org.python.modules._locale._locale Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// (c) 2019 Jython Developers
// Licensed to PSF under a contributor agreement
package org.python.modules._locale;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import org.python.core.ClassDictInit;
import org.python.core.Py;
import org.python.core.PyDictionary;
import org.python.core.PyException;
import org.python.core.PyInteger;
import org.python.core.PyObject;
import org.python.core.PyString;
import org.python.core.PyStringMap;
import org.python.core.PySystemState;
import static org.python.core.RegistryKey.PYTHON_LOCALE_CONTROL;
* Java native implementation of underlying locale functions, fitting the interface defined or
* implied by the Python locale module.
* Functional documentation can be found in the Python module docstring. This class depends on
* registry key {@link org.python.core.RegistryKey#PYTHON_LOCALE_CONTROL}. Additional implementation
* details for users of this class are captured below.
* Unicode. In general, Java and its locale settings are quite unicode heavy, making rich use of
* different symbols for e.g. currencies. This solution allows some of that to leak through by
* encoding the Java locale value with the current character encoding. The Python locale module is
* quite conservative and tends to keep things as solely strings. Python 2.x usually supports only
* string / ascii by default in many cases, and only unicode when asked. This is a little less
* conservative while only allowing values consistent with the current encoding.
* An example of this is some Python implementations using EUR rather than the Euro symbol €
* ({@code 'u20ac'}), probably because € is only available in Unicode. In the Java implementation,
* if UTF-8 encoding is set, the resulting entry in {@code localeconv()['currency_code']} is
* {@code '\xe2\x82\xac'}. This can be used by {@code print()} and related functions directly.
* Encoding failures for {@code currency_symbol} fall back to {@code int_curr_symbol} (eg EUR).
* Encoding failures for {@code negative_sign}, which are sometimes unicode, fall back to an ANSI
* hyphen ('-'). Other encoding failures fallback to the 'C' locale values, where possible.
* The C emulation locale uses only ANSI characters in non-unicode strings, in keeping with it being
* the locale of last resort and maximum compatibility.
* Positive sign position ({@code p_sign_posn}) is not a distinguished concept in Java and so this
* is hardcoded to 3.
* This class ensures read/write consistency, when changing locales via
* {@link #setlocale(PyInteger,PyString)}, by declaring private variable {@code currentLocale} as
* volatile, and only assigning it immutable objects. It does not lock to guarantee sequencing of
* {@code setLocale()} calls from separate threads. In the rare cases where that would be needed, it
* is the responsibility of the calling code.
* @since Jython 2.7.2
public class _locale implements ClassDictInit {
* The {@code locale} module exposes {@code _locale.Error} as {@code locale.Error}. Some Python
* functions, including {@code strptime()}, depend on {@code locale.Error}, making it part of
* the public API for native locale implementations.
public static PyObject Error;
public static PyException LocaleException(String message) {
return new PyException(Error, message);
// @formatter:off
public static final PyString __doc__ = new PyString(
"The _locale module exposes locale functions in the underlying "
+ "operating system or platform in a consistent way, for use by "
+ "the Python locale module. It is a native Java implementation, "
+ "paralleling libmodule.c in CPython and its dependence on C "
+ "libraries provided by the OS.\n"
+ "This module is currently in beta, and is enabled with the "
+ "registry property ``python.locale.control``. It is "
+ "disabled by default, resulting in jython 2.7.1 (and previous) "
+ "locale behaviour.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n"
+ "+ Property Value + Behaviour |\n"
+ "+===================+=========================================+\n"
+ "| jython2_legacy | Mix of implicit Java locale and |\n"
+ "| | emulated 'C'. Text and date formatting |\n"
+ "| | mostly Java locale (eg ``%b``). |\n"
+ "| | ``asctime()`` matches C emulation |\n"
+ "| | ``setlocale()`` always errors by design.|\n"
+ "| | This matches version 2.7.1 and previous |\n"
+ "| | behaviour. Will be deprecated in future |\n"
+ "| | versions. |\n"
+ "+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n"
+ "| settable | Java platform locale services made |\n"
+ "| | available via locale module. |\n"
+ "| | ``setlocale()`` works, using Java locale|\n"
+ "| | identifiers and LC_ALL (only). C locale |\n"
+ "| | available via ``setlocale()``. Initial |\n"
+ "| | locale and encoding per Java defaults. |\n"
+ "+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n"
+ "| '' or unset | As per ``jython2_legacy``. |\n"
+ "| | In future versions, per ``settable``. |\n"
+ "+-------------------+-----------------------------------------+\n");
// @formatter:on
public static final String LOCALE_CONTROL_SETTABLE = "settable";
