it.unibo.protelis2kotlin.Protelis2Kotlin.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A translator from documented Protelis code to compiling Kotlin interfaces
The newest version!
* This Kotlin source file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
package it.unibo.protelis2kotlin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.logging.LogLevel
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.math.BigInteger
import kotlin.text.RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL
import kotlin.text.RegexOption.MULTILINE
import as SEP
* Protelis file extension.
* Data class containing [protelisTypes] information that should be collected during parsing.
private data class Context(var protelisTypes: Set = emptySet()) {
fun registerProtelisType(type: String) {
this.protelisTypes += type
* Interface for a "piece of documentation".
private interface DocPiece {
companion object {
* matches a @param tag.
val docParamRegex = """@param\s+(\w+)\s*([^\n]*)""".toRegex()
* matches a @return tag.
val docReturnRegex = """@return\s+([^\n]*)""".toRegex()
* matches other directives.
val docOtherDirectiveRegex = """@(\w+)\s+([^\n]*)""".toRegex()
* Creates a new [DocPiece] that extends this [DocPiece] with some [text].
fun extendWith(text: String): DocPiece
* Data class for a piece of documentation [text] (like this very comment).
private data class DocText(val text: String) : DocPiece {
override fun extendWith(text: String): DocPiece {
return DocText(this.text + text)
* Data class for a piece of documentation describing a function parameter with its [name], [type], and [description].
private data class DocParam(
val name: String,
val type: String,
val description: String,
) : DocPiece {
override fun extendWith(text: String): DocPiece {
return DocParam(name, type, description + text)
* Data class for a piece of documentation with a [description] a function's [returnType].
private data class DocReturn(
val returnType: String,
val description: String,
) : DocPiece {
override fun extendWith(text: String): DocPiece {
return DocReturn(returnType, description + text)
* Data class for a generic documentation [directive] `@ [description]`.
private data class DocDirective(
val directive: String,
val description: String,
) : DocPiece {
override fun extendWith(text: String): DocPiece {
return DocDirective(directive, description + text)
* Data class describing a Protelis function parameter ([name] and [type]).
private data class ProtelisFunArg(val name: String, val type: String)
* Data class describing a Protelis function: [name], [parameters], [returnType],
* visibility ([public] or not), and type parameters ([genericTypes]).
private data class ProtelisFun(
val name: String,
val parameters: List = listOf(),
val returnType: String = "",
val public: Boolean = false,
val genericTypes: Set = setOf(),
* Data class containing the various [documentationPieces] for a Protelis function.
private data class ProtelisFunDoc(val documentationPieces: List)
* Data class pairing a Protelis [function] with its [docs].
private data class ProtelisItem(val function: ProtelisFun, val docs: ProtelisFunDoc)
* Parses a type and returns both the parsed type and the remaining text.
* @param line The text line to be parsed
private fun parseTypeAndRest(line: String): Pair {
// Works by finding the first comma which is not contained within parentheses
var stillType = true
var k = 0
var parentheses = ""
val type = line.takeWhile { c ->
val cond = (c != ',' || stillType) && !(c == ',' && k > 0 && parentheses.isEmpty())
if (stillType && (c == '(' || c == '[')) parentheses += c
if (stillType && (c == ')' || c == ']')) {
parentheses = parentheses.dropLast(1)
if (parentheses.isEmpty()) stillType = false
return Pair(type, line.substring(k).trim())
* Parses the documentation of a Protelis function.
* @param doc The documentation string to be parsed
* @return [ProtelisFunDoc]
private fun parseDoc(doc: String): ProtelisFunDoc {
var txt = ""
val pieces: MutableList = mutableListOf()
doc.lines().map { """\s*\*\s*""".trimMargin().toRegex().replace(it, "").trim() }.forEach { partialtxt ->
if (!partialtxt.startsWith("@")) {
if (pieces.isEmpty()) {
txt += if (txt.isEmpty()) partialtxt else "\n $partialtxt"
} else {
val last = pieces.last()
pieces.add(last.extendWith(" $partialtxt"))
} else {
DocPiece.docParamRegex.matchEntire(partialtxt)?.let { matchRes ->
val gs = matchRes.groupValues
val (type, desc) = parseTypeAndRest(gs[2])
pieces.add(DocParam(gs[1], type, desc))
DocPiece.docReturnRegex.matchEntire(partialtxt)?.let { matchRes ->
val gs = matchRes.groupValues
val (type, desc) = parseTypeAndRest(gs[1])
pieces.add(DocReturn(type, desc))
DocPiece.docOtherDirectiveRegex.matchEntire(partialtxt)?.let { matchRes ->
val directive = matchRes.groupValues[1]
val desc = matchRes.groupValues[2]
pieces.add(DocDirective(directive, desc))
if (txt.isNotEmpty()) {
pieces.add(0, DocText(txt))
return ProtelisFunDoc(pieces)
* Parses a Protelis function definition.
