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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Misc. import tests

Made for Jython.
from __future__ import with_statement
import imp
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
import subprocess
import zipfile
from test import test_support
from test_chdir import read, safe_mktemp, COMPILED_SUFFIX

class MislabeledImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.orig_cwd = os.getcwd()
        self.orig_syspath = sys.path

    def tearDown(self):
        sys.path = self.orig_syspath

    def test_renamed_bytecode(self):
        source = safe_mktemp(dir=self.dir, suffix='.py')
        fp = open(source, 'w')
        fp.write("test = 'imported'")

        module = os.path.basename(source)[:-3]
        compiled = module + COMPILED_SUFFIX
        # Compile to bytecode
        module_obj = __import__(module)
        self.assertEquals(module_obj.test, 'imported')

        # Rename the bytecode
        compiled_moved = safe_mktemp(dir=self.dir, suffix=COMPILED_SUFFIX)
        os.rename(compiled, compiled_moved)

        # Ensure we can still import the renamed bytecode
        moved_module = os.path.basename(compiled_moved)[:-len(COMPILED_SUFFIX)]
        module_obj = __import__(moved_module)
        self.assertEquals(module_obj.__file__, os.path.basename(compiled_moved))
        self.assertEquals(module_obj.test, 'imported')

    def test_dunder_init(self):

        # typical import: dunder_init_test.__init__$py.class is actually
        # compiled with a class name of dunder_init_test
        init = os.path.join('dunder_init_test', '')
        fp = open(init, 'w')
        fp.write("bar = 'test'")
        module_obj = __import__('dunder_init_test')
        self.assertEquals(module_obj.__file__, init)
        self.assertEquals(, 'test')

        init_compiled = init[:-3] + COMPILED_SUFFIX
        bytecode = read(init_compiled)

        # trigger an abnormal import of dunder_init_test.__init__; ask for it
        # by the mismatched __init__ name
        fp = open(os.path.join('dunder_init_test', ''), 'w')
        fp.write("import __init__; baz = + 'test'; "
                 "init_file = __init__.__file__")
        module_obj = __import__('dunder_init_test.test')
        self.assertEquals(module_obj.test.baz, 'testtest')
                                      '__init__' + COMPILED_SUFFIX))

        # Ensure a recompile of __init__$py.class wasn't triggered to
        # satisfy the abnormal import
        self.assertEquals(bytecode, read(init_compiled),
                          'bytecode was recompiled')

        # Ensure load_module can still load it as dunder_init_test (doesn't
        # recompile)
        module_obj = imp.load_module('dunder_init_test',
        self.assertEquals(, 'test')

        # Again ensure we didn't recompile
        self.assertEquals(bytecode, read(init_compiled),
                          'bytecode was recompiled')

    def test_corrupt_bytecode(self):
        f = open("empty$py.class", "w")
        self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "empty")

class OverrideBuiltinsImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_override(self):
        modname = os.path.__name__
        tests = [
            ("import os.path"         , "('os.path', None, -1, 'os')"),
            ("import os.path as path2", "('os.path', None, -1, 'os')"),
            ("from os.path import *"  ,
             "('os.path', ('*',), -1, '%s')" % modname),
            ("from os.path import join",
                 "('os.path', ('join',), -1, '%s')" % modname),
            ("from os.path import join as join2",
                 "('os.path', ('join',), -1, '%s')" % modname),
            ("from os.path import join as join2, split as split2",
                 "('os.path', ('join', 'split'), -1, '%s')" % modname),

        import sys
        # Replace __builtin__.__import__ to trace the calls
        import __builtin__
        oldimp = __builtin__.__import__
            def __import__(name, globs, locs, fromlist, level=-1):
                mod = oldimp(name, globs, locs, fromlist, level)
                globs["result"] = str((name, fromlist, level, mod.__name__))
                raise ImportError

