org.python.core.Traverseproc Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.python.core;
import org.python.expose.ExposedType;
import org.python.modules.gc;
* This interface defines a
* CPython-equivalent traverse-mechanism
* allowing to detect reference cycles. While this is crucial for cyclic
* gc support in CPython, it only serves debugging purposes in Jython. As a
* side-effect it allows a more complete implementation of the gc module.
* Note that implementing this interface is only OPTIONAL. Gc will work fine
* in Jython without it. Still we took care to have all core classes implement
* it and recommend third party extension providers to do so as well with
* custom PyObject-implementations.
* Of course this interface shall only be implemented by {@code PyObject}s that
* potentially own direct references to other {@code PyObject}s. Note that indirect
* references via non-PyObjects should also be treated as "direct" (c.f.
* tracefunc in {@link org.python.core.PyFrame}).
* {@code PyObject}s that don't own references to other {@code PyObject}s under any
* condition and neither inherit such references from a superclass are strictly
* recommended to be annotated {@link org.python.core.Untraversable}.
* Jython's traverse mechanism serves debugging purposes to ease finding memory
* leaks and compare gc behavior with CPython. While it is of course not required
* that gc behaviors of Jython and CPython equal, there might arise subtle bugs
* from these different behaviors. Jython's traverse mechanism is intended to
* allow finding such bugs by comparing gc behavior to CPython and isolating
* the Python code that is not robust enough to work invariant under different
* gc behaviors. See also {@link org.python.modules.gc} for more details on this.
* Further this mechanism is crucial for some aspects of gc-support of the
* JyNI
* project. JyNI does not strictly depend on it to emulate CPython's gc
* for extensions, but would have to perform inefficient reflection-based
* traversal in some edge-cases (which might also conflict with security managers).
* Note that the slots-array and - if existent - the user-dict of {@code fooDerived}
* classes is traversed by {@link org.python.core.TraverseprocDerived}.
* The gc-module takes care of exploiting both traverse methods in its static traverse
* method. So for manual traversion one should always use
* {@link org.python.modules.gc#traverse(PyObject, Visitproc, Object)} rather
* than directly calling methods in this interface.
* Also note that {@link org.python.core.PyObject#objtype} is not subject to
* {@code Traverseproc}s by default. In CPython only objects with heap-types
* traverse their {@code ob_type}-field. In Jython, {@code fooDerived}-classes
* are the equivalents of heapTypes. For such classes
* {@link org.python.core.PyObject#objtype} is actually
* traversed (along with the user dict).
* Note for implementing:
* Every non-static, strong-referenced {@code PyObject} should be passed to the
* {@link org.python.core.Visitproc}. If {@code Object}s or {@code interface}-types are
* referenced where it is not known, whether it is a {@code PyObject} or
* references other {@code PyObjects}, one should check for {@code PyObject}
* via {@code instanceof}. If a non-{@code PyObject}
* implements {@code Traverseproc}, one can traverse
* it by delegating to its {@code Traverseproc} methods.
* Warning:
* If one lets non-{@code PyObject}s implement {@code Traverseproc}, extreme
* care must be taken, whether the traverse call shall be passed on to other
* non-{@code PyObject} {@code Traverseproc}-implementers, as this can cause
* infinite traverse cycles.
* Examples for non-{@code PyObject}s that implement {@code Traverseproc} are
* {@link org.python.core.PyException} and {@link com.ziclix.python.sql.Fetch}.
* A safer, but potentially slower way to deal with
* non-{@code PyObject}-{@code Traverseproc}s or any other non-{@code PyObject}
* that might contain references to other {@code PyObject}s is
* {@link org.python.modules.gc#traverseByReflection(Object, Visitproc, Object)}.
* This is for instance used in {@link org.python.core.PyArray}.
* Examples
* In the following we provide some examples with code-snippets to demonstrate
* and streamline the writing of {@code Traverseproc}-implementations.
* Since this peace of API was introduced to enhance a large existing
* code-base, we recommend to put the {@code Traverseproc}-implementation always
* to the end of a class and separate it from the original code by two blank
* lines and a comment "Traverseproc implementation".