* @param fline The string of a Protelis function definition to be parsed
* @return [ProtelisFun]
private fun parseProtelisFunction(fline: String): ProtelisFun {
return ProtelisFun(
name = checkNotNull("""def\s+(\w+)\s*\(""".toRegex().find(fline)?.groupValues?.get(1)) {
"Cannot parse function name in: $fline"
parameters =
?.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
?.map {
// if (!"""\w""".toRegex().matches(it)) throw IllegalStateException("Bad argument name: $it")
ProtelisFunArg(it.trim(), "")
?: error("Cannot parse arglist in: $fline"),
public = "(public\\s+def)".toRegex().find(fline) != null,
* Parses Protelis source code into a list of [ProtelisItem]s.
* @param content The string of Protelis source code to be parsed
private fun parseFile(content: String): List {
val pitems = mutableListOf()
.forEach { matchRes ->
val groups = matchRes.groupValues
val doc = groups[2]
val funLine = groups[3]
val parsedDoc: ProtelisFunDoc = parseDoc(doc)
// Easy check to control if we actually have a function
if (!funLine.contains("def")) return@forEach
val parsedFun = parseProtelisFunction(funLine)
pitems.add(ProtelisItem(parsedFun, parsedDoc))
return pitems
* Generates (Dokka ) Kotlin documentation from a [ProtelisFunDoc].
* @param docs The [ProtelisFunDoc] object encapsulating the docs for a Protelis function
private fun generateKotlinDoc(docs: ProtelisFunDoc): String {
val docPieces = docs.documentationPieces
return "/**\n" +
docPieces.joinToString("\n") { p ->
when (p) {
is DocText -> p.text.lines().joinToString("\n") { " * $it" }
is DocParam -> " * @param ${} ${p.description}"
is DocReturn -> " * @return ${p.description}"
is DocDirective -> " * @${p.directive} ${p.description}"
else -> ""
} + "\n */"
* Generates a Kotlin type from a Protelis type.
private fun generateKotlinType(context: Context, protelisType: String): String = when (protelisType) {
"" -> "Unit"
"bool" -> "Boolean"
"num" -> "Number"
else ->
"""\(([^)]*)\)\s*->\s*(.*)""".toRegex().matchEntire(protelisType)?.let { matchRes ->
val args = matchRes.groupValues[1].split(",").map { generateKotlinType(context, it.trim()) }
val ret = generateKotlinType(context, matchRes.groupValues[2])
"""(${args.joinToString(",")}) -> $ret"""
} ?: """\[.*]""".toRegex().matchEntire(protelisType)?.let { _ ->
} ?: if (protelisType.length == 1 && protelisType.any { it.isUpperCase() }) {
} else if ("""[A-Z]'""".toRegex().matches(protelisType)) {
} else if ("""\w+""".toRegex().matches(protelisType)) {
} else {
* Valid Protelis symbols that are not valid in Kotlin (e.g., as they are reserved words) are sanitized.
private fun sanitizeNameForKotlin(name: String): String = when (name) {
"null" -> "`null`"
else -> name
* Generates a Kotlin function from a Protelis function descriptor.
private fun generateKotlinFun(context: Context, fn: ProtelisFun): String {
var genTypesStr = fn.genericTypes.joinToString(",")
if (genTypesStr.isNotEmpty()) genTypesStr = " <$genTypesStr>"
return "@Suppress(\"UNUSED_PARAMETER\")\nfun$genTypesStr ${sanitizeNameForKotlin(}(" +
fn.parameters.joinToString(", ") {
"${sanitizeNameForKotlin(}: ${
} +
"): ${generateKotlinType(context, fn.returnType)} = TODO()"
* Generates a Kotlin item (doc + fun signature) from a Protelis item (doc + fun).