public static final String LOCALE_CONTROL_JYTHON2_LEGACY = "jython2_legacy";
// These values are the same as glibc locale/bits/locale.h
// Specific integer constants are not mandated by the POSIX locale spec, so an existing
// standard seemed as good an arbitrary set of values as any
private static final int __LC_CTYPE = 0;
private static final int __LC_NUMERIC = 1;
private static final int __LC_TIME = 2;
private static final int __LC_COLLATE = 3;
private static final int __LC_MONETARY = 4;
private static final int __LC_MESSAGES = 5;
private static final int __LC_ALL = 6;
private static final int __LC_PAPER = 7;
private static final int __LC_NAME = 8;
private static final int __LC_ADDRESS = 9;
private static final int __LC_TELEPHONE = 10;
private static final int __LC_MEASUREMENT = 11;
private static final int __LC_IDENTIFICATION = 12;
public static final PyInteger LC_CTYPE = new PyInteger(__LC_CTYPE);
public static final PyInteger LC_NUMERIC = new PyInteger(__LC_NUMERIC);
public static final PyInteger LC_TIME = new PyInteger(__LC_TIME);
public static final PyInteger LC_COLLATE = new PyInteger(__LC_COLLATE);
public static final PyInteger LC_MONETARY = new PyInteger(__LC_MONETARY);
public static final PyInteger LC_MESSAGES = new PyInteger(__LC_MESSAGES);
public static final PyInteger LC_ALL = new PyInteger(__LC_ALL);
// Remaining constants not used by so are not exposed here
// 127 chosen as consistent with hardcoded default in for C locale
public static final int CHAR_MAX = 127;
public static final PyInteger CHAR_MAX_PY_INT = new PyInteger(127);
public static final PyString C_LOCALE_PY_STRING = new PyString("C");
private static final Set AVAILABLE_LOCALES;
// Failsafe for date symbols only. Insufficient for full locale module behaviour.
private static final DateSymbolLocale DEFAULT_LOCALE =
new DateSymbolJyLocale(Locale.getDefault());
// This has a subtle initialization dependency on the codecs module due to the initialization
// in JyLocale(). Let the interpreter initialize via classDictInit().
private static volatile PyLocale currentLocale = null;
static {
final Set set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Locale.getAvailableLocales()));
AVAILABLE_LOCALES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(set);
public static void initClassExceptions(PyObject exceptions) {
PyObject baseException = exceptions.__finditem__("BaseException");
Error = Py.makeClass("locale.Error", baseException, new PyStringMap() {
__setitem__("__module__", Py.newString("locale"));
// This is used when the module is first initialized, or when simulating re-initialization from
// tests
public static void classDictInit(PyObject dict) {
dict.__setitem__("Error", Error);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw Py.ImportError(
"Jython failed to load default Java locale, falling back. " + t.getMessage());
final String localeControl = PySystemState.registry.getProperty(PYTHON_LOCALE_CONTROL, "");
if ("".equals(localeControl) || LOCALE_CONTROL_JYTHON2_LEGACY.equals(localeControl)) {
throw Py.ImportError(
"Jython locale support not enabled with python.locale.control, falling back");
if (!LOCALE_CONTROL_SETTABLE.equals(localeControl)) {
throw Py.ImportError(
"Jython locale support python.locale.control unrecognized value, falling back");
private static void changeCurrentLocaleToDefault() {
currentLocale = new JyLocale(Locale.getDefault(), Charset.defaultCharset().name());
* Put {@code key} mapping to {@code value} into {@code result}, converting to {@code PyString}s
* as needed
protected static void putConvEntry(PyDictionary result, String key, String value) {
try {
result.put(new PyString(key), new PyString(value));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(iae.getMessage() + " for key " + key);
* Put {@code key} mapping to {@code value} into {@code result}, converting to {@code PyString}s
* as needed
protected static void putConvEntry(PyDictionary result, String key, char value) {
try {
result.put(new PyString(key), new PyString(value));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(iae.getMessage() + " for key " + key);
* Put {@code key} mapping to {@code value} into {@code result}, converting {@code key} to
* {@code PyString}.
protected static void putConvEntry(PyDictionary result, String key, PyObject value) {
try {
result.put(new PyString(key), value);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(iae.getMessage() + " for key " + key);
public static PyString __doc___localeconv =
new PyString("Database of local conventions, mapped from Java.\n"
+ "Note that Java locale information is relatively unicode-rich, "
+ "particularly for currency symbols. Where that is not supported "
+ "by the current encoding, the international currency symbol is "//
+ "used.\n"//
+ "C locale emulation matches CPython C locale emulation.");
public static PyDictionary localeconv() {
return currentLocale.localeconv();
public static PyString __doc___strcoll =
new PyString("Compare Java (unicode) strings using the Java collator for the "
+ "current locale, and the encoding normalization provided by strxfrm\n."