* Let's start with classes that don't hold references to {@code PyObject}s.
* If the class extends some other class that implements {@code Traverseproc}, nothing
* special needs to be done. For instance, we have this situation in
* {@link org.python.core.PySet}. It extends {@link org.python.core.BaseSet},
* which in turn implements {@code Traverseproc}:
* {@literal @}ExposedType(name = "set", base = PyObject.class, doc = BuiltinDocs.set_doc)
* public class PySet extends BaseSet {
* ...
* }
* If the class neither contains {@code PyObject}-references, nor extends some
* {@code Traverseproc}-implementing class, it is recommended to be annotated
* {@link org.python.core.Untraversable}. {@link org.python.core.PyInteger} is
* an example for this:
* {@literal @}Untraversable
* {@literal @}ExposedType(name = "int", doc = BuiltinDocs.int_doc)
* public class PyInteger extends PyObject {
* ...
* }
* If there are simply some {@code PyObject}(-subclass), non-static fields in the class,
* let it implement {@link org.python.core.Traverseproc}.
* Write {@link org.python.core.Traverseproc#traverse(Visitproc, Object)} by
* just visiting the fields one by one. Check each to be non-{@code null} previously
* unless the field cannot be {@code null} for some good reason. If
* {@link org.python.core.Visitproc#visit(PyObject, Object)} returns non-zero,
* return the result immediately (i.e. abort the traverse process).
* The following example is taken from
* {@link org.python.core.PyMethod}:
* /{@literal *} Traverseproc implementation {@literal *}/
* {@literal @}Override
* public int traverse(Visitproc visit, Object arg) {
* int retVal;
* if (im_class != null) {
* retVal = visit.visit(im_class, arg);
* if (retVal != 0) {
* return retVal;
* }
* }
* if (__func__ != null) {
* retVal = visit.visit(__func__, arg);
* if (retVal != 0) {
* return retVal;
* }
* }
* return __self__ == null ? 0 : visit.visit(__self__, arg);
* }
* Implement {@link org.python.core.Traverseproc#refersDirectlyTo(PyObject)}
* by checking the argument to be non-{@code null} and identity-comparing it to
* every field:
* {@literal @}Override
* public boolean refersDirectlyTo(PyObject ob) {
* return ob != null {@literal &&} (ob == im_class || ob == __func__ || ob == __self__);
* }
* If there is a Java-set or other iterable that it is not a {@code PyObject},
* but contains {@code PyObject}s, visit every element. Don't forget to check
* for non-{@code null} if necessary and return immediately, if
* {@link org.python.core.Visitproc#visit(PyObject, Object)} returns non-zero.
* The following example is taken from {@link org.python.core.BaseSet}:
* /{@literal *} Traverseproc implementation {@literal *}/
* {@literal @}Override
* public int traverse(Visitproc visit, Object arg) {
* int retValue;
* for (PyObject ob: _set) {
* if (ob != null) {
* retValue = visit.visit(ob, arg);
* if (retValue != 0) {
* return retValue;
* }
* }
* }
* return 0;
* }
* In this case, {@link org.python.core.Traverseproc#refersDirectlyTo(PyObject)}
* can be implemented (potentially) efficiently by using the backing set's
* {@code contains}-method:
* {@literal @}Override
* public boolean refersDirectlyTo(PyObject ob) {
* return ob != null {@literal &&} _set.contains(ob);
* }
* If a class extends a {@code Traverseproc}-implementing class and adds
* {@code PyObject}-references to it, the parent-{@code traverse}-method
* should be called initially via {@code super} (example is taken from
* {@link org.python.core.PyJavaType}):
* /{@literal *} Traverseproc implementation {@literal *}/
* {@literal @}Override
* public int traverse(Visitproc visit, Object arg) {
* int retVal = super.traverse(visit, arg);
* if (retVal != 0) {
* return retVal;
* }
* if (conflicted != null) {
* for (PyObject ob: conflicted) {
* if (ob != null) {
* retVal = visit.visit(ob, arg);
* if (retVal != 0) {
* return retVal;
* }
* }
* }
* }
* return 0;
* }
* In contrast to that, {@link org.python.core.Traverseproc#refersDirectlyTo(PyObject)}
* should call its parent-method as late as possible, because that method might throw an
* {@code UnsupportedOperationException}. By calling it in the end, we have the chance
* to fail- or succeed fast before a potential exception occurs:
* {@literal @}Override
* public boolean refersDirectlyTo(PyObject ob) throws UnsupportedOperationException {
* if (ob == null) {
* return false;
* }
* if (conflicted != null) {
* for (PyObject obj: conflicted) {
* if (obj == ob) {
* return true;
* }
* }
* }
* return super.refersDirectlyTo(ob);
* }
* While reflection-based traversal should be avoided if possible, it can be used to
* traverse fields that might contain references to {@code PyObject}s, but cannot be
* inferred at compile-time.
