); @Override public final void newCallStackFrame(final byte... id) { final int expectedSize = id.length / 4 + Math.min(id.length % 4, 1); final int[] compact = new int[expectedSize]; final IntBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(id).asIntBuffer(); final int bufferSize = buffer.remaining(); buffer.get(compact, 0, bufferSize); if (bufferSize != expectedSize) { for (int i = 0; i < id.length % 4; i++) { compact[expectedSize - 1] |= (id[id.length - 1 - i] & MASK) << i * 8; } } newCallStackFrame(compact); } @Override public final void newCallStackFrame(final int... id) { if (id.length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to push unidentified stack frame: frame id cannot be empty"); } callFrameSizes.push(id.length); callStack.add(id); } @Override public final void putMultipleVariables(final Map map) { gamma.putAll(map); } @Override public final void putVariable(final Reference name, final Object value) { gamma.put(name, value); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final S restrictDomain(@Nonnull final Field f) { if (f.size() > theta.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot expand domains. Current: " + theta.keySet() + ", desired: " + f.keys()); } if (f.size() == theta.size()) { /* * No restriction to perform, the field has the same alignment */ return (S) this; } final ImmutableMap> restricted = theta.entrySet().stream() .filter(it -> f.containsKey(it.getKey())) .collect(ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue)); final S correctlyTypedInstance = instance(); final AbstractExecutionContext restrictedInstance = correctlyTypedInstance; restrictedInstance.theta = restricted; restrictedInstance.gamma = gamma; restrictedInstance.toSend = toSend; restrictedInstance.tobeComputedBeforeSending = tobeComputedBeforeSending; restrictedInstance.callStack.addAll(callStack); restrictedInstance.functions = functions; restrictedInstance.exportsSize = exportsSize; restrictedInstance.variablesSize = variablesSize; restrictedInstance.previousRoundTime = previousRoundTime; restrictedInstance.toStore = toStore; restrictedInstance.lastStored = lastStored; restrictedContexts.add(restrictedInstance); return correctlyTypedInstance; } @Override public final void returnFromCallFrame() { final int size = callFrameSizes.pop(); callStack.remove(callStack.size() - size, size); } @Override public final T runInNewStackFrame(final int id, final Function operation) { newCallStackFrame(id); final T result = operation.apply(this); returnFromCallFrame(); return result; } @Override public final void setGloballyAvailableReferences(final Map knownFunctions) { if (functions.isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Globally available references cannot be set twice"); } else { functions = Optional.of(knownFunctions); } } @Override public final void setPersistent(final Object o) { final CodePath path = codePathFactory.createCodePath(callStack, callFrameSizes); if (o == null) { toStore.remove(path); } else { final Object previous = toStore.put(path, o); if (previous != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("This program tried to persist two objects " + "within the same code path.\n Previously inserted " + previous + ": " + previous.getClass().getName() + "\n and then " + o + ": " + o.getClass().getName() ); } } } @Override public final void setup() { if (previousRoundTime == null) { previousRoundTime = getCurrentTime(); } assert previousRoundTime != null : "Round time is null."; callStack.clear(); environment.setup(); toSend = newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(exportsSize); tobeComputedBeforeSending = newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(deferredExportSize); toStore = newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(lastStored.size()); gamma = newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(variablesSize); gamma.putAll(functions.orElseGet(Collections::emptyMap)); theta = Collections.unmodifiableMap(networkManager.getNeighborState()); if (theta.containsKey(getDeviceUID())) { LOGGER.warn("Local device UID {} was included in the set of received messages, " + "indicating that an auto-arc was present in your network configuration. " + "This is being worked around by not considering such information, " + "however, you should fix your logical netowrk.", getDeviceUID()); final ImmutableMap.Builder> immutableMap = ImmutableMap .builderWithExpectedSize(theta.size() - 1); theta.forEach((id, object) -> { if (!id.equals(getDeviceUID())) { immutableMap.put(id, object); } }); theta =; } newCallStackFrame(INIT.getCode()); } }