            __builtin__.__import__ = __import__
            failed = 0
            for statement, expected in tests:
                    c = compile(statement, "", "exec")
                    exec c in locals(), globals()
                    raise Exception("ImportError expected.")
                except ImportError:
                self.assertEquals(expected, result)
            __builtin__.__import__ = oldimp

class ImpTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_imp_find_module_builtins(self):
        self.assertEqual(imp.find_module('sys'), (None, 'sys', ('', '', 6)))
                         (None, '__builtin__', ('', '', 6)))

    def test_imp_is_builtin(self):
                            for mod in ['sys', '__builtin__']))

    def test_load_compiled(self):
        compiled = os.__file__
        if compiled.endswith('.py'):
            compiled = compiled[:-3] + COMPILED_SUFFIX

        os.__doc__ = 'foo'
        self.assertEqual(os, imp.load_compiled("os", compiled))
        self.assertFalse(os.__doc__ == 'foo')
        with open(compiled, 'rb') as fp:
            os.__doc__ = 'foo'
            self.assertEqual(os, imp.load_compiled("os", compiled, fp))
            self.assertFalse(os.__doc__ == 'foo')

    def test_getattr_module(self):
        '''Replacing __getattr__ in a class shouldn't lead to calls to __getitem__'''
        from test import anygui
        # causes a stack overflow if the bug occurs
        self.assertRaises(Exception, getattr, anygui, 'abc')

    def test_import_star(self):
                [sys.executable, test_support.findfile("")]))

    def test_selfreferential_classes(self):
        from org.python.tests.inbred import Metis
        from org.python.tests.inbred import Zeus
        self.assertEquals(Metis, Zeus.Athena.__bases__[0])
        self.assertEquals(Zeus, Metis.__bases__[0])

    def test_sys_modules_deletion(self):
        self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, __import__, 'test.module_deleter')

    #XXX: this is probably a good test to push upstream to CPython.
    if hasattr(os, "symlink"):
        def test_symlinks(self):
            # Ensure imports work over symlinks.  Did not work in Jython from
            # 2.1 to 2.5.0, fixed in 2.5.1  See
            sym = test_support.TESTFN+"1"
                init = os.path.join(test_support.TESTFN, "")
                with open(init, 'w') as fp:
                    fp.write("test = 'imported'")
                os.symlink(test_support.TESTFN, sym)
                module = os.path.basename(sym)
                module_obj = __import__(module)
                self.assertEquals(module_obj.test, 'imported')


    def test_issue1811(self):
        # Previously this blew out the stack
        from test.issue1811 import foo
        self.assertTrue( is foo)

    def test_issue1952(self):
        # CPython 2.x ignores non-dict's in second arg to __import__
        # The following threw an exception in Jython previously.
        __import__("os", [], level=-1)

class UnicodeNamesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_import_non_ascii_module(self):
        module = "mødülé"
        with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as cm:

    def test_import_unicode_module(self):
        module = u"mødülé"
        with self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError) as cm:
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.encoding, "ascii")
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.object, module)
        self.assertEqual(cm.exception.reason, "ordinal not in range(128)")

class MixedImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    # This test case depends on material in a file structure unpacked
    # from an associated ZIP archive. The test depends on Python source
    # and Java class files. The archive also contains the Java source
    # from which the class files may be regenerated if necessary.
    # To regenerate the class files, explode the archive in a
    # convenient spot on the file system and compile them with javac at
    # the lowest supported code standard (currently Java 7), e.g. (posh)
    #   PS jython-trunk> cd mylib
    #   PS mylib> javac  $(get-childitem -Recurse -Name -Include "*.java")
    # or the equivalent Unix command using find.

    ZIP = test_support.findfile("")

    def setUpClass(cls):
        td = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        cls.source = os.path.join(td, "")
        cls.setpath = "import sys; sys.modules[0] = r'" + td + "'"
        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(cls.ZIP, 'r')
        cls.tmpdir = td

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        td = cls.tmpdir
        if td and os.path.isdir(td):

    def make_prog(self, *script):
        "Write a program to"
        with open(self.source, "wt") as f:
            print >> f, MixedImportTestCase.setpath
            for line in script:
                print >> f, line
            print >> f, "raise SystemExit"

    def run_prog(self):
        # Feed lines to interpreter and capture output
        process = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-S", MixedImportTestCase.source],
                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        output, err = process.communicate()
        retcode = process.poll()
        if retcode:
            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, sys.executable, output=err)
        return output

    def module_regex(self, module):
        "Partial filename from module"
        sep = "\\" + os.path.sep
        return sep + module.replace('.', sep)

    def check_package(self, line, module):
        target = "Executed: .*" +  self.module_regex(module) + "\\" + os.path.sep \
                    + r"__init__(\.py|\$py\.class|\.pyc)"
        self.assertRegexpMatches(line, target)

    def check_module(self, line, module):
        "Check output from loading a module"
        target = "Executed: .*" + self.module_regex(module) + r"(\.py|\$py\.class|\.pyc)"
        self.assertRegexpMatches(line, target)