* {@link org.python.modules.gc#canLinkToPyObject(Class, boolean)} can help to safe
* some performance by failing fast if type-info already rules out the possibility
* of the field holding {@code PyObject}-references.
* This technique is for instance used to traverse the content of
* {@link org.python.core.PyArray}:
* /{@literal *} Traverseproc implementation {@literal *}/
* {@literal @}Override
* public int traverse(Visitproc visit, Object arg) {
* if (data == null || !gc.canLinkToPyObject(data.getClass(), true)) {
* return 0;
* }
* return gc.traverseByReflection(data, visit, arg);
* }
* {@link org.python.modules.gc#canLinkToPyObject(Class, boolean)} also
* offers a way to let {@link org.python.core.Traverseproc#refersDirectlyTo(PyObject)}
* fail fast by type-information:
* {@literal @}Override
* public boolean refersDirectlyTo(PyObject ob)
* throws UnsupportedOperationException {
* if (data == null || !gc.canLinkToPyObject(data.getClass(), true)) {
* return false;
* }
* throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* }
* List of {@code PyObject}-subclasses
* We conclude with a list of {@code PyObject} subclasses in Jython, excluding
* derived classes.
* {@code PyObject}-subclasses in Jython checked for need of {@code Traverseproc}:
* org.python.core:
* __builtin__:
* BuiltinFunctions - no refs, untraversable
* ImportFunction - no refs, untraversable
* SortedFunction - no refs, untraversable
* AllFunction - no refs, untraversable
* AnyFunction - no refs, untraversable
* FormatFunction - no refs, untraversable
* PrintFunction - no refs, untraversable
* MaxFunction - no refs, untraversable
* MinFunction - no refs, untraversable
* RoundFunction - no refs, untraversable
* CompileFunction - no refs, untraversable
* OpenFunction - no refs, untraversable
* NextFunction - no refs, untraversable
* BinFunction - no refs, untraversable
* AstList - Traverseproc
* BaseBytes - no refs, untraversable
* BaseDictionaryView - Traverseproc
* BaseSet - Traverseproc
* ClasspathPyImporter - no refs, untraversable
* ContextGuard: - no PyObject
* ContextCode - Traverseproc
* GeneratorContextManager - Traverseproc
* exceptions - no refs, untraversable
* BoundStaticJavaMethod - no refs, untraversable
* JavaImporter - no refs, untraversable
* JavaProxyList:
* ListMethod - no refs, untraversable (extends PyBuiltinMethodNarrow)
* ListMulProxyClass - no refs, untraversable
* JavaProxyMap:
* MapMethod - no refs, untraversable (extends PyBuiltinMethodNarrow)
* MapClassMethod - no refs, untraversable (extends PyBuiltinClassMethodNarrow)
* JavaProxySet:
* SetMethod - no refs, untraversable (extends PyBuiltinMethodNarrow)
* SetMethodVarargs - no refs, untraversable (extends SetMethod)
* CopyMethod - no refs, untraversable
* IsSubsetMethod - no refs, untraversable
* IsSupersetMethod - no refs, untraversable
* Py:
* JavaCode - Traverseproc
* JavaFunc - no refs, untraversable
* Py2kBuffer - no refs, untraversable
* PyArray - Traverseproc, traverses via reflection
* PyBaseCode - no refs, abstract class
* PyBaseException - Traverseproc
* PyBaseString - no refs, abstract class
* PyBeanEvent - no refs, untraversable
* PyBeanEventProperty - no refs, untraversable
* PyBeanProperty - no refs, untraversable
* PyBoolean - no refs, untraversable
* PyBuffer - no PyObject
* PyBuiltinCallable - no refs, untraversable
* PyBuiltinClassMethodNarrow - no refs, abstract class
* PyBuiltinFunction - no refs, untraversable
* PyBuiltinFunctionNarrow - no refs, untraversable
* PyBuiltinFunctionSet - no refs, untraversable
* PyBuiltinMethod - Traverseproc
* PyBuiltinMethodNarrow - no refs, abstract class
* PyBuiltinMethodSet - Traverseproc
* PyByteArray - no refs, untraversable
* PyBytecode - Traverseproc
* PyStackWhy - no refs, untraversable
* PyStackException - Traverseproc
* PyTryBlock - no refs, untraversable
* PyCallIter - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PyCell - Traverseproc
* PyClass - Traverseproc
* PyClassMethod - Traverseproc
* PyClassMethodDescr - no refs, untraversable
* PyCode - no refs, abstract class
* PyComplex - no refs, untraversable
* PyCompoundCallable - Traverseproc
