org.python.parser.PythonGrammarTreeConstants Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Generated By:JJTree: Do not edit this line. /Users/fwier/src/jython/org/python/parser/ */
package org.python.parser;
public interface PythonGrammarTreeConstants
public int JJTSINGLE_INPUT = 0;
public int JJTFILE_INPUT = 1;
public int JJTEVAL_INPUT = 2;
public int JJTFUNCDEF = 3;
public int JJTVOID = 4;
public int JJTEXTRAARGLIST = 5;
public int JJTDEFAULTARG = 7;
public int JJTTUPLE = 8;
public int JJTAUG_PLUS = 9;
public int JJTAUG_MINUS = 10;
public int JJTAUG_MULTIPLY = 11;
public int JJTAUG_DIVIDE = 12;
public int JJTAUG_FLOORDIVIDE = 13;
public int JJTAUG_MODULO = 14;
public int JJTAUG_AND = 15;
public int JJTAUG_OR = 16;
public int JJTAUG_XOR = 17;
public int JJTAUG_LSHIFT = 18;
public int JJTAUG_RSHIFT = 19;
public int JJTAUG_POWER = 20;
public int JJTEXPR_STMT = 21;
public int JJTPRINTEXT_STMT = 22;
public int JJTPRINT_STMT = 23;
public int JJTDEL_STMT = 24;
public int JJTPASS_STMT = 25;
public int JJTBREAK_STMT = 26;
public int JJTCONTINUE_STMT = 27;
public int JJTRETURN_STMT = 28;
public int JJTYIELD_STMT = 29;
public int JJTRAISE_STMT = 30;
public int JJTIMPORT = 31;
public int JJTIMPORTFROM = 32;
public int JJTDOTTED_AS_NAME = 33;
public int JJTDOTTED_NAME = 34;
public int JJTIMPORT_AS_NAME = 35;
public int JJTGLOBAL_STMT = 36;
public int JJTEXEC_STMT = 37;
public int JJTASSERT_STMT = 38;
public int JJTIF_STMT = 39;
public int JJTWHILE_STMT = 40;
public int JJTFOR_STMT = 41;
public int JJTTRY_STMT = 42;
public int JJTTRYFINALLY_STMT = 43;
public int JJTEXCEPT_CLAUSE = 44;
public int JJTSUITE = 45;
public int JJTOR_BOOLEAN = 46;
public int JJTAND_BOOLEAN = 47;
public int JJTNOT_1OP = 48;
public int JJTCOMPARISION = 49;
public int JJTLESS_CMP = 50;
public int JJTGREATER_CMP = 51;
public int JJTEQUAL_CMP = 52;
public int JJTGREATER_EQUAL_CMP = 53;
public int JJTLESS_EQUAL_CMP = 54;
public int JJTNOTEQUAL_CMP = 55;
public int JJTIN_CMP = 56;
public int JJTNOT_IN_CMP = 57;
public int JJTIS_NOT_CMP = 58;
public int JJTIS_CMP = 59;
public int JJTOR_2OP = 60;
public int JJTXOR_2OP = 61;
public int JJTAND_2OP = 62;
public int JJTLSHIFT_2OP = 63;
public int JJTRSHIFT_2OP = 64;
public int JJTADD_2OP = 65;
public int JJTSUB_2OP = 66;
public int JJTMUL_2OP = 67;
public int JJTDIV_2OP = 68;
public int JJTFLOORDIV_2OP = 69;
public int JJTMOD_2OP = 70;
public int JJTPOS_1OP = 71;
public int JJTNEG_1OP = 72;
public int JJTINVERT_1OP = 73;
public int JJTPOW_2OP = 74;
public int JJTCALL_OP = 75;
public int JJTINDEX_OP = 76;
public int JJTDOT_OP = 77;
public int JJTLIST = 78;
public int JJTDICTIONARY = 79;
public int JJTSTR_1OP = 80;
public int JJTSTRJOIN = 81;
public int JJTLAMBDEF = 82;
public int JJTSUBSCRIPTLIST = 83;
public int JJTELLIPSES = 84;
public int JJTSLICE = 85;
public int JJTCOLON = 86;
public int JJTCOMMA = 87;
public int JJTLIST_FOR = 88;
public int JJTCLASSDEF = 89;
public int JJTKEYWORD = 92;
public int JJTNUM = 93;
public int JJTCOMPLEX = 94;
public int JJTNAME = 95;
public int JJTSTRING = 96;
public int JJTUNICODE = 97;
public String[] jjtNodeName = {