private fun generateKotlinItem(context: Context, pitem: ProtelisItem): String {
val doc =
val fn = pitem.function
return generateKotlinDoc(doc) + "\n" + generateKotlinFun(context, fn)
* Generates a string from a list of Protelis items (function and docs pairs).
private fun generateKotlin(context: Context, protelisItems: List): String = { item ->
val doc =
val fn = item.function
function = fn.copy(
returnType = doc.documentationPieces
.map { it.returnType }
parameters = fn.parameters
.map { param ->
type = doc.documentationPieces
.filter { it is DocParam && == }
.map { (it as DocParam).type }
?: "Any",
genericTypes = doc.documentationPieces
.map { if (it !is DocParam) "" else it.type }
.flatMap { type ->
.map {
if (it.value.length == 2 && it.value[1] == '\'') {
} else {
}.joinToString("\n\n") { generateKotlinItem(context, it) }
* Turns a Protelis package to a class name using camelcase convention.
private fun packageToClassName(pkg: String): String {
return pkg.split(':').last().split('_')
.joinToString("") { it.replaceFirstChar(Char::titlecaseChar) }
private fun String.sha256(): String =
* Main function: calls [protelis2Kt] without a project.
* This is to be called with two arguments:
* 1) The base directory from which recursively looking for Protelis files
* 2) The destination directory that will contain the output Kotlin files
fun main(args: Array) {
require(args.size == 2) {
"USAGE: program "
val noProject: Project? = null
noProject.protelis2Kt(args[0], args[1])
* Reads all Protelis files under a [base] directory, parses them,
* and generates corresponding Kotlin files in a [destination] directory.
* This is to be called with two arguments:
* 1) The base directory from which recursively looking for Protelis files
* 2) The destination directory that will contain the output Kotlin files
fun Project?.protelis2Kt(base: String, destination: String) {
val header = "Protelis2Kt"
val logger = this?.logger ?: object : org.gradle.api.logging.Logger, Logger by LoggerFactory.getLogger(header) {
override fun isEnabled(level: LogLevel?) = true
override fun isLifecycleEnabled() = true
override fun isQuietEnabled(): Boolean = true
override fun lifecycle(message: String?) = debug(message)
override fun lifecycle(message: String?, vararg objects: Any?) = debug(message, objects)
override fun lifecycle(message: String?, throwable: Throwable?) = warn(message, throwable)
override fun quiet(message: String?) = info(message)
override fun quiet(message: String?, vararg objects: Any?) = info(message, objects)
override fun quiet(message: String?, throwable: Throwable?) = warn(message, throwable)
override fun log(level: LogLevel?, message: String?) = log(level, message, *emptyArray())
override fun log(level: LogLevel?, message: String?, vararg objects: Any?) = lifecycle(message, objects)
override fun log(level: LogLevel?, message: String?, throwable: Throwable?) = warn(message, throwable)
logger.debug("$header base directory: $base\n$header destination directory: $destination")
var k = 0
val root = this?.file(base) ?: File(base)
logger.debug("fetching Protelis files in {}", root.absolutePath)
.filter { it.isFile && it.extension == PROTELIS_FILE_EXTENSION }
.forEach { file ->
val fileText: String = file.readText()
logger.debug("Processing " + file.absolutePath)
val pkg = "module (.+)".toRegex().find(fileText)?.groupValues?.component2()
?: "anonymous_module_${fileText.sha256()}"
val pkgParts = pkg.split(':')
val context = Context()
val protelisItems: List = parseFile(fileText)
val pkgCode =
package ${pkgParts.joinToString(".")}
val kotlinCode = generateKotlin(context, protelisItems)
val importCode = context.protelisTypes
.map {
when (it) {
"ExecutionContext", "ExecutionEnvironment" -> "org.protelis.vm.$it"
"Tuple" -> "org.protelis.lang.datatype.$it"
else -> ""
.filterNot { it.isEmpty() }
.joinToString("\n") { "import $it" } + "\n\n"
val kotlinFullCode = pkgCode + importCode + kotlinCode
val outPath = "$destination$SEP${pkgParts.joinToString(SEP)}$SEP${".pt",".kt")}"
File(outPath).let {
logger.lifecycle("$header Converted $k .pt files to Kotlin")