* PyDataDescr - no refs, untraversable
* PyDescriptor - Traverseproc
* PyDictionary - Traverseproc
* ValuesIter - no refs, extends PyIterator
* ItemsIter - no refs, extends PyIterator
* PyMapKeyValSet - no PyObject
* PyMapEntrySet - no PyObject
* PyDictProxy - Traverseproc
* PyEllipsis - no refs, untraversable
* PyEnumerate - Traverseproc
* PyFastSequenceIter - Traverseproc
* PyFile - Traverseproc
* PyFileReader - no refs, untraversable
* PyFileWriter - no refs, untraversable
* PyFloat - no refs, untraversable
* PyFrame - Traverseproc
* PyFunction - Traverseproc
* PyGenerator - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PyIndentationError - no PyObject
* PyInstance - Traverseproc
* PyInteger - no refs, untraversable
* PyIterator - Traverseproc
* PyJavaPackage - Traverseproc
* PyJavaType - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* EnumerationIter - no refs, extends PyIterator
* ComparableMethod - no refs, abstract class
* PyList - Traverseproc
* PyLong - no refs, untraversable
* PyMemoryView - Traverseproc
* PyMethod - Traverseproc
* PyMethodDescr - Traverseproc
* PyModule - Traverseproc
* PyNewWrapper - Traverseproc
* PyNone - no refs, untraversable
* PyNotImplemented - no refs, untraversable
* PyObject - no refs (objtype is special case)
* PyIdentityTuple - Traverseproc
* PyOverridableNew - no refs, abstract class
* PyProperty - Traverseproc
* PyReflectedConstructor - no refs, untraversable
* PyReflectedField - no refs, untraversable
* PyReflectedFunction - Traverseproc
* PyReversedIterator - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PySequence - no refs, abstract class (default Traverseproc implementation)
* PySequenceIter - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PySequenceList - no refs, abstract class
* PySingleton - no refs, untraversable
* PySlice - Traverseproc
* PySlot - no refs, untraversable
* PyStaticMethod - Traverseproc
* PyString - no refs, untraversable (assuming baseBuffer is not a PyObject)
* PyStringMap - Traverseproc
* StringMapIter - no refs, extends PyIterator, abstract class
* ItemsIter - no refs, extends StringMapIter
* KeysIter - no refs, extends StringMapIter
* ValuesIter - no refs, extends StringMapIter
* PySuper - Traverseproc
* PySyntaxError - no PyObject
* PySystemState - Traverseproc
* PySystemStateFunctions - no refs, untraversable
* PyAttributeDeleted - no refs, untraversable
* FloatInfo - Traverseproc
* LongInfo - Traverseproc
* PyTableCode - no refs, untraversable
* PyTraceback - Traverseproc
* PyTuple - Traverseproc
* PyType - Traverseproc
* PyUnicode - no refs, untraversable
* PyXRange - no refs, untraversable
* PyXRangeIter - no refs, extends PyIterator
* SyspathArchive - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.core.stringlib:
* FieldNameIterator - no refs, traverses via reflection
* MarkupIterator - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.core.util:
* importer - no refs, abstract class
* org.python.jsr223:
* PyScriptEngineScope - no refs, untraversable
* ScopeIterator - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules:
* _codecs:
* EncodingMap - no refs, untraversable
* _hashlib:
* Hash - no refs, untraversable
* _marshal:
* Marshaller - Traverseproc
* Unmarshaller - Traverseproc
* cStringIO:
* StringIO - no refs, extends PyIterator
* operator:
* OperatorFunctions - no refs, untraversable
* operator - no refs, untraversable
* PyAttrGetter - Traverseproc
* PyItemGetter - Traverseproc
* PyMethodCaller - Traverseproc
* PyStruct - no refs, untraversable
* synchronize:
* SynchronizedCallable - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules._collections:
* PyDefaultDict - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PyDeque - Traverseproc (assuming, Nodes can't build cycles)
* PyDequeIter - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* org.python.modules._csv:
* PyDialect - no refs, untraversable
* PyReader - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PyWriter - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules._functools:
* PyPartial - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules._io:
* PyFileIO - no refs, untraversable (there is a final PyString
* "mode" that is guaranteed to be a PyString and no subclass; as such it needs not be
* traversed since it cannot have refs itself)
* PyIOBase - Traverseproc
* PyRawIOBase - no refs, extends PyIOBase
* org.python.modules._json:
* Encoder - Traverseproc
* Scanner - Traverseproc
* _json:
* ScanstringFunction - no refs, untraversable
* EncodeBasestringAsciiFunction - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.modules._jythonlib:
* dict_builder - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules._threading:
* Condition - Traverseproc
* Lock - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.modules._weakref:
* AbstractReference - Traverseproc
* ReferenceType - no refs, extends AbstractReference
* ProxyType - no refs, extends AbstractReference
* CallableProxyType - no refs, extends ProxyType
* org.python.modules.bz2:
* PyBZ2Compressor - no refs, untraversable
* PyBZ2Decompressor - Traverseproc
* PyBZ2File - no refs, untraversable
* BZ2FileIterator - no refs, extends PyIterator
* org.python.modules.itertools:
* chain - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* combinations - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* combinationsWithReplacement - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* compress - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* count - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* cycle - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* dropwhile - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* groupby - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* ifilter - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* ifiIterfalse - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* imap - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* islice - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* itertools:
* ItertoolsIterator - no refs, extends PyIterator, abstract class
* FilterIterator - Traverseproc, extends ItertoolsIterator
* WhileIterator - Traverseproc, extends ItertoolsIterator
* izip - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* izipLongest - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* permutations - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* product - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* PyTeeIterator - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* repeat - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* starmap - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* takewhile - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* org.python.modules.jffi:
* ArrayCData - Traverseproc (with call to super; maybe check referenceMemory field whether it extends PyObject)
* ArrayIter - no refs, extends PyIterator
* BasePointer - no refs, abstract class
* ByReference - no refs, untraversable (maybe check memory field whether it extends PyObject)
* CData - Traverseproc (maybe check referenceMemory field whether it extends PyObject)
* CType - no refs, abstract class
* Builtin - no refs, untraversable
* DynamicLibrary - no refs, untraversable
* StructLayout:
* Field - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules.posix:
* PosixModule:
* FstatFunction - no refs, untraversable
* LstatFunction - no refs, untraversable
* StatFunction - no refs, untraversable
* WindowsStatFunction - no refs, untraversable
* PyStatResult - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* org.python.modules.random:
* PyRandom - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.modules.sre:
* MatchObject - Traverseproc
* PatternObject - Traverseproc
* ScannerObject - Traverseproc
* org.python.modules.thread:
* PyLocal - Traverseproc
* PyLock - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.modules.time:
* PyTimeTuple - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* Time:
* TimeFunctions - no refs, untraversable
* org.python.modules.zipimport:
* zipimporter - Traverseproc
* org.python.util:
* InteractiveInterpreter - no PyObject
* com.ziclix.python.sql:
* DBApiType - no refs, untraversable
* PyConnection - Traverseproc
* ConnectionFunc - no refs, extends PyBuiltinMethodSet