+ "In the 'C' locale, this simply calls str.__cmp__() ");
public static int strcoll(PyString str1, PyString str2) {
return currentLocale.strcoll(str1, str2);
public static PyString __doc___strxfrm =
new PyString("Normalize a string to unicode, for common comparison, using the "
+ "locale encoding.\n"
+ "In the 'C' locale, this is a no-op, returning the parameter.");
public static PyString strxfrm(PyString str1) {
return currentLocale.strxfrm(str1);
public static PyString __doc___setlocale =
new PyString("Sets the locale given a category and normalized locale string.\n"
+ "Only category LC_ALL is supported. Other categories such as "
+ "LC_TIME or LC_NUMERIC result in a locale.Error." + "\n"//
+ "Normalized format is per RFC 1766, but using underscores instead "
+ "of dashes, eg zh_CH.UTF-8. Briefly, the format is "
+ "[language]_[locality].[encoding], where [language] is a two "
+ "character language identifer, locality is a regional indicator, "
+ "and encoding is a character encoding. Other examples are "
+ "en_AU.ISO8859-1 and de_DE.ISO8859-15.\n"
+ "If this is an empty locale, the same language tag will be tried "
+ "with dashes instead of underscores, ie [lanuage]-[locality].\n"
+ "Normalization would usually be done by the enclosing locale module.\n"
+ "This function treats a missing encoding as using UTF-8.\n");
public static PyString setlocale(PyInteger category) {
return currentLocale.getLocaleString();
* Java Locale loading behaviour is quite forgiving, or uninformative, depending on your
* perspective. It will return a dummy locale for any language tag that fits the syntax, or make
* various attempts to approximate a locale. This solution instead follows the stricter Python
* behaviour of requiring a particular locale to be installed.
public static PyString setlocale(PyInteger category, PyString locale) {
Py.writeDebug("_locale", "setlocale(category,locale==" + locale + ")");
if (locale == null || locale.equals(Py.None)
|| locale.equals(currentLocale.getLocaleString())) {
return setlocale(category);
if (!category.equals(LC_ALL)) {
// Py.NotImplementedError not used as dependencies exist on
// locale.Error
throw LocaleException("Only LC_ALL is supported in this version of Jython");
if (locale.equals(C_LOCALE_PY_STRING)) {
if (locale.equals(new PyString(""))) {
} else {
return currentLocale.getLocaleString();
private static void changeLocaleFromLocaleString(PyString locale) {
String localeStr = locale.toString();
String[] localeParts = localeStr.split("\\.");
String language;
String encoding = "UTF-8";
if (localeParts.length >= 3) {
throw LocaleException("Does not conform to [language]_[locality].[encoding] format: "
+ locale.toString());
if (localeParts.length == 1) {
language = localeStr;
} else {
// == 2
language = localeParts[0];
encoding = localeParts[1];
Locale newLocale = loadLocale(language);
if (!isAvailableLocale(newLocale)) {
String underscoreAlias = language.replace('_', '-');
// Not only are these often switched in Java, Locale.toLanguageTag() uses "-" and
// Locale.toString() uses "_"
newLocale = loadLocale(underscoreAlias);
if (!isAvailableLocale(newLocale)) {
throw LocaleException("unsupported locale setting: " + locale.toString());
changeCurrentLocale(new JyLocale(newLocale, encoding));
private static void changeCurrentLocaleToC() {
changeCurrentLocale(new CEmulationLocale());
private static boolean isAvailableLocale(Locale locale) {
return locale != null && !locale.toString().isEmpty() && AVAILABLE_LOCALES.contains(locale);
private static Locale loadLocale(String language) {
Locale newLocale = Locale.forLanguageTag(language);
Py.writeDebug("_locale", "Current: " + currentLocale.getUnderlyingLocale());
Py.writeDebug("_locale", "New: " + newLocale + " loaded with tag: " + language);
return newLocale;
private static void changeCurrentLocale(PyLocale pyLocale) {
Py.writeDebug("_locale", "Locale changed to: " + pyLocale.getLocaleString());
currentLocale = pyLocale;
* Current {@code DateSymbolLocale} used by the Python interpreter. This object will no longer
* reflect the current state after subsequent calls to {@code setlocale}.
public static DateSymbolLocale getDateSymbolLocale() {
if (currentLocale == null) {
return currentLocale;