    def test_import_to_program(self):
        # A Python module in a Python program
        self.make_prog("import a.b.c.m", "print repr(a.b.c.m)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "a")
        self.check_package(out[1], "a.b")
        self.check_package(out[2], "a.b.c")
        self.check_module(out[3], "a.b.c.m")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[4], r"\")

    def test_import_to_program_no_magic(self):
        # A Python module in a Python program (issue 2654)
        self.make_prog("import a.b, a.b.c", "print repr(a.b.m3)")
            out = self.run_prog()
  "reference to a.b.m3 did not raise exception")
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            self.assertRegexpMatches(e.output, r"AttributeError: .* has no attribute 'm3'")

    def test_import_relative_implicit(self):
        # A Python module by implicit relative import (no dots)
        self.make_prog("import a.b.m3")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "a")
        self.check_package(out[1], "a.b")
        self.check_module(out[2], "a.b.m3")
        self.check_package(out[3], "a.b.c")
        self.check_module(out[4], "a.b.c.m")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[5], r"\")

    def test_import_absolute_implicit(self):
        # A built-in module by absolute import (but relative must be tried first)
        self.make_prog("import a.b.m4")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "a")
        self.check_package(out[1], "a.b")
        self.check_module(out[2], "a.b.m4")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[3], r"\")

    def test_import_from_module(self):
        # A Python module by from-import
        self.make_prog("import a.b.m5")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "a")
        self.check_package(out[1], "a.b")
        self.check_module(out[2], "a.b.m5")
        self.check_package(out[3], "a.b.c")
        self.check_module(out[4], "a.b.c.m")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[5], r"\")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[6], r"1 2")

    def test_import_from_relative_module(self):
        # A Python module by relative from-import
        self.make_prog("import a.b.m6")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "a")
        self.check_package(out[1], "a.b")
        self.check_module(out[2], "a.b.m6")
        self.check_package(out[3], "a.b.c")
        self.check_module(out[4], "a.b.c.m")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[5], r"\")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[6], r"1 2")

    def check_java_package(self, line, module):
        target = r"\"
        self.assertRegexpMatches(line, target)

    def test_import_java_java(self):
        # A Java class in a Java package by from-import
        self.make_prog("from jpkg.j import K", "print repr(K)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[0], r"\")

    def test_import_java_java_magic(self):
        # A Java class in a Java package
        # with implicit sub-module and class import
            "import jpkg",
            "print repr(jpkg)",
            "print repr(jpkg.j)",
            "print repr(jpkg.j.K)",
            "print repr(jpkg.L)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_java_package(out[0], "jpkg")
        self.check_java_package(out[1], "jpkg.j")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[2], r"\")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[3], r"\")

    def test_import_java_python(self):
        # A Java class in a Python package by from-import
        self.make_prog("from mix.b import K1", "print repr(K1)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "mix")
        self.check_package(out[1], "mix.b")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[2], r"\")

    def test_import_java_python_magic(self):
        # A Java class in a Python package
        # with implicit sub-module and class import
            "import mix",
            "print repr(mix.b)",
            "print repr(mix.b.K1)",
            "import mix.b",
            "print repr(mix.b)",
            "print repr(mix.b.K1)",
            "print repr(mix.J1)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "mix")
        self.check_java_package(out[1], "mix.b")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[2], r"\")
        self.check_package(out[3], "mix.b")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[4], r"\")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[5], r"\")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[6], r"\")

    def test_import_javapkg_python(self):
        # A Java package in a Python package
        self.make_prog("import mix.j", "print repr(mix.j)", "print repr(mix.j.K2)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "mix")
        self.check_java_package(out[1], "mix.j")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[2], r"\")

    def test_import_java_from_javapkg(self):
        # A Java class in a Java package in a Python package
        self.make_prog("from mix.j import K2", "print repr(K2)")
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "mix")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[1], r"\")

    def test_import_javapkg_magic(self):
        # A Java class in a Java package in a Python package
        # with implicit sub-module and class import
            "import mix",
            "print repr(mix.J1)",
            "print repr(mix.j)",
            "print repr(mix.j.K2)",
        out = self.run_prog().splitlines()
        self.check_package(out[0], "mix")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[1], r"\")
        self.check_java_package(out[2], "mix.j")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(out[3], r"\")

def test_main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

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