* PyCursor - Traverseproc
* CursorFunc - no refs, extends PyBuiltinMethodSet
* PyExtendedCursor - no refs, extends PyCursor
* ExtendedCursorFunc - no refs, extends PyBuiltinMethodSet
* PyStatement - Traverseproc (because Object sql could be a PyObject or Traverseproc)
* zxJDBC - no refs, untraversable
* zxJDBCFunc - no refs, untraversable
* com.ziclix.python.sql.connect:
* Connect - no refs, untraversable
* Connectx - no refs, untraversable
* Lookup - no refs, untraversable
* com.ziclix.python.sql.util:
* BCP - Traverseproc
* BCPFunc - no refs, extends PyBuiltinMethodSet
* org.python.antlr:
* AnalyzingParser:
* AnalyzerTreeAdaptor - no PyObject
* AST - no refs, untraversable
* PythonErrorNode - no refs, extends PythonTree
* PythonTree - Traverseproc
* org.python.antlr.ast:
* alias - no refs, extends PythonTree
* arguments - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* comprehension - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* keyword - Traverseproc (with call to super)
* org.python.antlr.base:
* boolop - no refs, extends PythonTree
* cmpop - no refs, extends PythonTree
* excepthandler - no refs, extends PythonTree
* expr_context - no refs, extends PythonTree
* expr - no refs, extends PythonTree
* mod - no refs, extends PythonTree
* operator - no refs, extends PythonTree
* slice - no refs, extends PythonTree
* stmt - no refs, extends PythonTree
* unaryop - no refs, extends PythonTree
* org.python.antlr.op:
* Add - no refs, extends PythonTree
* And - no refs, extends PythonTree
* AugLoad - no refs, extends PythonTree
* AugStore - no refs, extends PythonTree
* BitAnd - no refs, extends PythonTree
* BitOr - no refs, extends PythonTree
* BitXor - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Del - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Div - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Eq - no refs, extends PythonTree
* FloorDiv - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Gt - no refs, extends PythonTree
* GtE - no refs, extends PythonTree
* In - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Invert - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Is - no refs, extends PythonTree
* IsNot - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Load - no refs, extends PythonTree
* LShift - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Lt - no refs, extends PythonTree
* LtE - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Mod - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Mult - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Not - no refs, extends PythonTree
* NotEq - no refs, extends PythonTree
* NotIn - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Or - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Param - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Pow - no refs, extends PythonTree
* RShift - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Store - no refs, extends PythonTree
* Sub - no refs, extends PythonTree
* UAdd - no refs, extends PythonTree
* USub - no refs, extends PythonTree
* @see org.python.core.Untraversable
* @see org.python.core.Visitproc
* @see org.python.modules.gc#traverse(PyObject, Visitproc, Object)
* @see org.python.modules.gc#traverseByReflection(Object, Visitproc, Object)
* @see org.python.modules.gc#canLinkToPyObject(Class, boolean)
public interface Traverseproc {
* Traverses all directly contained {@code PyObject}s.
* Like in CPython, {@code arg} must be passed
* unmodified to {@code visit} as its second parameter.
* If {@link Visitproc#visit(PyObject, Object)} returns
* nonzero, this return value
* must be returned immediately by traverse.
* {@link Visitproc#visit(PyObject, Object)} must not be
* called with a {@code null} PyObject-argument.
public int traverse(Visitproc visit, Object arg);
* Optional operation.
* Should only be implemented if it is more efficient
* than calling {@link #traverse(Visitproc, Object)} with
* a visitproc that just watches out for {@code ob}.
* Must return {@code false} if {@code ob} is {@code null}.
public boolean refersDirectlyTo(PyObject ob) throws UnsupportedOperationException;